The Emergence (Introduction)

Story by Gavin B Ranulf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Tangent Series

This is just the intro to a story concept I have had. If enough people like it, I can continue writing and developing it more. I certainly appreciate constructive criticism, but I ask that you please do not be harsh, this is the first time I make my stories and ideas available to the world, I'm a little nervous heheh. NOTE: this is a SLIGHTLY altered version of my original post. The only thing to change really is the dragon character.

A gentle, cool breeze rustled the leaves of the forest. Their gold and red beauty mixed with the motion gives the appearance of a fire, waves of wind spreading up and down the hills. I breathed in, capturing the beauty of the autumn atmosphere, the smell of dirt and nature tickling my sensitive nose, then release the captive fragrance back into the air.

What an amazing view it is here I thought to myself. I stood on the top of a ridge looking down to a small creek running between the hills. I thought about all the fish that were potentially in those waters and my heart rate jumped slightly. My tail began to wag a bit, and my breath quickened before I realized what i was doing and stopped myself. I'll have plenty of time to hunt and fish later. I'm just glad I was able to find this spot on the first day.

My name is Gavin Blaez Ranulf, and I am a werewolf. Half human, half wolf, and unfairly feared by humans. Just a few years ago, the Council, a coalition between the major "super"-natural species, decided that humanity was indeed ready to accept our existence. We contacted the United Nations and informed them first, so that they could help manage our "arrival" from causing too much panic.

The reason I call us "super"-natural is because there really isn't anything about us that conflicts with nature. We are of nature too, after all.

Our little revelation was sketchy at first, with riots and fears running wild. After all, we're not supposed to be real. We are just fairy tales right? Kids stuff. We don't exist, our parents said so. There's no monster under the bed...right mommy? But eventually people realized that we aren't out there to kill them or hurt them. We exist, we have our own cultures, and most of us are friendly.

There were many people who actually welcomed us with open arms. The furry community is all over us (many times literally) and of course fans of the horror genre think us to be amazing. Except Twilight fans. Boy was Stephenie Meyer embarrassed after getting a lecture from Dracula himself. Vampires DO NOT SPARKLE. They don't even burn in sunlight. Its just a preference for night. Ah, but the vamps were not really angry, they did find the series to be funny. A comedy really.

But even with the acceptance many people showed, there are still far more that hold nervousness, fear, or even hatred towards us. It can be dangerous in some cases. There are still people out there who call themselves vampire hunters, or werewolf hunters. Murder does still exist, or at least attempted murder. No offense to humans out there, but we have had experience dealing with would-be assassins for many generations now.

Now people are really amazed to find out that we have our own cultures. In fact, we have our own planets too. There is a werewolf planet, a vampire planet, a dragon name it. Why? Well, thousands upon thousands of years ago, humans lived in harmony with us. Ever heard of the song "Of Wolf and Man" by Metallica? Pretty good song, it brings back fond memories for many of us. But then, well, war came along. It's a sensitive subject, and not many like to talk about it.

But during the war, we realized that it was pointless to keep fighting. All we caused were more casualties, for all sides. So the species escaped through "portals," which are basically interdimensional wormholes that were connected to other planets. We each claimed our own planets and colonized them. Oh there were still wars after that, the most famous being the werewolf-vampire war, but things nevertheless calmed down, and here we are.

Another thing that people find fascinating is the existence of magick. Not magic, ending in a c, because that means card tricks and illusions. Real Magick, like wizards and witches and stuff. Not Harry Potter style either, with Muggles and Wizards being separate. Literally every living being has the potential for magick, but most just don't use it. It would be like trying to lift a 1,000 lb weight when you haven't even moved from your bed for months. It's a muscle, in many ways, and needs to be trained.

Personally, I have an interest in, and am decent in two types of magick. Temporal magick and Conjuration, or as I like to call it Probability Manipulation. These two categories basically come down to this; I am in many ways a Seer, I can suppress the flow of time together so I can see the possible routes of the future. The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Physics is correct, and the All is filled with an infinite amount of Universes (otherwise known as the Multiverse) where there is no such thing as fiction.

But I can also bring forth things and creatures from the possibility-space. Our world runs on the balance of Possibility and Probability. Everything has a possibility to exist, but only through sufficient probability can it actually exist in our limited perception of the world. I, through my training and natural talent in such magick, can manipulate the probability of something happening or existing, so much that it becomes "true" in our reality.

Both of these things are extremely difficult to achieve, and require a lot of work and concentration. I can even, with sufficient preparation, cast my mind or even my body through time itself, and explore the past and future. This is extremely dangerous however, as the Butterfly Effect can be a real bitch sometimes. I didn't know that eating that dinosaur would end all life on earth, I swear! (We had to rectify that quickly, although I must admit it was delicious. I was young and stupid. And drunk).

Now wait a minute Gavin, you might be thinking. You said before that there isn't anything supernatural about you. Is not magick just that? Well actually, magick follows rules, just like the rest of the universe. Magick is just sort of a natural science. We can do as much stuff as technology can accomplish with magick, if not more so. In fact, some species use the term "technomancy" for technology. Science and Magick really are one and the same.

Now, many of us live a long, long time. In fact some could be called "immortal." Dragons can live for hundreds, and even thousands of years. They age extremely slowly. Vampires actually don't age at all, after a certain point. They can however be killed, they just don't die naturally. Werewolves though, are a special case.

Many humans wonder what happens after death. The truth is that reincarnation is the closest to the truth. When a human dies, their soul is "recycled," and they are given a new host body. But with a werewolf, our soul sorta "clogs the celestial toilet." Whenever we die, our memories are suppressed, and we are put into a human, wolf, or werewolf body to be reborn. After a set number of years, our suppressed memories of our past lives resurface, and we continue to live through another life. Werewolves die all the time, but we can never truly be killed. It is both a blessing, and a curse.

Now, with all these ancients of days and elderly souls of by-gone eras, I must be pretty old right? Well, I am in fact a startling 19. Years. Thats it. Soon to be 20 though. Still just a puppy to many people, and I will be for several hundred years more.

So with all this information, and the fact that I am still just a pup, I decided that it would be best not to go around telling people I am a werewolf. I am a pretty shy person, and am not sure I could handle the ridicule I would receive. So I come out here to the deep woods to relax and be amongst nature in my wolf form. I may even hunt back here some day, I had seen a few animals running about, and I smelled some nearby deer scat, pretty fresh, indicating that it is potentially good territory to hunt on.

But as I was meditating and just simply enjoying the brilliant atmosphere, my sensitive hearing picked up on a distant sound. "Ding...Dang...Dong...Dung..." Oh shit I thought to myself, I'm gonna be late! I jumped up and began to run off towards the college. Its not a good idea to be late to the first class of the semester, whether you're a freshman or a senior. I'm a freshman though, so this is an even worse situation for me. At least I familiarized myself with my class location before today, so I knew where I was going.

As I reached the edge of the forest, I stopped and closed my eyes. I drew upon my human side and Willed myself to Shift. A dull pain flooded my muscles as my bones began to rearrange themselves, and a furious itch scratched at my body as my fur receded into my skin. After the transformation concluded, I was about to step out of the treeline before I realized I was completely naked! I mentally kicked myself and reached into the backpack I wore.

After quickly changing into human clothes (a green tee-shirt I received from Club Nintendo, with Yoshi throwing a giant egg, and a pair of blue jeans), I burst out from the woods and began to run to the nearest building. I passed by some frat members, hearing them snicker and say things like "stupid freshman" as I rushed passed. I ignored them. I rounded the building and rushed in the door.

My class was on the second floor, so I turned to the stairs and went up skipping a few steps between each landing of my foot. As I rounded the corner I suddenly collided with a dark mass, and fell straight on my ass. I heard a small gasp from the nearby people who saw my collision, and wondered why they sounded nervous. I looked up to the figure and the blood drained from my face. I had just run into a dragon.

Now, dragons are interesting being. Like werewolves, they have the ability to change into a human, and can fuse their true dragon form (a massive being like Smaug from the Hobbit) into a relatively tiny humanoid form. Also, dragons are not known for having great tempers. So needless to say, I was quite terrified.

Werewolves have multiple forms too. We can be human, or we can be a quadruped wolf, ranging in size from an average wolf, to as big as a bedroom. We can also be a humanoid mix, standing on two paws with our back half of our foot extended about 16 inches, giving us the appearance of having two knees, one back and one forth, becoming a furry mass of between 7 and 12 feet (the age of the werewolf determines the maximum height) with a wolf head on the shoulders.

Werewolves are also excellent fighters. Many can, and indeed have actually taken down dragons alone, during the wars. However, I knew that I could not do anything at all like that, as I am still just a pup. I know martial arts, and am a second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. But against a dragon? If he decided to go full-size on me, I was totally fucked.

Now this dragon has black scales and white horns, curved back across his head. He is very muscular, and about 7 ½ feet, has crimson glowing eyes, and several celtic-style tattoos on his sholders. Beautiful dark wings were folded on his back. While my werewolf and wolf forms are both super-buff, because of all the hunting and running I do, my human form was skinny and slim. I knew that even though my training would come in handy, his scales would absorb any impact I tried to land on him.

While my thoughts began racing and my sweat glands started getting to work, the dragon, who had stumbled back a few inches and bumped into the wall, began walking towards me. I was so scared. When he reached towards me, I flinched and closed my eyes, preparing for a beating.

When nothing happened, I opened my eyes and realized he was extending his hand out to me. After a few seconds of stunned silence I grasped it and he pulled me up. He said "Just watch where you are going next time" and walked down the stairs I had just rushed up.

I was a bit surprised. Most dragons would not take such an occurrence so lightly. But I didn't have time to sit and ponder the situation, I quickly walked down the hall and into my classroom. A few minutes later, the professor began his lecture on the basics of calculus.