Spray-on Werewolf Fur

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#6 of Random Stuff

Spray-on werewolf fur can have a few unexpected side effects. Also... spray-on fur plus a five and six-year-old? That sounds like trouble right away. Oh well, boys will be boys, and maybe mom will fix it all in the end?

FYI, when they are older the two boys in this story are both gay. Don't be all weird about them being naked and whatnot. Kids do that folks. I know because I was a kid once, and I have cousins that still run around naked at ages five and six.

Anyways, enjoy!

Please note the following words of warning:

Read the tags! If there is a tag on here that you know is going to upset you DON'T read this story! I don't write to upset people, so don't read my stuff if you know it will make you upset.

This story is not heavily edited. If there is a mistake that detracts from the understanding of the story or plot please let me know in a PM. If there is a minor mistake just post in a comment and I will fix it when I am able.

There is no sex in this story, but there are some sensitive topics that some people may find upsetting. Please read the first note if you find this story to your disliking.

Finally, don't send me hate mail and messages if you don't like my stories! I don't send hateful PMs to you, so please don't send them to me.

Thanks, and please enjoy the story.

Spray-on Werewolf Fur

...Part 1...

The phone rang. From where he was sitting in the middle of the living room Thomas Barnes could see his mother leave the kitchen to walk into the hall and answer the phone. The sound of her voice made the five-year-old smile as she answered the phone with a friendly "Hello... Oh hey James, how are you doing today?"

Some unheard person on the other side of the line replied and Hannah Barnes quickly turned to look at her son playing with blocks in the middle of the living room floor. Thomas, or Thom as she preferred to call him, was a perfectly innocent brown-headed greed-eyed boy with a love for building things and a knack for getting into mischief. Despite his exceptionally innocent looks the little imp was a master of sneaking around and getting into things he shouldn't be in.

"Oh wow? She's really in the hospital?"

Hannah reached up to absently curl some of her wavy strawberry blonde hair as she listened to the man on the other side of the line. Her absent habit was a sign to Thom that something was annoying his mother, and yes, even at five years old Thom had already developed a talent for reading other people. He knew that whoever was talking to his mother was worrying her about something.

"Oh my," Hannah said sadly and turned away from Thom. What she said next was very soft, but Thom heard it anyways. "How long do you think she has... oh no... James I..."

There was another long pause as the man on the phone said something that made Hannah glance over her shoulder to where Thom was sitting. The five-year-old made sure to look like he was more interested in his building blocks, but he also looked up at his mother and offered her one of his best 'I love you mom' smiles he could manage on the spot.

"Of course I can look after him," Hannah said as she smiled back at Thom and waved at him with her spare hand. "He's only a year older than Thom, so they should get along great I think... yes... yes... this afternoon at two?" Hannah thought for a moment and then smiled. "Could you drop him off at twelve? I'm already cooking lunch and it wouldn't be... of course I don't mind feeding him; drop him off at twelve James... Ok... right... see you soon. Bye James, and give Jessica my best."

Once she was done on the phone Hannah put it back on the hall table and turned to look at her curious child. "Hey Thom?" Hannah said gently as she walked over to her son.

"Yes mama?" Thom said and looked up from his blocks at his mother's wavy blonde hair and the soft, motherly smile on her face.

Hannah got all the way down to where she could look her son in the eyes when he spoke and made sure he was looking at her before she spoke again. "How would you like to have a playmate for the rest of the day?" Hannah asked gently. "His name is Dublin, and his family is going through a hard time right now. I wanted to ask you to be super nice to him and to make him feel like he is at home here."

Thom weighed his mother's words as he considered how he could work this to his advantage. He didn't mind being nice to somebody, but if he was going to entertain he needed some motivation. "Can we have cookies after lunch?" Thom asked and smiled real big at his mother.

Hannah knew a bribe when she heard it. "Only if you promise to let him play with your toys," she said and gave Thom a serious look. Maybe most mothers didn't have to bribe their five-year-old, but Thom was hardly a normal five-year-old. If anything Thom was an abnormal five-year-old, but his mother loved him anyways. "And no playing games he can't beat you in like chest, checkers, or that one with the dots."

"Wei Ch'i?"

"Yea, that one. Don't make him play it."

Thom frowned and tried not to roll his eyes. "Extra cookies or it's not a deal."

"Extra cookies it is then," Hannah said and offered her hand to Thom.

The two shook hands before dropping them and going their separate ways. Hannah went back to the kitchen and Thom went back to arranging blocks. Once he was sure he was in the clear the five-year-old reached under his fort of blocks and pulled out a curious device shaped a lot like a can of spray paint. Thom had been mock-blocking all morning long to keep his mother in the dark about this invention, but there was still a vital ingredient still missing. Thom glanced around the living room before hiding his spray gun again. Maybe this Dublin kid could help Thom finish his newest toy?

...Part 2...

The sound of the doorbell ringing distracted Thom from fiddling with his toys in the living room. He was at a bit of a standstill concerning his new toy, and without some help the boy knew he wouldn't be able to finish it. When the doorbell rang Thom jumped up from his play area and hurried towards the door. He was expecting to see an adult when he opened the door, but all he found was another kid around his own age but apparently a little older and a lot bigger. Thom smiled at the sight of Dublin, "Hello," Thom said in a bright, cheerful voice.

"Hey," Dublin said a little sullenly as he avoided looking Thom in the eyes and instead looked down at the brick steps below him.

The presence of Hannah behind Thom signaled to the boy that his mother had arrived at the door. "Hey there Dublin!" Hannah said in her 'I'm trying to be extra sweet because I really want you to feel welcome here' voice. Before Thom could even react he felt his mother brushing past him and ushering Dublin and Thomas into the living room together. "Why don't you two boys play with Thom's toys in here while I finish fixing lunch? I'll be back in a little while, but if you need anything Dublin just let me know, ok?"

Dublin nodded but refused to look up at Hannah.

Thom watched the other kid and did his best to analyze the new addition to the situation going on today. Hannah did her motherly pat thing before leaving the two children to their own devices. It was obvious to Thom that Dublin seemed out of his element. Unlike Thom, who was dressed in one of his favorite jumpers with a bright blue shirt on beneath it, Dublin seemed to be wearing a ribbed white tank top that was many sizes too large for him and stained with dirt, grass, and other earthy materials. Instead of a jumper or pants Dublin was wearing cut-off jean shorts with strings hanging down from them over his knees and a leather belt keeping them held up on his waist. The front of the belt was clasped with the biggest belt buckle that Thom had ever seen, and instead of shoes Dublin was wearing cowboy boots. The pointed leather boots looked a little silly to Thom, but he had promised his mother that he would be nice.

The second thing Thom noticed about Dublin was that the other kid was much bulkier than Thom and probably at least a half foot taller. Dub's arms were thick-looking for a kid, and his shoulders were much broader than Thom's. A messy mop of rust-red hair covered Dublin's head, and it was apparent to Thom that Dublin had not washed his hair recently. "How old are you?" Thom asked and tried his best to catch the other kid's eyes.

"Six," Dublin said and glanced up at Thom without actually looking him in the eyes.

After another moment of silence Thom decided that it would be best to see what sort of toys Dublin liked to play with first off, and once the two were better acquainted Thom would see if he could take advantage of Dublin's superior size and strength. "Hey," Thom said suddenly and reached into his pile of toys. "Do you like toy guns?"

As Thom picked up one of his toy guns Dublin's eyes went wide and his bushy red brows furrowed in anger. "Guns aint toys, and no, I don't like them."

Thom felt a twinge of guilt at having hit a bad note with Dublin so soon after meeting him. "Well, what about blocks?" Thom asked softly. "Do you play with blocks?"

"No," Dublin replied and crossed his arms over his chest. "That's a baby toy."

Now Thom was getting a little annoyed. Maybe his blocks were a little childish, but they weren't baby toys. Thom had just gotten these blocks a year ago, and he was pretty sure the label on the box had said for ages four and up. "Ok then," Thom said and tried his best to keep his promise to his mom. "What do you like to play with."

"I don't play," Dublin said and frowned down at the ground. "Playing is for babies, and I aint a baby."

Thom rolled his eyes and sighed at Dublin's words. "Ok, well what DO you like to do for fun?"

When Hanna glanced into the living room to check on the boys she was surprised to see Thom playing with a set of electric race cars that one of his aunts had gotten him for Christmas when he was three. The track was of the sort that once you put a car on it the little plastic vehicle would zoom down the track without needing to be pushed around. Only, Thom couldn't just 'play' with anything, so the track had been built around Dublin who was sitting on his hands and knees in the middle of a crazy construction of track ways.

Using his blocks Thom had created a veritable race course for the cars to shoot, drive, and fly through for the entertainment of the larger kid in the middle of the mess. Not surprisingly a few of the cars would make death-defying leaps through gaps in the track only to shoot through a second set of track and do some sort of crazy upside down loop. The total effect was quite exciting to watch, and for sure Dublin looked like he was enjoying the show.

Hannah hated to interrupt their playing, but she knew the boys would need to eat before too long. "Lunch time boys," Hannah called out and smiled as Thom hopped up and helped Dublin extract himself from the middle of the race course.

In no time at all the two young men were seated at the bar where an assortment of cold cuts, cheeses, and sliced vegetables were laid out for the two to make sandwiches out of. Thom went right to work constructing an impressive Ruben sandwich with all the correct dressings and other trimmings. When the sandwich was finished Thom politely asked his mother to put it in the small Panini press she had plugged into the wall beside the oven.

Dublin, on the other hand, sat in mute shock and stared at the feast set out before him. "Aren't you hungry Dublin?" Hannah asked and noticed right away that Dublin refused to look up at her.

"He prefers to be called Dub, mom," Thom said and looked over at the larger kid seated beside him. "And yes, he's hungry. His stomach has been growling since before we got the race cars out."

"Do you want me to make you a sandwich Dub?" Hannah asked and reached for the bread and meat.

"No," Dub said in a voice that sounded a little too serious for a six-year-old. "But... don't we have to prey first before we eat?"

"If you want to say a blessing we can," Hannah said and smiled.

Thom frowned at the mentioning of a blessing. He hated when his grandparents said grace. It was just another pointless ritual that delayed the process of gaining nourishment. Why complicate a process that already took too long in the first place?

Dub didn't wait for Hannah to prey though, but he did reach over and stop Thom from taking the first bite of his Ruben. "Dear god," Dub said as he closed his eyes and bowed his head, "thank you for this food, and thank you for Mrs. Barnes and for giving me a place to stay while my mother is in the hospital. I pray that you bless this food for the nourishment of our bodies, in Christ's name we pray, amen."

Thom really did roll his eyes this time, but Hannah looked surprised at Dub's prayer. "That was a really nice prayer Dub. Did you learn to pray like that from your mommy?"

"From mother?" Dub asked and frowned. "No, that's how my Pa and Grandpa pray. Women don't ask grace at the dinner table. Papa says they aren't supposed to, so I knew I would have to do it for you and Thom."

For the first time in a long time Thom saw his mother frown slightly at Dub's words. "Oh, dose your father say stuff like that about women very often?" Hannah asked and pushed the meat and bread towards Dub.

"Well," the kid said as he started piling meat and cheese on his piece of bread. There was no real order or style to how he put the sandwich together, but it was clear that Dub had a very healthy appetite. "Papa says women are weaker than men, and that it's a man's job to work hard so that his women don't have to." Dub said as he continued to make his meaty sandwich. "When mom got sick Pa said it was because she was working too much, but when mom came home she seemed to only get worse."

"What kind of sandwich is that?" Thom asked in shock as he looked at the pound of assorted ham, bologna, and turkey piled up on Dub's plate. The bread below the pile of meat was lost now, but Dub had managed to keep his meats separate by wedging various types of cheese between them.

"Don't interrupt Thom," Hannah said and gave her son a look that meant she wanted to hear more of what Dub had to say. "Go on Dub, what else does your father say about women?"

"Uhhh," Dub put a single piece of lettuce on top of his meat pile and then drenched the whole mess in mustard. "Pa says women don't got much sense, and that they should spend all day cooking, kinda like you do Mrs. Barnes, but Pa says mom don't cook good anyways. They used to fight about it all the time, but when mom got sick I had to start cooking instead."

"You cook?" Hanna asked in surprise.

"Sure do," Dub said and took a huge bite out of his meaty mess. "I make all sorts of shit for mom and Papa."

"Dublin!" Hanna said in surprise. "We don't use that word around here!"

"I prefer excrement," Thom said and smirked at his mother's reaction to Dub's curse word."

Thom got a glare from Hannah for his efforts.

"Sorry Mam!" Dub said as his eyes went wide. "I shoulda known not to say that word... Pa says it a lot and tells me not to use it, but when I do he doesn't really care."

"That might be fine at home, but here we don't use curse words when we talk." Hannah said seriously. The rest of the lunch conversation was between Dub and Thom talking about cars and their race track. Apparently Thom had some plan for their after-lunch play time, but Dub seemed more interested in playing outside. Hannah was left to watch as Dub demolished the giant sandwich and then looked back at the fixings with a nervous look in his eyes. "Do you want another sandwich Dublin?" Hannah asked and smiled at the kid. "Ahhh, seems a waste to leave out all this good food.... Can I really have another?"

"Eat as much as you like." Hannah replied and watched Dub re-make his first sandwich but this time with even more meat and cheese.

Thom eventually got bored of watching Dub eat and asked if he could have his cookies now. Hannah served both Thom and Dub four cookies each and a tall glass of milk. Somehow, even after eating all that meat, Dub polished off the cookies and milk too. Both boys were full now, but when Thom hopped up to run off Dub stopped him and pointed at the mess on the counter. "We can't go yet," Dub said in his serious voice. "We have to put everything up."

Hannah couldn't believe she was hearing a six-year-old say that, but Dub was adamant about putting things up and cleaning. He didn't let Thom leave either, and Hannah was more than a little surprised to see her son helping put up food and then dishes. She smiled the whole time the boys helped her in the kitchen, and when everything was clean she thanked them both for their help.

Thom hated the idea of helping his mother in the kitchen, but somehow Dub seemed to have earned Hannah's trust. After they were done with lunch the motherly woman leaned down over both boys and gave them each a kiss on the forehead for their work. Then she said something that shocked Thom again. "I have to go get some groceries from the store, and usually I take Thom with me, but I was thinking this time you could watch him for me Dub. Do you think you can keep him out of trouble?"

"Yes mam," Dub said as he reached over and pulled Thom against his taller, broader frame. "He's not too big, so I bet I can just sit on him if he acts up."

"Hey!" Thom said and tried to push Dub away, "He's only a year older than me mom! Why does he get to be the boss?"

"Dub is a lot more grown-up than you are Thom," Hannah said as she stood up and smiled down at the pair. It was almost cute to see Dub grinning up at Hannah while Thom struggled against the older kid's superior strength. "I trust him to keep you in line."

"Whatever," Thom said in annoyance as his mother gathered her things and made her way towards the door. At least with Hannah out of the picture Thom could execute his master plan without her interfering, and with a little help from Dub they might even be able to complete Thom's newest toy.

Once Hannah was gone Dub released Thom and looked around the now-empty house. "So Thom," he said and smiled, "what do you want to play next?"

"I know a cool game!" Thom said excitedly as he did his best to dupe Dub into his little scheme. "My dad and I play this game called Davy Crocket where Dad is Davy and I get to play with him, but we can't play without a special cap that my dad always wears... I guess we'll just have to play blocks or something."

"Where's the cap?" Dub asked and seemed like he was interested.


Thom grinned as he stood with Dub before the imposing doors of his father's closet. Unlike the closet his mom used, Thom's father kept his nice clothes in a closed in the man's office room. Thom knew he shouldn't be in here, but he wanted a specific cap that his father had purposefully put up in the closet to keep Thom away from it. The cap in question was a wolf-skin cap, and Thom wanted it to finish his newest toy.

"Are you sure this is ok?" Dub asked and watched as Thom pushed a chair towards the closet.

"Sure," Thom said as he opened the closet and pushed the chair up beside it. "Mom hates that cap, so Dad keeps it up here where she doesn't have to see it. He doesn't get to play Davy Crocket so much, so the cap's been up here for a while. All you have to do is get up on the top shelf and pull it down for us."

"Uhhh," Dub stepped up onto the chair and frowned as he towered above Thom. "You better not get us in trouble for this Thom." Dub's meaty hands just barely reached the top shelf of the closet even with the chair. The kid patted around for a while before his hand fell on something soft and furry. "Ah ha!" Dub said triumphantly as he pulled the cap down. "Is this it?"

"Yes!" Thom said excitedly as Dub handed him the hat.

While Thom examined the cap Dub closed the closet and put the chair back where Thom had found it. For a moment Dub just smiled at the look of excitement on Thom's face. Something about making Thom smile made Dub feel all warm and happy inside. Already Dub felt like Thom was the closest thing he had ever had to a real friend.

"This will work perfectly," Thom said as he plucked a long, dark hair from the furry hat. Then Thom tossed the hat to Dub and raced downstairs.

"Uhhhh, how do we play this game exactly?" Dub asked as he followed Thom through the house.

Thom was downstairs before Dub, so the larger kid didn't see where Thom got the strange spray-can-like device he was holding now. Dub marveled at the oddly complex device in Thom's hands. It looked like a can of paint, but there were all sorts of tiny metal parts and even little gears and cogs inside. Thom was carefully putting the long black hair he had gotten from the cap inside the strange can, and once he had it in there Thom put the cover back over the can and held his new toy up for Dub to see. "It's finally finished!" Thom shouted, and almost right away Dub got a queer feeling in his gut that something bad was happening.

"Uhhh, what is that Thom? Is that something we should be playing with?" The look Thom gave Dub wasn't the kindest the kid had used so far, but Dub still didn't feel right about this new toy Thom had.

"It's sorta a big deal Dub," Thom said and frowned. "I won't bother trying to explain how it works, but this device can copy the physical and genetic material of whatever is place inside it. That cap has wolf fur in it, so I think it should copy wolf fur onto anything we spray it on."

"Uhhh, why would we want to do that?"

"Well," Thom said and frowned. "I don't get to have any sorts of pets because I am super allergic to them, so I thought if I had some spray-on fur I could just MAKE a pet for myself. You know, like spray a teddy bear until it is furry like a real dog."

"Oh yea?" Dub said and frowned. "So you don't have any animals? I have tons of them at my grandpa's the farm..."

"No I don't Dub," Thom said hotly. "But it's not important right now. I guess we can play Davy Crocket if you want."

Dub could sense that Thom wanted to play with his new toy, and Dub really wanted for Thom to be his friend. Deep down in his lonely heart Dub was finally feeling what it was like to have a friend. And for once in his life he was willing to do anything to make Thom happy. If it meant playing with spray-on fur than that's what Dub would do. "Who cares about Davy Crocket anyways. Why don't we play a different game?"

"What game?" Thom asked.

"First let's see if that spray-on stuff works first, and then we can play Werewolves!" Dub said excitedly.

"That sounds like fun!" Thom said as he looked around the living room, "but how are we going to try it out? I don't have a teddy bear..."

...Part 3...

Thom and Dub wound up in the upstairs bathroom with the can of spray-on fur sitting on the bathroom counter. "Well," Thom said as he looked at the pair of bath slippers that boys had stolen out of Thom's dad's bedroom. "I think these fuzzy slippers are a lot fuzzier now, don't you think so?"

Dub nodded and poked the fur that now covered the tops and inside of the slippers. He pulled a little on the fur and smiled when it came out easily. "Looks like it falls out pretty easy," Dub said and smiled. "Do you think it would work on people?"

"I don't see why not?" Thom said and shrugged. He hadn't designed the spray to work on people, but it should work the same in theory. "But we might want to test it somewhere mom won't see it first."

"Oh, uhhh," Dub thought for a moment before he got a crazy idea. "What about on our stuff?" He asked and pointed at his groin.

"Hey yea! My mom never looks at THAT!" Thom said and laughed.

"Yea, and if it sticks it won't matter anyways," Dub said and smiled. "My dad has lots of hair growing in his pants. I know because when he falls asleep naked on the couch I can see it there."

"Ewww," Thom said and wrinkled his nose at Dub's words. "My dad is never naked... but I know he has hair on his face. Maybe if this stuff works we can have beards too?"

Dub blushed as he unbuttoned his pants. "Uhhh, well I guess we... we better..."

"Yea," Thom said and slipped out of his jumper. Thom was the first to pull his undies off, but Dub was right behind him. Once both boys were naked from the waist down Dub reached up to grab the spray. "You do me first," Thom said as he hopped up on the toilet and spread his legs out to make things easier for Dub.

"Uh, ok," Dub said as he pointed the can at Thom's plump little balls and his boy-sized cock.

The first blast of the spray felt a little funny for Thom. At first there was only a strange tingling feeling, but after a few moments the tingle went away and there was only a pleasant heat around his nuts and cock. When Thom looked down at himself he noticed that Dub had sprayed a whole coat of thick brown fur onto Thom's cock and balls. As he watched Dub sprayed a thinner layer of fur all over the inside of Thom's legs and then up towards the boy's belly. Thom giggled at the queer feeling of fur growing to cover his inner thighs and then the bottom of his belly. Before Dub was finished he turned Thom around and sprayed his backside too. Thom couldn't see it, but his butt now had a thin coat of soft brown hair. Dub finished up by spraying the small of Thom's back down towards his ass.

"It looks like you have a tail," Dub said and giggled at the cute tuft of fur he had sprayed extra long just above Thom's ass crack.

Thom looked over his back and laughed at the furry tuft. "Hey, that's a neat idea!"

Next up it was Dub's turn, but Thom wasn't as gentle with the spray as Dub was. Dub's balls were a lot bigger than Thom's but by the time Thom finished spraying Dub's groin the plump orbs and the hanging flaccid cock were lost in a veritable pelt of rust-red fur. Thom quickly became entranced with watching the thick rust-red hair grow and cover Dub's pale white skin. Before Thom realized what he was doing he had sprayed all of Dub's waist and ass until the other kid had a furry pair of undies covering his waist. More than a little fur had crept up onto Dub's belly while Thom had sprayed his front side giving the larger male a fuzzy coat of red fur all around his belly button. Thom had even given Dub and extra thick tuft of fur on his ass so he too could have a tail.

"So," Thom said after finishing his work and looking at his fur-covered partner in crime. "How does it feel?"

"Huh," Dub said as he turned around and then ran his hand through the fur. "It doesn't hurt any. Are you sure this stuff isn't permanent?"

"It came off dad's slippers right?" Thom asked and smiled when Dub nodded. "Then it's probably not permanent for us either! Let's see if we can turn you into a werewolf first, and then it can be my turn. Ok?"

Dub nodded nervously and pulled off his ribbed tank top. The older kid watched quietly as Thom went to work on his chest, back, and arms until Dub had a nice, thick wolf-like pelt growing all over his young body. Thom took extra care to fuse Dub's thick back fur with his messy head hair until the six-year-old was sporting a very manly pelt of fur-like hair all over his neck and upper back. A thin coat of red hair covered all of Dub's back, but Thom sprayed it thicker down his spine. From the back Dub looked like a furry red monster with a mane of thick fur growing down from his head, down his spine, and joining with the shaggy fuzz over his ass.

On Dub's chest Thom only sprayed a moderate coat of fur over the other kid's chest and belly, but when he looked at the fur spilling over Dub's shoulders Thom decided to thicken the chest fur on Dub's upper chest. A twin trail of thick, shaggy fur was sprayed over Dub's middle chest down to his belly and groin. Finally Thom gave Dub a thick, shaggy coat of fur on his arms and legs and on the tops and backs of his feet and hands. The final touch was when Dub sprayed the fur all over Dub's face giving the young man a cute but short furry beard. Thom sprayed Dub's nose until he looked like he had a furry dog nose, and then he filled the fur in on Dub's forehead.

When Dub finally looked at himself in the mirror he was shocked. "Wow," he said in surprise. "I look like... some kind of beast."

Thom nodded excitedly. "Now you can do me!"

Dub nodded and accepted the can from Thom. The six-year old went to work on Thom's back and shoulders, but he only got a thin coat of brown fur on Thom's back, shoulders, and legs before the sound of the front door opening downstairs distracted him. "Oh shit!" Dub said and dropped the can. "You're mom's home already!"

"Quick Dub!" Thom said as his eyes grew wide. "Pull all that fur out and put your clothes back on!"

Dub reached down to his chest and gave the thick fur growing there quite the tug before letting out a strangely loud bark-like sound. "Ouch!" Dub said as he relinquished his grip on the shaggy fur. When his eyes looked up at Thom they were filled with fear. "I think it's stuck now."

Thom's mind raced as he hurried to think up some way he could save their hides. There was no way Thom could let his mother see the furry rust-red monster standing naked beside Thom. He had to hide Dub and find some way to take the fur off before his mother noticed they were all hairy. "Quick!" Thom said as he grabbed Dub's hairy hand and pulled him into the hallway. The two boys raced to Thom's room just before Thom dove into his bed with Dub beside him. The boys snuggled close together as Thom pulled the covers over them both.

The covers helped to hide Dub's furry parts, and Thom's fur-covered back was hidden against the sheets. When the door opened softly and Hannah peeked in all she saw was two dark shapes cuddled together in Thom's bed. "Awww," she said softly and stole through the dark room. "You two went to take a nap?"

"Hmmmm?" Thom said in his best 'i'm half asleep voice.'

"Aww," Hannah said as she leaned down to kiss her son and then the messy mop of red fuzz beside him. "You two look so cute together. Get some rest before dinner boys." She said and made her way out of the room.

Once his mom was gone Thom breathed a sigh of relief. "Ok, don't worry Dub," Thom said and shook his friend. "I can find a way to fix this... Dub?"

When Dub looked up at Thom a bolt of fear went down the other kid's back. "D... Dub!?" Thom said when he saw the glint of large, sharp teeth in the darkness and two bright golden eyes reflecting the dim light in the room. "Dub! Snap out of it!"

Dub gasped and shook his head as his eyes softened and his growling stopped, but his teeth remained sharp and scary looking. "Wha... what happened Thom? I heard your mom and then I got all scared... did she go?"

"Yea..." Thom said in surprise. "She's gone Dub."

"Right," Dub said as his arms tightened around Thom.

"Dub... you can let me go now." Thom said softly.

"Right," Dub said again and blushed beneath his new fur coat.

When Thom hopped up out of bed and went to flick the lights on he was surprised to see just how fuzzy Dub looked now. For lack of a better word Dub really did look like a werewolf now, and Thom was a little impressed with how well the spray had worked. But for now, they needed some way to make the fur go away. When Thom looked at Dub's wolfish face he was reminded of a werewolf, and when Thom thought of werewolves he got an idea of how he might un-wolf his very hairy best friend...

...Part 4...

While Thom fiddled with some sort of device he was putting together Dub looked around the bathroom for the can of werewolf fur. The can had rolled under the counter and then behind the toilet. As he leaned over the toilet Dub reached back behind the counter and realized he was just a little too short to get the distant can. To get a little more leverage Dub lifted his back left leg and stretched towards the can.

"Got it!" Dub said excitedly, but not before a queer sensation came from his cock. "Uh oh," he said as he looked at his lifted leg and the thick fur on his groin. Dub tried to hold it back, but some strange force compelled his bladder to let loose and spray his piss all over the toilet, floor, and even a little that splashed onto Thom.

"Oh yuck!" Thom said as he danced away from Dub and plugged his nose at the same time. "Dub, that's so nasty! You can't just pee on things like a dog!"

"I... Grrrrr... can't help it Thom. It's just... grrrrrrr... natural."

"Well you're cleaning it up dog-boy," Thom said as he wiped the piss off his fur-covered feet and legs. The wet liquid was wiped off on a towel, but the scent of Dub's mark didn't quite wipe off the smaller kid's new leg fur. Dub grinned at the thought of having his potent scent all over Thom's fur. Normally the idea should have disgusted him, but now it seemed downright logical. Thom was Dub's best friend, and Dub was older and stronger than Thom. If Dub wanted to make sure everybody knew Thom was his friend he would have to keep his little buddy marked as his own.

Before Thom knew what was happening he felt a second stream of liquid hit him from behind, and this time the smell of the stuff nearly made him gag. "DUBLIN!" Thom shouted as he tried to get away, but Dub was acting all weird. The larger, hairy wolf-boy grabbed Thom before he could escape and held him still while he pissed all over him. Only once the potent smell was rubbed into Thom's fur did Dub finally release him. At this point Thom felt more than a little scared. "Why did you do that Dub?" Thom said as tears came to his eyes. When Thom looked at Dub he swore that angry, feral look was back in the other kid's eyes again.

Dub didn't reply, but he did growl softly as he loomed over Thom. It wasn't until Thom started crying that the other kid seemed to come to his senses. "Wha... Thom! What's wrong?"

"You... *snif* ...you peed all over me Dub. Now I smell all icky... and... and gross." Thom cried as tears came to his eyes. "You're making a mess, and... and you're scaring me too Dub. Stop acting like a mean doggie... please."

Dub blushed as he reached up to scratch his head, but the feeling of his nails made him stop short. When he brought them down to look at them Dub noticed that he was growing claws now. Thick, pointed, black claws that gave his hairy hands a very animalistic look. "I'm sorry Thom, but I think this fur stuff wasn't such a good idea. I keep feeling all... wolf-like inside. I... I think something is happening to me."

Thom stopped crying and wiped his nose on his arm. "That might be a side effect of the spray, but for now we have to de-fur you. Ok?"

Dub nodded and got out a towel and a wash rag. A part of Dub didn't want to clean up the piss. It smelled like him, and Dub liked the way he smelled with his mark all over this place. But Dub still wanted Thom to like him, and the other kid was trying to help him after all. By the time Dub had the pee cleaned up Thom seemed to have finished the new toy-thing he was working on.

"Well," Thom said as he held the device up for Thom to see. "It's not what I thought it would be, but it should work just fine."

"What is it?" Dub asked and looked at the strange ray-like gun. "And how is it supposed to take all this fur off?"

"Well," Thom said and grinned. "It won't exactly take it off, but it should make you look human again. At least... it should for a while."

"What do you mean?" Dub asked, but before he could object Thom blasted him with the device and... somehow... all the fur started to simply un-grow from Dub's body. The hair seemed to sink into his skin, and then his nails shrank, and even his teeth seemed to un-grow from their now-pointed state. "Hey!" Dub said in surprise as he looked at himself in the mirror. "I look normal again!"

Thom frowned despite his own apparent success. "Well," Thom said and pointed at Dub's backside. "You 'almost' look normal..."

By the time the two boys came down for dinner Hannah had heard some strange sounds coming from upstairs. She had thought the boys were playing, but when she saw them a sneaking suspicion began to creep into her mind that they had been up to no good. "Hello boys," Hannah said as she watched the two young men climb into their chairs at the table. "You two sure got up from that nap fast. Were you having fun playing around up in your room?"

"Yea," Thom said excitedly.

"Grrr, yes mam." Dub said and got a look from Thom when the larger kid apparently growled. "We were playing werewolves."

"That sounds like a fun game," Hannah said as she walked up behind the two boys and took note of the thin hair growing down from their heads onto their necks. Dub looked a lot fuzzier than he had before she had gone to the store, and Hannah had a motherly intuition that the fur-like neck-hair and Dub's pre-teen arm hair were probably Thom's doing. "Were there any 'side-effects' I should know about?"

Thom blushed when he felt his mom's hand coming down his head and petting his thin neck fur. He glanced over at Dub who looked just as nervous as Thom. "Ahhh, nothing permanent," Thom said and looked up at his mom.

"Good," Hannah said, but any more interrogation was interrupted by the arrival of Thom's dad.

Mr. Barnes was quite a character, and unlike Dub's dad he seemed to be quite the gentleman to his wife. Dinner was served soon after the Barnes family was together, and Mr. Barnes seemed interested in hearing what his son and his new 'friend' had been doing all day. When Dub let slip that they had played Davy Crocket Mr. Barnes got a strange look and then turned on his son. "You haven't been playing with Grandpa John's old wolf-skin hat have you? You know I don't let you play with that Thom."

"Sorry sir!" Dub said quickly. "I was the one that got it down for him. I didn't know I was breaking the rules, but I won't do it again sir."

Mr. Barnes looked surprised when he heard Dub apologize and take responsibility. The man smiled and nodded as he took a bite of his dinner. "Maybe you are old enough to play with it Dub. I expect you to take good care of it though, and make sure you put it back in the closet when you finish." Dub smiled and nodded at Mr. Barnes in response. Maybe it was the kid's bright golden eyes, or maybe he looked a little older because of how hairy he was, but Mr. Barnes felt like he could trust this Dublin kid. "Anyways, you two couldn't have played Davy Crocket all day. So what else did you do this afternoon?"

"Well..." Thom said and smiled at Dub. "We have a new game called Werewolf!"

After dinner Dub helped Mrs. Barnes clean up in the kitchen while Thom took his dad upstairs. "So," Mr. Barnes said and grinned at his son. "How do we play this werewolf game?"

"My," Hannah said as she looked at Dub's hair-covered forearms. "What hairy arms you have Dub. Did this happen while you and Thom were playing werewolf?"

"Ahhh, well, sorta... I mean... yea," Dub said nervously and grinned a very sharp smile at his friend's mother. "But Thom's really smart, so he found a way to un-werewolf me after we played."

"I'm guessing whatever he used is a new 'toy' then. Is it something I need to know about?" Hannah asked and took note of how the six-year-old beside her seemed to be growing his first-ever five-o-clock shadow.

"Well... I guess it's pretty innocent really." Dub said and smiled. "I mean, how much trouble can a little extra hair be, right?"

Before Hannah could reply a queer thump came from upstairs making her glance up at the ceiling and frown. "Well you see Dublin," Hannah said and turned back to the hairy kid beside her. "We have a little secret here in this house," she said and looked around as if someone could be listening. "Have you ever heard of super heroes before?"

Dub nodded and smiled despite not knowing where this was going.

"Well, some people have powers a lot like super heroes have, and Thomas is one of those people, but he's not quite smart enough to know when a new idea is a good or a bad idea." Hannah thought for a moment before she continued. "And sometimes the people who are around Thom need to tell him that something is a bad idea. Otherwise he might end up making a 'toy' that is dangerous to other people. Do you understand that Dublin?"

Dub nodded again and tried not to scratch his face. He couldn't see it, but his fur was re-growing before Hannah's eyes, and in a few short moments the effects of the un-wolf-ray Thom had used on Dub were fading away. Dub couldn't see his face slowly grow a veritable carpet of rusty red fur, but he could see his hands and the fur on them. Also, his claws and fangs were growing back in.

"Ahhh, I understand Mrs. Barnes, but I promise you that I won't let Thom hurt himself. If he makes something too dangerous I'll just have to... grrrrr... take it away. He's my best friend now... grrrr... and I can't let anything bad happen to him."

"That's a good wolf," Hannah said as she reached over and scratched Dub behind his now-pointed and very wolf-like ears.

The ear-scratches felt amazing, but when Dub realized he had wolf ears now he whined softly and looked up at Hannah with his big golden eyes. He knew the cat... or the wolf really... was out of the bag. "I'm sorry Mrs. Barnes... I knew I shouldn't have gotten that cap down for him. I didn't know he'd turn me into a werewolf with it..."

"That's ok sweetie," Hannah said and continued to pet the wolf-boy beside her. "I'll bet he used it on himself too didn't he..."

An excited howl and the sound of two wolves running down the living room stairs distracted Hannah and Dub from their dishes. Hannah looked up just in time to see a huge black-brown werewolf run into the kitchen and stop just inside the doorway. "Look at me Baby!" the huge wolf-man said in a deep bass voice. "I'm a werewolf! Rawr!" Mr. Burns pawed at the air as he waved his black paw-like hands at his wife, and as silly as he sounded the gesture really did look a little scary. When Mr. Barnes saw Dub he let out a surprised woof. "Oh hey! Dublin is a werewolf now too? How cool is this!?"

A much smaller werewolf stepped out from behind his dad and grinned as he held up a spray can. "It's almost empty Dub, be we have just enough to finish you off. Wana play werewolf with us?"

Dub looked at Hannah who rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Go ahead Sweetie, but don't forget that your dad will be here to pick you up at nine."

This time Hannah got to watch as her husband sprayed the last of Dub's face, hands, and feet with the spray. Almost as soon as the boy was completely covered Dub let out a very un-child-like growl as a long furry tail grew from his ass and his legs cracked into the shape of a true digigrade werewolf. The boy's hands and feet morphed into paws as Mr. Barnes put the finishing touches on the rust-red werewolf boy's face. The last thing to change was his mouth and nose which quickly grew out into a proper muzzle that rapidly filled with werewolf fangs.

"Great work on the details dad!" Thom said in and looked at his new werewolf best friend.

"He was mostly already finished, but I sure like the mane-look we all have. Sorta makes me wish there was another can of this stuff." Mr. Barnes said as he shook the can one last time and gave his already thick chest fur a few fleeting blasts of spray. The effect was a tiny bit extra shaggy fur on his chest, but really all three guys were totally wolf now. More spray would only make their shaggy butts that much hairier.

"Why don't you three go play in the back yard?" Hannah suggested. She smiled softly as she watched her husband lead the two cubs through the kitchen towards the back yard. "But don't howl too much boys, we don't want to disturb the neighbors."

"Yes mom!"

"Yes Dear!"

"Yes mam!"

The three wolves ran outside and barely got the door closed behind them. Hannah walked over to the can left on the counter and sighed as she popped it open and looked inside. "A DNA replicator huh?" She said as she surveyed her son's work. "Not bad for a five-year-old," she said as she looked at the complicated device, "but working on a cure will be hard. He didn't install anything to prevent genetic mutation in humans. I'd better go see what device he used on Dublin to turn him human again..."