The Dragons, Chapter 2: Mundilfari

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#2 of Red Moon

Vaelin belongs to Dragon Valor, as does any other characters unless I introduce them myself.

Amaris belongs to me.

The asterisks are there to seperate character posts. Let me know if that's better than how chapter one was please. And yes, the title names have meaning. :p

Oh, and there's this too!

"I was scared you'd see me and make me do that. I was right." He looked down, feeling terrible. "I always heard you were a good king... but you're not.." His wings twitched, and he remembered what he was doing before his mother was brought into this. "Bye, Mother." He throws himself backwards off the railing.


He leapt up and stared down into the inky blackness of night, but even with his dragon eyes, he could not see the wolf. He blinked and tilted his head before he leapt off. Curses! By the time he spotted the boy it would be too late! He spread his wings and cast his eyes about, trying desperatly to pierce the growing night.


This was kind of fun, in a frightful sort of way. He knew the ground was coming up, but in this inky blackness it was like swimming in the lake at night. He could barely remember the last time he'd done that. He'd been a little pup back then...


Where was he!? He inhaled deeply and in a great exhale blew a great gout of fire into the sky. He peered past the flame, looking, searching, THERE! He folded his wings along his back and dove as quickly as he could. As the fire began to burn itself out and the darkness began to take hold again, he slammed into the boy. Cradling him tight against his chest, his wings snapped open and together they glided down, ironically enough, to the grassy shore of the inky black lake. Once his claws touched the damp earth, Valor knelt down and stood the boy up. "What were you think!? Dont you ever ever do that again! You... Your mother would..." In startled desperation, he merely clutched the boy protectively agianst his chest.


"Let me go." He says quietly, voice devoid of emotion. "If you cared about what my mother would think you wouldn't have hurt me. You don't care about your servants unless their under you..." If he got away now, he could probably swim out to enjoy the water until he was too tired to float.


He blinked at that and shook his head as he stared down at the pup. "I told you, I wasnt trying to hurt you. You didnt have to claw at me though!" He took a calming breath and sighed. "Look at your mother. I did the same thing to her probably a decade ago. She bled then, just like you did. Now... she enjoys when I call her into my chamber."


"I knew you hurt her too." Amaris mutters, trying it get away. He didn't want to be brainwashed too! He definitely didn't want to end up being here for ten more minutes, let alone ten more years! The very idea was... terrible.


He laughed at that and took another calming breath. Stay calm, dont drown the brat. "I didnt try to hurt her, you just..." He reached up and rubbed his temples for e moment. "Look, why dont we try it again, hm? I'll show you it can be pleasurable. You just have to trust me."


"Why? You didn't trust me when I said I wouldn't tell." He stepped back carefully, tail almost thrashing back and forth. He could probably make it into the forest, and there he could probably find some mud and yes a trick a young fox showed him during Hide&Seek... "You were gonna do what you wanted anyway..."


He shrugged his shoulders and wings in unison. "You're probably right. But you're in heat. You're going to find that males wide and far are going to lose control around you." He quirked a brow and tilted his head. "Better me than a horse." He waved his hands then offered what he hoped was a reassuring smile. "Look, just trust me. I wont even put my dick in you again if you dont want it."


"Better some one I picked than you again! Why did you do it? Because I smelled different?! What if I don't want a kid?! You didn't think about that! It's bad enough I c-can't be with my friends like this.. C-Can't even go swimming cause they might see... I don't want to be different!"


He nodded at that slowly and smiled. "You're right, of course. It's not fun to be different." He sighed lightly and looked out over the lake. "You cant spend your entire life hiding what you are, being ashamed of how you were born." He licked his lips for a moment and tilted his head. "Embrace what you are. Dont hide it, dont take shame in anything associated with it. Take pride in what you were given." He grinned then and held up a finger. "Let me show you what wonders you have between your legs. I wont fuck you, I wont hurt you, and the minute you tell me to stop, I'll stop." He wasnt sure he'd be able to once he started, but if he had a winning hand this time, the kid wouldnt want him to stop anyway.


"Why should I embrace it?!" He cries out, finally showing a bit more emotion than stuttering. "I'm a freak! All the healers said I'd be a boy, but I came out with girl parts and my father leaves! He didn't want a f-freak son! Mother says that's wrong, but not why, so it's gotta be true! Why shouldn't I be ashamed that I BROKE UP MY FAMILY?!" Tears and flames accompanied his yelling as he fell to the ground.


His brow met and he shook his head. "Something like that is not your fault. If your father is such a twat that he wont even stay to take care of his son and mate, that's on him." He growled lightly and made the pup stare into his glowing blue eyes. "You have done nothing for which you should be ashamed. You are not a freak, you are not broken, you are not the monster you think you are." He smiled at the boy and tilted his head before he touched his snout to the cub's own. "I think you are a beautiful little cub with so much potential in life!" He smiled again and tilted his head the other direction. One of his paws lifted, gently resting his palm over the boy's slit. "This is not something you should think of as a curse. If anyone tells you it's a bad thing, I want you to tell me right away... and I'll show you what it looks like when I hurt someone."


He'd been shaking his head the whole time, flinching away from Valor's snout and freezing when he felt where the paw had been put. He looked up at Valor, terrified, and remembered the threat from before. "I.. I am n-not.. your p.. po.. posse.." He couldn't finish the word, so he just closed his eyes and waited for what he thought was inevitable anyway. It was clear he couldn't fight or escape...


He nodded, lifting his hand from the pup's groin to wave dismissively. "Yes, yes, yes, not my possession, very good." He licked his lips. He wouldnt dispute that. He needed to talk the kid down, damnit! He smiled again and tilted his head. "You arent listening to me at all, are you? You arent an aboration. You're a perfectly healthy young lad. You can find such pleasure from what's between your legs and I could show you if you would just let me."


"I don't believe you mean it. You're just saying I'm not a possession to you so you can do that stuff again... H-How can I trust you?" He asks, tears falling down his snout. The king didn't care about him, just about what was between his legs... "You're going to do it anyway, aren't you? You'd j-just feel better if I 'let' you..."


He sighed heavily and shook his head. "You can trust me, or you cant. That's your decision and I will admit that you have no reason to." He licked his lips for a moment then tilted his head in the boy's direction. "You can live in shame of yourself, or you can let me show you what you have been given."


Amaris thought about this for a long time. He shook his head every few moments until he seems to have come to a decision. "O-One night... If you can sleep next to me for one night without any mati.. any mat... any of that stuff, any at all, I'll.. I'll trust y-you to show me without your, um... your thing."


His brow met and he scratched at the back of his head. "You dont know what you're asking. With you in my bed, your smell soaking into the sheets and filling the air..." he quaked at the thought. "I'll tell you what... You have a deal but you have to compromise with me on this." he said, offering the boy in his lap a small smile. "Your mother'll be in the room with us. When I start to lose control and your heat gets to me, she'll pull me into the bath suite atttached to my chamber, that way I dont lose my mind or my control."


He shakes his head quickly. "No! If you can't do it then don't try and weasel your way out of it! I said none of that stuff and going into the bath suite IS that stuff. If I have to deal with the.. smell.. then so do you. Do you care about me or not? Am I a toy or a person?" He asks this with that tone every child seems to have when they get serious during negotiations with adults.


He snorted. "It's more than a smell, boy... You know what, fine. Let's do it your way." Be the middle of the night, both of them would be writhing with need, it would be a simple matter of sating their lusts brought on by his heat. He would get what he wanted anyway.*


"I mean it." He warns. He hated even given Valor this chance, betting he'd be begging the dragon to stop before dawn and being ignored. Again. But the big dragon /had/ seemed genuinely scared and worried after saving his life... Maybe he could trust him after all? For his own sake, Amaris prayed he could. "Nothing all night, got it? I'll just keep trying to fly over the lake if you do something."


He snorted and shook his head. "Nothing unless you ask me for it." He said, then held his hand out expectantly. "Deal?" he asked, hoping against hope the boy's heat would kick in full blast before too long. Even sitting there in the cool night breeze, the scent was a powerful pull on his mind and body.


"Deal." He says firmly, maybe even smiling just a little bit. Sure, he didn't trust Valor in the least, but he had just agreed to the deal, so.. maybe he wasn't all bad after all..?"


Valor smiled dubiously at the boy then stood up, still carrying the boy in his arms. He licked his lips then set the boy on his feet and moved to unbind his wings carefully. "Come on then. Back to the balconey." A good fly through the cold night air would do wonders to steel his resolve.


Amaris let him take off the bindings and then gratefully stretched his wings out, flexing them and waiting for the tingling sensation to go away. When it did, he flapped them away from Amaris a few times. "Maybe I should take a bath when we get back..."


Biting his tongue for several moments in response to the boy's comment, he nodded and cleared his throat. "Maybe you should." he said simple and turned to stare back at the dark edifice beyond, dotted with some still lit fires and windows. He spread his great wings and glanced back to the wolf again. "Come along." He leapt up into the air and gave his wings powerful downbeats, launching him high into the sky with all manner of haste.


Having noticed the pause, Amaris stretches his wings one last time before taking a running start and following Valor into the air. Given that he was smaller and weaker, he couldn't keep up, and would arrive several seconds later. This gave him time to think about what might happen tonight, and that caused his flight to falter noticeable for several wing beats. He didn't want to get hurt like that ever again...


When Valor landed on the railing and the pup wasnt immediatly behind him, he sat on the railing and waited, still as naked as ever. But he didnt care. He licked his lips for a moment and took one last deep breath of clean air before the boy and his muscky scent caught up. When Amaris arrived, he smiled and motioned with a hand toward the doorway. "After you."


"I don't.. need to be.. treated like a lady." He pants, taking a moment to catch his breath and cool down. "I'm a boy. You didn't have to wait for me..." Amaris goes in anyway though, and slips into the tub quickly, heating the water himself and quickly, despite the immediate discomfort of touching his poor abused nether region, started to wash the blood and semen on his body, shaking as he fights to not remember how it got there.


Valor shrugged his shoulders with a grin and said nothing. He just watched the boy. That was not it at all. He wanted to be seperated from the lad and his heat. He licked his lips thoughtfully, then turned and stared up into the night sky, rumbling pensively. He would try to stay out on the balconey for as long as he could.


"I.. I am sorry about my claws." Amaris whispers, cringing as he works out a particularly tough bit of blood in his fur. He hated when he got messy. Between his scales and fur, it was difficult to get stuff out.


Valor grumbled to himself. Just the idea alone was almost enough to make him charge into the bathroom and force the boy's legs open. But he stopped. No. Better to have the boy begging for relief than have it forced on him. He grumbled again and heaved a heavy sigh. This would be one hell of a night.


When he's done washing Anaris steps out carefully and dries himself off meticulously before he crawls into bed, embarrassed to be naked in the same bed as his mother, and curls up at the wolf's side, putting on arm over his mother for at least a feeling of security.


Valor watched the pup snuggle up to his exhausted and still rather swollen mother. He shrugged his wings lightly and leaned against the railing. So hard to keep control of himself. But he would do his best. Slowly he made his way into the bedroom, each step one of temptation. Crawling into bed, he carefully draped his arm and a wing over the both of the canines laying there and gave one last rumbling growl before he was still. So much concentration needed.


It became clear that Amaris was asleep when he started to shake and whimper, curling up tighter and into a ball made of his wings and tail. He hated his nightmares when he had them, and tonight's was not a short nor a 'tame' one.


When the little cub began to whimper and shake, Valor lifted his head and watched for a little bit. Once he was certain the boy was asleep, he shrugged his shoulders and wings ever so slightly. Nightmare? He harumphed and laid his head down. As the movement and sounds intensified, so did the erection burrying itself in the sleeping shewolf's fur. His brow met and temptation grew. Maybe just a little touch? He reached his hand out, gently caressing the boy's chest and belly, soothingly at first. If Amaris didnt wake up, he thought, he would try something a little more risky.


Amaris slowly calmed downed, thinking it was his mother trying to calm him down. She did so much it care fir him and keep him safe, and now it was all for naught. Still, getting his stomach rubbed felt really nice after it had been forced to swell so fast. While his wings go back to rest on the bed while his tail stays between his legs for a few minutes before finally falling aside.


When his tail fell aside, temptation grabbed Valor's hand and forced it downward. Slowly, his digits glided through Amaris fur to his little slit, still rather damp due to his heat. He slowly traced around the boy's slit, for the first time really exploring his femininity while he slept. Valor held his breath, his heart thundering in his chest. He was risking the boy's trust doing this. He wanted Amaris to beg slightly more than he wanted a lifeless fuck toy, but...


The dragonwolf shivered and curled up slightly, his unconscious mind unable to realize what was happening and stop him from feeling pleasure. The finger felt.. good, and drew out more moisture as he grew aroused. He moaned slightly, shifting on the bed as he's touched.


When Amaris moaned and shifted, Valor's hand darted away, resting on the bed once more. After a moment when the cub didnt seem awake any more than before, it returned, fingers this time gliding between the boy's folds ever so slightly, soaking his fingertip in delicious smelling little-girl juice. Such an odd thought, considering Amaris acted and appeared more or less to be male.


The cub moaned again, unable to resist the feeling as his heat started to puff up his slit as it's rubbed. If only he knew what Valor was doing, his bodily reactions would be a lot more.. violent.


Valor inhaled deeply, a mistake of course. He moaned and growled pleasantly, then stopped when he realized what he was doing. He waited, making sure Amaris was asleep and hadnt been awoken by his sounds then started up again. This itme, his scaled fingertips searched out the litle wolf's sensitive nub. That would get the boy hot and needy!


The moan that escapes the cub's lips is long, low, and soft. His nightmare long since banished, his dreams turned to his secret crush touching him like Valor was now, an event Amaris wasn't brave enough to ask for considering how different he was. Still, it was good to imagine...


*He kept it up, teasing the boy, getting him nice and wet and writhing before he would stop. He was afraid to do more than stroke and caress, lest he lose his chance at a willing toy. He would have Amaris one way or another, but he prefered the boy begging for it than begging for it to stop. For hours it went on, a little game that filled the air with the boy's scent and temptation.


And fill the air it did, the intensity of the heat proving Valor hadn't been successful in his forced copulation. The boy twitched and moaned to wake the dead, his lower lions practically soaked with his arousal. Oh what a lovely dream he was having~


The teasing continued on, and would do so until the moment of Amaris wakening. Whenever that was, at what ever point during the night or morning, Valor would pull his hand away as quickly as possible and burry it under the pillow and act to be asleep once again. He closed his eyes and stifled his breathing, tryed to quiet his beating heart.


An hour before dawn Amaris gasps and jerks upright, nearly orgasming for the first time right there. He didn't notice Valor hiding his hand under the pillow. When he'd calmed down he looked down as his abused nether lips and started crying silently again. "Now.. Now h-he'll never..." He chokes out, his throat tight.


Valor's eyes openned and he quirked a brow. Now who will never... what? He licked his lips for a moment and tilted his head. He slowly lifted himself up and just stared down at the little pup curiously. What was he going on about?


The hybrid cub jumps visibly and stares at Valor with worry. What was he going to do? It wasn't dawn yet... Was he going to break their deal? Amaris tensed his body and readied himself to at least /try/ and flee.


He quirked a brow and tilted his head again, his nostrils flaring as he stared at the tensed boy. "And just who are you talking about, little one?" he asked, licking his lips thoughtfully.


Valor had heard him? His eyes narrow in the pre-dawn light. He'd have to learn to talk less, or more carefully, around the dragon. "It.. doesn't matter now."


He shook his head slowly. "Then why cry over it?" he asked, growling thoughtfully. "Who are you talking about?" he asked again, his sapphire eyes glowing dimly in the morning light.


"Why does it matter to you? He's not like me, he's not a freak." He didn't expect Valor to understand and let the now silent tears fall to the bed. "Just.. let me cry, please?" Anything to distract him from his morning 'wood', to use a normal male's term.


He rolled his eyes. "You know what? I giive up. You're right. You're a freak abomination your mother should have drowned as a baby." He glared down at the pup, a frustrated growl rumbling in his chest. "Is that what you want to hear?"


"" He admits, shaking a little. "I.. I.. I've always thought it though. I can't help it! I feel like I'm a boy, and I look like one, b-but... I'm not all boy. I just wish I knew why...."


He nodded. "You are not a boy in the traditional sense. I have told you to embrace what you are, wear it with pride instead of hiding it in shame, have I not?" he asked, his brow furrowed in frustration. "Your body knows the reasons for it's differences. The fates have purpose for us all. You shouldnt hide from that." he said, then sumped over and laid on his back... of coure revealing to the boy and his still sleeping and rather round mother a great big black tower of throbbing ridged flesh.


He sniffed and rubbed his eyes dry. He looked over and quickly looked away again, embarrassed by the sudden longing and frightened by the dragon as a whole. "I'm s-sorry... I'm scared and mad and I hurt and I don't know what to do! The one thing that scared me the most h-happened, and I can't ever get that first time, the time you're supposed to save for the person you love, back! If doing.. that.. is all Fate has for me, couldn't you be nicer? Like you care? I h-have feelings..."


He turned his head to look at his bedmates for a moment, then nodded slowly and lifted himself up. "I had planned on it. You had to start acting suspicious when I offered to take you back to the servant's quarters, though. One way to invoke a dragon's wratch, boy, is to make him suspicious of you." He sat up and nodded toward the private bath across the room and beyond the curtain covered doorway. "If you want to see what true mating can be, how pleasurable it can be if you let it... we best do it in there and not wake your mother."


"I was scared, what was I s'pose to do?" He asks, looking at the private bath and failing in his attempts not to squirm. As sore as he was, his body was telling him to seek an encore of sorts. "I-It's not morning, and you said you wouldn't use," he gestures to the rigid back flesh between Valor's legs, "that."


He pondered for a moment then shrugged his wings and very carefully crawled around the shewolf laying between them. He crawled up to Amaris and reached down to gently but firmly spread his legs. "You're right, I did." he said, lowering his muzzle eagerly to the boy's delicious smelling slit.


"You you gotta wait! You promised!" Oh gods above, what was the king going to do and why did the brief exhale on his lower lips make him shudder? Was every heat going to be like this? "I.. I don't know what you're g-gonna do..."


He quirked a brow, his muzzle inches from the boy's pussy. "Do you want me to tell you step by step all the little intricasies of the act? Or do you want some relief to the..." He extended his hot, slender tongue to slide up along his moist slit. "...insatiably desire? Do you want me to explain everything or do you want me to scratch the itch?" he asked, pressing his tongue deeply into the boy's burning body.


"AHhnn!" His gasp was somewhat silenced as he bit his lip, not wanting to wake his mother. He felt bad, doing this in front of her, even if she was asleep, but the tongue drove that from his mind. That, and the now broken deal. Not that he was likely to remember it....


His tongue delved deeper, wiggling and exploring the boy's plundered depths. He was pleased to find no real damage within, only the tattered remnands of his maidenhead. He growled pleasantly and let his hands roam up along the boy's hips to his belly and chest. He could almost imagine it was a delicious little girl beneath him. For all intents and purposes, it was, he reminded himself as he closed his scaled lips over the boy's clit to suck eagerly at the little nub.


There was that same strangled gasp, only this time the tiny sounds of claws digging into the bed covers accompanies it. Amaris had no idea how to react to what was happening. Last night screaming and pleading had seemed right, because he was hurting and wanted it all to stop.. so why did they seemed right now? He could feel something deep inside starting to react to the tongue... "Hhn.. Ah.."


He watched the boy idly as his tongue wiggled and tickled against his battered cervix. Such a tastey thing, such a great little morning snack indeed! The shewolf squirmed and stirred, slowly coming to consciousness. She turned her head and watched the two curiously for several moments, watched her son whimper and moan beneath their king's ministrations. It was turnign her on! One hand caressed her cumladen tummy while the other reached out and gently brushed her son's brow. She smiled, glancing down to the dragon who had lifted his head away curiously. She smiled at her king then looked down into her son's eyes. "Do you want your father to take you, Amaris?"