XVI. The morning after

Story by Vexxus on SoFurry

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As told by Milo

Finally. The first birthday in ten years I had enjoyed. Nina really outdid herself, and I had apologized once more for being angry with her for exposing my secret. Even though my grandmother was not used to Nina and me playing puppy, she found us to be adorable. It even brought back happy memories of raising my mother, she said.

After we had eaten the first half of my birthday cake, we spent some time playing games. When the time came for my grandmother to prepare dinner, Nina pulled her laptop out and we watched some_Rabbit Rescue_, while holding hands and cuddling our plushies.

Eventually, Granny invited us to the table, and our bibs inevitably reappeared. She fed me, while Nina was allowed to eat by herself like a big girl. My little princess did not even make a mess, in contrast to myself. I was not used to being fed, so it took a little while to get the hang of the cooperative coordination.

Granny insisted to clean up the after-dinner mess in the kitchen, leaving me and Nina to have some quiet time with our coloring books. Just before I got bored, my grandmother served us some hot chocolate.

As we enjoyed our drinks, Granny took the liberty to ask us some questions about the grown-up part of our lives. We told her about the play I had written, and the courses we followed. She also asked some questions about the 'big' side of our relationship, as she would love to see the Nina and me be a 'serious couple'.

Of course, we explained to my grandmother how we also spent time together like big dogs, and how our relationship does not necessarily_revolve around_ playing puppy, but that doing so is still an important part of why and how we love each other. It was a delight to know Granny understood the relationship I had better.

Unfortunately, even birthday boys can't talk themselves out of puppy bedtime, so I decided to be a good boy and 'go nite-nite'. I invited Nina to the guest bedroom, so we could change each other for the night. She had become accustomed to sleeping diapered, even though she did not need it, and she even found it quite comfortable.

Both of us were in dire need of a clean diaper, so we made quick work of changing. Nina could not resist teasing me a little, saying that I might be the older puppy, but I still had the bigger accidents. Of course, I countered her by stating that my accidents are bigger_because_I'm older.

Regardless of Nina being 'smaller' than me, she still managed to make the bottom three paw prints appear on her diaper. Even the top two were mostly visible, so I complimented her on her achievement.

After all, the improved Poochies were significantly thicker - thus harder to soak. The puppy powder made it easier to clean up Nina's fur, so I was done fairly quickly. I decided to put her in a Whelpies diaper, just like she had done with me.

She was probably not going to use it, at least not until the morning, but neither of us ever thought of that as a problem. I always found it very cute how she would tell me that she 'was a big girl when she woke up, but didn't make it to the potty'.

With changing done, brushing our teeth was the last thing we had to do before going to sleep. Since we were both tired, we decided to brush our own teeth instead of each other's, unlike we usually did.

As I idly stared at my reflection in the mirror, cleaning my molars, I noticed Nina was not paying attention anymore. She had this dreamy expression on her face, then closed her eyes. Intrigued by whatever she might be doing, I stopped brushing.

After I had spat in the sink, I wanted to ask what she was doing, but as Nina slightly squatted, a faint hissing noise answered that question before I even uttered it. She slowly wagged her tail and softly murred as the smile on her muzzle widened.

"Um, princess? Watcha doin'?"

"Piddling..." Nina replied, looking away and pretending to be embarrassed.

"Why didn't you do that earlier? Now I'll have to change you again."

"No you won't," she replied mirthfully.

"N-not that I mind, but-" I mused, then realized what she had said. "Um, what? Are you going to change yourself, maybe?"

She shook her head.

"But... that means you'll have to sleep in a wet diaper," I needlessly concluded.

"That's the idea, silly."

"Why would you do that?"

"I um... kinda want to know what it feels like to wake up like you do."

I playfully grinned. "Dunno if you'll still like that diaper in the morning, but it's certainly going to make you feel like a puppy."

"Then I'll like it, right?" she teased.

"Well of course you will. After all, my little princess_is_ a puppy."

I ruffled her headfur, then we silently finished brushing our teeth. When we were done, I followed Nina into the guest bedroom, because I had left Sharra there after my change. Furthermore, I felt like I needed to get something off my chest.

"Um, princess? I-I..." I stammered. It was hard to say what was on my mind. "Thankies a lot for what you've done to put all this together. I've had a really good time tonight."

She turned around and hugged me tight.

"I know annual festivities are hard for you, especially your birthday," she said, "and I wanted you to have happy memories to this one, so you'd think of the people you_have_, instead of those you lost."

"But... I'm not going to forget about my parents! I-I_can't_!"

"Shhh, don't be upset. You won't have to forget them. Not the people, only the grief, and sometimes pain," she said with a kind voice.

She let go of me, and I hesitated for a few seconds. Noticing this, she continued.

"I'll be the shoulder you can cry on, until it's all over. I love you, Milo. Let me be your painkiller."

"Maybe... maybe I can do that. Eventually. But I can't do it alone."

"Don't worry, I'll be here to help you. Someday, I know, this pain will fade."

"Thankies again. You've done so much for me... I appreciate it a lot, but it also makes me kinda sad. Y'know, 'cause I can't repay you."

"You don't have to. All I want is for you to keep being my boyfriend. A-and a puppy, so we can play together, like we did tonight."

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend! What could another girl offer me that you can't? How could I wish for someone else?"

She shyly looked away for a moment, but her wagging tail gave away that she appreciated the compliment.

"Speaking of wishes," she eventually said, "did you actually make a wish when you blew out the candles?"

I nodded. "But I don't think it's going to come true."

"Why not?" Nina asked as she said down. She grabbed Natasha and idly pet her back.

"Well, it doesn't even_need_ to come true. You see, I wished for more 'little' friends to play with, but I think I should rather be glad I have you. A lot of people like us have nobody to play with, nor a mate. Let alone a mate that wants to play... I think I'll be fine as long as I have you," I mused.

Nina's ears drooped, and she no longer wagged her tail. I sat down next to her.

"Milo, don't you know birthday wishes don't come true when you say them out loud?"

The tone of her voice clearly indicated she was not being serious.

"I thought that only counted when you wish upon a shooting star?" I replied, playing along.

"Who knows..." she said with a grin.

"Why the mysterious face?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Huh? Dunno... I've never seen a shooting star, so I don't know whether a wish would come true in_that_ case."

"Time will tell, I guess, but as I said, I'll be fine as long as I have you," I said, resting my muzzle on her shoulder with my eyes closed.

I felt a hand on the side of my face, followed by Nina licking my muzzle. She had made an invitation I did not want to turn down, so I put one arm around her and returned the gesture. We let our tongues dance around each other for a while, enjoying each other's loving touch.

"I love you a lottle, princess," I whispered after we let go.

"A lottle?" she asked, cocking her head in confusion.

"Yush," I said mirthfully. "That's like a little, except it's a lot."

She chuckled.

"You're a silly pup, Milo. But you're_my_ silly pup."

I hugged her tight for a short while.

"Now it's way past our bedtimes, don't you think?"

She nodded, then put her pacifier in her muzzle. Grabbing Natasha, she laid down and rested her head on the pillow. I covered Nina with the blanket and tucked her in.

"Are you comfortable, princess?"

"Yush..." she mumbled, as if she was dozing off already.

"Can Natasha breathe?"

She chuckled, then nodded again.

"I love you, Nina," I said, giving her a lick on the forehead. "Sleep well."

I picked up my pacifier from the nightstand, then switched the big light off. Cradling Sharra in my arms, I quietly left the guest bedroom for my granny's. She was asleep already, so I slipped under the covers and cuddled my shark.

In the past few years, my grandparents had not slept in the same bed together. My grandfather had become physically weaker and needed a single bed designed for seniors. Ever since he passed away, my grandmother slept in his bed, because it made her feel like a part of him was still with her. This left her bed unused, but she never bothered to remove it from her bedroom.

When I woke up the next morning, I found my grandmother to be still asleep. I got up from the bed, quietly as not to disturb her. With Sharra clutched under one of my arms, I made my way to the guest bedroom.

In there, I found the Mountain Dog I dearly loved, but in contrast to my grandmother, she was not sleeping peacefully. Something about her movements and the soft whimpering sounds she produced made me suspect she was having a nightmare.

On the other paw, it was not much of a_suspicion_. After all, her pacifier had slipped from her muzzle and Natasha had fallen on the floor. 'Nothing to protect my little princess', I thought. 'But that's what I'm here for'.

I started by picking up Nina's pacifier and letting the tip of the teat touch her lips. Reflexively, her mouth accepted the soother and she started suckling it. I picked up Natasha from the floor and swapped her for Sharra, then crawled under the covers with Nina. Holding my girlfriend's plushie, I joined her from the other side of the bed.

This way, I could hug her from behind, with her being the 'smaller spoon'. I put my arm around her and gave her a gentle hug, which made her wake up from her nightmare.

"Shh, dun be afwaid. I's here fow yous," I whispered around my pacifier as I snuggled up to her, our diapers quietly squishing against each other.

"Hadda bad dweam," she incoherently mumbled, her speech slightly hindered by the teat of her own pacifier. The tone of her puppy voice sounded like it had been a_very_ bad dream.

"I know, pwincess, but dat's gone now. You's safe wif me," I reassured, then offering her plushie to her. "You's dwopped N'tasha."

Nina eagerly accepted her stuffed White Shepherd and cuddled her tight. I tightened my embrace and used Nina as_my_plushie. It did not take her long to calm down again, after which we both dozed off again.

When I awoke from my slumber once more, my eyes met the gently twitching ears of the Mountain Dog I loved. She was still asleep, peacefully suckling her pacifier, and I knew she was cuddling Natasha under the covers as well.

Smiling behind the shield of my own soother, I thought about the previous day, and everything Nina had done for me. She was the best girlfriend I could imagine, and as she laid asleep in my arms, I knew she would wake up as ahappy little princess again. If only every birthday could be as perfect as this one.

Baby, I see this world has made you sad

Some people can be bad

The things they do the things they say

_ _

But baby, I'll wipe away those bitter tears

I'll chase away those restless fears

And turn your blue skies into gray

_ _

Why worry

There should be laughter after pain

There should be sunshine after rain

These things have always been the same

So why worry now

Why worry now

(Dire Straits - Why Worry)

  • The end, for now.