A Whisper in My Mind Motel Part 2.

Story by Remo Blockade on SoFurry

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An odd sort of writing.

Ulfberth, sword in hand. Slaying the ghosts and gargoyles in the hellish twilight of my Dream scape. Whether in the endless hall of the midnight lady, or standing in the cave of trial, I fight for my life. In every form the war bear cries out in victory as I clutch its bloody hilt in my white knuckled hand. Faces I know but have never seen cheer my name, the name I can never quite hear, yet I know, I know in my mind what it is, but can not speak it.. "What am I meant for?" I speak sitting under the flickering light of the neon tubes showing "Vacancy" under the sign for the Silver Motel. The War Bear's blade laying across the shredded and bloody jeans that cloth my lap. Out of the corner of my eye I see the milky eyed bell man waving. "Ding!" he exclaims waiving on and on endlessly. The Silver Motel turns red and I wake with a gasp still feeling the feeding remnants of the sword in my hand and on my lap.

As always, I never wake for real. The bedroom of distant memory of someplace I slept years ago. This time it happened to be an old shed I had stayed in for a while while I was in my early twenties. I could hear traffic passing on the near by interstate. Today like most days, If in fact that's what they were. I wondered how, how I had gotten here. One moment it was me and my wife were driving and the next, I was here.