Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 11

Story by BoatinTurtle on SoFurry

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Hello everyone! I feel motivated a bit more than before to write again, and I was contemplating the plot of this chapter. You'll see what I'm talking about, although I think most of you won't care. Also, I took a trip to the Half Price Bookstore with my mom and bought a book of piano rags, so I've been practicing that. Did you know they had vinyl's their? I blew like 60 bucks on records, each like two dollars a piece. It was amazing. I think Boston's self titled album is my favorite though. That and Bob Segar's Stranger In Town. Journey's Escape album is pretty cool, and Foreigner's 4 looks good on my-


Oops. Sorry. I guess I got carried away. Now, I present to you the moment you've all been waiting for!


I am, I am. Calm your titties. Anywho, here is... Drumroll please!

"Well, we're waiting!"

Fine, fine! Be impatient. Here is the next chapter ya greedy bugger.


*Sigh* Sometimes you guys just break me with all the "Please update this!" and the "Please update that!" I don't know if I should be flattered or annoyed. I appreciate you guys reading and showing enthusiasm, but please, quit shouting at me to update. These things take time. Now, the chapter!

"Eww. Why is he floating in the pool?" Whitney asked.

"OH MY GOD! His hand is so bloody!" Jamie exclaimed, cringing in fear.

'Ooooh Babe'

"Christ almighty. Those are fucking tits! Can you show that in a movie?" Valerie asked.

'Don't leave me now'

"Aaand now their fucking... How was this allowed?" Whitney inquired.

'How could you go?'

"Man that guy is ugly as fuck!" Samantha shouted, a bit to much emphasis at the end.

"Really? I think he's cute." Jesslyn said.

"No, the one pounding the broad." Sam cleared up.

"Oh yeah. Ugly as hell." Jess agreed.

'When you know how I need You'

"Wow. They're tearing each other up! Why don't you do me like that?" Whitney asked jokingly. I tried to hide the blush and focus on the movie. It was no secret that Whitney and I had sex. Everyone knew it now. It's partly my fault. If I hadn't given her my wallet and told her to buy herself anything she wanted, then maybe she wouldn't have told everyone while she took them on a shopping spree. And maybe I'd also have some money. I'm just glad that she understands that I did that because I am terrible at gifts, especially for girls. Well, I _did _buy her an Xbox One. And I also learned another thing. The tape ordeal never happened. It was all just a hoax. I'm not sure if I'm more pissed off that it didn't happen or I would be if it did. Either way, I still _slightly _forgave Sam, Jess, and Amanda. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts, and continued to watch Pink Floyd's The Wall.

'To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night'

"EEEEEWWWW!" Jamie squealed as blood rolled off of Pink's hand.

'Ooooh Babe'

"I'd tap that." Jess said. "What'd you say his name was?"

"Bob Geldof." I informed her.

"I'll have to remember that for later..." She said slyly.

'Don't leave me now'

Jamie swayed a bit, on the verge of passing out from the sight of blood. I had to admit, the small amount showed with such detail did spur me a bit.

'How can you treat me this way'

"What happened to his room?" Morgan asked.

'Running away'

"Oh, so now there is a mysterious shadow walking towards him. Spooky." Cassidy said, rolling her eyes. It was hard, but I managed to drag her over to Morgan, Whitney, and Jenna's party. Everyone was talking to each other, so I decided to watch The Wall. That lasted about a good 15 seconds before they all leapt over the couch to watch it. Ever since it started, questions have been shot off like a machine gun towards the movie. I guess the symbolism is too much. The movie flickered around the pitch black room as Pink, the main character,'s wife's shadow walked up to him.

'Ooooh Babe'

"Damn she's tall." Morgan said.

"Ooo! So scary! The shadows behind him-ohohoh WHAT THE FUCK!" Cassidy said, freaking out as the wife's body contorted.

'Why are you running away?'

"What the hell is that?" Whitney said frantically.

"OH FUCK! What _is _she?" Morgan cried out.

"Lord, you mean that guy _fucked _that thing? I take that back. I wouldn't tap that!" Jesslyn said. I started to fume at their disrespect to people trying to watch the movie. And by that, I mean me.

'Ooooh Babe!'

"Oh hell! Did she, it, whatever the hell it is, just turn into a motherfucking vagina?" Sam asked.

"Did. It. Just. Grow. A. Mouth. From. Its. Vagina?" Amanda asked slowly. More screams accompanied her as the wife's vagina face/mouth closed in on Pink.


"Oh hell. That ass is gross!" Yvonne said with a look of disgust. Michelle's face kept straight, for I found out earlier that she had seen it already.

"Oh, so the vagina-wife's gone just like that?" Morgan questioned.


"What the hell?" Valerie said as the scene shifted to Pink smashing in his TV with a guitar.

"That's a good guitar! Why in the hell did he break it?"

'I don't need no arms around me.'

"What was that?" Someone asked.

'And I don't need no drugs to calm me!'

"What the hell is going on?" Morgan asked, confused as a montage of clips flashed in time with the music. I got fed up with the chit chat and stood up. An arm or two slid of mine, and my seat was quickly swallowed up by people looking to sit down. I opened the door and walked out into the frosty air. it was a week after Christmas, and most of the snow had melted. I could here Another Brick In The Wall Part 3 continuing on in the room.

Hey guys, if you want to see what they where talking about:


Sighing, I thought I'd take a nice jog to relieve some stress. I did a quick squat and shook out my legs. I started out, heading for the football field. It didn't take long to reach it, only about five or so minutes. Once I stepped out onto the moist ground, I shoved my hand into my pocket. When it resurfaced empty, I patted my pockets for my phone.

"Fuck." I said aloud. I probably left it back in the room. I just hope no one steals it. Or worse...

Meanwhile at Zac's dorm room...

"Does anyone here have any idea what the hell this movie is supposed to be about?" Whitney asked. Everyone had stopped watching at that point. Cassidy, seeing a vacancy of the only person there she talks to, had left. Most of the girls where either playing with each others hair or their phones. That was until Jesslyn found Zac's phone.

"Hey Jess, whatcha got there?" Sam asked.

"It's Zac's phone!" Instantly, Sam and all the other girls where around her. Eyes burned into the black screen. Jesslyn cradled the phone in her hand and hit the lock button. Four young, handsome faces greeted them, their black and white grins shining at them.

"Who are they?" Whitney asked.

"His boyfriends?" Sam guessed.

"That'd explain why he isn't fond of girls so much." Amanda said, cupping her breasts.

"No. Its probably cause you rape him?" Morgan stated.

"Hey," Amanda said, crossing her arms, causing her impressive bust to push against her light blue sweater. Morgan sighed and shook here head.

"Are you idiots serious?" Kelly said, her lips stretched down in an obviously unhappy frown. "That's The Beatles!"

"The who?" Valerie said.

"No, The Beatles, not The Who."

"Don't know them." Samantha said. Kelly smacked herself in the face and shook her head, astonished by their ignorance.

"Their the most influential band in history!" Michelle cried.

"I will say, they are pretty cute." Amanda said.

"Are you for real?" Kelly took a second to sigh. "Of course their hot! They're The Beatles!"

"Ok, shut up now." Jess demanded. "It's time to snoop." They all huddled together and shuffled through his phone, starting with his texts. His dad's chat was full of a bunch of puns and corny jokes thrown back and forth, and his mother's was crammed full of 'I love you son' and 'have fun' and 'be safe' and 'make friends' and 'use protection'. They all chuckled at the irony of the last one. They didn't find anything else in his texts, other than him and his brothers fighting and telling sick jokes. They went on to pictures and flipped through them. Nothing there, not even a single picture of him. Just funny pictures. Then, social media came next. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, all raided, all barren of anything they could gawk over or laugh about. They even checked his internet searches. No porn, just stuff about bands and music. They scoured everywhere, even email. Nothing.

"Well that was a waste of time." Jesslyn said blandly. Everyone murmured their agreement as they went back to doing hair and talking about celebrities.

Zac's POV

"Ah, shit. Well, too late to go back now. Guess I'll sing it myself!" I said. "Now a running songandwhy the hell am I talking to myself?" I asked no one in particular as I looked around like I was going to receive an answer. I sighed again and decided on Run Like Hell. I took off immediately, full sprint, on my way around the field. "Run, run, run, run! Run, run, run, run! Run, run, run, run! Run, run, run, run!" I sang. I prepared myself for the fast part and clenched my asscheeks. I decided to skip to the second half of the song and picked up there.(This part doesn't have punctuation because its supposed to be sung in one breath) "You better run all day and run all night Keep your dirty feelings deep inside If you're taking your girlfriend out tonight You better parr-arrrr.." I stumbled a bit, running out of breath from the length of the verse and the running combined. "Park your car well out of sight Cause if they catch you in the backseat tryin' ta pihhhh... pihhck..." I coughed a bit, wheezing for breath. "Pick her locks They're going to send you back to mother in a cardboard box You better ru-uh-uh-ooohohOAAH!" I yelled as I tripped up on a patch of slippy grass. My face was well acquainted with the dirt. My legs flew over my head and hit the ground on either side of my head, causing my back to crack. If I wasn't so flexible, I probably could have snapped my spine. It still felt that way though. Coughing, I stood up and panted from my wipeout. Dirt smeared the side of my face, pebbles stuck into my skin, and a piece of grass tangled itself in my hair. I brushed it out and laughed at my own misfortune. Something touched my shoulder, and my bowels almost had an emergency evacuation. Skyrocketing into the air and hitting the ground again, I let out a ghastly shriek. Spinning on my butt, I turned to look what had touched me. The girl didn't scare me. She stood above me, looking at me with large brown eyes. She wore a pale green shirt and a white skirt. Dark green socks stretched almost up to her knee, her pink shoes covering her feet. Her brown hair was astonishing though. It was shaped into two crescent shapes, both falling on either side of her neck. At the top, two large sections stuck out at a rough 45 degree angle, ending in three little bumps. The fact I have never seen her before scared me. She blinked, still standing above me, looking down with those adorable eyes I instantly fell for. With grace, she held out a hand. I looked at it hesitantly before finally accepting her help. She pulled me up, steadying me when I stumbled a bit. She was an inch taller than me. I have grown since Christmas at least an inch. So I could finally feel the joy of being 5'8", which made her 5'10". I gave her my thanks and then introduced myself.

"So what's your name?" I asked. She blinked at me, not saying a word. Then suddenly, she slipped a piece of paper from her shirt and handed it to me. I took it and opened it, curious. When I unfolded it, I was greeted with a faded picture of her and... a latias! "So is this you and your latias?" I asked, looking up. She shook her head quickly and pointed to the latias. "Yes, I know. That's a latias. Did you draw thiiii-" I stuttered. I looked back to her, except it wasn't her. Where the mystery girl was now no longer a girl, but a pokemon. A _latias _to be exact. I took a step back, tripping again and falling on my ass. The red pokemon covered its mouth with its hand and giggled. I scooted back a little, still in shock. The latias glowed brightly for a moment, before the light faded. The mysterious girl was back. "Y-y-y-you're a latias?" I asked. She nodded and stepped closer. I got up and brushed myself off. Her nose was slightly red. She let out a little sneeze, too. I looked down at her legs and at her arms and saw they where bare. Also, she was shivering slightly. "I guess you live on this island, huh?" She nodded slowly. "You look cold. Whataya say you come back with me and we warm you up?" I offered. She nodded quickly, smiling, before stopping herself. I laughed a bit and ushered her on. It just might have been the cold, but I swear I saw her cheeks redden. I offered her my jacket, but she refused it at first. I asked her again, urging her to take it, and she finally accepted. We walked on a bit, making less and less progress as we went. She slowed, her feet dragging, as we walked on. I went up behind her and stuck my head under arm. Lifting her legs up with one arm and supporting her back with the other, I hoisted her into the air. She didn't protest, although she is a pokemon, so I guess she couldn't anyway. Her head rested on my chest, and before I knew it, she was asleep with my jacket wrapped around her, her arms not in the sleeves. She wasn't too heavy, but I grew weary as we trekked on. Eventually, we where almost to my dorm. It wasn't until then I had the thought; What are the girls going to think?

All right! There! It has been updated. Let me know what you think about the addition of a latias. If you didn't get the reference, she is supposed to be the one from Pokémon Heroes. Her human form looks just like the one in the movie. Anywho, hope you all enjoyed, but its 4 am, and I'm signing off. Goodnight guys and gals! Thanks for all the support! I really appreciate your patience and motivation. Until next time, BoatingTurtle.