245 Social Activities

Story by ziusuadra on SoFurry

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#7 of Sythkyllya 200-299 The Land Of Khem

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Save Point: Social Activities

The Land Of khem

The head of Social Activities is an extraordinary sethuress with perfectly off-cream fur and the tallest ears Cleo has ever seen, including her own.

Plenty of species have a secondary fold or two inside the ear to help support it, but this one has at least four, each stacked atop the next about a hands-width apart until the tips are finally reached, more than a foot and a half above her head. The small gold rings she affects either side of the first and lowest fold only serve to make them look more impressive.

Cleo isn't surprised that she's head of Social Activities. With ears like that, she could listen in on gossip from the other side of the city, let alone the other side of the room.

It seems that she's engaged in some sort of decorative body modification to try and make herself look more like a human being, but it appears unlikely that single motivation is where she started, or where she's going to finish. Cleo would be willing to bet that she started with ears and then sort of just got into the habit. Changing with the fashion is a Social Activity, after all.

This sethuress now has eyes that are purple, and is wearing brilliantly red makeup that looks more like ink, with which she has drawn stylized patterns around them like the kohl the natives wear. Removal of the lower two pairs of subsidiary breasts has provided her with a midriff canvas on which to draw the characteristic ankh shape the Sethura often employ, in this case encircling the fold in her midriff to create a suggestive oval which resembles her vagina.

Her actual vagina is closer to true pink and seems to have had the clitoris folded up inside to make it steeper and tighter. Cleo is able to observe this because she isn't wearing any real clothes, just a pair of large heavy golden bracelets or bracers that match the earrings. Each bracer has an additional ring welded to the outside, possibly to make it easier to tie her up (Cleo contemplating fun in bed) or to tie weapons to so they cannot escape in the heat of battle (Cleo contemplating an invigorating round of combat practice, followed by fun in bed).

The effort hasn't stopped there, though. She's gone the extra distance into quite self-destructive territory by having her second thumb on each hand selectively excised and an extra standard finger grown, a measure that Cleo cannot quite understand. If you've used to having a useful extra feature, why would you want to lessen yourself by removing it? Nonetheless, she's done it and then painted all her nails with the same ink used for the body markings.

The only normal thing about her is the weave interface on her head, which isn't that unusual. The local people of Khemet often wear decorative woven structures like nets which lie over their hair, weighted down with beads or small folded cylinders of various metals out near the edges to keep everything in place. Cleo has one herself, with beads made of some sort of resin or amber, and has found it quite useful on hot sweaty days to keep her mane in place and stop it straggling across her muzzle.

The sethura, upon observing the fashion, have decided that they like it and, with their penchant for creating retro, modded and handmade versions of advanced technologies, have begun making their own out of fanciful materials and building in various early versions of the weave interface which were designed to cover the entire scalp. Gratuitous neon bits and light emitting diodes are favourite extras, as is a cooling system designed to circulate air underneath whilst going about in the daytime. Various natural fibers and wiring twisted into braids and coifs simulate the hair itself, which of course is absent from an actual sethura. Even Sethkill has gotten involved and has made a particularly elegant example with deep bluish-purple braids and engraved silver weights, which he intends to present to Keselt once they are reunited.

Now that Cleo looks at it more closely, however, the head of Social Activities doesn't seem to have any horns anymore and her weave appears to consist of real hair, presumably collected from the locals and dyed red to match the rest of her accoutrements. This is one weird sethuress, but based on the look on her slender muzzle, the word Cleo would use is sly. It's possible, after all, that all of this is just an extreme fashion statement.

By this point the head of Social Activities has finally noticed her, and repositions herself in an excessively languid pose, reclining with one elbow on a small malachite green and lapis blue pillar designed to follow the curved shape of a river lotus blossom in bronze. The straying of her hand to a wide sethuress hip reveals the final delightful absurdity, which is that she seems to have just grafted on a quite fetching tail, as yet not completely under her control.

"Do you like?" says the sethuress in bad Azatlani with a heavily husky accent, trying to wave the tail at her but without complete success. "Is in honor of you! I sees you with your tail and then I think, I think that is what is missing!"

Cleo is tempted to mention that normal humans are without tail and that it really just makes her look quite strange, but manages to restrain herself.

"Is don't know why both us and you seem to have lost all the tails during the evolution," she goes on. "Is quite _clearly_being the space for it, and looks quite pretty!"

Cleo decides to forgive the head of Social Activities her fashion extravagances and attempt to chat her up. There's just something so very flattering about her over-emphatic use of current tenses.

"Is to tell you about Jiargnei Committee! You will like, we have fun," explains the sethuress, eying her with roguish seductiveness across the length of her muzzle. "Sethkill says you is do dances, poses, stretches, yes! Is perfect."

Bemused, Cleo allows herself to be led away by a hand which is clearly unused to having a single opposable thumb, whilst the other hand completes a slow, thorough and totally unembarrassed feeling-up of her ass under the light linen draped low beneath her tail.

"Is having nice curves," concludes the sethuress proudly.