United Through Two Worlds: The Other End

Story by Team Stormfall on SoFurry

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#1 of The Other End

This is my end of DuskRunner's United Through Two Worlds. Chapter 1

_United Through Two Worlds: _ The Other End

Chapter 1

Run on Pure Imagination

Okay, before any of you accuse me of copying DuskRunner's 'United Through Two Worlds' series, let me post what I asked him and how he responded...:

Me: Hey, Ihad an idea when I read your series "United Through Two Worlds" and I was just gonna ask if it was ok to do a series in the P.O.V. of another person during the chaos that goes on during your series. If it's not ok, it's fine. I understand. I just figured I'd ask before I do. And if you allow me to do the new story, at the end of each of mine, I'll add a shoutout to you and your original series so I'm not the only one getting views and watches and such. I guess that's it. Please get back to me as soon as you can. I'd really appreciate if you did. Thank you!

DuskRunner: This took longer than I'd have liked to get back to you since I hardly use this account anymore. Sure, go ahead, I'm no longer writing UBTW, it's been years since I wrote the last chapter. Starting again myself would probably create a lot of dissonance due to the differences between my current and previous writing style.

There. Are you happy? Now let's get on with my end of the story. Oh, and if any of you want to write your end, ask DuskRunner. He's the one who originally wrote the series.

I woke up from a long nap I had started around noon. I sluggishly got out from underneath the covers and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. Alright. Nothing's changed. I thought to myself. Not that I thought I would change, it's just become a habit after a prank in High School. Same blue eyes. Messed up brown hair, but that's fine too. And same scar cutting from my right eye to the tip of my nose. I shuddered at the thought of the prank. Not a very good one on my side.

I left the bathroom and walked downstairs. I switched the news on the TV and went to the kitchen to make myself a bowl of cereal.

"And in other news," The news lady said."strange appearances sighted across the globe. We bring you to street reporter Tom in London." The scene changed from the newsroom to a back ally in London.

"Thanks, Trisha. Behind me, we have a man who claims he saw a strange dog. Except, this one breathed fire?" The reporter said.

"Yes! It's true! I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of crackling and what sounded like gunfire! I went out to the window, and when looked out, some hole from bloody hell appeared! Out came a dog with a red and cream color! It just looked around and sat there! So I grabbed my pistol and walked outside wondering what in bloody hell it was doing here. I fired a few rounds at it trying to scare it off, but the bloody thing breathed fire at me when it saw me! God damned fire! Now it ran off to God knows where! It could be watching us right now! Be warned!" The Englishman said. It seemed the reporter had had enough, because he tried to take the mic away. But the man fought back and managed to shout out, "More are coming! This is an invasion! Be prepared!"

The reporter got the mic back and nervously laughed. "Well. That was strange."

The view changed back to the news room. "Indeed it was, Tom. We will have more on these stories as they seem to be popping up everywhere." I shut the TV off.

"Nonsense." I said aloud. I lived alone in a fairly new house. It seemed to help with my loneliness if I talked to myself though. I had moved in just a month ago, so the house was still pretty empty.

I sighed. Being 23 I should be out and partying or getting drunk with friends. But no. I was always the loner. The one no one liked. Or if they had, they couldn't stand hearing about my personal life and instantly unfriended me by blabbing about it behind my back. It was enough to try to attempt suicide three times before I finally decided to get help. And it didn't help at all. I could tell from the moment I started the session that they were not going to help at all. And I was right. It grew worse. They gave me anti-depressants, but knowing I had to take them just made it even more worse. It finally started improving after High School. I moved to a small town in North Dakota, and then settled in. But people got to know me too well after 5 years and they started to either avoid me, or sympathize me. I liked neither of it. So I moved closer to the largest city in North Dakota, Fargo, but out far enough where I'm still in the country. I guess knowing that if I wanted to see people I could just drive half an hour to go see them. But being away from society helps now. I have time to be myself instead of who I think people want me to be.

"I need a walk. I'm starting to get to get to myself again." I said to myself. I went upstairs and got some jeans and a white tee on. I walked outside onto my doorsteps and took a deep inhale from the country air. It was nice and sweet with that certain scent of wilderness in it. I walked to the end of my driveway and took a left. Not knowing what I would find.

After about an hour of walking, I found a small tree row. It was mildly thick and it appeared to have a hallow center. I walked up to it and made my way to the middle. When i arrived at the clearing, I found a doe staring at me from the other end. It ran off with it's white tail shooting up like a flag. That's the thing I like about North Dakota, everything leaves you alone. Unless you're Human.

I noticed something orange and yellow growing in the near center of the clearing. I walked closer, curious as to what it was. It was a Wild Lily. With it's red fading into the middle and small, black spots specking the red. It's five orange and yellow petals reaching out like a starfish. I gently plucked it up from it's resting place and held it to my nose. I smiled and turned to walk away. But when I did, something that oddly resembled a gunshot shot out. I wildly looked around, but I couldn't hear much anything else besides the ringing. Another gunshot rang out. Muffled by the ringing in my ears. Then a blinding light appeared right over the spot I had plucked the lily. I was blinded and deaf. I stumbled around, and tripped over a rock. Or what I thought was a rock. When my blindness faded, I looked around. Only to have my eyes lay on a blue, black, and cream colored jackle figure.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. Or, at least I thought I said that. My ears were still ringing from the gunshots. I walked over to the figure and flipped it to it's back. It had paws for hands and feet. Three toes on each foot paw, and three fingers on each hand paw. On the upper part of it's wrists, is had two silver spikes. Something's missing... I thought. But I immediately dismissed it. It had blue fur from it's thighs to the upper part of it's legs. Almost like it was wearing blue shorts. It's legs digitigrade. With short upper and lower legs, and elongated tarsals. It probably uses it's distal and intermediate phalanges to support it's weight while walking. The arrangement possibly allows it to run very quickly and jump very far. It's face looked almost that of an Egyptian god. But with a black mask like that of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's. But with another strip going up it's forehead and connecting with it's 'hair'. It's cream colored torso, with a part in the middle of it's chest. And it had a blue tail. Bent at the near tip.

"Wait... I know what this is. It's a Pokemon! And by the looks of it, it's a female Lucario!" I said to myself, remembering to the days I had played Pokemon Platinum and Diamond. "But pokemon was made by some Japanese company, right? Or are they experimenting on how to create Pokemon? Cause if they are, what the hell is a Lucario doing here?" The female Lucario started to stir, and it opened it's eyes. "Oh God, you're alive!" I said relieved.

"Where... Where am I?" She asked telepathically in a soft, sweet voice. Almost angelic. Shit! How was I gonna explain how a Pokemon magically transported into the real world somehow? Seriously, not even I know how she got here. "Are... Are we still in... Sinnoh?" she asked. It almost seemed like it was hard for her to find the words.

Sinnoh?! This was definitely from Pokemon. But how? "Uh, about that... I don't know how it happened... But you're not in the world of Pokemon anymore." I said calmly.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean... I mean... Uh, how do I tell you this?" I pondered on how I should tell her all her friends, family, and life had been torn away from her. "Uh, you're not in the same world anymore. You're in a world where there are no Pokemon. I'm sorry to say, but there is no Sinnoh here."

"Then... Where am I?" the Lucario asked.

"Um, that's the thing. You're in a country called the United States of America. More specifically in a state called North Dakota." I said. The Lucario tried to get up from her place on the ground, probably from being tired of laying down and having me stand over her. But when she was on her legs, she stumbled over and I caught her. "It seems like you can't walk. Are you feeling okay?" I asked. She nodded. I let her go, but she stumbled around again. I lifted her off her feet with an arm behind her back and another under her legs. "Here. Let me take you back to my place. We can sort things out in private from there." I said. The Lucario struggled against me holding her, but eventually decided it was for the best. We walked for a while, almost to the point where we could see my house. "So how are you able to talk? From what I've seen in the games, Pokemon aren't supposed to talk." I finally said.

"I talk through... the Aura. It is the essence... of life that is... in all living things. It... allows me to see emotions, and... things you cannot see. There... is not much here. So... I am not... able to speak... well. But what... are these games?" She asked.

"Oh, right. I haven't explained that to you..." I said nervously. "Uh, well Pokemon in this world are in a game. Made up by some Japanese company. Here, they're fictional." I looked down at the Lucario who now held her arms around my neck for support. She had a gloomy look on her face. "Do you have a name?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

It took her a while to answer, but when she did, she said, "My name... is Kura. Can I... get yours?"

"My name is Steven. Well, Kura, welcome to my home." I said upon arriving at my doorstep. I opened the door for us to walk through. I sat her down on my couch in front of the TV. "It's not much, but it's what I call home."

"Home... is where... family and loved... ones are." Kura said.

"I gave up on them long ago." I said. remembering my last girlfriend and my dead parents.

"Why?" She asked simply.

"Because my parents are dead. Died from a mugging accident in New York. My last girlfriend said she could have done better. And the rest of my family is abusive." I replied, giving her the short summery, but all the important facts.

"Oh. I'm... Sorry." Kura apologized.

"Don't apologize for something that you didn't do." I said. She giggled in a cute way. Wait, what am I thinking?! This is wrong! Even in all the fan fiction I've read, pokemon and human relationships are wrong! And even the ones that do happen go wrong eventually. I sat down on the couch next to her, dismissing the thought. Kura looked away shyly. "What's wrong?" I asked. She was my guest, and as the host, it's my job to keep her happy.

"It's just... I've never... I've never... A male has never... helped me out... before." She replied. This time, she was truly having trouble finding the words.

"Well then, all those guys are jerks for not helping you." I said. She smiled and blushed. My mind wandered over to the thought of Lucarios. Where they were from, what they looked like, what they ate, their behavior. Wait, Lucario's have a spike on their chests. This one - She - doesn't. Why is that? I asked myself.

Before I could ask her, she embraced me in a tight hug. "Thank you... for helping me." She said.

"Uh, *cough* need... air...!" I wheezed. Kura quickly let go. I thought I saw a hint of a blush underneath of her fur, but forgot about it when she apologized. "No, it's fine. But I need to ask you a question if it's not too sensitive for you."

"Go ahead." She said assuringly.

"Um, it's about your spike." Kura's ears laid back and her face drooped.

"I evolved without it. It's the reason the males won't help me. It's the reason I can't find a mate. It's my curse." She said depressingly.

I hugged her. "Hey. If it makes you feel any better, I think you look nice without that spike. You're a Lucario. You have powers that I cannot even imagine." I let go of the hug. My gaze wandered to a clock I had set up above the TV. It read; 9:46 p.m. "Hey, it's getting late. I should probably go to sleep."

"Oh, okay." She said. She sounded sad, but when I got up from the couch, she laid her body down and stretched her legs to the other end. I went upstairs to my bedroom and closed the door. I got under my emerald green covers and slept. Knowing that something was about to happen. Then my mind fell into the dark void of sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my door creaking open. "Steven? I can't sleep. I'm lonely." A soft female voice said. I moved closer to the wall. Moments later, I felt an arm drape across my chest and a head snuggle up to my neck. Then one of her legs came across mine. Soon enough, she was sleeping comfortably. I sighed. If this is what I have to do for my guest, then so be it. I thought, as once again, my mind faded into the blackness of sleep.

Author's notes:

Well, I finished this at 1:30 in the morning. So if anyone notices any mistakes I may have made, please notify me ASAP. Also, DuskRunner, if you're reading this I just want to thank you again for letting me write this. I just had to do something after I read you series. So anyone who still hasn't dropped this story and read DuskRunner's United Through Two Worlds series first, please do that. I do not deserve all the credit for writing this because DuskRunner is the one who inspired me. Alright. Now that I have this done, I'm gonna pass out and probably not wake up till noon.