The Dragons, Chapter 1: Red Moon Falling

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#1 of Red Moon

This is just a little rp I've been doing with a friend.

In case you don't check the tags, this story involves a cuntboy cub going through his first heat and getting raped(at least at first) by a much bigger dragon, as well as a few other things(like a reference to a herm). If you're still interested, read on. Oh, and I kept the format the same from the rp, so it's just a few grammar/spelling fixes. :)

Vaelin belongs to Dragon Valor, as does any other characters unless I introduce them myself.

Amaris belongs to me.

Amaris traveled through the castle late at night, like his mother had told him, so he could bathe in the men's section of the servant's bath. For the last ten years he'd been washed in secret, but he had told her he was old enough... but now he regretted not having her with him. He felt strange, and the lighting was dim, casting shadows that sent a twinge a fear through his body as he took off his clothes and stepped into the cool waters.

He was a small little wolfling, his black fur shadowing the dull red scales under it and creating an exotic shifting color. The fur spread over his small wings as well, making them soft and smooth. His tail swirled around in the water as he sank into water and drifted for a bit.

Even as the young lad submerged himself and lounged in the dark waters of the unlit bath, he would not go undisturbed for long. As large as the room was, his entrance had gone unnoticed by a pair down agaisnt the farthest wall. At first, he might think he was alone, but soon enough Amaris would hear deep growls, grunts, and scraping and clopping sounds echoing down toward him. With his wolfen eyes, he would be able to just make out two figures, or maybe it was one, pressed against the back wall's tiled mosaic. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he would be able to see a white-furred pegasus, his wings spread wide behind him, thrusting eagerly into a red-scaled figure whose legs were wrapped around his waist. Wait, was that the king!? Indeed it was. Pressed against the wall, the dragon king Vaelin threw his head back against the mosaic and growled deeply. The pegasus's hips were nearly flush with the king's own, but soon they pressed tightly together as the pegasus grunted and moaned hautly. King Vaelin growled, leaning forward to bite the horse's neck as, shocking though it might have seemed to the little pup, his belly began to grow, swelling as though he were a woman magically impregnated. By the time the horse let the king down and stepped away, it looked like Vaelin was to term with twins. They shared whispered words and the horse clip-clopped hastily out of the bath, hastening past Amaris without even noticing the boy's pressense. When the door closed, the round king waddled into the massive pool-like tub and breathed a contented, growling sigh. There he lounged. The hot water would hasten things. This wasnt his first romp with the captain of the guard, truth be told. Secret lovers, of a sort, the pair frequented one another's bellies at least once a month and Vaelin knew his body would absorb everything the Captain had given. The heat quickened the process along. He closed his blue eyes and laid his head back against the mosaicced flooring, tyhe edge of the tub as it were. What a night.

Amaris sank down until just his eyes and nose were above water, similar to crocodile, and cowered. He knew what he'd just seen, and knew he wasn't supposed to. The king was.. with child! The idea shattered all his perceptions of the mighty ruler! Was.. Was Vaelin like him..?

Biting his lip, the cute little hybrid started to inch his way closer, trying to stick to the darkest part of the bath. What little boy wasn't curious about the world anyway?

Poor little Amaris would be there for nigh an hour, slinking and sneaking all the while. Finally, the king lifted his head and sighed heavily. He inhaled deeply then paused. All of his form stilled and his scales rattled lightly with his tensing muscles. He sat up, then slowly stood. His belly was... only very slightly swollen? So much for the with-child guess. what a strange night for Amaris! And it was only just starting, it seemed. Vaelin peered about slowly, his eyes looking about curiously outside the tub rather than within the water where he should have been. His nostrils flared and slowly, he climbed from the tub. Dripping upon the ocean-floor mosaic of the bath's flooring, his claws clicked gently as he strode around the tub. "Is there someone here?" he asked, still looking around. He hoped the sneaky trespasser had only just entered the bath house. If his secret were to get out, well... Things would become a little more difficult in life. Maybe. Or more enjoyable. But still, it was better to be cautious about such things. A hand unconsciously lifted to the gentle swell of his belly. It was almost gone. Hopefully the prying eyes would not notice in the dark.

Amaris started to shake, looking at the king like he was suddenly incredibly dangerous. In truth, all the things going through the boy's mind, all the punishments he'd probably endure... He was so focused on not making a sound that he didn't realize his shaking was rippling the water and giving him away.

The ripples did not go unnoticed for long. Soon, the blue eyes glowing dimly in the darkness turned on the water. Slowly, they followed the rippling waves to their source. When they spotted the boy, he tilted his head. What a curiousity there in the night. Shouldnt pups like him be in bed? He stared at the little boy for several moments, trying to decide what to do. After a time, he strode to the side of the tub and knelt down to stare closer. "What are you doing up at this hour, pup?" he asked in as gentle a tone as he could.

He backed away and folded his ears back, tail wrapping over his groin and wings curling over in front of him. "I-I-I'm sorry, my liege! I didn't meant to.. My mom s-said I should.. I can't bathe with anyone!" He kept backing away slowly. "I didn't know you were h-here.."

He blinked at that, the shock betrayed on his face for but a moment. He had seen everything? Again his hand unconsciously lifted to his belly then dropped to the floor once again. "And you must never ever tell anyone what you saw. Do you understand?" he asked, growling for emphasis. After a moment, he stood up and asked "Are you finished cleaning boy? I will take you back to your mother if you are ready.

"I won't tell, I promise!" He says quickly. "Please, my king, you don't have to worry about me, I know my way back.. I d-don't wanna be anymore trouble, honest." Amaris couldn't risk the king finding out about his secret.

The dragon smiled and shook his head. "No, no. It is the least I can do in exchange for your silence. I will make sure you are escorted back to your mother's chamber safely." No doubt in the servant's quarters if he was allowed to bathe in the castle's bath house. Still, his servants were not beneath him. Well, sometimes they were but that's neither here nor there. He sat on the edge of the tub, dangling his feet in the water as he watched the boy. "You may take your time. Make sure you are nice and clean so your mother does not get angry with you." He wasnt in any hurry to be anywhere, nor did he have anything to do the following day. He would stay up all ngiht if he needed to.

What was he going to do now? He couldn't get out of the water safely, but he couldn't last all night either, because sooner or later more males would come in. What if the Pegasus did? "Please, I'll be fine alone..."

The dragon smiled at the boy and shook his head. "I'm sure you will be, but you can be no safer than in a king's company." He tilted his head and smiled. "I'm not going to hurt you,boy. You've done nothing wrong. In fact, you are doing everything right, thus far. If you do not tell anyone of what you've seen, you will have done nothing worthy of my wrath." He sighed lightly and shook his head. Just shut up, before you scare the boy.

"It would be safer for me if you weren't here, sire." He says quietly as he looks away. This was bad, he was definitely going to be found out. Swallowing to try and wet his dry throat, Amaris quickly makes his way back to where he had first entered the giant bath. Back to the safety and secrecy of the clothes he had been wearing.

His scaled brow furrowed and he leaned forward. He rested his elbows on his knees and growled darkly. "And just what do you mean by that, little boy?" he asked darkly, his blue eyes staring unblinking at the pup wading in the water. "You want me to leave so you can escape and tell the world what you saw, is that it?" he asked, the mirthful look absent his expression by then.*

"N-No, my lord!" He fairly squeaks, starting to shake again. "Please, I won't ever tell anyone your secret! I don't even know who that was!" He had messed up now, he just knew it. He should have just risked being seen instead upsetting the king like this.

He nodded slowly. "Good. Then I will stay here to make sure that's the case. Then I will return you to your mother's chambers." He sighed heavily and leaned back once more to stare almost mirthfully at the boy. He sighed heavily and began to hum. His growling voice resonated off the walls here and there as he did and his eyes began to wander while he patiently waited for the young boy to finish washing.

Stoically, the little dragonwolf washes most of his body before he just sank into the water and watched the king worriedly. Even if he /was/ like Amaris, his mother had told him not to let any male know of his 'differences'... but the king wasn't going away in the foreseeable future.

The king watched the little pup all the while. When finally the lad sunk into the water, watching with only his eyes and ears above the surface, Vaelin quirked a scaled brow and tilted his head to the side. "Well, come on then. Let's get you to the servant's quarters, shall we?"

Amaris shook his head, clearly afraid of something but not wanting to say what. He couldn't. His mother would be angry and he.. well, he really didn't want that Pegasus to come back. He moved further away from the dragon, hoping Vaelin would lose interest.

"You will not like it if I have to come in there to get you, pup." he said, pointing to the door. "Come along or I'll make you." He said as gently, yet firmly as he could. He sighed lightly, calming himself with a breath.


"Please.. Could you just wait outside?" He asks nervously, tail twitching under the water in agitation. "Only Mommy ever sees me naked..." That was kind of true, at least.

He growled at that and lowered himself into the steaming hot water. He waded toward the pup, wings spread and arms outstretched. "You're going to make me wade back into the tub after I've already dried off? That's damned inconsiderate of you!" he said with a heavy sigh, inching ever closer to the pup.

Ohnononono... Amaris dived under the water and used his wings like flippers to get to the side with his clothes quickly. He surfaced and looked back at Vaelin nervously as he reached for his clothes.

Even as the pup surfaced and reached for his clothes, Vaelin was upon him. He grabbed the boy up and inhaled deeply to scold the boy. The scent that assaulted him, though, gave him pause. His nostrils flared and he inhaled deeply again, more through his nose than before. He licked his lips and stared at the pup in his arms for a moment. He smelled like a bitch in heat. Well, the beginnings of a heat. And a potent one it would be, no doubt. At least, with females he'd had who smelled as potent as he, it usually turned out very potent. "You're coming with me..." He would have to investigate! Struggling with the boy, no doubt, he carried the lad with or without the pup's clothes out of the wash room and through the corridors toward his chambers.

"No!" He cried, struggling to break free of the grip that kept him with the king. "Please, I don't wanna!" He flapped his wings, slapped with his tail, scratched with his claws, anything he could do to get free he tried. He just wanted to go back to his mother, and thinking about how he had failed her by getting caught had hit tears going down his muzzle.

He carried the cub all the way through the castle, despite the looks of nightly guards and servants. He didnt care. Let them know. There was nothing they could do. He carried the boy into his chamber and tossed him onto his large, lavish bed. He closed the hard wood door and advanced on the bed, a growl rumbling in his chest as he approached. The scent of bitch in heat was already getting to him. He had an erection more painful than the one that had pressed against his swollen tummy earlier that night. He needed to fuck a pussy. Now.

Terrified and nearly weeping, Amaris looked around for something, /anything/ that might be useful. He snatched a pillow up with his tail and launched it at the king's face before diving off of the bed and scrambling under it to curl up as far from the sides as he can. "I'm sorry, Mommy.. I'm not gonna g-get to wait..."

Vaelin gave a start and snatched the pillow out of the air as it flung toward him. By the time he dropped it at his side, the pup was already scrambling under the bed. Kneeling beside the bed upon the raised dais, Vaelin peered in at the pup's backside. The smell was overpowering. He would tear apart his bedchamber if he needed to! He reached under and curled his digits around the boy's tail with some effort. Grinning in victory, he gave a firm yank and dragged the boy out by said tail. He stood up and lifted the boy no doubt painfully by the limb and glared at him. "You... You..." His mother had to be in a very bad heat if he stank of it even after his bath. "I'm going to give you a taste of what waits for you if you tell anybody about what you saw tonight... Then I'm going to march down to the servant's wing and..." He paused, taken aback by what he spied. Instead of the usual testicles and sheathe,this boy's groin was bare. Well, almost. His damp feminine slit was surprising to say the least. But not unheard of. The Duchess of Synstril was unique in her own right: a unicorn with large firm breasts, a tight pussy that seemed virginal every time, and the msot delicious horsemeat and balls anybody could hope for. This pup was somewhat similar. Grinning, he leaned forward and dragged his slim tongue over the thrashing boy's slit. It wasnt his mother in heat after all...

This was too much for Amaris and he kicked out as hard as he could after a shamefully, nearly unheard moan escaped his lips. That had felt.. really good. The funny fire between his legs had even flared up a little, though he didn't know why exactly. Still, he struggled and clawed at the covers to try and get away again. The way the king was acting now... it was scary.

He growled lightly at the thrashing boy then dropped him onto the bed. Without a doubt the pup would try to scamper away. When he did, two powerful hands grabbed his waist and pulled him back. Expertly, the king possitioned himself at the boy's small, virginal slit and as he pulled him back, he thrust his hips forward. Without mercy, the dragon speared his length into the boy until he felt hismelf bottom out. He growled pleasantly at the vice grip the boy's pussy held him in and looked down at the obscene O shape stretched around the base of his length just above his knot. He would have to get that in there... but not yet. He would wait to squeeze the last unswollen bit in. He leaned forward over the whimpering mass of fur and growled deeply. "Relax. Just relax and stop struggling and your body will get used to it." He licked and nibbled at one of the pup's pointed ears for a moment. "Your body knows what to do. Just let it."

The horrible sound that issues from the dragonwolf's maw is a mix between a his land a scream. The pain from the sudden, violent theft of his virginity was like nothing the sheltered pup had ever experienced, and his struggles noticeably weaken as he shuddered from the agony between his legs. He was quickly reduced to a quivering half-ball(as curling into a full ball was impossible at the moment) of fur. "I-I-I hate you..!" He managed to get out.

"Oh please," Vaelin growled. "You'll enjoy this, I promise." If the increase in musk was any indication, his body would be giving him more pleasure than he would know what to do with, very shortly. Slowly but surely, he dragged every ridge out o the boy one by one until only the tapered tip remained within the once virgin tunnel. He growled pleasantly and started to again ease himself back in, letting the boy feel and count every single one of the ridges along the midrim of his cock stretch him a little widereach time. He kept this pace, slow and deliberate, intent on making the boy beg for more.

"Please stop.. I promised I wouldn't t-tell..." He says through gritted teeth. He wouldn't scream again, no matter the pain. It might be all he could not do, but he set his mind to it and slapped at Vaelin with his tail again with all the strength he could muster. This dragon was no longer his king, and he'd remain.. defiant. Even of the pleasure mixing with the pain his traitorous body was feeling at the moment.

"I know you wont," he said, grinning as he slowly took his little bitch. He leaned down, nibbling gently at the back of the pup's neck and his ears as he eased into him again and again. He growled pleasantly into the pup's ear for several moments then said "You're going to do something for me, ok?" he asked, holding himself with merely his tip spreading the young boy's pussy. "You're going to come to my chambers every morning. You will stay here, you will do what I ask you until night falls. Then you will be allowed to return to your mother in the servant's wing. This is your job now. This is your purpose in the castle."

He wouldn't do it, Amaris knew that immediately. He reached down and practically clawed the tip of Vaelin from his lower lips, just wanting it out of him. When his paw came back with his own blood on it he froze, staring wide-eyed at it. He was bleeding.. the pain he'd felt had.. had been his insides tearing? Was he going to die?

His hesitation was his undoing. Vaelin growled in rage at the claws taking over his sensitive flesh and lunged forward. He grabbed the boy and pressed him hard belly down against the bedding. The little bastard was going to pay for that! He Forced the wolf pup's legs apart and leaned down to growl into his pointed ears. "You are going to pay for this, little bitch." He pressed himself into the wolf again. This time, his pace was not slow and gentle. He forced the entirety of his length into the pup, bashing through into his untouched womb again and again. Vaelin growled and rumbled with every thrust. So tight, pushing and squeezing against every inch of flesh he had. He was going to fill this pup's belly with so much seed that he'd have to be rolled back to his bedchamber!

Amaris was so shocked by the blood on his paw that at first he didn't even notice the change of position. Soon the white hot pain of the older dragon bashing his way into something evolution had never meant to be entered that he was ripped from his shock and screamed. There was no longer and pleasure to be felt, but there was plenty more blood to be squelched out by the too-large cock being slammed into. Pain, anger, and terror started to ruse within him and mix, giving him yet another sensation he shouldn't be feeling. Not until a few years farther into puberty, anyway...

The king growled as he slammed hmself agaisnt the cub's body, faster and harder. It wasnt long at that pace before his knot began to swell. When he felt himself nearing climax, he slammed himself as deeply as he could into the little boy and held himself there. His knot swelled, stretching the boy to his absolute limits. Vaelin growled and threw his head back for a pleasure filled roar. In the next moment, his internal balls emptied their contents into the boy's womb directly.

It felt like Amaris was going to vomit, and in a way, he did. The mix of feeling before poured out of his mouth in the form a weak red flame as he screamed and wailed again, what was happening? /Why/ was it happening?! He'd been good, not getting into fights and eating all of his food. Even the gross kind! He just couldn't understand...

The dragon reveled in the heat washing over his torso. The boy's flames did little to hurt the scaled man filling his womb. Instead, they made Vaelin moan deeply and wantonly. He poured easily a good gallon or two of his molten seed into the boy before he was finished. Breathing heavily and spent, Vaelin opened his eyes and blinked them into focus. He grinned wickedly down at the little boy's large belly and gently caressed the swell. "Your fate is sealed, little pup. You shouldnt claw at your king's dick when he's giving you such a wonderful gift." he growled deeply and carefully rolled the both of them over so that he himself laid on his back, and Amaris laid back upon his boad chest and belly. "Relax, now. I'm not going to hurt you." He had a far more sinister punishment in mind.

He growled once the pain from being moved subsided. "You are not a king! You're an e-evil monster...!" He couldn't keep up the growl though, and starts crying again. There was too much semen inside if him, and it was leaking out copiously despite Vaelin's knot. He felt.. used. Disgusting. Even a little ugly. He didn't notice the way his belly shrank. It was slow, but far too fast for just the leak to be the cause.

"E-Evil... I h-hate you.." He cries loudly. He still thought he was going to die, and the blood that was leaking out with the seed /was/ more than just virginal blood. "M-Murderer..."

The dragon king rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I havent killed anyone, pup. You're sadly mistaken." He grinned as he caressed the slowly shrinking swell of his little bitch's belly. "It'll go down. You watch. Your body will absorb it and you'll be fine." He licked his lips and his chest began to rumble in a deep draconic pur. "You should be more careful with your claws boy. You have more yet to pay for that little mistep." He grinned at that, thinking of the wolf boy's mother. She wouldnt be to hard to find. She would smell partly like him, albeit without that... other strange but familiar scent he couldnt place.

"Th-Then.. When do y-you pay.. pay for what y-you've done to me?" He half snarls, half whimpers. His belly was shrinking, going away. Why wasn't the gut-wrenching pain? He was started to pray this was a horrible, horrible nightmare.

"A king doesnt pay. A king takes." he grinned, nuzzling into the boy's damp furred head. "As soon as my knot shrinks, I will let you rest for a minute." he grinned wickedly and tilted his head. "Then I think I'll find someone to bring back here for us to play with together. How does that sound?"

"Don't touch me!" He growls, jerking his head away. "It's your fault I h-had to use my claws! You're evil! You didn't h-have to do anything but leave me alone a-and I wasn't gonna say anything..."

He shook his head and grinned. "I had to be sure. All I was going to do was take you back to the servant's quarters. It's no my fault you're in heat You have only yourself to blame for this." He shrugged his wings lightly then started to pull the boy off of him slowly as his knot began deflating.

"I couldn't help it you asshole!" He growls, uttering the first real curse he's ever meant. It seemed.. strange, coming from such a young mouth. "I.. had n-no control.." He hated the fact he wasn't normal now more than ever. He'd been terrified of the one thing that could happen, and now he knew exactly what it was like! How could he ever forget..?

With a slick pop, he came free. He grinned, rolling the boy off of him in the same motion he stood up. "Dont move," he said as he strode toward the door. "I will return shortly, I promise." He grinned at the pup from the doorway, then left. He grinned at the honor guard ever present outside his door and tilted his head. "make sure the pup doesnt leave." He turned to stride toward the servants wing. He would find the wolf bitch who gave birth to him and bring her back to his chambers.

After about a minute to push away the pain, compressed it into a tiny ball, and then mentally squashed it. The he started up ot strips of the sheets to make quick, effective wing bindings as he went outside to sit -painfully- on the balcony railing.

After several very, very long minutes, the door to the chamber openned and the king returned. Well, it was the king, but he was larger. Moaning and growling, the King,a nd someone else clinging to him it seemed, stumbled up onto the dais and tumbled onto the bed. Once there, the king lifted his torso up and started thrusting wildly into a busy, furry female who howled and moaned beneath him. Wait, that voice! it was his mother!

Amaris looked up from his seat on the railing, rage filling his heart. That evil dragon was hurting her too! He growled viciously as he leapt from the rail and crashed through the balcony door, ignoring the pain and the blood that leaked from him as he attacked Vaelin with as much fury as any ten year old could muster. He'd save his mother!

The little blows and clawing from the not-so-swollen boy surprised him more than anything. He lifted himself up, remaining locked within the wolfen female even as he reached up and grabbed the boy. He pinned Amaris down beside his mother and growled. "Wait, what is he doing in here!?" the shewolf asked. "Amaris, why are you attacking him?" she pulled the ruffled blankets over herself, though Vaelin made no move to cover himself or the boy. "He's just confused," he said. "He thinks I was trying to kill him. He doesnt understand that I was honoring his first heat, not trying to hurt him." Immediatly the wolf glared up at him. "He's just a boy!" she snapped, anger in her eyes. Vaelin shrugged his wings and tilted his head at her. "Smell that? He's just a boy in heat. If not me, then someone else would be filling his belly. Better he be taken by a king than some rabble."

"He made me bleed and wouldn't stop!" Amaris yells, trying to kick Vaelin off of him. "I won't let him hurt you like that! Get out of my mother you monster!" He struggles, trying to smack the dragon with his wings only to remember he'd bound them tight so he couldn't change his mind and fly. "You're worse than rabble you evil waste of scales and flame!"

"Everybody bleeds their first time you dolt!" Vaelin snapped. Again the shewolf glared at him, then pulled the little cub carefully against her covered chest. "Shh, shh, it's alright. He wasnt trying to kill you or anything." She chewed on her tongue for a moment then continued. "The first time, we bleed when a male penetrates our... slits. It's just the way the world works. It becomes easier and more pleasurable after the first time." She glanced to the dragon with a warning glare. He had started lightly thrusting into her again, tied as already he was. He stopped immediatly. He wasnt stupid. He was somewhat at her mercy. Besides, he mused, if he pissed her off, he wouldnt be able to fuck her or her boy as often.

"Is.. Is it supposed to bleed for so long?" His mother had always managed to make him calm down just by holding him, something he'd never really questioned. Still, his eyes never left Vaelin, shooting daggers at him the entire time. He'd die before bearing his child. "I wish dad hadn't left... I'd be e-extra safe then.."

Vaelin quirked a brow and shook his head. "Some bleed alot, some dont bleed at all. As for being extra safe..." He leaned down and ran his hand over the boy's head gently, though the scent of sex and the cub's heat were making him hornier by the minute, "I will never let anything harm you." He grinned wickedly and glanced to the shewolf staring at him challeningly. "I take care of all of my possessions."

It is the dragonwolf that rises to the challenge though. With no warning at all, he opens his jaws and clamps down on the hand as hard as he can, and with a bunch of hate and rage added to it... well, he wasn't letting go any time soon.

Vaelin yelped and tried to tug his hand away. He growled darkly and tried to pry the boy's muzzle away several times. The pressure was very uncomfortable! Thankfully, his scales protected him from to serious an injury! He growled at the boy then, using his hand as a sort of leash, pulled the boy out of his no doubt freaked out mother's arms. He glared at the boy, then looked at the shewolf for a moment thoughtfully. "He'll come around." He said simply then started to fuck the wolf again. Both fearing for her son's well being, fearing the king's angst, embarassed that she was being plowed with her son on the bed next to her, and physically arroused, she cold only just stare slack jawed, unknowing in what was the proper course of action, or even proper emotion to follow.

He growled and bit down harder. He had to stop this! He kicked, punched, futilely struck out with bound wings, anything he could think of to hurt the dragon until he finally managed to get his small foot to connect with Vaelin's eye while wrapping his tail around the dragon's neck and squeezing, "SCHTOP IT!" He yells through his clenched teeth.

*He yelped when he got a kick to the face. He growled and glared at the little boy. His tail whipped around and pried up under the boy's curled tail. The tip pressed against his once virgin openning and he glared. "Keep it up and I'll take you again after your mother!" He was so close to cumming, but the boy was making it difficult! The wolf blinked between the two then reached out and tried to drag the boy against her exposed breast. "Please stop! He isnt going to hurt you at all! It... it actually feels quite nice, Amaris."

"I'M NOT A POSSESSION!" He roared, letting go off the hand and, regretfully, the neck. "HE'S NOT BETTER THAN US! WE DON'T FORCE PEOPLE!" He pulled away from his mother and crawled away from the threatening tail tip quickly, going to the other end of the bed. "I'M MORE MALE THAN HE IS!"

Vaelin watched the boy have his tantrum then shrugged his wings and focussed all of hs attention on rutting the female beneath him. She watched the boy in concern for several minutes, but it wasnt long at all before her legs wrapped around Vaelin's waist ans she was moaning like a whore again. He growled and threw back his head. Giving a loud roar, he held himself as deeply as he could in the shewolf and let loose the torrent of seed he had built up. Her belly, like Vaelin's and Amaris's before, began to swell and expand with the copious ammounts flooding into her womb. He leaned forward and locked his muzzle with her own. They kissed deeply for the extent of their shared orgasm, their tongues tangling all the while.

His anger faded and let despair take it's place. His mother was.. liking this. How could she just give in like this? Eyes watering, Amaris gave up and slowly went back to sit on the balcony's railing. He got up on it and sat facing the room, face blank and teary eyes dead. In the span of one night his innocence had been ripped away like his hymen and his one comfort in this castle was now kissing a bad dragon...

After several minutes, the wolf and dragon dislodged from one another. Laying in bed still fo rseveral minutes, it was clear one or both of them had fallen asleep. It seemed, Vaelin was the one who was awake, though, as he stood and made his way out onto the balconey. He sat on the railing and offered a small smile at the boy. "You know, this isnt a horrible thing. Mating is a wonderful, pleasureful thing but just because it hurts the first time doesnt make it horrible."

"No.. No, it doesn't. But what you did to me wasn't mating. I've heard enough of the women talk to know that, and my mom always said both people should want to do it. You're just going around hurting people because you think no one can stop you from hurting them." His voice is without emotion, and he doesn't even look at Vaelin. "I don't wanna fly now..."

He shrugged his wings lightly. "Maybe you're right." He said, then inhaled deeply. "But do you smell that? You do want it, even if you dont know it yet." he licked his lips and tilted his head. "Let me ask you something, and I want you to answer honestly. When you saw the good captain and me in the baths... did you feel arroused by it?"

"I was scared you'd see me and make me do that. I was right." He looked down, feeling terrible. "I always heard you were a good king... but you're not.." His wings twitched, and he remembered what he was doing before his mother was brought into this. "Bye, Mother." Without another thought, he throws himself backwards off the railing.