Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 4

Story by Rawcore on SoFurry

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#4 of Just Another Gay High School Romance

Hey, I FINALLY finished chapter 4. X3 Coren mulls through the day, but gets an invite to his new crushes house falls more in love with the guy. Rated 'Adult' for obvious reasons. :P Also, first time writing something like that, so... yeah. As always, comment, vote, etc. etc. Feedback is appreciated.


Coren moaned as he awoke and somewhat groggily shouted back "Okay..."He sat himself up and rubbed his heavy eyes, rubbing away the sleep that plagued them. Coren forced himself up out of his bed and he began to move around to wake himself up. He grabbed a set of clean clothes and headed towards the bathroom that was right across from his room.

The bathroom that sat across the hall by Coren's room was worn down, to put it simply. It was a rather small room with blue-green walls. The sink was an off white creamy color with a smooth texture to it. The faucet was broken off of the sink completely, and the mirror above it was covered in hard water stains. The floor was covered in small brown tiles that gave Coren a shiver every time he entered the room.

He wasted no time and stripped out of his sleep wear (which was usually just a pair of underwear) and examined himself in the mirror. He had a fairly sturdy body, with broad shoulders and a standard sized chest. His stomach was flat and barley showed any muscle there. He lifted his arms and flexed. The weren't small, but they weren't that big either. He was just your average adolescent fur that rarely ever worked out.

Coren flipped around and examined his back. His back didn't do much for him. He looked normal. His ass was nice though, or so people have told him. His tail swished from left to right as he checked himself out. He turned around and started rubbing his chest and stomach with his paws. He enjoyed doing this every morning he could. He could feel his dick hardening as he became more aroused. He teased his nipples, which made him shudder with pleasure. He reached down with his right paw and started rubbing his dick. He sat himself on the toilet next to him and he continued to rub his chest and rub his dick.

"Oh, god... mf, fuck..." Coren moaned as he grabbed his dick and started stroking faster. The toes on his hind paws curled as the cat continued to please himself. He raised his head back and with his eye's closed and moaned loudly. He could feel his impending climax suddenly approaching. He slowed down to continue to feel the pleasure that was consuming his mind. Suddenly, while lost in the moment of his ecstasy, an image of a young wolf flashed across his mind.

"Hey, kitty." The wolf winked as he started to strip. Coren suddenly stopped moving entirely, staring at the fantasy in front of him. He removed his shirt and threw it to the ground, showing off a nice chest and a firm stomach. "Like what you see, kitty?" The wolf smiled seductively and threw his hands behind his head and bucked his hips. Coren started stroking his still hard member once again, and he felt himself shudder as his paw moved up and down the hard shaft.

"Oh, kitty DOES like what he sees! Well, how 'bout I show you more?" The wolf smirked as his hands moved down to his pants. Coren was doing his best not to cum right that second, but fuck this wolf was HOT.

The wolf pulled down his pants slowly, teasing the cat as he eyed hungrily at the sexy wolf in front of him. He finally kicked off his pants, showing off a bulge in the wolf's boxers. Coren slowed down his pace and waited to see the rest of the hard wolf. The wolf winked and pulled down his boxers, showing off his massive tool. His dick was completely out of his sheathe, knot and all. The wolf slowly started stroking himself and smiled wryly at the cat who was suddenly stroking himself way harder than he was before. Coren moaned and panted slightly as he felt his dick get close. The wolf smiled and said "You want this in you , don't you?"

"Oh, god, f-fuck yeah!" Coren shouted. He took his left paw and started fingering his tail hole. The pleasure was almost unbearable. Coren couldn't keep himself from bucking his hips into his paws as he got ready for his climax.

"Mf, uhg, ahhhhhhh!" Coren threw his head back and roared (as much as a cat can roar) as he cummed all over his chest and stomach. He then relaxed on the toilet he was sitting on as the rest of his climax died down. Coren sighed softly as he laid there, day dreaming about the brown colored wolf he had fantasized about. He looked an awful lot like...

'Was that... Will?' Coren suddenly tensed up at the thought. He jumped up and ran into the shower to clean himself off. 'Oh my God, I have a crush on him! And I just MET the guy! That was damn good orgasm, though...' Coren just shook his head and cleaned himself off in the shower.


'Welp, I have a crush. Damn. I hate my life.' Coren scowled as he walked towards the high school. He had never fallen for someone that fast before. EVER.

'He's probably straight anyway. I'll just be hurt in the end.' Coren sighed as he tried to convince himself that it could never work. He still felt a yearning for him, though, and he couldn't shake it. That just made his mood just worse.

Today was a white day, where the classes were 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th periods. Coren had English with Mr. Peacock for 5th today. Coren sighed again as he walked into the school and walked towards his locker. He hated English. He spoke American, not English.

As Coren walked up to his locker, Haley ran up behind Coren and shouted "HEY THERE!"

"Hey, Haley." Coren didn't even jump. "Nice try."

"You're no fun, you know that?" Haley pouted.

"I try. You ready for English.

"No." Haley snorted. "I can't STAND that teacher, the fucking speciest." Haley scowled as she balled up her paws into a fist. "He treats us like we're garbage and-" Haley suddenly stopped talking as she noticed what was written on the locker in front of Coren. The locker had the words 'fur fag' written in black marker all over the locker.

"Is... that your locker?" Haley asked hesitantly. Coren said nothing as he stared at the locker. His paws balled into fists and his shoulders shook.

"Come on, let's go." Coren spun around and walked back the way they came. Haley said nothing as she quickly followed Coren to their next class.


English was horrible as usual. Mr. Peacock, a fat bald old bastard who hated everyone and everything, singled Coren and Haley out again, being the only furs in the class. He especially hated furs,. The speciest jerk humiliated them in front of the class daily. Today was no exception. Today, he didn't even get to the lesson. He ranted on about how furs were abominations and how Haley and Coren should be skinned alive. Coren shuddered as he imagined himself getting skinned, while Mr. Peacock laughed maniacally.

As Haley and Coren walked to their next class, Coren brought up what Will had told him yesterday. He felt he could trust Haley enough to tell her. Haley's eyes widened as Coren told her what Will had told him.

"Oh my god..." Haley's paws covered her mouth and her usual perky ears drooped down to the side of her head. "That's fucking horrible!" Haley's eyes were on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Coren growled. I just met the guy and I already want to smash the bastards who hurt him."

"All because of that... Surgery." Haley shuddered. " That surgery makes gender change look like a walk in the park."

"I wouldn't know. I've been a fur my whole life." Coren shrugged.

"Me too. Must cost a lot for the surgery."

"Meh, probably. Please don't tell Will I told you this! Please?" Coren suddenly pleaded as they neared their next class, band.

"Don't worry, I won't tell." Haley smiled. Her ears had perked up again, making Coren smile back,

The pair walked into a large room with a purple-blueish carpeting all around. The room had 3 raised levels with chairs lined up on them. There were various trophies and awards scattered around the room, up on the shelves , on the tables, everywhere, really. The band was probably the best competitive team in the school (They had won state marching band 3 years in a row) after the Cheerleaders. There were various students, both human and fur, setting up equipment and instruments.

Haley and Coren walked to the back of the room and turned right into the locker room. The locker room was lined up with purple lockers across the small room, with a smooth tile floor. There was a spiral staircase in the corner of the room, and no one seemed to know where it led.

Coren opened his locker and pulled out his sheet music and a large instrument case. Coren played the Trombone, and he was rather good at it. He was 3rd chair in his section out of 10 people. He enjoyed band since it was one of the ways he released stress. Besides, all of his friends were in band, which made it even more fun for the lonely cat.

Coren quickly pieced together his instrument and went to sit with the rest of his section. He sat between two humans, which he got along with. A conversation opened up as they waited for the teacher, Mrs. Syra, to appear and take roll. Coren laughed and smiled in this particular class, 'cause almost everyone here was like a second family to him. He kind of wished it was his real family. Coren chuckled to himself as that thought crossed his mind. As soon as Coren chuckled, Mrs. Syra walked into the room.

She was a rather short human with curly silver hair (she said she'd murder anyone who told her it was gray) and square glasses on the tip of her nose. She wore a T-shirt and blue jeans, which didn't really work for the older woman. No one would tell her otherwise, though. She brought her right hand up to her lips and whistled. The sharp, high pitched shrill of the whistle shut everyone up. Everyone sat up in their seats with their instruments in their laps.

" All, right, who's gone in the Trumpets?" Mrs. Syra half-shouted. Coren could never tell if she was talking normally or shouting. They both sounded the same to him.

"Just Jordan today." A rather large squirrel answered. He looked rather hot, In Coren's opinion. His red T-shirt was tight around his body, and it showed off the powerful muscles on his chest, shoulders and stomach. He had a giant bushy tail that reached above his head. The gray squirrel was unusually large for his species. Squirrels were usually small and skinny, but this guy was the complete opposite. 'Must be something in his food'

" Alright. French horns?" She continued with each section until the roll was finished. "Alright. I'll be back in 30 minutes. You guys practice your music while I'm gone." She then turned and headed out of the classroom. So, naturally. Everyone got up and walked over to talk to their friends.

Coren walked up to the large squirrel and high fived him. "Hey, Skillet. How ya doing?"

"Great, actually!" Skillet beamed. "Finally got back from California. Scary place."

"Isn't California the most speciest state in the country?" Haley asked as she walked up to Coren and Skillet.

"I'm not sure, but it's pretty bad up there. Our family was being insulted while we explored." Skillet frowned at the memory.

"Geez, this is just stupid. First it's racism, now its speciesm." Coren growled.

"Yeah, I know, right?" Skillet's nose twitched and his ears flicked. "Well, enough about that. I don't want to blow my brain up over this crap."

Coren chuckled. "Yeah, It's just to much for your tiny squirrel brain to handle!"

"Hey!" Skillet punched Coren in the arm playfully. They continued talking and laughing as their conversation lightened up. Time flew by s they talked. When 30 minutes had passed, Mrs. Syra walked through the door and whistled once again. Everyone stumbled back to their seats.

"Geez, gone for 30 minutes and what happens..."Mrs. Syra muttered to herself. She suddenly raised her voice. " We have a new student in our class. He will be playing with the trumpets. He might even help your horrible section." Coren saw Skillet wince as the rest of the trumpets stood there, not caring at all.

"His name is Will Anderson." At the mention of his name, The wolf entered the room. Coren's stomach had butterflies and his tail swished wildly back and forth.

"Hey." Will raised a paw and waved.

"The trumpets are over there." She pointed over to Skillet. "He'll be testing you to see what chair you'll be."

"All right. Thanks." Will walked towards the trumpets with a little bounce in his step. Coren watched Will's tail bounce back and forth, staring hungrily at that sexy ass of his.

Will turned and noticed Coren. Will smiled and waved. Coren tried to cober the fact he had been staring. He grabbed his trombone and started playing 'Counting Stars'


6th period passed buy rather uneventfully after Will's appearance. They practiced various pep band songs for upcoming basketball games. Coren put away his instrument at the end of class and walked to his Computer Tech class with Will.

"Hey, how good are you with computers?" Coren asked Will.

"Um... okay, I guess." He shrugged. "I do lot's of stuff on computers."

"I do too. If only I had a laptop..."

Will laughed. "Same here. Oh well, we'll live, right?"

Coren beamed at the positive wolf in front of him. He was getting hotter by the minute. Coren loved his positive look on everything. Coren agreed with Will as they entered their next class.


Lunch came and Coren enjoyed talking to Will and Haley for the rest of the lunch. Haley and Coren had their last class of the day together, while Will had to head in the opposite direction. Before Will left, he turned and asked "Hey Coren, you want to come over to my house after school? I've got a car, so we don't have to walk."

Coren practically squealed. "I'd love to!"

"Great! I'll see you after school then!" Will waved a paw as he trotted off.

"Ooohhh, someone's got a crush!" Haley suddenly appeared behind Coren and smirked.

"Oh, um, well..." Coren scratched the back of his left ear and blushed.

"I KNEW IT!" Haley shouted. She bounced up and down while clapping her hands. "Oh my god, that is so CUTE!"

"C-come on. Haley, It's not that big of a deal. He's probably straight anyway..."

"Oh, come ON, Coren. You won't know what'll happen until you ASK! I've seen how you act around him. I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time, If you like him ask him out! Would you rather spend the rest of the year wondering what could happen if you did ask?"

She had a valid point, but Coren ready for coming out to him yet. "Um... I'll wait for a while. I'm not ready yet." Haley's expression suddenly softened, and she put a hand on his shoulder. "Haley?"

"Hey, I'm sorry for teasing you, dude. As your friend, I just want what's best for you. And no matter what you do, I'll be here to support you."

Coren sniffed and smiled at Haley. "Thank you Haley. You're awesome."

"I try." Haley smirked.

"Okay, I take that back." Coren laughed.

"Rude!" They both laughed and talked the rest of the way to their 8th period.