Diesel Fumes and Musk

Story by Icefox on SoFurry

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#4 of Kyle and Ben

Kyle's fates change again but maybe he can find a ride to something better.

Disclaimer: Contains mild domination/submission, anal sex, semi n/c, oral sex, diapers(not in sex), watersports, emotional pain. don't read if you don't like that, or if you are under legal age in wherever you live.

A new man indeed.

Kyle had quit his job and on a whim went gambling. He won, big. As you might expect, that much cash would go to anyones head and eight months later all Kyle had to show for it was a few hundred in cash from closing out his bank account, an eviction notice, and lingering medical issues from a long period of over consumption and one very bad night.

~Two weeks before~

$1,298.38. "How the fuck did spend all of half a million in eight months."

Kyle leaned his head against the ATM and fought back tears. Hitting the jackpot had been a one in a million, no a billion, he had no idea. After losing Ben he had lost his light and slid into depths that only those in grief can really know. Eventually the pain faded enough to be tolerable. Ignorable. A thing always in the back of his mind but only distracting in those moments of calm and quiet. And then the trip to the casino up the coast. Five dollars and a lucky press of a button on a big lit up machine named "TRIPLE 7 BONUS BONANZA, PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT!!!"

After 3 months of traveling, then buying gifts for his friends, donating willy nilly to charities of questionable intent, and eating at only the best of restaurants; he barely had enough to cover rent for the next month. Pay the bills and move on.

"SHIT!!" he screamed. Frightening the older racoon standing behind him waiting for her turn. "Sorry mam, I'll be just a moment." If he had tucked his tail any higher in embarassment he'd be tickling his own snout. Eight hundred in hand, he began the walk of shame to his landlord. Halfway there he was jumped.

"Give us the money man. Simple, Ok man? we know you at atm, give us money man." Broken grammar from a man holding a gun when you are already on the edge is really just unfair.

Chest puffed out like the mildly unintimidating fox he was, Kyle laughed "Who is us and where are you from? MAN!"

After a quick lashing of a pistol butt a few well placed but not deep bites and an entirely one sided scuffle, Kyle was pinned , woozy and bleeding.

"Told you to give us the fucking money, man. Now, we take the fucking money, and take you pride too like bitch." If there was ever a mutt this was a mutt. A dog most certainly, but with traits that had to have come from some other species at some point. They were subtle like ears that were just slightly off of canine and pupils that were not quite round. He smelled like cheap liquor, sweat, and cheese aged under the front seat of a cab.

Kyle whimpered, shifting as best he could. "Get off me and you can have the money. Just let me go."

"Yeah we take your money. Then, we gonna break you." The mutt grabbed Kyles wallet, turned Kyle onto his back, and unzipped his pants. "Nighty, night fox. You ass is mine." And promptly pistol whipped Kyle across the temple more than once..Kyle never knew how many more after that.

~The day before~

It was only six blocks home. Easy enough right?

After a week in bed, multiple broken ribs, a slight fracture in his eye socket, and an overall bad beating he wasn't feeling his best. He made the walk not only in pain, but in shame. The mutt had done exactly as he promised. He had robbed Kyle, and then raped him. Brutally, without even spit for lube, and based on his injuries had even shoved something else into Kyle while he was unconscious besides the dog's dick. The only saving grace was that he hadn't been awake to remember it. He was wearing a constant reminder, a diaper that the doctors swore up and down he wouldn't have to wear after a few weeks of healing when his body recovered. Promises don't make a six block walk, with a soiled diaper between your legs and a broken body, any easier.

-Notice: Eviction. Cause: Three months unpaid rent.

He never read the rest. Sometimes, when everything is shit you just have to leave.

~Two miles outside of Fort Lupton~

Kyle had made almost three miles on his own before he hitched his first ride. They carried him all the way to Fort Lupton, but he wasn't sure how much further he could walk in his state. The mind was willing, the body and his diaper were not.

After a few hundred more yards he gave up and sat down to rest. The all black fox leaned against a railing with the white patches on his tail tip and paws shining better than bicycle reflectors in the low light. He was thin but not emaciated, just a fur who had forgone food for liquor and partying for 8 months. He had on some cargo pants and a t-shirt with an unbuttoned shirt over it, some old sneakers, and his duffel bag. He munched on some jerky he had bought at the gas station and watched the cars pass. It was fairly late and he was somewhere between Fort Lupton and No Where, so the traffic was essentially non existant besides semi's rolling along.

He heard the brakes first. The smell of diesel and hot rubber were next. The loud, deep, and decidedly friendly voice was the most surprising of all.

"Hey there fox. You look lost, lonely, and all sorts of fucked up. So how about a ride?" The trucker was leaning out the passenger window with a big grin on his face and a fairly grease stained bright green John Deere hat on his head.

"Well thank you very much for that sorely needed compliment mister, I Have No Idea Who You Are." Kyle wanted a ride but he wasn't a total wimp.

"HAH! Fair enough but you look like you got in a fight with a freight train and lost. So how's about that ride?" Smooth sleek black and tan fur and a thick muscular neck framed that grin and it earned all kinds of forgiveness.

Never look a gift rottweiler in the mouth. Kyle climbed in slowly and looked around. Rule number one when getting in strange men's trucks: look for things that are out of place. Such as: severed body parts, large knives, explosives, stained and/or rusted handcuffs. Seeing nothing immediately frightening he put on his seatbelt and introduced himself. "I'm Kyle, thanks for the ride. I'm not 'all sorts of fucked up.' But I can't get far walking it seems."

"I bet. Name is Brian. Been driving since I was 18 and my girl Helen died. I get lonely sometimes and company is a fair trade for a ride. Doesn't cost me much. Thats me in a nutshell. So what happened to you?"

"Got robbed, beaten, and raped. Just a usual Monday morning." Humor is a poor salve but beats self pity any day.

"Damn fox, well I'm a lot of things but rapist ain't one so no need to pucker that tail hole. Holes are safe in my truck unless they don't want to be. I'm heading east to Detroit, with a stop to change loads along the way. You're welcome to tag along as far as Detroit so long as you pay for your own food and bed, or sleep in the seat if you want. Any further than that will cost you." Brian was looking ahead but his smile was still there. He was surprisingly well built for a trucker. Trim body, not quite a 'hard body,' but far from fat. His fur was a flawless mix of black and light tan that swept across his muzzle and his unkempt whiskers after climbing a column of thick muscle that was his neck. His arms were thick and corded but he had surprisingly gentle looking hands and well manicured nails. Essentially he was what you'd expect a hard working rottweiler that sat most of the day to look like. Big, manly, intimidating, confident, with a bit of softness.

"Thanks. That, means more than you might think." Kyle relaxed; truly relaxed. Maybe it was because Brian was like a bigger, older, and much more masculine form of Ben. Maybe it was just exhaustion and stress. No matter what the reason, and Kyle didn't care, that truck felt like a rolling, slightly musky and smoky, sanctuary.

The miles rolled by and they both stayed pretty quiet. A few empty questions like 'where'd you grow up?' or 'you like Aerosmith?' were asked and answered but eventually a comfortable silence settled. In time, the road lulled Kyle into a sleep. He shifted his rump to be more comfortable in his diaper, which he needed to change if he got some privacy, and drifted off.

~First morning on the road~

"You up fox?" Brian had driven all night and was at his time limit. Eight hours off. Non negotiable, and he needed to stretch his legs, take a piss, and generally just move around. Maybe he'd take a light jog if the injured fox could take care of himself for a little while.

"mmrhmm yesh. Yeah. I'm up, I'm up." Kyle rubbed the back of his paws into his eyes carefully. Careful as he was the movement made his eye socket hurt worse and tears welled up.

"Gotta take a rest. I'm going to walk around, stretch my legs a bit maybe go for a short jog and then sleep a bit. You going to be ok hanging around the truck stop alone?" Brian was wearing loose fitting athletic shorts and a skin tight tank top while he walked around the cab of his truck and stretched.

"Yes, I'll be ok. I'll rest." And change his diaper. He had to admit the diaper was comfortable as far it went, but he had no great desire to sit in his filth.

"Alright, well no offence fox boy, but I will be locking my truck up while I'm gone so you'll have to wait for me outside. I don't know you quite well enough to leave you in it alone." Brian said it softly, with a bit of embarassment but absolute certainty. It was his truck, his life, and his home. No matter how cute or how harmless the fox seemed, he wasn't going to leave his truck to him.

"Oh, yeah ok." Kyle yawned it out and opened the door. As soon as he tried to step out of the truck, all the pain of his stiff, bruised body, and the result of not changing his diaper right away made themselves known and he fainted. All that sudden hurt was too much when he hadn't eaten well or recently besides some jerky and hadn't had a whole lot to drink.

Kyle woke up to a comfortable bed and Brian hulking over him and mubmling under his breath. The next thing Kyle realized was his current and total nakedness. "Wwuh. W..what happened Brian? And where are my clothes?"

"Hey, welcome back fox. As to what happened you stood up and fainted. I would guess it would have something to do with the multi colored quilt that is your skin and all the other hurts. When was the last time you ate fox? Some furs get low blood sugar." The concern in Brian's voice and face was obvious and clearly heartfelt. His black and tan paws were changing bandages and feeling softly along Kyle's sides as if he was a lifetime doctor rather than a trucker.

"All I remember is standing up and my head felt like it was splitting apart and my thighs and ass felt like they were on fire. As to food, I had some jerky yesterday. I haven't had a lot of money for things." The words were more of a whimper crossed with a slur than the defensive statement Kyle was aiming for but he was preoccupied being naked with a stranger and wondering where his diaper was.

"Dehydrated, in pain, and low blood sugar will make anyone pass out. As to the fire on your thighs and ass..well..you have a nasty diaper rash. I assume you're wearing it because of.." Brian couldn't finish the question. The situation was bad enough, how do ask about that?

"He broke me with his knot and something else. The doctors pulled said it was probably a dull pipe or something. I can't hold it completely yet, though it seems to be stronger every day. That plain enough for you? Fox with the broken ass, apparently we aren't elastic! Laugh if you want, I don't care." Kyle brought his tail up and hissed at the pain on his ass while hot tears rolled through his fur.

"I don't laugh at other fur's pain fox. From now on though fox, if you need to change it, then climb back into the sleeper and change it. No shame from me. And no changes from me after this one." At that Brian pulled the new diaper he had found in Kyle's bag around him and taped it on. Brian was a loner. He always had been. Tough dog from birth, but compassion came naturally to him just as it had his mother. It cost her life. Her compassion drove her to love a broken man and in time he broke her as well. Care and compassion were easy, love was a dangerous game for a heart broken as a child."

~A rest stop 30 miles west of Detroit~

Kyle hadn't had any accidents since the first night in the truck and finally felt safe going diaper free. Comfort is valuable, self confidence is priceless. He had come to appreciate Brian's quick humor and constantly happy mood. So long as he was driving he was happy and that happiness was contagious. Kyle was smiling, genuinely without some great prize to 'justify' it. Since that first morning with Brian, Kyle had thought almost obsessively about waking up to Brian above him, touching his naked fur with soft, almost reluctant fingers. To not only carry Kyle inside, but check him for injuries and change his diaper was a level of compassion he never would expect from a strange fur. Sure being stripped by a stranger was a little weird and made things a bit akward , but the reasons weren't entirely bad. Detroit was coming up though and Kyle didn't have much left to pay for anything if he wanted food or shelter for even a night. So Kyle sat on a bench outside the cinderblock bathroom, alone in a manicured bland 'park' and brooded while Brian napped before the last push into Detroit. Maybe Detroit wouldn't be so bad. He could find a job at a factory maybe or flip burgers. If nothing else he could hitch another ride.

"Thought you would catch some shut eye too fox. Instead you're out here looking like you're solving general relativity using only metaphors about fruit." Brian had sauntered up in his eternally stained jeans and an unbuttoned flannel shirt. If there is such a thing as 'sexy right after waking up,' a six foot four inch, two hundred and fifty pound rottweiler showing off a firm smooth chest and a self assured 'I know i'm sexy but I just don't give a damn' look will do it. Especially when morning wood is making a denim tent at eye level.

"Good afternoon, or morning to you I guess Brian. I was just thinking about what I'm going to do when we get to Detroit." Kyle said it as upbeat as he could, but he knew he sounded sad. Brian was just a trucker who gave him a ride, but he was nice, and seemed to really care on some level. Leaving him after losing everything else was going to hurt. Sometimes anticipated pain hurts the most.

Brian lit up a cigarette and sat next to the fox. "So wutcha going to do? The city has come back since the bankruptcy. Lots of new jobs I guess." They were both silent for a few minutes as Kyle brooded and Brian had his one smoke for the day. "If Detroit doesn't do it, you could always hitch a ride on my next load, heading out west to Seattle with a trailer of new cars."

Depressing thoughts or not Kyle was distracted by the continuing bulge in Brian's pants. He wasn't horny, so to speak, but it was pretty obvious. "I wouldn't mind just driving further and leaving it for later, but I don't have anything to pay you and nothing to trade. You've been so kind to me. I really do want to thank you for that. Maybe if you come back by Detroit and I find a job here I can buy you dinner or something." Kyle sighed and tried not to make eye contact. He wasn't crying but the dam was leaking a bit. Seeing Brian's self assured smile would just make it worse. Kyle's bladder had been weakened by his assault too, not as bad, but it seemed to take even longer to fully heal and the urges to pee were intense especially during stress and anxiety even if he could hold it. "I have to pee, I'll be right back Brian."

Brian grunted and ground out his smoke on the table top his was sitting on. "Think I'll join ya. Gotta relieve the morning beast so to speak." The big rotty was no fool, he'd seen the sexy, albeit a bit worse for wear, fox staring at his morning wood since he walked up. He couldn't resist reaching down and adjusting himself while he said 'morning beast.'

Kyle caught himself staring at the bulge get moved aside and stammered out "Oh. Yeah..Ok." That warm heat on your cheeks lets you know you're blushing and Kyle's cheeks were burning. Had Brian seen him staring? He had to avoid looking in the bathroom. Brian was so nice but was Kyle into anything right then? Even if he was staring at a guy, who he wasn't even sure was gay, while he pissed was not a good opening move; and Kyle wasn't up for any moves by either one of them.

Kyle chose the far urinal, giving Brian lots of space to pick from as unspoken male bathroom rules dictated. Brian apparently had no problem with stage fright though and picked the one right next to Kyle before unzipping his jeans pulling his semi-hard morning erection out. It was only semi-hard and was easily seven inches, with a knot that promised fullness verging on pain for the taker. Kyle followed the smooth natural curves with his eyes, lingering on the easily two-palms to hold balls and the silky looking sheath. As his eyes traveled back up to the tip Brian started peeing a strong steady dark yellow stream. And Kyle was staring again!

"S..sorry." Kyle stammered out the apology and blushed even harder for pointing out that he was staring. Why had he said anything! Kyle's eyes moved up quickly and before he could look to the wall in front of him, Brian's eyes caught his.

"See something interesting down there fox?" Brian laughed and shook the last few drops of his musky piss off, but he didn't zip up.

Kyle could smell the rich musky scent and could only barely get out "I..uh..I..umm."

"I wasn't going to push anything since..well you know. But if you really don't want to stay in Detroit there are ways you could pay me for a ride, fox." The big gorgeous rotty was smiling that cocksure smile again with his paw holding his big thick cock and big brown eyes holding Kyle's gaze.

Kyle slowly looked back down at Brian's thick cock. The trucker was fucking hot, no question. Compassionate, funny, and caring as well. But Kyle wasn't sure he was ready and he knew for a fact taking that big cock under his tail would have him back in a diaper for atleast a while. On the other hand Detroit didn't hold any great hope and Brian, and his truck, were the first real comfort in a place Kyle had felt since been. Akward with a stranger but still comfort. Maybe just a blowjob would cut it. He didn't say anything, words weren't really required. He looked at a stall and Brian just nodded and followed Kyle in. With a deep breath and a quick kneel Kyle accepted it.

Kneeling down and leaning forward reminded him immediately about the full bladder and insistent urge, but Kyle's first smell of the treasure in Brian's jeans cleared his mind. The first part was slightly acrid and very deeply musky, the rottweiler's morning piss, but behind that was a strong but not unpleasant smell that could only be called 'male.' As the tip of Brians now very hard, very thick, ten inches touched his tongue the last drop of piss sparkling just under the tip spread into his mouth. It was bitter and salty but the powerful musky maleness of it was a fire to Kyle's lust; and the coals lit up bright. He didn't hesitate to take as much in as he could and his lips just barely kissed Brian's knot as the tip hit the back of Kyle's throat and bent down slightly. Slowly and methodically the sexy black fox worked up a rhythm. All the way back till just the tip was still in his lips, then sliding his tongue out along the shaft before plunging back down to kiss the knot and swallow another pulse of burning hot dog pre-cum.

Brian kept one paw on the cinderblock wall and one paw curled up in the fox's headfur. The fox was a prococksucker for sure and Brian knew he wouldn't last long if Kyle kept up like that. Used to a quick paw-off in his sleeper cab a warm talented mouth was nearly overwhelming. He could feel fox saliva mixed with his pre-cum dripping down his balls as the fox slid back and forth, keeping his tongue ever moving and hitting the back of his throat on every descent. After five minutes or so Brian growled deeply, his mating instincts pushing his ability to be gentle. "Enough boy. Pants off, bend over that toilet, and flag your tail. I'm going to fuck my gas money out of your sweet little ass. Hell for a ride to Seattle I think I may even tie you. Would be nice to see what that silky black fur looks like spattered with my cum after I pull my knot out of your full hole." As Brian said this he grabbed Kyle's sensitive ears and pulled the fox to his feet before firmly groping Kyle's tight ass and turning him to the toilet.

Kyle was shocked by the sudden change from nice but coercive to dominate and lust driven in Brian. The fox was sporting a raging hard on of his own and was consumed by his own yiffiness but he knew his tailhole had just recovered. Was a ride to somewhere else worth having to buy and use more diapers? It didn't really matter Kyle realized. He had gone too far and he wasn't sure he could stop himself even if he chose to do so. With an anxious whimper and a soft plea the fox slid down his pants, bent over and grabbed the toilet with his tail up and off to the side. "Please go easy. My tail hole can't take a lot right now, and I'm not sure I want to have to..you know wear another one."

Brian softly ran his paw across Kyle's silky white rump. The fox was so eager and yet so reluctant, and so very very fuckable. Giving this fox a gaping broken tail hole for a few days was well worth getting to tie and fill this sweet ass. He slowly ran the pre-cum and spit covered tip around Kyle's hole before leaning forward and letting his weight push it in. The foxes supple and still somewhat loose hole swallowed his cock and twitched along the entire length until Brians knot rested firmly against Kyle's ass. The big rottweiler used his strength and height to stand up and force the fox to rise up to his tiptoes to keep the knot from driving into him; eliciting a very girlish mewling from the fox. The gruff dog wasn't cruel but he loved making his mate feel what they were going to take later. Brian leaned down and whispered in the fox's ear while he slowly pulled back out. "You feel that knot fox?" He drove his cock in hard, slamming the knot against Kyle's tailhole hard enough to stretch it slightly before pulling back again. "You're going to take that knot and everything my cock gives you before we're done and you earn your ticket with me. At least if I break you fox, you'll get an assful of cum."

He felt himself push back against the knot even though he knew what taking it would mean. Those words were so threatening and yet so very arousing. Even the thought of a diaper wasn't so bad if this hot rottweiler filled him with cum first. That was absurd but he could feel every hot perfectly textured inch of cock sliding into his hole and grating across his prostate. Each withdrawl leaving him so empty and each thrust ending with a big hard knot pounding his hole and a pulse of hot pre-cum inside him. Brian just yiffed him hard. Pulling back to just the tip and then thrusting in till the knot stopped the forward motion with every slam into the fox. His insides sliding open as the thick shaft speared forward. His hole milking every inch trying to pullit back in as Brian pulled back. It felt amazing having his hole used so well. His fox cock was dripping and squirting with each thrust. Even his extremely full bladder heightened the feeling as it pushed his pleasure spot down against the cock inside him harder with every second.

Brian could feel his knot going every so slightly deeper in the hole with every thrust. The yips and moans of the fox just drove him on with ever firmer thrusts. Watching his shaft slide back and forth in that perfectly shaped ass, smelling the musk of both of their pre-cum and sweat, and the clear slurping and squishing sounds of a hard fuck were the hottest damned thing he'd had in years. He was going to have his knot in that fuckable hole one way or another even if it did break the fox; and knowing the fox had to wear a diaper because of his big cock wasn't the worst ego boost ever. He began yiffing with real determination. Every thrust lifting the fox off his feet slightly and making a loud slap echo through the bathroom.

Kyle felt his bladder trying to be heard over the pleasure and rough yiff but he ignored it until Brian started pushing hard enough to lift him up off the floor. Every time the huge knot slammed against him he felt himself almost lose control. He had never been fucked like this by such a big cock and he knew he was going to cum just from Brian inside of him. He also knew that even a minute or two more of it and he would be covering the toilet below him in more than just a puddle of pre-cum. "Please! Brian, I can't hold it let me go pee first!" The only response Kyle got was a deep growl and a massive thrust into his ass. Kyle felt his hole break again. It didn't hurt this time but was more of a sudden complete loss of resistance to the knot. He felt the massive knot get sucked in and the tip of Brians huge cock slide that much deeper into him, touching the deepest part of him it could. his ass stretched around the massive invader and hot fox pee erupted out of his untouched cock. Kyle could feel gouts of hot cum pour into him while his piss poured out of him uncontrollably and added even more musk to the sex filled air.

Brian was lost in lust at this point. His hips jerked back and forth moving his not the small amount a tight little fox will allow it. It had been a few months and every last drop of that cum was pouring out of him and straight up Kyle's tailhole. The fox under him was clamping down hard in orgasm, and Brian had to grab Kyle's hips to keep him standing as the last of the fox's pee sprayed across the toilet to be replaced with two big spurts of fox cum chasing the last drops of musky fox out. The fox was finished but Brian continued to jerk his hips and drag his knot back and forth, milking out the last of his cum as the fox trembled and moaned. "Sweet, sweet ass fox. I could get used to putting my knot under your tail. Every day." Deep rasping words were the best Brian could manage at the point. He could feel his knot slowly deflating as his cum begin to drip out of the fox and run down the cockwarmer's thighs and he knew that Kyle was already verging on falling down.

With a heave Kyle felt himself picked up and pulled against Brian's chest. The sudden increase in pressure as the knot was forced against his insides made the now thoroughly exhausted fox squirt even more pee. This time mixed with the last of his cum left in his shaft it only dripped down across his balls, staining his white furred sack even more. As Kyle's eyelids lowered he heard Brian hoarsely whisper in his ear, the warm hot breath across his ear making him shiver. "That was worth two rides fox, my arms, and my truck. Lets get you back to the truck, we wouldn't want all my cum and piss to leak out of you." The fox was full and dazed but he was pretty sure Brian hadn't peed in his tail hole. He didn't have long to wonder as Brian kicked open the stall and walked out of the bathroom with Kyle impaled and on full display as the fox was carried back to the truck.

About halfway across the grass the question of pee was answered as Brian let his bladder empty into the fox as he walked past the only other truck in the parking lot. He could feel eyes on him and knew the other trucker was seeing every detail. From the barely awake fox with cum stained fur and a thick knotty buttplug, to trail of drips the two were leaving behind them. He probably should have held it, but fair is fair. The fox had pissed during sex, now it was his turn and the rottweiler had a nice ass to fill rather than a toilet to resurface. The last of his post cum piss drained up Kyle's tail hole as Brian got to the truck and with a few akward attempts he finally got both of them into the cab. Brian laid the fox down across his bed and it was pretty clear he was out cold again. Not the first time he had dealt with a passed out fox and not the first time he had to change the fox. If the wet slurp as his knot slid out from under the fox's tail and the almost immediate trickle of cum and piss Kyle was going to have to wear a diaper again, for atleast a little while. Brian had to admit he didn't really mind. Neither of them were into diapers but hearing it crinkle as they drove along would be satisfying proof of a tailhole well fucked.

~On the interstate heading west out of Detroit~

Kyle's first realization was that they were back in the truck, that he was wearing a diaper again and was tucked into Brians bed in the sleeper were a close second. "You changed me again?" he asked with a soft whimper, too quiet for Brian to hear over the radio. "What kind of fur changes a stranger. A wonderful one I guess." He blushed as Brian turned back and grinned at him, seeing the fox awake, before turning back to the road and pulling his horn with a loud bark of his own. "An eighteen wheeled angel." With that Kyle pulled the musky rottweiler scented pillow to himself and allowed his eyes to close again. The dog had broken him again for certain, he could feel the stream of cum and piss still leaking into the cushy warmth around his nethers, but a bit of embarassment is a fair price for new hope. And afterall, Brian had paid the cost of a broken fox hole. With gentle hands and a caring smile the big strong manly rotty had changed Kyle like a kit who couldn't care for himself.

Even if you are strong enough to handle it all, sometimes it takes someone else to mend what was broken. And break what was already broken in the best of ways all over again.

With a last contented sigh Kyle drifted off and mumbled "Maybe Seattle won't be right for me either, but paying for a ride won't be so bad."
