Diary of a Half-Breed Chapter 3: The Pregnancy of the First Man!

Story by Silver The Lugia on SoFurry

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Today, in this installment of Diary of A Half-Breed, we find out something shocking about Jacob!

Day 1: I finally awoke at 12:00 PM in the morning. My arms and legs we're aching, sprouting brownish-red

fur all over myself. Victor and Amanda (my sister) now we're taking care of me, giving me some weird redish

fluid to drink, which seemed to numb down the pain the transformation was giving me. Right now, it was just

the main part, the most hurtful part. I, at the very least, was able to get up and walk around,which made

me extremely happy, since I hate not being able to move. My eyes also we're a brownish color, when they used to

be blue. Now my eyes had lost their pupils to show big brown iris's for my eyes, but I still had good vision even

without pupils.

Day 2: More pain, which meant, more medicine to drink down, which honestly didn't taste too horrible.

Now my fingers and toes we're becoming webbed, and my fingers and toes we're becoming padded paws. Honestly, If

I knew this was going to happen to me sooner, I wouldn't be as scared as I am now. Now, I had no choice but to

endure the week long pain I had coming, well actually...now just 5 days left, thank god. Victoria had come to

visit me, and my appetite had increased twice as it was. I now was eating as much as 2 full grown men, eating every

couple hours, with large portions. I also broke out of these metal bands that we're binding me to my bed, which we're

placed on my bed to protect me from hurting anyone. Out of a random side effect, I had tried to kill victoria, slashing

her face with my newly-found claws.

Day 3: Victoria now is very scared of me, and doesn't come to visit me very much anymore. Victor, Amanda, and my

sister, also Amanda, had come every now and then to make sure I was well. Now I had sharp canine teeth, so sharp, that when

Victor touched them, one of them had cut his fingers. I don't know what to do now, since now I'm half-human half-pokemon, I mean

I have the appearance of a Flareon, yet I still have my human physical shape. Victor had went to tell Victoria, now my girlfriend,

to tell her that I was sorry I slashed her face, and that that was part of the side effects of my transformation.

Day 4: Victoria started to see me again. She knew I was sorry, but she told me 2 days ago that she just needed some alone

time from me so she could recover, but I sensed she was scared of me. Now, my face was more deformed, slowly morphing like my body.

God, how I hurt so much! Why did I have to have this virus? Why was it me? I was cursing to myself, in anger why I was the one who

was in so much pain.

Day 5: My sister, Amanda had come with some food, thank god my appetite returned to normal now, I didn't need to eat every hour

a day! Amanda was seriously worried for me, for now I was talking in my sleep, having night terrors, random seizures, and several ticks

that we're hurting me. I can barely write now, since just this much writing is taking me about half an hour. I never knew how much a

transformation could hurt! Now the two doctors we're performing more tests on me, which I tried to fight, but they forced me to do. Today,

there we're only 3 tests, not many thankfully. The 1st test had started now, the familiar voice I knew from the building speakers had said

"Now testing reproductive system on Subject 453." What? Reproductive System? I'm not a girl! Yet, for some damn stupid reason, a needle with

a strange magenta color fluid had come between my legs. Oh god, why this, why this?! And sadly, I was also naked, so I couldn't avoid the needle.

Now the needle had entered my...I don't wanna say,you'll know soon enough, and had squirted that horrible fluid into me. The fluid inside of me had

felt cold, and I shivered. The 2nd test now sounded, saying "fertilizing eggs in subject 453." What the hell?! I finally caught on to what the tests

we're for. They we're going to make me have a baby! I shouted "What the fuck are you doing?! I'M NOT A WOMAN!" But the two doctors ignored me, for now,

where the last needle was, a new needle with a silver fluid had entered me,fertilizing whatever the hell was inside me. Now, thank god, the 3rd and last

test had sounded. "Now forming baby embryo in Subject 453." Well,now I knew I couldn't fight this. I just helplessly sat there as a green laser was configuring

a baby embryo from that strange magenta fluid. Now I watched as my stomach had risen up, to the size of a cantelope, well...how to explain this. I was the first guy

to become pregnant! How fucking disturbing. The tests now had ended, with my body not hurting as much, but now my stomach extremely huge.

I had come into the main room where the two doctors were. I said to them "What the hell you two?!" Victor and Amanda, not my sister, Amanda, had replied "It's

just a test to see how it works. You're going to be fine." "I better be! Why are you doing this?!" "I said, it's a test to see how it works, we took some dna samples from

Subject 231 and implanted it into you, forming a baby." "But why? I'm a guy, not a girl. It's wrong!" "Well...we'll have to see how it works, now get to bed, you need some

sleep for tomorrow.

Day 6: I woke up from another night terror, I don't remember what it was about though, I just was heard screaming about something involving me and my sister. Victor

was petting my head, trying to make me feel better. I know was panting extremely, noticing flames around my body as I panted, which made me feel worse. Even though I should have

been screaming in pain, I wasn't. In fact, it felt cozy to me. Victor now gave me this weird purple-yellow fluid that clamed my night terror, and tasted strangely of zangria wine.

Victor said to me "Wine helps calm the nerves of a transformation. I found that out when I was transforming like you. So I pretty much drank until the transformation finished."

"Well then, would you mind bringing in a couple bottles?" "What kind?" "Hmm...bring in the fruity wine, I like that best." Victor went and got some bottles of wine for me and him,

me because I needed it to calm my nerves, and him because he simply liked it. Victor returned with 4 bottles of wine, and he handed me one. I chugged about a quarter bottle of it, which

tasted and made me feel so wonderful. I had to admit, without Victor here, I'd be depressed here. After about 6 more bottles of wine he had grabbed, I had fallen asleep on his chest, not

even knowing what I was doing.

Day 7: My stomach hurts, it's because of...yeah, you know. I woke up again, drooling on Victor, who also fell asleep. Both of us we're having a major hangover. Victor, after a couple

of hours after me, had woken up, clutching his head. "What happened?" Victor said "Idunodude" My words all drawled together. I then felt a kick inside me. "Oh god, Victor, the baby!" "What, are you

in labor?" "No, I felt it kick!" "What? Already?" "Yes, I don't know how it happened so soon though." "Well, we'll have to see amanda about it." Me and Victor walked out of my room, and we were somewhat

wobbling as we walked. Amanda came and found us, stumbling toward the room she was always in. Amanda, NOT my sister, so, to clear the confusion, lets just call her Mandy now, alright? Well Mandy saw us and

she immediately knew what happened. Mandy said "You didn't get him drunk too did you?" "No, he asked me to bring him some wine, so I did, because it calms his nerves, like when he rages as he transforms and all

that. Remember when I drank like that too? It helped me.I was doing a favor! Don't get mad!" "But he's underage Victor! That's bad for our reputation!" "And kidnapping him wasn't?!" "It was the only way to bring

him here!" "I see, well...if it helps him, I guess he can drink, but it's dangerous, so don't let any adults know." "I won't. You won't either Jacob?" "I won't." Just after I said that, I felt another kick, and I

was about to go into labor. Victor noticed what was happening and said "Mandy! Get him to a birth room, STAT!" "Alright!" And that was when the first guy to have a baby happened. I guess I qualify for a pretty damn

great Guiness World Record, huh?