Ryan's Story part XX

Story by Khendarian on SoFurry

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#23 of Ryan

Keeping with the request for more frequent shorter updates, I present Part XX

I do apologize for this going a bit slowly. My wrists have been bothering me I fear, and OSX diction is...well it's not quite accurate enough to be worth the trouble.

The keyboard clicked as the young man typed away on it, his gaze focused intently on the screen. Dark brown eyes narrowed as he looked over the data. This was far and away the most odd job he had ever been hired to do. He had broken into countless networks in numerous countries and had never been caught.

He lived up to his handle: The Black Fox.

Oh, certainly, it was melodramatic, sophomoric, something some kid would have come up with, which was exactly why he had chosen it. It was hard to take anyone who paraded about as "The Black Fox" seriously. Even better, he did a lot of his work behind a net nanny shield giving the impression that it was just some script kiddie messing around.

He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes, then ran his hands through his brown, shortly cropped, hair. Most hackers had unkempt appearances or purposely looked strange. Him? You wouldn't pick him out of a bank line.

He glanced at another screen. Just a few moments more...

The computer made a triumphant chime and he smiled. Another hen house broken into by The Black Fox he thought, and snorted. He leaned forward and started to sort through the data, wondering why anyone would be so interested in the records and data stream of a private resort. Though granted they had some pretty serious security...

He frowned. Dragons? Must be some codeword.

There it was again. Dragons. As in wings, tail, fire breathing mythological dragons. He looked baffled. What kind of garbage was this? Was he being set up? His employe had used him before, several times and had always paid and he had always delivered the goods, usually having to do with military strength, deployment, or hardware or occasionally digging up dirt on foreign governments. But this?

He continued to go over various bits of information, looking into documents and other files. Evidently, whoever these people were, they certainly thought they were dragons. He snorted. Crazy people, his employer wanted him to hack into the system of a bunch of crazy people. Perhaps they were some weird doomsday cult.

He leaned back in his chair again, looking up at the ceiling of the rented warehouse he was working out of. He never worked form any of his many homes. Everything was purchased through several different dummy accounts and dead ends so as to be nearly untraceable. He felt secure enough.

Well, he thought, may as well send the data off to his employer then take a nice long vacation. Out of brief curiosity he decided to open a video file.

His jaw dropped.

Unless these were the best special effects he had ever seen, there, on the screen, were several live dragons talking to each other and laughing, drinking some sort of drink from fancy glasses. He blinked. Still there, still dragons, still talking in some rumbling language.

He shook his head. He was being paid very well for this, but how much more would NASA pay? Or other research organizations? He could copy and give this to his employer and then sell it for enough money to set himself up wherever he wanted, literally erase his existence and start over in a life of luxury.

He was trembling as he went to copy. Just then the door to the warehouse burst open and his hand slammed down on the panic button that instantly shut down and encrypted his computer, then dove to the side of his desk, pulling out a Glock 10mm. A tall blond woman strode in and looked around. He fired a warning shot over her head. "Get out! This is private property!"

She dove to the side and scrambled for cover behind his car. "Turn over your data and you will not be harmed."

"Like hell! Get out of here before I fill you with lead!"

"This is your last chance," she nearly growled.

He carefully aimed under his car and squeezed off a round, hitting the concrete just in front of her, and she yelled in pain as fragments imbedded in her skin. He laughed. "Get out!"

"That was the last mistake you will ever make, human!"

He jerked back. Human?

The next thing he knew a bronze and purple colored dragon burst out from behind the car, diving for him, snarling. His last through was of stunned amazement that the file was real before her jaws closed around his throat, severing both arteries. He fell to the ground with a gurgle and died.

The dragoness spat out the blood and looked at the computer. She drew her head back and spit a glob of viscous acid that splattered on the system and rapidly reduced it to useless slag.

She shifted forms and walked out of the warehouse, not even looking back.

Ryan walked with Irian in the garden, listening to the counselor talk about various dragons he had met, places he had been, and gathering that he had attended. It was very fascinating to Ryan who had, of course, never been to any.

"Do they hold gatherings often?"

"Certainly! There is a gathering someplace almost every weekend and many weekdays. The idea that dragons are solitary creatures is overdone, I am afraid. Some breeds are very solitary but most of us enjoy talking with other dragons. All dragons like their privacy and respect each others privacy, but those things we do like to share, we enjoy greatly."

"How does the council work?"

Irian hesitated. "Not now, my prince. We can talk about that later."

"Why wait?" Ryan wondered.

"It is not the easiest thing to understand and I would much rather get to know you outside of such things. I wish to know about Ryan, not what Ryan can do for me."

"Thank you," Ryan said.

Irian smiled. "Oh, never doubt that I wish you to keep us solvent and the dragons together, but I am not going to do that at the cost of knowing you."

Ryan snorted. "Everyone wishes for me to do something."

"Unfortunately, my prince, I think you may have come into that wisdom a bit too rapidly," Irian said, grinning.

Ryan laughed. "How many dragons are on the council, if I may ask?"

Irian shrugged. "It varies. Currently there are around one hundred or so of us."

Ryan balked. "That many?"

Irian sighed. "And one of the reasons I did not wish to discuss it right now. Not all of those dragons will vote or even care."

"Then why be on the council?"

"Dragon politics can get a bit murky sometimes."

"I guess."

"You will get the hang of it. But, for now, let us go get some ice cream!"

Ryan's ears perked. "Okay!"

Irian laughed. "Never knew a young male dragon who would not say yes to ice cream!"

"Irian wants to talk to Mikail," Cladden said.

"For what purpose?" Sulvius asked, ears coming up in curiosity.

"Irian thinks it would be a good idea for him to meet Ryan."

Sulvius shook his head. "You're pushing too hard too fast. Trisk says that he is doing very well, but he is still trying to adjust to things. He is very smart and strong, but also very gun shy as you know."

"True, but also true that the council is beginning to stir."


Cladden shrugged." It does not really matter. The fact that they are stirring with all that is going on is not a good thing. I have reason to believe that the evil ones are closer to making their move."

" You're assuming."

"I wish that I was not. Xerxes has resurfaced."

Sulvius growled softly. "where?"

"Gaelius' estate. He is fussing that something illicit is going on here and that he was attacked."

"He is blustering"

"And it may well work."

Pax yawned and unblended from where he was resting on Cladden's desk, causing Sulvius to start. "He is trying to force us to move."

"Don't do that!" Sulvius muttered irritably. "Pax has a point."

"But if we do not move, they are going to have a free ride to do as they please," Cladden said. He sighed. "I know not what to do."

Sulvius brooded for moment. "Irian is probably right. He should meet Mikail; he is respected enough that none will gainsay him."

"He is also very fussy and may not take to Ryan well," Pax said.

"Do not borrow trouble, Pax," Cladden grumbled.

"Just noting."

"I have every confidence in Ryan. He has that way about him that runs in his family. Everyone will like him," Sulvius said.

"I hope so," Cladden said and huffed another sigh. "This was all more than I ever wished to get into. I had hoped for so very long that it was all over and that dragons would simply be at peace."

"Mostly we are," Pax said. "It is just the malcontents. Just be grateful that dragons are not nearly as bad as humans."

"We are just as bad in our own way, maybe worse," Sulvius mused.

Cladden snorted. "How do you figure?"

"One angry human is pretty limited. An angry dragon can do a lot more."

"There is that," Cladden conceded.

Pax yawned again, blinking. "I am tired and going to take a nap. You should all do the same."

"You are always taking naps," Cladden said.

"It is why I am smarter than you."

Sulvius laughed. "It also stunted your growth."

Pax eyed him. "I will not deign to respond."

"Ah, but you just did!"

Pax huffed and kept off the desk, shifting to his bipedal form between the leap and the landing, and stalked off.

Cladden laughed. "I would be so lost without him."

"He has a great deal of insight and always knows when to lighten the mood."

"You think Ryan will do well?"

"We can only hope and pray so," Sulvius said. "But I think he will be fine."

Cladden nodded. "Alright. I will check with Irian and find out what he wants to do."

"Your excuses interest me not, Poundstone. I wish results," the old man said.

"I have the boy's information and school records. I will be be checking on his family for any trials next. He is on the run; you don't leave everything behind like that otherwise."

"Fine. When do you expect more information?"

"In a few days."

"Make it sooner."

Poundstone sighed. "I do not tell you how run your business. Don't tell me how to run mine."

"Your cheek is going to get you into trouble, Poundstone."

"So you have said. You will have your information."

"I had better."

"I thought we were above threats?" Poundstone asked, amused, and the line went dead. Poundstone looked over at Arlen. "He's flustered by something."

"How can you tell?" Arlen asked, not looking up from the game he was playing.

"He's never gotten jumpy like that before."

"You would know."

Poundstone drew his .45 and put a bullet through the TV screen. Arlen swore and nearly fell out of his chair. "Hey!"

"Pay attention when I talk to you," Poundstone said, holstering his weapon.

"And I was getting far too!"

"You'll live. When will we have the info?"

"The next time someone access the administration files."

"Make it happen now."

Arlen snorted. "How?"

"You're creative; it's what I pay you for. Get to it," Poundstone said as he lit a cigarillo.

"Those things stink!" Arlen said, wrinkling his nose.

Poundstone glared. "You get paid more than enough o put up with it and don't forget it. Now get to work!"

"Yes oh mighty Kiwi Lord!"

Poundstone grunted and walked out on the porch, wondering why the hell he put up with any of this.

Mikail looked down at Irian from where he lay out, basking in the sun at his huge Wyoming ranch. He scratched at his ear irritably and huffed. "So, you wish for me to go to Cladden's safe house and meet a dragon and you will not tell me who this dragon is?"

"That's about the sum of it, honored one."

Mikail grumbled. "Contractions, Irian? You have slipped!"

"Times change, honored one."

"I am all to aware," Mikail grumbled again. "I wish I had never agreed to join those idiots they call a council."

"Your opinions are highly valued, honored one."

"I am a cranky old dragon and I wish to be left alone!" Mikail nearly roared.

Irian hid a smile as he watched the old dragon rearrange himself fussily, trying to get the most exposure to the sun on his tough old hide as possible. A dark brown color, Mikail's hide bore the marks and scars of many altercations; he was a real hothead in his youth, well noted for settling many disputes with an old fashioned challenge. He came from an older era and was one of the oldest dragons on the planet.

Which explained his crotchetiness.

He was also one of the best read and wisest dragons on the planet, with a rather keen insight into dragons and their ways.

Which explained why most put up with his crotchetiness.

"Honored one, I assure you it will be well worth it. You know that I would not lightly intrude upon you," Irian said at his most persuasive.

Mikail flicked an ear at him and continued to shift about. His breed was a very heavy one. Thick hide, armored plates beneath, heavy bones, huge wings, and the prodigious strength to move that bulk about, which in Mikail's case, had not at all faded. Irian had to admire his size and power; he was considerably larger than even Kheros.

The ancient dragon finally grunted and looked down at Irian with distaste. He yawned. "Not driving."

"Of course not, honored one," Irian said, pleased that Mikail and agreed. There was no real way to persuade him to do anything that he did not wish to. "I will have Kheros come up in a private jet, designed for dragons of course." He paused. "Oh, did I mention? I have two casks of cask conditioned ale from the Tameraskian brothers in Northern Ireland on board."

Mikail hissed. "You are evil."

Irian laughed. "And you will forgive me on the first sip."

"This had better be worth it, Irian," Mikail rumbled threateningly, even puffing a little smoke out of his nostrils.

"Honored one, I assure you that it will be very well worth it."

"So who is this dragon you wish for me to meet now?" Ryan said, tail flicking back and forth.

"His name is Mikail. He is a very senior member of the council," Irian said.

"Is he on our side?" Ryan asked, walking over to the windows that overlooked the garden. Irian had taken an office at the safe house at Cladden's request. It was an absolutely beautiful office with one of the best views in all the safe house. Ryan asked Cladden why he did not use it and Cladden told him he'd never get anything done staring out the windows all the time.

Deep down, Ryan figured that Cladden was probably a hopeless romantic.

Pax laughed softly from where he was perched on Ryan's shoulder. "Mikail is on no one's side."

Ryan looked over at him with misgiving. "Then why do I wish to meet him?"

"His opinion is one of the most highly valued in all dragonkind, my prince," Irian said. "He will take to you, never fear."

"You are so very confident in me."

"Absolutely, Ryan," Irian said warmly.

The young dragon sighed. "As you wish. I would like to speak to my parents and to Tanner and ask them what they think."

"That is fine, Ryan, though I must recommend that you do not have any humans present with you speak with Mikail until he gets used to you. He is an ancient dragon."

Ryan grumbled and Pax crooned soothingly. "Some of the older dragons do not at all care for humans being involved in draconic politics and you need to respect that, my prince. Mikail has nothing against humans per se, but it would not be wise to annoy him at the outset."

Ryan sighed. "You are probably right." He cocked his head. "Pax, you are 260 some odd and you are calling Mikail ancient? How old is he?"

Pax snorted. "No one really knows."

"Can you at least guess?"

The tiny dragon cocked his head. "It would be difficult to."


"He is at least 800 years old, at least," Pax mused, "if not older."

"But you said dragons do not live that long!"

"No, I said 400 years is average. There are breeds that live a very, very long time. Kheros' grandfather is at least 600."

Ryan trilled softly, causing both dragon to look at him curiously. "So very long."

"Yes, it is," Irian said. "But again, do not let it worry you. Go ask your friends what they think and then let me know when you are going to be ready to meet with him."

"You are leaving the time to me?" Ryan asked.

Pax snorted. "As long as it is between Monday and Tuesday of next week."

As they walked towards his rooms, Ryan mulled over a question that had bothered him for awhile. He fianll looked at Pax. "Pax?"

"Yes, Ryan?"

"What are the rules for dragons petting and touching each other?"

Pax snorted. "Rules? I do not think there are any."

"You know what I mean; like humans shaking hands and hugging and the like. What is acceptable?"

Pax rumbled quietly in thought. "It varies from place to place, from breed to breed. In general older dragons will pet younger ones if they know them well enough and usually family members. Higher ranking dragons are not usually touched or pet, at least not in public. Why do you ask?"

Ryan felt his ears grow hot. "Well, it is just that so many dragons seem to like petting me. Sulvius, Trisk, you. Tanner does as well and so do my parents."

"Your situation is a bit unusual, Ryan. Most of those people who are, or at least I hope are, pretty close to you. Trisk is your instructor and so she would naturally pet and pat in encouragement. Tanner is obviously a very close friend."

"What about dragon friends in general?"

Pax shrugged. "Depends on the dragon in question and how well the dragon friend is known. No dragon friend is going to pet a dragon he or she does not know."

"I just wondered."

Pax rubbed his head against Ryan's cheek. "It is okay, Ryan. I am sure it is a bit odd for you."

"That is an understatement!" Ryan said dryly. "Somedays I feel like a giant hairless cat."

Pax laughed. "Dragon are like hairless cats with wings! You will hear many dragon friends compare us to cats. It is somewhat true, of course, but no dragon is totally cat like."

Ryan laughed as well. "Curiosity killed the cat, not the dragon!"

Pax thrummed. "As you say!"

"Mother? Father?" Ryan called, walking into his rooms. Pax and flown off down one of the other halls, saying that he needed to talk to someone. Ryan figured he just didn't want to be there to annoy his parents.

"In the bedroom, Ryan," he heard his mother yell.

He shifted to his small form and pawed at the door. "May I come in?"

"Of course!"

He nudged the door with his nose and then pushed his way through, his conversation with Pax about cats and dragons coming to mind. His parents were laying in bed, watching TV, and he jumped on the bed and lay down between them. They both reached over and pet him for awhile.

He certainly enjoyed being pet. He was glad to hear from Pax that it was socially acceptable amongst dragons. He figured it was probably okay that his parents pet him, but it was good to hear that some of the older dragons and Tanner were allowed as well, so to speak.

"So what have you been up to, little dragon?" his mother asked.

He trilled quietly at the use of his nickname. "I was talking to Irian."


Ryan's tail twitched back and forth, his ears drooping a little. "They wish for me to meet a dragon named Mikail."

"We know."

Ryan blinked. "He told you before me?"

"Yes," his mother said, petting him. "They wanted to see what we thought before bringing it up to you."

Ryan grumbled. "It is my choice."

"No one said it wasn't! They just wanted to know how you have been feeling and how you've been adjusting to things," his mother said soothingly. "They just want to make sure you're doing well, Ryan, that's all."

"Oh," Ryan said, ducking his head.

"Anyway, we said that it was up to you, as you said, and that you seemed to be doing pretty well."

Ryan sighed. "Yes. I suppose that I should meet him."

"Only if you wish to," Allen said firmly.

"If I do not, it may not go so very well and seem as if I am trying to hide. They may think that you are keeping me from other dragons or that you have raised me incorrectly, and I will not have that. It is for the best that I go, father."

Allen stroked his neck. "I know, Ryan. It doesn't mean I have to like it, though."

Ryan paused. "They said that it was best that no humans be there."

"So Irian said to us."

"That does not upset you?"

Allen shrugged. "I would like to go with you, but you're a big dragon and, like Irian told us, you can introduce us to him later. For now it's best that you go alone with no humans."

"That means Tanner as well," Ryan said quietly.

Allen looked over at Beth who shook her head slightly. "That's true, Ryan."

"I should go talk to him about it."

"That would probably be a good idea," Beth said, petting him. Ryan stood and stretched, then nuzzle both of his parents affectionally before jumping off the bed and padding off to find Tanner.

Allen and Beth watched him go and Allen turned to Beth. "I swear Tanner has him bewitched somehow!"

"They're just close friends, Allen."

"Are they? You saw how Ryan reacted when he said that Tanner was not going to be there. He was more upset about that then about us not being with him!"

"Oh Allen, stop it!" Beth said, exasperated. "He loves us, he cares for Tanner, and that's all just fine."

"He more than cares for Tanner."

Beth was silent for a moment. "So what do you want to do? Separate them?"

"It may be for the best."

She shook her head. "He'll turn on you if you do."

"And you say he doesn't have him bewitched!"

She sighed. "Allen...you're exaggerating."

"Am I? You saw the way he dropped his ears, the way his wings twitched, his tone of voice and the way his tail moved. Tell me again that he's not really worried about Tanner and what he thinks."

"I don't deny they have a very strong friendship, but bewitched? No, Allen. I doubt such a think could even happen, dragon or otherwise. He's a teenager and, human or dragon, there's a certain amount of rebellion that goes with it. He knows you don't care for Tanner so he's probably reacting subconsciously to it."

"It's deeper; I'm sure of it."

"Why don't you go ask Sulvius, or maybe Pax about it then?"

"Good idea."

"Just don't go off the deep end," she warned.

"I'm not stupid, Beth. It's always a good idea to respect a creature that could eat you with a single bite."

Beth laughed. "Why you can teach an old dog new tricks after all!"

He glared. "Thanks!"

Tanner roamed around the garden, alone and at peace with the world at large. There was something to be said about the occasional bout of solitude. Tanner liked people and, frankly, loved the company of dragons even more, but there were certainly times when it was nice to be alone away from both. The day was wonderful, the wind light and warm, the flowers fragrant and sweet, and the wind in the branches made a soothing whisper.

He did find himself wondering what Ryan was up to, at how the meeting with Irian and pax went. They asked him to be someplace else and that did rankle just a bit. Well, he wouldn't worry about it. Ryan was their prince and they would do nothing to harm him.

He still had the persistent fear that they would drive him away from Ryan. Not that he feared that Ryan would ever allow it willingly, but there were either ways it could be accomplished. Ryan was at least as determined to keep him around as he was to stay but a bunch of dragons in places of power could make that a difficult prospect.

The sound of dragon wings caught his attention and the object of his thoughts flew up and over the garden, peering about as if he were looking for someone. He waved to him and Ryan homed in on him, back winging for a landing. Tanner grinned at the way Ryan landed gracefully, once again admiring his colors and agility. Ryan padded over to him and sat back on his haunches, looking up at him with interest as he neatly folded his wings to his back.

"Are you supposed to be flying?" Tanner asked.

"Athena said that short flights were good for me, but not to fly far or for very long until she can look at my wings again. They are still a little sore. I think they are going to have someone teach me how to fly."

"That will be fun," Tanner said and walked closer to him. He tentatively reached out and Ryan dropped his head to be pet. Tanner stroked his cheeks, smiling at the way Ryan pushed his head into the petting and thrummed. "So were you looking for me or just out and about?"

Ryan lifted his head, sighing. "They wish for me to meet a dragon named Mikail."

"Hmm," Tanner mused. "Very conservative from what I understand and also very, very old."

"Pax says he is at least 800."

"That would not surprise me at all."

Ryan hesitated. "They said that neither you nor my parents should be there at the meeting."

"Understandable. He is very conservative so he won't likely care for humans getting mixed up in dragon politics."

"I do not like it!" Ryan said, rumbling.

"Can't say as though I care for it much myself, but it's probably better that you follow what they say, Ryan," he said, petting the dragons neck, trying to sooth him.

Ryan grunted. "I wish for you and my parents to be wherever I am, but I guess I understand it. It as not as if I am leaving the safe house."

"That is true, Ryan," he said, still petting him.

"well, I thought that you would wish to be with me badly enough that it would upset you that you could not,"Ryan said, his tail flicking back and forth in a sign of uncertainty.

Tanner very, very carefully clasped Ryan's chin. Ryan, it is certainly upsetting and I would prefer to be with you in whatever you face. But there is very little that I can do about it and, further, it is only one night I am sure and I cannot see you allowing them to keep me away from you for any extended period of time or to separate you from your parents. So no, I don't care for it, but it's not worth getting so very upset about."

"You are right."

"I usually am!" Tanner said with a grin.

Ryan snorted and butted him with his head, pushing him back. "Careful now! I'm just a fragile human!" Ryan nudged him a little more carefully.

"Do you know this Mikail?"

"No, only by reputation as I said."

Ryan sighed. "I guess I should learn to expect such things."

"Pretty much."

Ryan cocked his head, his stomach grumbling loud enough for both of them to hear. "I am hungry. Have you eaten?"

"Not yet."

Ryan nudged him again. "Good. Then we will eat together with my parents."

Tanner smiled. "I'd like that, but do they know?"

"No, but they will not mind so very much."

Tanner stroked the dragons neck. "As you say, Ryan," knowing that it was most likely not true. Ryan's parents were leery of him even in good times. He kept it to himself, however, and followed the dragon into the safe house, nodding at the other dragon as they walked past, hoping this would work out for the best.


"Yes sir. They went to Arizona, but where in the state I cannot say as of yet."

Poundstone grunted and looked at Arlen who was also looking over the data. "Well?"

"It's sound. As for finding more, well if he can't, no one can."

The man looked at Arlen and shook his head. "Putting me on a pedestal so I can get knocked off?"

"Hardly. I have faith in you."

Poundstone walked out of the house into the southern California sunshine, puffing on one of his ever present cigarillos, Arlen trailing just a few steps behind. They both climbed into a BMW Z4 and Poundstone tore off down the road heading to no where in particular.

They had only gone a few miles when Arlen pulled out his phone. After a moment he frowned. "Fine. Thanks for keeping me in the loop."

"Issues?" Poundstone asked.

"Not really."

"What was it?"

"One of the better known hackers was found with his throat ripped out, evidently by some large animal. His computer had acid dumped on it, strong enough to dissolve it beyond all hope of retrieval, and then his backups traced and destroyed. Someone was evidently angry enough to track him down and wanted everyone to know they destroyed all of his information."

Poundstone shrugged. "Any effect on us?"

"Probably not, no, but it's good to know. With "The Black Fox" gone it may open up some other jobs for us."

"A good thing," he said and frowned. "Black Fox?"

"Yeah. Melodramatic isn't it?"

"Idiotic is more like it. Have we used him?"

Arlen shook his head. "No, not directly. He worked with the old man on something a few years back, some government infiltration job, while we ran security. That was about it."

Poundstone drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he drove, grimacing. Arlen glanced at him. "Got something, boss?

"Maybe," Poundstone said and grunted. "I'll kick it around awhile. Meanwhile, lets hit Denny's; I'm hungry."

Arlen groaned. "Always Denny's"

"You get paid enough to eat there."

"I get paid enough to not!"

"But I like your company."

Arlen sighed. "Yes oh mighty Kiwi Lord!"

"I told you not to all me that..."

"Just one damned minute!" Norian yelled, staggering over to the door of his vacation retreat, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Why was it no matter how carefully he planned someone always found him?

He jerked open the door and took a startled step back. Per was standing there, looking tired and warn with a cat under one arm and a small cage under the other.

"What the hell?" Norian exclaimed and motioned for him to come inside. "Per, what in the hell are you doing here?"

Per let the cat go which promptly vanished down a short hallway and set the cage not he table, setting the occupant to freeping. He turned and Norian saw the bruises and scratches on his face, the bloodstains on his shirt. "I had a bit of trouble at home."

"Dear Lord!" Norian exclaimed.

Norian's mate, Charis, walked out in her bathrobe. "Dear? Who--" she stopped. "Per!"

"I'm not hurt bad," Per said.

"Bad enough! Let me get the med kit."

Norian went to the kitchen and pulled a couple of bottles that looked like gatorade out. He came back and sat them down on the table and Per nodded. "In a moment," he said as Norian sat down across from him.

"So what the hell happened?"

"I was sitting at home and got a phone call from a human client of mine. He needed me to help him prepare for an audit the crown was doing. I and nothing to do that night so I went over to his home. He was acting really strange as we went over his books and the next thing I know, several men walk in, guns drawn, aimed at me.

"My client apologized and said that he had no choice but to call them. I acted confused, which I was really, asking what this was all about and the men said they had heard reports of certain 'exotic animals' being kept nearby. At first I thought they may be looking for Wastrel, the cat, like he may have escaped from some government lab or something looney like that, but then wondered at the guns. You don't go looking for animals with pop guns and no tranquilizer darts, not to mention the angry looks.

"I told them that I had no exotic animals, unless you counted the guinea pig I was watching, and if that was it they had better get better orders as half the school kids in Britain were harboring exotic fugitives of justice!"

He shook his head. "Then they pulled out the pictures..." He looked down, shaking his head, trembling. He looked up an Norian with a pleading expression. "They had pictures of me, Norian. Somehow they got pictures of me in my dragon form and of me shifting, or shortly thereafter. I am never careless Norian! I promise! I follow all the security protocols!"

"Easy, Per, I believe you," Norian said quietly. Charis came in with the med kit and started to go over Per's wounds.

"Any dragon specific?"

"A few, but you can get those in a moment."

"So, on with you story..."

"I told them they were fake and that they were crazy, but the men would have nothing of it, claiming they had video as well and that my client had provided them with all of it. I looked at him and he would not look me in the eye. He was a human client of mine, as I said, and had been for many years." Per shook his head. "Always reliable, good for my business. He had no clue that I am a dragon I assure you. How he could have found out or be tricked into taking those pictures was beyond me.

"He looked every bit as scared as I was becoming. Well they started asking more questions and it became fairly obvious that they knew way too much. There had to be a leak somewhere. Some dragon sold me out, Norian!" Per said in anguish.

"It's not your fault," Norian reassured him.

'Fault or not, that a dragon could reveal another dragon like that? Great Lord, what have we come to?" Per shook his head. "I became convinced that they knew too much so...I shifted to my bipedal form and...removed them."

"Oh Per," Charis said sadly. She took the dragons head into her hands and he just stared at her, the fear and hurt in his eyes all too visible.

"My client..." he shook his head. "He was so very terrified of me, but I finally calmed him down and gave him the address of one of the safe houses and told him to tell them he was a new contractor for Saint George Steel. I only hope that he did as he was told. I don't know what they had over him, he had no family that I know of but..." he sighed.

"I returned to my home and had to fight off several more there. I grabbed Wastrel and the guinea pig, not wanting to face Tanner if I lost him, grabbed my emergency stash and...and set the destruct on my place." He shook his head, looking at the ground with a dead stare. "All my books, all that study, a good portion of my things...just gone."

Norian stood up and paced. "I am so very sorry Per, but you did the right thing."

"That makes it no easier to bear, dear one," Charis said. "Shift forms, Per, so I can get to the rest of you, then drink your drink."

Per snorted. "You know the younger dragons call that stuff 'Dragonade', like Gatorade but for dragons."

She sighed. "Youngsters do all sorts of foolish things. Now shift." He shifted and she swore. "Per you've been shot!"

He shrugged. "Did not feel it at the time," he said and winced.

She sighed. "Males!" and set out to remove the bullet and stitch his wounds.

Norian paced for awhile longer and then picked up his cell phone., punching in several numbers. After a moment he said. "Norian. Code Void. Call the Conclave and pull in the protected." He paused. "Yes I am serious! Move it you git!"

Per and Charis looked at him, eyes wide.

Norian stared back. "It may be war."