Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 13

Story by GraveyardGreg on SoFurry

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#13 of Welcome Back to Cappuccinos!

Now Serving:

Lunch Plans and Story Threats

Venti flexed his thumb to make sure his father hadn't broken it. "Promise me you'll never teach Ted that thumb trick."

"Maybe I won't," his father said, grinning up at him. "You promise you won't try a stunt like that again?"

Venti nodded, feeling a bit cowed that someone smaller than him could take him down so effortlessly. "I can still beat you in arm wrestling, though."

His father raised an eyebrow, and the grin became a grim smile. "Are you sure about that?"

Venti sighed. "No, not really."

"Now you're going to set up a meeting between me and your biological father. Somewhere nice and public." He raised a hand before Venti could say anything. "And yes, I promise I won't embarrass you. I just need to know."

"So you keep telling me."

His father folded his arms and frowned up at him. "Don't sass me, son."

"I wouldn't dream of it." He waggled his thumb in front of him. "You might do the thumb hold again, and I don't want to go through that for a second time."

Venti was saved from his father's reply by the front door opening, heralding the arrival of Art, Ted and Otis.

"So this is Art?" Venti's father said, walking over to the lion with his hand outstretched. "I'm Reginald's father, Earl."

Art shook Earl's hand, and the hyena looked him over. "You're not as tall like the others." He glanced over at Venti for a second. "I thought he was starting to dislike all the short people."

Art grinned. "Somehow I managed to convince him the error of his ways." He looked over Earl and winked at Venti. "Of course, he's really, really stubborn, so it took him a while to realize what he was missing."

Venti rolled his eyes. "Granted, it's awesome to have someone who can reach the bottom shelf for me, since it's such a pain to force myself to crouch down such a far distance," he said, folding his arms, "but sometimes it's so hard to hear what you're saying, since you're so short and I'm so tall."

"Maybe you should stop towering over all us normal sized people so much and sit down once in a while," Ted said. "That is, if you can find a chair that'll hold up your big, fat butt."

Veti cupped a hand to his ear in Ted's direction. "I'm sorry, what was that, Ted? I can't hear you, I'm too tall."

"Lemme go climb Otis and then I'll put you in a headlock," Ted said, moving behind the otter.

Otis flinched away from Ted. "Hey, no way. I'm a bigger target than you are."

"When I get through with Venti, I'm gunning for you next, you otter traitor."

Art looked at Earl. "Were Venti and Ted always like this?"

"Worse," he said. "Much, much worse."

"I can't even imagine that."

Earl shook his head. "Don't try, son. I'll just tell you all the embarrassing stories if those two don't behave in five seconds."

"I'll be good," Venti and Ted both said simultaneously.