An Unexpected End

Story by chapdav on SoFurry

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A knock came on Joseph's door. He got up from his place on the couch to see who it was.

"Hopefully it is my new coin," he said to himself, "I have been waiting on that thing for weeks.

Joseph was 23 years old; he was a tall grey furred wolf with long dark hair which came down to his shoulders. He hadn't been living in this apartment building very long and hadn't yet met anyone; though he worked so much he didn't really have time to meet anybody.

As he approached the door he looked through the peephole to see a stocky male delivery raccoon with a small package in his paw.

Joseph opened the door quickly and said, "Can I help you?"

"Special delivery for Joseph Smith," replied the raccoon in a bored tone.

"That is me," said Joseph allowing a smile to creep across his muzzle.

"Sign here," said the raccoon thrusting a clipboard in Joseph's direction.

After signing and taking the package Joseph thanked the delivery raccoon and closed the door. Turning, Joseph began heading for his kitchen while hastily tearing the packaging off the small object.

It indeed was the coin he had been waiting for. It was a rare 24 carat gold Kennedy 20 dollar coin. He had gotten it off eBay a while back because it would go great in his collection.

He sat down at his kitchen table to admire his new prize. It was tightly sealed in a clear wrapper to protect it from the elements. though it could be clearly seen and felt and Joseph beamed to himself, "it was well worth the price."

Laying the coin down on the table for the time being he got up to get the case he had bought for his new prize to go in.

After returning from his room with the case he set it on the table and picked up the coin to look at it one more time, but while picking it up he dropped it and it rolled off the table.

"Damn it," he said as he ran around the table just in time to see the coin roll into the floor air vent.

"No, this can't be happening!" he shouted to no one in particular.

He leaned down over the vent and pulled it up to see if he could see the coin, but with no luck he couldn't see anything in the darkness beyond.

Standing up again he headed over to his pantry to look for a flashlight.

After digging for a few minutes he finally pulled out a heavy duty flashlight

Heading back to the vent he got back on his hands and knees and put it down in the vent but still saw nothing more than darkness beyond what the flashlight could illuminate.

"damn," Joseph repeated"I have to get that coin back."

He sat back on his haunches; there was a way to get deeper into the vent. He pondered it for a minute before heading back to his room.

He returned shortly after with what seemed like a laser pistol. In actuality it was a size changing gun.

Joseph set the dial to half an inch and, pointing it at himself, pulled the trigger.

There was a blinding flash of light from the gun and like that Joseph was half an inch tall. He peered around in wonder he had never used the gun before but he was glad it had worked.

Joseph took a look around his now huge kitchen and marveled at the sheer size of everything. His table looms high above him and he could see the case that the coin went in partially sitting off the edge.

Seeing the case reminded Joseph why he was doing this, and he turned to face the air vent.

He shivered in spite of himself; it looked like a mouth that was ready to swallow him whole.

Joseph walked to the edge and peered down, "I wish I had the foreside to shirk my flashlight as well," he abraded himself. He waited only a few seconds before lowering himself into the vent.

"I have to hurry," he thought to himself, "the effects only last 30 minutes and he would return to normal unless something happened to him, but he didn't want to think about all the dangers of being this size.

After claiming down inside the vent he began to scout around for his count. Having not brought his flashlight he had no idea where to start looking. .

"Well, any port hole in a storm," he said out loud as he headed down the tunnel.

Joseph walked for a few minutes and was about to turn around when he stumbled over something, reaching down he felt the familiar plastic case of his beloved coin.

He worked his way around to the other side and began pushing it when suddenly a strong flow of air picked him up and carried him down the vent.

The wind slammed him into wall after wall after wall on his journey through the AC ducts of his apartment building, but as suddenly as the wind came it stopped depositing him on another vent cover.

Joseph couldn't move, his body was in complete agony as his legs had been broken from the hard impacts.

He slowly turned himself over to see where he might have been dropped, but as small as he was he slipped through the slats and began another frightening journey, though this one was a great deal shorter as he landed in some sort of red liquid.

"Where am I," he thought to himself.

He could see cabinets above him and a partial white shape on the other side of the room which he guessed was a refrigerator. Then it hit him he was in a kitchen and from what his sensitive nose picked up he was in ketchup.

Then the worst shock of all, a huge female white tiger loomed in front o f him with an enormous piece of bread which she began to lower toward him.

He yelled and thrashed as best he could to try and get her attention but she didn't seem to notice him. As the bread covered him he realized he was going to die here on a sandwich and he began to scream.

Kara put the top piece of bread on her sandwich and took her plate into the living room to eat. As she sat down on the couch she grabbed the remote and began to flip through the channels, finally settling on the game show network.

She then picked up her sandwich and began to eat.

Joseph could feel himself moving and shifting inside the sandwich, and then his worst fear became true as the tigress began to eat.

He was in the middle of the sandwich so he had a few seconds left to make his last peace before he was finally taken into her mouth and began to chew.

She, by luck, missed chewing Joseph but he was moved around in her mouth and, to his shame, he felt a little turned on by the sensation until she began to swallow.

Joseph slid toward the back of her mouth, we with his broken legs he couldn't do anything but watch as his final resting place came closer and closer.

Surprisingly to him the journey down her throat was more pleasant than he expected, but that train of thought wise derailed as he landed in her stomach acids.

The pain he felt was unbelievable ashen began to digest him and he became nutrients for this gargantuan beast.