Alexander Powers/Forms

Story by Alexander Selenveen on SoFurry

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Alexander's Powers and Forms


Darkria: The power to control darkness,create objects out of darkness and control most creatures OF darkness.

Litora: The power to control light,heal wounds,bring back the dead and control most creatures OF light.

Spectoria: The power to control astral of spectral powers,become ghost like,move between Living,Purgatory and Dead worlds and the power to control most spectral or astral creatures.

Giga: The power to use 'Giga' based powers use as Giga-Dark Blast or Giga-Blinding Light.


Desperatio's Auctor (Despair's Champion): Alexander's fur,skin and flesh are melted away leaving only his skeleton and black mists cover his skeleton from head to toe. His eyes are filled with a glowing blood red mist and he looses all sense of sanity,becoming a creature with only a single goal,to kill. In this form Alexander is at his absolute strongest and is VERY VERY hard to defeat. In this form he is able to use only two Giga powers. Giga-Tenebrarum Inflatus (Dark Blast) and Giga-Tenebrarum Plerumque Nubila (Dark Rain).

Caeca Lux (Blinding Light): Alexander's fur turns pure white as do his eyes and the inside of his mouth. White feathery wings appear on his back and a bright light always remains behind him at all times. Alexander looses all offensive capabilities and gains defensive and healing capabilities. Alexander is very vulnerable to physical attacks but ranged and magical attacks have little to no effect. In this form Alexander has the Giga powers Giga-Regeneration and Giga-Blinding Light.

Phasmatis Aetas (Specter of Time): Alexander becomes semi-transparent,a ghost, and looses the ability to attack or defend but gains that ability to slow down,speed up or even stop time at any given moment around his enemy. He cannot be attacked physically but when he enters this form he leaves behind his body in a protect orb of black and white flames. In order to pull him back into his body,the orb MUST be destroyed first then a blunt hit to Alexander's body will pull him back. It MUST be blunt or it will not work,any cuts will just regenerate in a milisecond. In this form Alexander has Giga-Regeneration and Giga-Shield