The Rogue

Story by Harper on SoFurry

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Chapter One

They had just formed ranks. This was the battle

for Herstmonceux castle, The War of The Roses. Sean

had been hired in, one of about twenty Irish

mercenaries. Two days ago, he had defected from the

Lancastrian side to the Yorkists. The Lancastrians

might have had cannons, but the Yorkists paid better,

and had an advantage in troop numbers. Being a

Commander, he was given charge of two ranks of ten. He

adjusted his helmet and sword, and made sure the

chainmaille was on right. One final time, he ran over

the plan of attack in his mind.

"Alright men, march up in two blocks behind Lady

Joan, and watch for archers. Beware of cannon fire.

Good luck. If you die fighting, which many of you

will, you will have died an honourable death. May your

souls find peace. Now, Let's kill these dirty

Lancastrian bastards!" Sean had called over his

troops. The priest went and blessed them in Latin, and

bade them farewell. Sean drew his sword, and shouted

the order to advance. Lady Joan said her piece, and

made herself scarce. Arrows rained down around them,

some firey. Occasionally, he would hear the sound of

one of his men be struck down by an arrow, but he kept

marching, leaving the dead and wounded where they

fell. The enemy rank hard formed into a block, so Sean

ordered that his companies form a wedge, and then

charge the Lancastrian block. Sean was a skirmisher,

picking off stragglers. He went in, fll and hard,

hewing an enemy in half, diagonally across his body,

blood glutting upon him. The blood steamed upon the

st! eel of his blade, and he licked at the blood that

had landed on his face. Then, out of no-where an arrow

pierced his chainmaille, and went straight into his

shoulder. He could tell it was tainted with poison, he

could feel it enter his blood. He fought on

regardless, until he got too sloppy from the poison,

and misjudged an attack, and took the brunt of a

hammer blow on his helm. It knocked him for six, and

left him out cold, and bleeding.

He had fallen at the edge of the forest upon the

hill. A stranger noticed him, and recognizing his

livery as that of the king he served, he took this

Sean's injured body, and removed the arrow and applied

a poultice to the wound. It slowly stopped bleeding.

Sean weighed close to 250 lbs with his armour on, and

regardless, this stranger wanted to see him safe. Sean

drifted in and out of consciousness, reality tisted

and turned on it's head from the poison on the arrow.

He carried Sean's body in his arms to the medic tent,

and set him down inside, casting the priest one stony

glance before exiting the tent. The poison was in his

brain, causing him great nightmares. He recalled the

horror of the battle, twisted and made more

frightening by the poison. Then, his memories went

back to his childhood. He remembers his mother

abandoning him in a forest back home. He was about six

at the time. He followed his mother back to the clan's

camp. He stayed in the cover of the brush and

undergrowth, only to watch the cheiftan, his father

stab his mother through the heart with a simple silver

blade. He learned later in life that his mother had

been bitten by a werewolf while she was pregnant with

him. Eleven years later, he killed his father with the

silver blade. He kept that blade on him at all times

since his revenge. He kept his lycanthropy a secret,

having seen with his young eyes what it had cost his

mother. He had discovered his ability to change when

he was about thirteen, and he had lived rough for most

of his life, only joining a clan when he was twenty.

The terror of those nights when he slept in open

ground, prey for the wild beasts. He was taken in by a

pack of wolves, and he only discovered why when he

discovered that he could change.

He snapped awake, his hand instinctively going for

his silver dagger, and when he realised he was in a

tent, he looked around to see wounded soldiers around

him. His shoulder throbbed like fuck, he reckoned it

was infected. A weedy, shrivelled voice startled him,

it was the priest. The priest told him of the rogue

that had saved him. Told him he was one of the lucky

few of his company of Yorkists to survive the first

charge. He took some tea from the priest, it was

disgusting, but he drank it, rather than be rude. The

priest was distracted with another soldier, so Sean

took that opportunity to talk to his saviour. He got

about as far as the tent opening, which wasn't far,

maybe 15 feet, and managed to call out to the rogue

before collapsing in pain. Before he knew it, the

rogue was at his side easing the pain in his shoulder

with some kind of potion.

They were accosted by two guards, one armed with a

spear who was threatening the rogue. Sean saw the

feral shine in his saviours eyes, and knew he had to

talk to him. The guards, however, had a different

idea. One of them presumed him a spy, and went at him

with the spear, the stranger sidestepped, and snapped

the spear, cast Sean one last look, and made for the

darkness beyond the light of the fire. "No....come

back....." Sean said resignedly, and, looking at the

darkness, he thought he had seen the feral shine from

the rogue's eyes. The guards dragged him back to the

tent and put him to bed. He slept like the dead.