SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 9-12

Story by ulyferal on SoFurry

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#3 of SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker


Chapter 9: Making The Antidote

"I'm bushed," T-Bone said, stifling a yawn.

"Me too, but we did corral a lot of vamps tonight. Unfortunately, we have no idea just how many are still out there," Felina sighed, worriedly

Dawn was an hour away when the pair headed back to headquarters. The past two hours failed to uncover anymore vamps and the streets were finally empty. They just hoped not too many more vamps had been made this night but even with all the enforcers out searching, they just couldn't be everywhere in this large city.

The tired pair decided to pack it in for the night when dawn's light began to tinge the horizon. It raised their spirits when they received word that Feral and Razor had returned with Viper and the formula to make an antidote.

"Maybe we will finally see an end to this!" Felina said, brightly.

T-Bone grunted his agreement as he landed the Turbokat smoothly on the end of the flight line at Enforcer Headquarters.

They strode into Feral's office some ten minutes later to find Razor sitting on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table, resting, and the Commander at his desk finishing some reports.

He looked up as they came in, a frown on his face, his eyes squinting against the meager light coming from the rising sun. The pair had been sitting in the dark to spare their sensitive eyes. The coming dawn allowed T-Bone and Felina to see them more easily.

"Maybe you two should seek a dark room and rest until this evening. The light of day must be giving you hell about now," the tabby suggested, concern lacing his voice.

"We will as soon as we brief you on what's going on first," Feral said gruffly. "Dr. Konway's head assistant is working on making the antidote as we speak. We destroyed Viper's hideout so no more trouble can come from there. Razor and I came up with a plan for when the antidote is completed. We intend to track down all the vamps tonight and either, cure or kill them."

Felina hissed in dismay and T-Bone wasn't far behind her. Neither was happy the two were going hunting the vamps alone, because they knew that was what Feral meant.

"You could be killed!" Felina objected first.

Feral cocked a blood-rimmed eye at her. "Who else could do it, Felina? We certainly can't afford more vamps being created and that's what would happen if I sent any enforcers out with us. No...only Razor and I can do this...however..." he held up a paw to forestall any more objections, "...that doesn't mean you and my enforcers won't be doing exactly what you did tonight," Feral told them both grimly.

"We need to get them all tonight! If even one is left out there, we will be fighting this war for a very long time," Razor growled. "However, I'm hoping Dr. Konway will eventually come up with a gaseous form of the cure so that we can saturate the city with it. But right now, we need whatever form of it they can make quickly. The alterations will have to wait until Konway recovers from exhaustion for anything more workable."

T-Bone looked over at Felina and saw the same resignation in her eyes as she could see in his face. He turned back to the pair.

"Okay, you've made your point. Guess we better get some rest then. Felina and I will ride herd on the scientists when we get up later. Where are you guys going to be?"

"I've a room of my own in the opposite tower. We'll sleep there," Feral grunted, getting up from his desk. The morning light was becoming far too painful to endure any longer.

"Then take a guard with you," T-Bone said flatly. "You can't have anyone breaking into your room or disturbing you. You should also have some blood with you so you don't chomp on your guard when you wake up hungry," he warned.

"We're ahead of you there. We've already eaten and have supplies on us but they won't be enough for us to keep our heads when we begin the hunt so it would be appreciated if you have more ready for us when we see you in the lab later tonight," Feral said, glancing over at his niece.

"Will do, Uncle. Go get some rest and we'll do the same. First, though, we'll tell the scientists where we'll be so they won't disturb you two," Felina said, briskly.

"Good idea. See you two later," Feral grunted as he hurriedly made for his office door with Razor on his heels, the rising sun chasing them from the room.

They vanished quickly leaving the other two behind.

"Okay, let's go to the lab, T-Bone, then I'll take to where you can get some sleep," Felina said, heading for the door herself.

"Can we grab something to eat before we crash? I'm hungry."

"Oh, yeah...probably should do that myself. We'll stop at the canteen and get something," Felina agreed, leading the way to the BioTech Labs.

Once they told Konway's head assistant where they would be and not to disturb the Commander, Felina took T-Bone to the canteen. Dinner was still being served as they grabbed a tray and went through the line. The tabby got plenty of mixed looks but no one harassed them knowing how much the SWAT Kat was doing to try and save the city. They found an empty table against the wall and quickly ate in silence.

Dumping their trash, they made their way to the skybridge that led to the other tower. Felina escorted him down a quiet hallway, halting at a room at the end.

"This is mine and I believe that one..." she pointed to one across from her, "...is empty. Let me take a look." She went to the door opposite hers, opened it and peered in. Nodding her head, she stepped back and gestured for him to go on in. "See you around three?" She asked.

"Yeah, sounds perfect, though, you'll probably have to wake me," T-Bone said, smiling a little as he stepped into the room.

"Sure, no problem. Sleep well," she said quietly then went into her room and shut the door.

T-Bone looked around his temporary quarters and sighed. It was clean, dark and quiet. He locked the door, put a chair in front of it and went to take a much needed shower, before putting his mask back on and crashing onto the bed with a moan of relief, falling asleep almost immediately.

Her alarm went off at three p.m. rousing her still sleeping form. She yawned, throwing her bedding off and heading for the shower. Dressed and ready to go fifteen minutes later, she went to T-Bone's door and knocked hard. Getting no response, she tried to open it and found it locked. Snorting in annoyance, she proceeded to bang on the door non-stop until the door suddenly was ripped open with her fist still in the air.

"I'm up already," the tabby growled.

"You said you would have to be awakened and you weren't kidding," Felina smirked in amusement. "Better get your tail in gear, it's three thirty already," she said without sympathy.

"Right, be out in ten," he grunted, closing the door.

Ten minutes later, he reappeared, refreshed and more awake.

"We'd better get some food. It will probably be our only chance to eat for hours," Felina warned.

"Good idea."

An hour later they walked into the lab wanting to see what progress had been made. Their eyes were greeted by the sight of a fully staffed laboratory working diligently at every work space. No one looked up as they walked among them looking for Dr. Konway. They found him in a far corner surrounded by a small group of older scientists.

They came close but didn't interrupt as they listened in.

"The form this is in will work for what needs to be done immediately, however, we need to push for a quicker more broader dispersal of the cure to catch what Commander Feral and Razor fail to find after tonight's hunt," Konway said, gravely. "I want you to push the envelope and give each team a sample of the formula and figure out a better method of dispersal. I need something by tomorrow morning. The longer this goes on, more Katizens will be lost to the vampire mutation."

"Sir, trying to hurry such an experiment could have unwanted side effects that could do more harm to the victims. Longer testing could prevent that from happening," one of his scientists objected.

"I'm aware of this, Jason, however, we simply don't have the luxury of time to test the formula for side effects. Hopefully, whatever those might be will not be too harmful, though, I don't know what could be more harmful than being dead. Once the emergency is over, only then will we have time to fix anything that might come up from using the cure. If you think you have enough time to do multiple tests, I certainly won't tell you not to do them. The safer we can make the antidote the less likely we will have to deal with side effects," Konway soothed his group's concerns.

"However, that being said, if you don't have time to do more tests keep in mind saving lives is our primary goal and ending the threat of the vampire mutation so keep your focus firmly on that. Now, get to your work stations and let's get on this," Konway ordered them.

The scientists weren't particularly happy but dispersed like a flock of geese for various parts of the lab and immediately set about instructing their techs on what was required. The level of noise increased as did the activity.

Satisfied, Konway started to turn toward his own work station when Felina and T-Bone moved to his side. He gave them a wane smile.

"I take it you've got the cure in some form right now for Razor and Feral to use?" T-Bone asked him.

"Almost...the formula has been made up but we are still doing tests on it for safety issues. We will have it ready for them when it's dark," Konway assured them.

"In what form is this first batch going to be in?" Felina asked.

"Right now, all we've been able to come up with is injectable..." Konway began before T-Bone nearly jumped down his throat.

"You serious?" He nearly shouted. "That would require them to get very close to insure a hit which means darting while avoiding being attacked. This was the best you could do?"

Felina pulled the angry SWAT Kat back, even though she wasn't happy either by the news.

"Dr. Konway, this is really a dangerous way to try and get every vamp they can find."

"I know this Lieutenant but no matter how fast we work, it still takes time to brew the antidote as it is and you want it by tonight. That just doesn't leave any time to make any other form of it...believe me...I would rather have a quicker dispersal method but that...takes...time," Konway stressed tightly.

Felina sighed and hugged herself. What her uncle and Razor were faced with was darting their prey while trying to keep from being killed themselves.

"Well, then I hope Razor can come up with a way to quick fire several darts at a time," T-Bone said angrily, turning on his heel he left the lab.

Frowning, she hurried after him. He lead her to the flight line and the Turbokat. There he stopped. Placing one paw on his precious jet, he stared at the city skyline as shadows began to cover it with the slow departure of the sun.

"Razor will come up with a solution, T-Bone. He always does," Felina said quietly.

T-Bone didn't answer for a long moment. "It isn't so much what he has to do, Felina. It's that he's doing it without me as his backup," he murmured unhappily.

She sighed, reaching out and giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I know. You're a team and you want to be there by his side as you've always been. I hope they succeed and make it back to us safely. Whether my uncle thinks so or not, we need you two."

"Thanks," he said distantly, keeping his eyes on the lowering sun. "Almost time for them to be getting up," he said some minutes later.

"Yeah, most likely," she said then turned to walk back inside. After another moment's contemplation, he did the same.

Chapter 10: Hunting Vampires 1

When the sun had sunk completely below the horizon, Feral and Razor woke up. Their eyes glowed eerily in the darkened bedroom. Nearly at the same time, the pair made for the tiny fridge.

Snarling at each other, they grabbed the bags and moved to different parts of the room to greedily gulp down their dinner.

"That didn't help at all," Razor hissed angrily, tossing his bags in the trash.

"Can't be helped," Feral rumbled tautly. "Felina should have more for us at the lab so let's go!"

They wasted no more time and left the room they had shared and hurried to the main tower, hunger goading them. They made sure no one was in the elevator when they made for the lab, they didn't need accidents now.

They moved in tandem down the hall and hissed at anyone that got too close to them, scaring enforcers and civilians alike.

Felina was striding up the hall to the lab, over her arm a bag filled with blood plasma when the two hungry half vamps came up behind her and growled nearly making her jump out of her fur. She looked to one side and winced at the sight of her uncle's predatory gleam as he stared at her bag and sniffed the air loudly.

She stopped immediately and handed out a bag a piece to the pair then started walking again for the lab. The two altered Kats sucked down the blood then hurried after her. In the lab, T-Bone was surprised when the doors burst open followed by Felina's rather nervous form clutching a bag. He soon learned why when his partner and Feral appeared right on her heels. Concerned, he quickly rushed to her side.

Just as he got close to her, the Lieutenant halted in her tracks and turned around quickly to hand out a blood bag to each of the hungry pair. Peering over her shoulder into the bag, T-Bone noted there were four left. He reached around her and took two bags then waved them before his partner's face drawing him away from the she-kat while Felina did the same with her uncle.

Dr. Konway and his assistant were walking toward them as the two half vamps hungrily slurped down the blood. The assistant, Dr. Resdon, paled visibly at the sight but managed to keep his dinner down as he and his superior halted before the group. He watched as the Lieutenant collected the empty bags and threw them away in a nearby biological hazard's trash bin.

The lead scientist used that moment to speak to the Commander, "Sir, we have the antidote made, however, we haven't had time to make it in a more dispersable form. That, unfortunately, will take many more hours to accomplish."

"What do you mean?" Feral said, finally able to focus on something other than his hunger.

"For the purpose of your hunt tonight we could only get an injectable form of it done. Given more time, we hope to have a gaseous form developed so that the city could be saturated," Konway explained.

"Injectable?" Feral blurted, eyes widening in consternation.

"Easy, Commander. It's not a really great way to do this but I can make a weapon that can shoot out multiple darts in one go. Just give me an hour to convert the four glovatrixes to do it. Though, I'll have to use your R&D section to get it done," Razor said calmly, his mind already making alterations to something he had on his glovatrix that could do the trick.

"A delay we didn't need but there's no help for it," Feral grunted in annoyance.

"Uh, there's something else I need to tell you, sir," Konway broke in, a little more nervous this time.

Feral frowned but paused and inclined his head questioningly.

"The antidote will work on a fully altered Kat but we aren't certain what it will do to you two who are only half altered. Furthermore, tests indicate that if you stay in this form another forty-eight hours, you might never be able to return to normal," Konway said worriedly.

Razor and Feral froze at that bit of news. T-Bone and Felina looked sick with concern.

Feral led out a sigh. "Well, there's nothing we can do about that. We are the only ones who can safely ferret out the vamps before there are far too many of them to stamp out. Even if we don't manage to find all of them tonight, at least we will have insured there aren't too many more new ones being made and those should be taken out with the dispersable cure."

"Razor..." T-Bone asked, hesitatingly.

"He's right, buddy. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try. We'll worry about the cure later. Right now, it's important that I alter one of my weapons to shoot darts. While I'm doing that, you need to go reload and refuel the jet," the smaller SWAT Kat said with resignation and finality.

Not happy with his partner's decision, T-Bone nonetheless, backed off.

Feral, however, had more to say, "okay, listen up, here's the plan; as the city is large and there's no way we can cover it in one night on the bike, Razor and I have decided to be in the Turbokat, that way we can cover more ground. Along with my troops we will start our search pattern from where the first concentration of vampires appeared and spread out from there. As soon as you and Felina find our vamps, Razor and I will drop down and take them out. It does mean a lot of up and down for us but I simply don't see another way of getting this done in one night."

T-Bone frowned but was forced to nod in agreement. "Yeah, you've got a point. There really isn't a faster way to do this, also, with you aboard, if your troops find a target, we can get there faster aboard the Turbokat."

"Exactly!" Feral grunted.

"So where is the supposed starting point," T-Bone asked.

"On 5th St. and Baily Ave," Feral said referring to the report he was holding.

"Are you sure this is the best way to find them? Seems more hit and miss to me," T-Bone asked skeptically.

Feral shrugged, "it's the best guess we have and we're also going by how the vampires act. Being half-vamps has given us sorta of a unique insight on how they are reacting. They don't really have any brain to think with."

"Yeah, the only thing on their minds is hunger so they will simply keep moving forward until they find a warm body then hide from the dawn." Razor chimed in. "We've sorta dried up their supply so they have to move further and further outward. They might even turn on each other as they become more desperate to find food. It may be hit and miss, but it's all we've got to start with right now."

All T-Bone could do was sigh and throw his paws out. Taking that as an end to the questions, Feral gestured for Razor to follow him and the two made for the R&D Lab carrying all four Glovatrixes with them.

At their exit, Konway turned away and issued orders to his techs to finish up making darts as quick as they could, a great many were going to be needed before the night was over.

Telling her he'd be back in about thirty minutes, T-Bone did as Razor instructed and left for their hangar to reload his armaments. When he returned, Felina insured he was able to refuel from enforcer supplies without interference.

While Razor worked on modifying the glovatrixes, Feral contacted his squadron leaders and insured the crews were ready to launch on his command in about an hour. They would leave in one group and head for the target destination then disperse from that point. He truly hoped they managed to win this thing by tomorrow night. He wasn't that hopeful they would succeed tonight since there were too many places for the creatures to hide. However, after the gaseous form of the cure was made he hoped more would be returned to normal. He grimaced to himself as he thought about how he and Razor would have to stay as they were to search all the dark places for those who didn't come out where the gas could reach them. He just knew his niece and Razor's partner were not going to like that at all. He sighed, there was no help for it so he pushed that concern to the back of his mind for later.

While he'd been thinking and planning, Razor was just finishing his work. He nudged Feral and had him take two of the glovetrixes as they headed back up to the lab. There they handed the glovatrixes to T-Bone and Felina and loaded them up with hypos. T-Bone also reloaded his and Felina's with more slicer and spider chain missiles.

"Alright, there's one more than we have to do before we leave and that's deal with the poor souls in the vaults. Hope none of the have started to cannabilize one another," Feral grunted unhappily as he finished loading his own glovatrix. "How many of these things have you made, Konway?"

"Over three thousand, sir. My techs are continuing to make more as we speak. Each of these boxes," Konway said putting a paw on one of four boxes on the table beside him, "...holds one thousand darts each."

"Good work," Feral said then turned to the three beside him, "let's get this done and get out to hunt."

T-Bone, Razor, and Felina nodded grimly and following him as Feral headed out of the lab and made for the elevator. Within minutes they were down at the armory and walking to where the two special vaults stood with guards before each of them.

Feral halted before the first one. He turned his head to look at Felina and T-Bone. "You two stay back and that includes you two," he indicated the two guards. "We'll stand before the door as it opens so all we need you to do is keep the door from opening any further than a crack," he ordered.

The two guards, Felina, and T-Bone moved to stand behind the door. Feral reached for the locking mechanism and entered his code.

"Ready?" He barked, holding up his weapon.

"Ready!" Came multiple responses.

Feral reached for the long heavy lever on the thick door and shoved it down then carefully pulled it open. The four behind the door quickly put their shoulders against it when it began to move by itself.

Through the crack, Feral and Razor could only see multiple glowing eyes and gleaming fangs, many paws with extended claws tried to swipe at the pair, the many bodies trying to force the door open further to get to the smell of food.

Methodically, Feral and Razor began shooting. Razor had dropped to a crouch while Feral fired above him. The machine pistols made soft phutttting...sounds as darts flew into the mass of bodies. Screams filled the air as the vamps were driven from the door. Within minutes, Razor and Feral had managed to get all those that had been reaching out.

"We need a light..." Feral muttered staring into the pitch dark of the room. His eyes could make out a little of what was inside but not enough to know if they'd hit all the occupants.

Razor and Feral put on protective lenses before the smaller SWAT Kat switched on his powerful flash and pointed it into the room where screams were emanating, whether from the darts or the light, he couldn't tell at first.

"Well, will you look at that!" Razor exclaimed.

Feral just shook his head. "Well, I'll give Dr. Konway credit, this stuff sure works fast," he commented.

Inside the room, bodies were writhing and shrieking in pain but as the pain passed a normal Kat was left laying on the floor panting and confused. Studying all the bodies carefully, they found a few still unaltered and fired a dart quickly at them.

"Okay, that's one down and the second to do," Feral said with satisfaction. "You can let go of the door now and open it the rest of the way. We'll call a medical team down once we finish with the second vault."

They repeated the procedures on the second vault. Thirty minutes later, both vaults now had living Kats in them with only the loss of a few Kats due to side effects of the cure or from being attacked by the others before they were returned to normal.

Feral summoned medical help then he and Razor followed by T-Bone and Felina returned to the lab to reload. As the group walked into the lab, Dr. Konway was waiting, giving them an anxious look of inquiry.

"Worked like a charm, doc," Razor said, pleased.

Konway's shoulders slumped in relief. "Thank god! That's the best news I've heard in a long while," he said then nodded at the four boxes waiting on a table nearby. "Okay, these have been refilled and here's a fifth box we've managed to fill with five hundred more."

"Great," Feral grunted, taking one box as the others took one a piece as well. "Time to take off," he said leading the way to the elevators. Everyone piled into the first available elevator and went up to the flight line.

Moments later, they were hurrying to the Turbokat parked on the end of the flight line. Razor signaled the cargo door to open and he and Feral ran up the ramp while Felina and T-Bone leaped into the now open cockpit. After securing his harness, Feral took a moment to use his radio to order all squadrons to launch while Razor closed the cargo door. The thrum of the jet engines poured through his body as he finished his call and put his radio away.

Smoothly, T-Bone raised the jet on VTOL and moved off the deck before switching to forward motion and heading for their destination. Around him, choppers were taking off and just behind them, the jets prepared to launch. The mission had begun.

Chapter 11: Hunting Vampires 2

Reaching the area they planned to begin their hunt, T-Bone halted the Turbokat on VTOL and called Razor in the cargo hold.

"Okay, which way do you think we should go?"

Razor repeated the question for Feral and waited.

Feral sat silent for a long moment then he shrugged. "Pick one! Hardly matters which way we start at," he grunted.

Nodding, Razor relayed the message. Moments later, they felt the jet switch from holding to forward motion. It was boring for Razor and Feral to sit and do nothing as they waited for the pair above them to spot their targets.

The chopper and jet squadrons fanned out in four directions from where the Turbokat had started the search. A large group of choppers were spread out behind the jet as they searched with large spotlights to peer through the gathering night looking for targets. The enforcer jets took a slightly higher elevation and covered a larger area so more of the city could be searched, keeping watch for vamps and fools straying out despite the danger.

The search was painfully slow-going and more than an hour passed with no signs of their altered brethren. The vamps had apparently gone some distance before hiding that morning. In the back of their minds, they kinda hoped the lack of sightings might mean they had gotten all the new vamps but even Feral didn't believe that, there were simply too many places for the creatures to hide.

"Alpha flight 10 calling SWAT Kats!" A voice suddenly called out over T-Bone's radio.

"SWAT Kats here! What'cha got!" T-Bone quickly responded.

"Vamps spotted at fourth and Delta! You copy?"

"Roger, we copy, going to check it out, hold your position till I get there!" T-Bone acknowledged as he turned the Turbokat and briefed his partner below. Reaching the area, he spotted the enforcer jet above him then turned his attention to the street below. He went to VTOL and dropped lower for a closer look.

At first he and Felina saw nothing but then...

"T-Bone, three o'clock!"

"I see 'em. Razor! Vamps...we see at least four of them below us!" T-Bone told his partner.

"Roger, prepare to launch the cyclotron!"


Razor climbed aboard the cyclotron with Feral squeezing on behind him. It was going to be a very tight fit in the capsule.

"Launch cyclotron!" Razor barked into his radio.

T-Bone responded by hitting a button on his console. Instantly the encapsulated cyclotron shot out from the belly of the jet and flew toward the ground. The capsule burst apart just before the bike reached the ground and roared away.

They were on the vamps in seconds. The creatures were ravenous, having not found any living Kats to feed on, so were primed to jump on the pair heading for them. Feral quickly held out his glovatrix and began firing with deadly accuracy taking at least two in his first burst. Razor had managed to get one before the last one leaped on him.

"Arrgh!" Razor screamed as the thing clawed his front.

"Take that!" Feral barked, shooting the vamp in the face over Razor's shoulder. It fell away screaming. "You okay?"

"Yeah, stings like hell!" Razor snarled as he brought the bike to a sliding halt.

The two of them quickly dismounted and stood back to back as they scanned the area for more vamps. The ones they'd hit were fast turning into regular Kats and were now in danger of being taken again.

"This is Feral, location fourth and Delta, any chopper in the vicinity...need pickup of restored victims," he commanded.

"Roger, Enforcer One! Chopper Alpha twenty responding. Be there in T-three minutes."

"Roger!" Feral turned to Razor. "We need to collect them and put them near the bike so we can guard them until they arrive."

"Right, I'll go get those two over there," Razor acknowledged as he ran toward a pair of victims a few feet apart from each other, while keeping a watchful eye for more vamps.

Feral went for the one that had jumped them and dragged him to the bike.

The newly returned to normal Kat stared at him in confusion and fear. "Stay here and don't move. You'll be evac'ed in a few minutes." He left the poor Kat leaning against the cyclotron as he hurried off for the last one, a block away.

Razor was nearly back to the bike, dragging two victims when he heard screams and roars. From a nearby alley a group of some ten vamps, came charging toward them.

Feral had managed to bring his last victim to the bike when he heard the cries and saw how far away Razor still was. He ran to the SWAT Kat and passed him, took a stance and began firing methodically into the oncoming hoard.

Razor ran faster, though it hurt his passengers to be dragged over the ground. He figured, better beat up a little rather than dead. He dropped them near the bike and yelled to them to stay put then turned around to protect them from the attacking vamps.

Feral had made a sizeable dent in the attackers but soon was overwhelmed by them. They dragged him to the ground but he fought viciously against getting torn to pieces or bit again.

Razor quickly picked off the pack attacking Feral, none of which had spotted him yet, but that didn't last long as the scent of warm blood from the newly cured victims reached their noses.

The SWAT Kat found himself facing a small, fast group of four vamps charging at him. He fired a brace of needles into the group, dropping them just a foot from him.

Feral stood up among the writhing Kats, a little worse for wear and bleeding in several places. The chopper arrived, shining a light down at them and nearly blinding Feral and Razor.

Moving off and turning their backs from the bright light, the pair kept watch for any more vamps as the chopper landed just a few feet away.

A crew of three leaped out of the chopper and made for the victims.

"Hurry up loading them before more show up!" Feral bellowed over the noise of the chopper.

The crew did their best to get all the victims loaded. They had gotten at least eight of them aboard when more vamps appeared.

"I'll take the left, you the right!" Feral shouted, moving away from the rescue operation.

Razor didn't respond but did head to the right and was firing on the run.

The two took out the four that had appeared, but now there were more victims and the chopper couldn't take anymore. Feral quickly summoned more but it began to look like the vamps had spread the word and were converging on the scene.

On one paw that was a good thing since it meant they would no longer have to hunt them, but on the other paw, it meant the enforcers and newly cured victims were in danger and there was only two Kats that were protecting them.

"Okay, I don't think we thought through this very well!" T-Bone said grimly, watching from the Turbokat above.

"Only thing we can do is go down there and help load victims faster," Felina said, scared for her uncle and all the other innocents below them.

"You're right. Tell your uncle what we're going to do!"

"Roger...Enforcer One!"

"Feral here!"

"Uncle... we're landing to help evac victims faster...have no more choppers land for the moment!"

"Roger, good idea." Feral quickly agreed then called on his radio, "Chopper leader, send no more choppers to the ground. Take a holding pattern. Turbokat is landing to take more victims, they have more room! Over!" He received a quick acknowledgment.

He turned around momentarily to bellow at the crew still on the ground, "after you load, you two stay here to help the Turbokat load victims."

Turning back to the street to keep watch, he heard the last loaded chopper go airborne then the roar of the Turbokat landing. Razor and he moved in a circular pattern around the rescue group as Felina, T-Bone and the two enforcers loaded the rest of the victims aboard the jet.

Suddenly from all directions, vamps appeared. To their dismay, it seemed they had really underestimated how fast the affliction had spread. A quick scan told Feral they were facing some thirty vamps.

In machine gun fashion, Feral and Razor began spraying the on coming hoard. T-Bone and Felina felt fear race up their spines as they frantically loaded the last of the victims and closed the cargo door. But instead of taking off, they stayed to assist the beleaguered pair.

T-Bone used the Turbokat to fire several net missiles, helping to lower the number of attackers while Felina fired from the open cockpit more smaller nets from the glovatrix she had been given.

At one point Razor was briefly overwhelmed but using net missiles then switching to needles and firing into the nets, he managed to take out a large number. His body burned from the number of bites and scratches he'd received, his g-suit looked a mess from being torn by long claws.

Feral wasn't looking any better as his own flight suit was ripped to shreds in many places. His face was a rictus of fury and determination as he continued to fire despite being taken down a few more times.

The battle raged for what seemed like hours but turned out to be only twenty minutes. Feral was heaving for breath and hunger was beginning to drive him crazy when he shot the last vamp that had leaped from a window of an abandoned building at him.

Razor was prowling the nearby alleyways for more vamps. Feral joined him while behind them, the Turbokat crew and enforcer chopper crews, who'd noted the danger was over for the moment and dared to land, helped finish the removal of the newly cured Kats.

"Razor, we're heading back with our load, are you two going to be okay?" T-Bone asked worriedly, as he took the jet skyward.

"We'll be okay, Feral is calling for cover. Go ahead!" Razor told him returning his attention to his search.

"Doesn't seem to be anymore near here, want to search by bike?" Razor asked Feral over their comm after searching for more than half an hour.

"Yeah, probably a good idea," Feral agreed, "see you back at your bike." He turned around and headed back toward the main battlefield.

They met up without incident, back at the cyclotron. They climbed aboard and were soon zooming off down one of the dark streets. Above them choppers continued the search as did the jets higher and further out from them but after several more hours of searching, the Turbokat having returned to join them, there were no more signs of the creatures and dawn was approaching.

"Time to head in. I think we made a significant dent in them...at least I hope we have," Razor sighed in resignation.

"I hope so too," Feral grunted then tapped his radio. "All forces...return to base!"

"Ready for pickup, Razor!" T-Bone called down, bringing the jet into alignment with the cyclotron's path.

"Roger, loading in 1...2...3!" Razor intoned as he jumped the bike into the open, hovering launch chute.

Within moments they were once more aboard and T-Bone headed the jet back to Enforcer Headquarters.

The cured Kats had been taken to the hospital to be cared for. The Turbokat had helpfully carried the ones changed back at Enforcer Headquarter to the hospital as well after dropping off Feral and Razor.

Both half vamps now needed to make the decision to take the cure themselves. But first, they were ravenous. Dr. Konway had ensured he had a stock of blood on paw for the pair and was taken a little aback when the two snatched the bags from his paws and began feasting hurriedly on it.

Their hunger relieved and dawn making an appearance, any questions or decision would have to wait until evening. Feral wanted to debrief but was sore, irritable, and tired so reluctantly went off to his quarters followed by Razor.

They took showers to wash and disinfect their bites then went to bed.

T-Bone yawned and stretched. "Hey, doc! How are you coming on making the cure into a gaseous form?"

"Almost completed. We should have enough made and ready for dispersal by late tomorrow, at least that's my hope," Dr. Konway said, rubbing tired eyes.

"If it's far enough along to do without your monitoring, doc, you really need to get some sleep. That's what I plan to do. I'm wiped!" T-Bone told him.

"So am I," Felina sighed, her body sore all over. "Do as he says, Dr. Konway. You'll be better for it and be able to catch anything that needs double-checking when you have fresher eyes." She ordered.

"Yes ma'am. I guess you're right. I'm totally wrung out and could use a few hours sleep," he reluctantly agreed.

"Great! See you both tomorrow afternoon," T-Bone grunted, heading out of the lab and up to the flight line. He couldn't wait to take a shower and get some sleep. Tomorrow, he hoped Razor would be back to normal and the city as well.

Chapter 12: The End of the Vamp War!

The day seemed to move way too fast to Dr. Konway's mind. He had tried to get some sleep but was only able to rest a couple of hours which was spent tossing and turning. But resting his eyes and stopping for even that short amount of time, had refreshed his outlook. When he swept back into the lab, he immediately swooped down on his team and demanded they go over the formula, breaking it down completely and examining every bit of it.

It took over two hours but when they finished going over it thoroughly, Konway was finally satisfied that the gaseous form of the cure would do what they hoped it would. All they needed now was a test case to try it on. They lucked out when a vamp was captured by accident by a cruising chopper team. They couldn't get the hunters attention so decided to try and capture the creature themselves.

Though extremely nervous and scared, the team of three chased down the single vamp for some ten minutes before managing to drop one of the SWAT Kats special nets over the creature. Pulling it up only as far as the belly of the chopper, they hauled their swinging passenger all the way back to headquarters. The battle armored enforcers waiting for any vamps brought in, hurried out and took charge of the vampire.

Konway, had learned of the prisoner and was excited. He headed, immediately, to where the vampire was being kept, in one of the two armory vaults. With the help of the armored enforcers keeping the door from being shoved open by the super strong creature, Konway poured the gas into the room by way of a fire extinguisher they had converted to shoot the gas where they wanted it.

He hit it directly in the face as it charged the door, then the guards shoved the door shut quickly. Konway counted down five minutes then the door was cracked open again. The vamp was gone and in its place was a tired and confused but normal Kat sitting forlornly in the middle of the floor.

After putting the poor Kat through extensive tests, Konway declared the gas safe. If there were any side effects, they wouldn't show for some time but at the moment, the immediate result was a success. Everyone in the lab cheered when they heard that. Now all they had to do was begin producing mass quantities of it and fast.

By the time T-Bone and Felina returned to the lab, Dr. Konway was nearly finished making a city-wide batch of gas in a huge dispersal tank.

"How's it going, doc?" T-Bone asked the second he found the doctor.

Konway smiled tiredly. "I have good news. In another hour, that tank you see there in that chamber will be filled with the gas that you will disperse over the city," he said, satisfaction filling his voice and manner.

"Way to go! I can hardly wait to get started," T-Bone said relieved.

"I think we should do the job the minute the tank is filled and not wait until your partner and my uncle rise for the night," Felina decided.

"I agree with you Lieutenant. The gas should penetrate most everywhere and I made sure it would linger for more than six hours after dispersal before dissipating so that any vampires still out there will inhale it the moment they step foot out of their hiding places.

"Perfect...I'm itching to get started. But we have to wait so...T-Bone how about we get some dinner?" Felina suggested.

"Good idea. See you in a little while, doc!" T-Bone said as he and Felina left the lab feeling happier than they'd had since this whole disaster began.

The pair had a very enjoyable dinner, relaxing and just talking, drawing out the time before going back to the lab to give Konway as much time as he needed.

Stepping back in the lab, they noted the tank was no longer in the chamber. As a matter of fact, it didn't seem to be anywhere.

Looking puzzled, T-Bone was about to ask when Konway came up to them, grinning, and said, "the tank is on the flight line awaiting to be hooked up to your jet."

"Wow, radical! We'll get down there immediately!" The burly tabby said, pleased and excited. He and Felina left for the flight line.

The mechanics and scientists were waiting for them when they arrived and in less than thirty minutes, the tank was hooked up with a switch for T-Bone to throw to release the gas plus instructions on how best to do the dispersal.

T-Bone let Felina take the map they were given and both listened carefully to the meteorologist's instructions. Measurements had been taken to determine the proper pattern of dispersal for the maximum success of covering the city thoroughly and insuring the gas penetrated to street level.

For that to work, T-Bone would have to act as if he were threading a needle through the corridors of the city at a very low level since the vamps were mainly hiding at ground and lower levels, none had been found on any upper floors.

Prepared and ready to go, the pair hoped into the cockpit and were soon off into the sky. Following the map carefully, T-Bone flew and Felina directed as they buzzed in and around the buildings of the city.

Many of the city dwellers were confused, in a few cases afraid, and others thrilled to see the Turbokat moving around the city and so close to the ground. Some felt comfort in that, thinking the SWAT Kats were hunting the creatures that so frightened the populace while others were a little annoyed by the constant roaring of the jet's engines echoing loudly in the city canyons.

Ann Gora, Kats Eye News tried to follow the jet in her news copter but most of the time they couldn't keep up nor could they find out what was going on. She did note and wondered about the strange tank strapped to the belly of the jet. The gas was nearly invisible so she couldn't see what they were doing. She also noticed there were no enforcer patrols around either. She could only surmise the SWAT Kats were on a mission with the full cooperation of the enforcers...however strange that might be.

The news reporters, like Ann nor the city populace were aware Feral and Razor were no longer completely Kats and the enforcers as well as the Mayor's office ensured no one would ever know.

After some two hours dispersing the nearly invisible gas, the tank read empty so they returned to Enforcer Headquarters, praying what they'd just completed would be successful.

The sun was just going down as they landed on the flight line. They leaped down and left the techs to remove the tank from the Turbokat while they went to see Dr. Konway. Walking into the lab they found Feral and Razor were up and waiting for them.

"How did it go?" Feral asked, having been briefed by Konway on what was going on.

"Fantastic! We encountered no problems and covered the entire city," T-Bone said, grinning.

"Excellent! So now it's a waiting game to see if it worked," Feral sighed.

"You two should see if the cure will work on you. Aren't you close to running out of time?" T-Bone asked worriedly.

"Well, we should stay as we are until we're sure the gas worked..." Razor began reluctantly before Dr. Konway interrupted.

"There's no need for you to delay changing back. The gas has been proven to be 100% effective so if there are some vampires that escape the gas, we only have to send enforcers out with mini-tanks filled with the gas to take care of it," he said firmly.

Feral's eyebrows rose to his hairline. "Well that's good to know, so I guess we should try and get back to normal then," he said looking over at Razor.

"I guess so. Hope it works as quickly as it did for all the full vamps," Razor said uneasily.

'Me too!' Feral said in his mind, not wanting to show how uneasy he felt about it as well.

"Good, then follow me please," Konway said, leading the two to a secured room with two beds. "If you'll please lay down..." He gestured to the beds. As soon as they did, he apologized as he quickly applied very heavy duty restrains on both their paws and ankles.

They stared at the ceiling stoically, though inside they were feeling fear and nervousness about this whole thing. However, neither one wanted to remain like this the rest of their lives despite the increased senses and strength they'd gained. Needing blood and being a danger to their loved ones were the over riding factors making them willing to take the risk of attempting to return to normal.

Not wanting to draw out their fear any longer than necessary, Konway quickly injected both males then hurried everyone out of the room. The risk of the two changing all the way to vamps was small but he didn't want to take the chance so they would watch outside the room for their safety.

Instantly, both toms screamed and thrashed about nearly ripping the restraints off. Razor felt on fire and not in a good way. The pain was incredible.

Feral roared in agony, desperately trying to break free and escape the pain any way he could. It seemed to last an eternity then suddenly coldness flowed over. Panic raced through his mind but his body began to feel like lead and wouldn't respond to his commands.

Over on the other bed, Razor was experiencing the same thing, terror beginning to roar through his mind but there was nothing he could do against the coldness then his breath was stolen away and so did his mind with the abruptness of a light switch being turned off.

Felina cried out in fear as she watched her uncle then Razor go still and unmoving. T-Bone cursed and raced back into the room with Konway and a medical team on his heels.

The medical team went to work, putting in breathing tubes, doing CPR and everything else they knew to do to revive the pair. After working on them for some five minutes, everyone was relieved when the monitors Razor and Feral had just been hooked up to began to show heartbeats and respirations but they were very slow and the pair didn't waken.

The lead physician shook his head, "according to their readings they should be conscious but they are not and I haven't a clue why not."

"It's possible they are in a temporary state of suspended animation while their bodies return to normal," Konway ventured to say.

The doctor stared at him then looked back at his patients. "Well your guess is better than anything else I can come up with since we're dealing with far too many unknowns here. All we can do is monitor them until they wake up," he said with a helpless shrug of his shoulders.

T-Bone leaned against the wall, his face a mask of fear and worry. He couldn't bear to lose his partner.

Felina didn't look any better as she held her uncle's paw and prayed he would recover and come back to her.

While night fell and former vampires were being found in dazed conditions around the part of town where Razor and Feral had fought them, the pair who risked much to save the city remained in a strange coma.

The enforcers went around the city and collected the former vampires, hauling them to the hospital for treatment and eventual releasal before the sun showed itself again.

The morning newscasts were full of the good news of the seeming end to the danger of being turned into vampires. Callie came to Enforcer Headquarters to get an update so a press release could be done, she found out about Feral and Razor. She stared at the pair through the observation glass and sighed. She added her prayers to the pair hovering over the ill Kats then left to inform the city officially that the danger was over.

Though upset about her uncle, Felina did take time to instruct the squadron leaders on outfitting the patrols, both ground and air, with tanks filled with the cure and to be alert on their rounds of the city. This was just a precaution she told them. They were fairly certain no more vamps were around since there had been no reports of sightings during the night but better safe than sorry.

Razor and Feral remained in comas for another six hours when finally, their monitors began to show an increase in the pairs heartbeats and breathing. Konway and the Dr. Temons were hovering close by as the two began to regain consciousness.

Razor stirred and moaned. He tried to raise a paw to rub his eyes but they wouldn't move. He panicked a little and began to struggle.

"Easy buddy, its okay. You're just restrained at the moment. How do you feel?" T-Bone asked anxiously.

The smaller SWAT Kat stopped struggling and lay still listening to his body. The burning hunger was gone and though he was hungry it was food not blood. He gave a grateful sigh and smiled.

"I feel great and I'm hungry for a nice pizza. No blood here!" He said happily.

T-Bone grinned in relief and quickly removed his friend's restraints.

At the same time, Feral was also coming around and made the same discovery.

"Oh Uncle! Are you alright now?" Felina asked, so relieved to see him aware again.

"Yes, I seemed to be," he said slowly. His body felt over tired and hungry plus thirsty but he felt normal. He took a deep breath and let it out in relief.

Felina released him from his restraints and helped him sit up. The doctor insisted on checking them both out before letting them go. It was annoying but Feral kept his mouth shut and let him take blood and do a full exam. He noted Razor was stoically doing the same.

Razor noted Feral glancing over at him and he flashed a smile. "I heard we succeeded. The city is safe," he said warmly.

Feral flashed a smile back. "Now that is good news to hear. Report Felina!" He barked at his niece.

Grinning impishly, Felina quickly told him what had been going on while the two of them were unconscious.

Feral nodded when she was done. "Glad I don't have to brief the Mayor or the city. All I want to do now is shower, eat, and get a mega coke!"

"That's sounds good to me too though I'll add going home to that list," Razor said cheekily.

Feral paused and gave the SWAT Kats a penetrating look. "Though I still can't sanction vigilantism, I do want to thank you both for getting the city through this crisis. Dr. Viper nearly succeeded this time."

"You're welcome. We worked rather well together," T-Bone said, cockily, grinning happily.

"Yes, I will admit we did. Now you'd better get! Your welcome is now rescinded before my enforcers begin to question my sanity," Feral snorted, only half serious.

"You don't have to tell us twice! I want out of here!" Razor snorted, climbing off the bed and turning to leave with his partner.

T-Bone gave Felina a quick hug on his way out. "You made a great co-pilot Lieutenant!"

"Great working with you T-Bone. Take care you two!" Felina said warmly.

They waved to the group and hurried out of the labs. Reaching the flight line, T-Bone was relieved to see the tank had been removed and the jet was ready to go. Leaping into the cockpit, they were up and off in moments.

"Aaahh, feels so good to be back where I belong!" Razor sighed.

"I missed you buddy! What was it like working with Feral?" T-Bone asked, curiously as he piloted them home.

"Different! He is a fierce fighter and a good leader. He may piss us off now and then but when it came to something this serious, he showed what he was made of," Razor said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I have to agree, just wished he was like that all the time," T-Bone agreed.

"But then he wouldn't be Feral," his partner snorted.

The tabby chuckled, "yeah, guess you're right." In better humor, T-Bone relaxed and enjoyed the flight. Things were right in his world again and Megakat City had survived another near disaster.

The end!