The Ancient War

Story by Team Stormfall on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokemon

Ancient pokemon war story!!!

The Ancient War

Run on pure imagination

Are you ready? Good. My name is June. I am here to tell you a long forgotten story. A story about war. What? You want to know the reason I'm telling you this? Well that's very simple. A far worse war is approaching. My story starts when I joined the Army. This is not the army you think of today though, this army fights with honor, and valor. With swords and with spears. With friends, and even sometimes, with foes. Now, to tell you the story of The Ancient War.

"God damn this heat is killing me!" I complained. "Harold, come on and bring your Tropius out. Bring some shade into this heat!"

"No! We are here on a resource gathering mission. We will be done here soon anyways." Harold said. Harold was one of the friend that I had known since I was born. The other being David. Harold had long brown hair that stopped at the nape of his neck. He also had kind blue eyes, but his face told that he's been through hell and back. I guess you could say that Academy School was hell. But other than that, he wore his simple green Sergeants Armor. His breastplate fitted to fit him like a sweater on Christmas day. His grieves were a little darker than his normal color though. And his helmet Covered his entire face except a narrow strip of metal that was missing so he could see out of his armor. We all looked like this. Just different colors.

Gold meant General, Silver meant Commander, Green meant Sergeant, and then my color. The lowest of them all, Teal.That meant we were just simple sword or spear men.

We arrived at the neighboring city and gathered the supplies. While I was grabbing a crate of apples, David came up to me, carrying a crate of bananas. "Hey, did you hear? Some of the others are talking about some kind of uprising in the neighboring kingdom."

"What do you mean?" I asked while putting the crate on the wagon.

"I mean... Look, do you remember that group of assassins they sent to Arcadia to kill that heretic?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Word is, they killed more than the heretic. I heard," He stopped and leaned in closer. "I heard that they killed innocent civilians that weren't even tied to him. Acadia is planning a war, I just know it."

And almost as if on cue, an arrow had landed right in the chest of one of my comrades. Someone screamed and panic spread throughout the town. I looked to where the arrow had come from and saw an archer on the roof. "There! On the roof!" I shouted. I grabbed the fallen man's longbow and an arrow and aimed at the killer. He got up and summoned a Skarmory. He jumped on it's back and started flying away. I drew back the bow and fired the arrow. It hit. The killer fell off the bird and hit the ground. I was glad I had stopped the killer, but then, sudden realization came to the fact that I had just killed my first sentient being.

It had been a grueling 5 hour walk to carry the supplies back to the capital city of Terra. The whole time there, I just kept thinking about the face of the man I killed. Many men patted me on the back for avenging the fallen, but I just couldn't stop thinking that I had killed, and enjoyed. But that's why I joined the army, right? I don't even know anymore.

The man I killed. What was his name? Did he have a family? Who did he work for? Why did he try to kill us? Why can't I forget his face?! His short, black hair. His eyes green like the jungle. and his face riddled with such kindness that can't even compare with my mother's. His black armor covered up the rest of his body, but there was no doubt that he was Arcadian.

Once I was back into my barracks room, I took my armor off and brought my partner out. She was a Gardevoir who I had named Lily. 'June, are you alright? You seem troubled.' Her voice filled my mind, blocking out almost all other thoughts. Her voice was soft and sweet, just like how she behaves.

"Lily, I... I killed someone today." I stuttered.

Lily didn't seem to take this the way I thought she would. I thought she would be afraid, or sad. But she just rubbed my back and hugged me. Just trying to comfort me. 'Isn't the reason you signed up to the army was to protect your people? And you did that, right?' Lily asked.

"Yes. But it just bothers me that I killed another sentient being." I said. "You remember when I was playing around with my slingshot when I was eight and hit that Tailow?" Lily nodded. "Even though it still got up and flew away, I couldn't get it out of my mind that I almost killed it." I looked at her. "Please help me. I need to get stronger over this if I'm going to continue this."

Lily put a hand on my cheek. 'June, this is something that needs to be done with another. Of course I'll help you.' She said. She leaned forward and kissed me. Then, settled her forehead on mine.

"Enough about me. How have you been?" I said trying to change the subject.

'I've been fine.' She answered. We sat there for what seemed like forever. I finally noticed the sun was starting to set, so I laid down and closed my eyes. Lily laid down next to me and put her arm across my chest.

The next morning, I woke up to the bell ringing. The bell is something the Generals and Commanders use to get everyone in the army to gather in the courtyard. I got up and threw my armor on. I opened a closet and got out a smaller pair of armor. "I was waiting for your birthday to give these to you, but I guess now seems like a good time." I handed the helmet to Lily. She looked at it like it was a piece of cake and finally decided to put it on. She looked at me with pure joy on her face.

'Thank you thank you thank you!!!' She yelled. She quickly put the rest of the armor on and headed to the courtyard with me.

What the hell is this about? They only ring the bell for emergencies. I thought about those two thing along the way to the courtyard. Once there, I stood at attention and looked at a balcony stationed above the main gate.

"Greetings, fellow soldiers!" A general yelled. I believe his name was General Tyra. "We have just now received word from the Arcadia kingdom, that war has been declared upon us!" Many of the men yelled and cheered. But I did not. "We will carry on victory, to the Terran kingdom!" He shouted once more. He raised his fist in the air, and his men followed.

War? No, this can't be over something like that man I killed. This must be... The civilians... If not, maybe land? I thought about it for a minute, then realized Lily was looking at me with horror on her face. I crouched down to her height and said, "Just stick by me. I will not allow you to be killed in this war." She nodded. Tears grew in her eyes, and she hugged me for comfort. I picked her up like I would a child. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and cried into my shoulder. I knew why. Her family was killed during war.

Author's notes:

Hmm... Learn more in the next chapter! Oh, and just so everyone knows, Lily is not June's mate. They're not friends with benefits. They're just friends. I might change that later on in the story though. Uh, next chapter I'm planning on putting in some religion and culture and there just might be a few new characters introduced. And one last thing, a shout out to Lee Fox's Shade series. I suggest you check it out, because in my opinion, his work is better than mine.