The Second Tome. Shining Alexander.

Story by Alexander Selenveen on SoFurry

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Shining Alexander,theories and known information By Priestess Vanessa

Good day,blessed child of Purgatory. I am Priestess Vanessa of Latoria and in this sacred text I will share my knowledge of the god Alexander,and the light that resides within his soul. First I must inform thee of one thing. Thou must knoweth of the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Hope to truly understand thy words. Let us begin.

Chapter 1 To begin, when Alexander was born,an angel was placed within him to safeguard him and give him the power to make his own place in history and time as well as protect him from harm. They called such an entity a Divinity,a creature capable of amazing miracles. This was a gift from the Goddess of Hope and the Goddess of Light to Alexander after seeing into his future,and his past. During his childhood, the Goddesses watched over little Alexander to see how the Divinity would take to him and in time,the Divinity came to love Alexander as a friend,and as a son in a sort of way. Countless times,she protected Alexander from danger and saved him from death several times.

Before being placed within Alexander she had a name. Kilana (Ke-lan-nah),idol of hope and prosperity and champion to the Goddess of Light. When told of what would happen she did not refuse in the slightest but instead,happily accepted. She was to be Alexander's guiding light until the end of time itself.

In ages past,Divinity's were worshipped by mankind to be angels of a nameless God but in truth they were normal beings with powers from the Goddess of Light in Purgatory. After the great war,Divinities moved to Purgatory and watched over it as guardians and protectors. Kilana was the last of her kind and is said to be Alexander's great,great,great,great,great,great Grandmother. This would make the Goddess of Light Alexander's biological mother but such a thing has yet to be proven. While the dark entity known as Valixai lies within Alexander as well,it is unknown how the two seperate themselves but some theorize it has something to do with Alexander's strange fur pattern and eyes.

Chapter 2 Let us move on to the powers that Kilana grants Alexander. While Alexander can control a portion of Darkness,he can also control a portion of Light. In ages past,each Divinity's abilities varied from healing powers to holy based attacks. Kilana grants Alexander the power of self-regeneration and healing,giving him the nickname 'The Guardian Angel' from various Priestesses such as myself. It is said that Alexander is able to heal any wound no matter how fatal it maybe and that he can bring back the dead,soul and all. At any time during a sunny day,Alexander can enter a form which he calls 'Angea',or Angel. In this form,Alexander is garbed in a pure white priest robe with angel wings and glowing white eyes with a blinding light behind him at all times. Many refer to this form as his 'true' form but this is doubtful as there are both light AND dark entities inside Alexander's soul. Those who have encountered this form say that it is true beauty and that a feeling of happiness washes over them.

However this is all that is known on our beloved Alexander,God of Balance.Thou must forgivest me if thy tome was short. I am not good at this sort of thing. For now,beloved child of Purgatory,may the light guide you always.

~Priestess Vanessa of the Temple of Shining Dawn