Chapter 7 - Eurasia's Fall! The Zoan Hunter's Trap! (Part 1)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#18 of Book 2 - N.D.'s Reign

_Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Things used from the game "Legend of Dragoon" is copyrighted to them so I don't take credit from those things. Also, do not use in your stories without consulting me first or I will come over there and kill you myself! :P So keep that in mind and enjoy. Also, if you're not old enough to be reading this, grow up first and come back. I'm not responsible for what you are about to read ;)

It was a mistake to think that "he" could be trusted. In the end, he lead to near extinction of dragon and humankind after the Jadow Wars. I won't make the same mistake twice with his son._

**Date - November 1st

Location - Gashway Woods, Zatch Meadows

Time - 1:10 am**

Gashway Woods was quite the forest, only having a small amount of creatures due to how the dimension was made only for the retreat of dragons in case of the worst to happen. At most there were a few insects and various types of birds so the forest was safe from anyone who would worry about being mauled by anything if they got lost.

The silver dragon Eurasia had walked to a clearing in the forest known as Zatch Meadows, where his mother and sisters gathered fire wood nearby as he walked in the moonless night. It was a breezy night with no stars in the air, nothing but the sound of the grass rustling past his scales as he wore only a pair of blue shorts and a white t-shirt. He looked quite distressed as he stopped in the middle, looking around for a moment and trying to pick up the scent of anyone.

For him, the night time didn't effect his vision, since dragons were born hunters and had no problem dealing with the lack of light other creatures had. But he found nothing that was interesting at all, rubbing his head and looking up into the black sky, "...should've known. An empty threat letter. Well time to go back, before mom realizes that I'm gone.", he muttered to himself, about to turn around until he noticed something that immediately popped up in his senses.

"Huh...thats funny. I ordered Eurasia himself to come out...and who the hell are you?", said a rather mature voice, definitely a male thought Eurasia as he turned to the side to see a human male, dressed in red suit, complete with a red tie and a white shirt underneath, "I should be asking you that. This place is for dragons only so you shouldn't have access to this dimension. For the record also, the name is Eurasia and is the only reason why I'm even here so late. That note called out for "Eurasia", and thats me."

The human redid his tie as he felt a bit confused, not expecting this dragon to be his target, "Huh...thats weird. Eurasia is human...the last and current dragoon of fire in fact. Not a dragon. Well if this is the case, you must be the son of Eurasia. Tell me where he is now boy, or else.", he threatened, cracking his knuckles at the large dragon 10 feet away from him.

Eurasia gave it some thought, as his words bothered him quite a bit, "Son..of a dragoon of fire. Son of a human?...I have no father. Mom raised me alone so theres nothing here for you. Now scram before I get angry.", he responded, suddenly seeing this well dressed human disappear and reappear in front of him. Quickly he jumped back, feeling his chest getting sliced just barely as the forest behind him suffered a shockwave caused by the slice.

He growled as he felt just a bit of blood seep into his shirt, the cut its self barely anything, "I'll ask you one more time boy. Where is your father. His energy was detected here not too long ago, so I know hes around.", the human asked, Eurasia noticing that he was holding a sword made of pure energy, energy that sent chills up his spine.

Something about the blade made him hesitate as it was radiating something terrifying. But backing down wasn't an option for him, cracking his knuckles as he glared at his current target, "I just said I have no father, but I you want a fight, I'll give you a fight!", yelled Eurasia, sprinting forward and kicking right at the human.

  • Back in the forest at the same time

There was the sound of thunder coming from up ahead, the trio all dressed in their jammies looking up to see the bright flash, "Whoa! You saw that? Feels like a fight is going down...and the energy spike came from Eurasia can't be?!", yelped Rizan, stopping in her tracks as the other two looked at her worried expression.

Michael shook his head, knowing what she felt, "Yea, I'm hoping its not N.D.. The feeling of the dragon buster is nearby and N.D. has the last one....doesn't he?", he asked, getting a puzzled look from Shyranrya and Rizan, "Well...technically no one knows what became of the 5 dragon busters and 5 dragon block staffs created by the Winglies. It was said that first dragoon, your decendant Eurasia, took the last few years of his life to destroy them all, but it was never recorded that he succeeded.", explained Shyranrya, getting a smile outta Rizan.

"Wow, I didn't know that. You're very well educated!", complimented Rizan, nodding at Michael as they began running again. After passing through many trees, they found Zatch's meadows, in which they felt the energy spike and flash come from. All three looked around until they finally saw Eurasia on the floor. In front of him was someone with what all three recognized as having a dragon buster, but it was not N.D.

"I told you boy, you're out of your league. Though I admit, you're quite powerful for a dragon, you lack experience. Since you're the child of my target, letting you live would mean that I'm letting the bloodline continue. Its nothing personal but its time to die.", he said as he had the shining blade pointed at Eurasia's head, swinging down before getting his fatal strike deflected by a red dragoness kicking it away.

The dragon buster flew from his hand, stepping back as he looked up only to see a kick heading right for his face. Barely with his hand he blocked it, pushing away Shyranrya's kick and jumping into the air to catch his sword. Not even having time to counter attack, he didn't notice that Michael had jumped too, coming right down with his sword and ending up having to block it. Sparks flew as the two locked blades, before Michael was shoved back and they finally landed, " you finally show yourself. Dragoon of the Ruby Scaled Dragon spirit.", he muttered, seeing that his target arrived at last.

Shyranrya checked out Eurasia, seeing that he was a mess and out cold from the blood loss, "He's lost alot of blood...but he has no fatal wounds. However he has cuts all over his body which will kill him unless treated. I'll take him back to the house, Rizzy, you and Michael take care of this guy...make him pay for messing with our family.", she requested, getting a thumbs up from them as she picked him up and opened her wings from her back, unfortunately ripping through her shirt which left her bare chested and annoyed as she flew up. She picked up a lot of dust upon take off, making them cough a bit as they had forgotten to back away when a dragon takes off.

It was then that their attention focused on the human who was dressed in a suit that he was cleaning the dust off, holding the dragon buster and putting it to his shoulder, "Well, well! I see that the Dragoon of Fire has been busy. Having a child with a good looking dragoness, which is violating the biggest taboo, and surviving N.D.'s strike on D.O.O.P. headquarters. You're as impressive as the first dragoon himself! Though your son needs training...foolish boy thought he could take me on."

Michael wasn't here to listen to him, but he wasn't here to fight either. He held his chipped sword tighter as he started to brighten the field a bit with his aura of fire, "How do you know who I am and that he was my son? And what are you here for?", he asked, Rizan wondering why he wasn't going on the attack just yet, "Thats an easy one. I asked for "Eurasia" to come here tonight and he came. Apparently he thought I meant him and there is only one Eurasia family bloodline. As for knowing about you...thats not important for you to know. All you have to know is that I'm here to finish the job N.D. was too incompetent to finish. Then I'll finish him off.", he explained, getting a growl from Rizan as she sprinted forward and slashed at him with her claws.

The attack was blocked with the dragon buster, the ground below him being sliced open and a few trees behind him being cut down. Quickly he retaliated with a stab at her heart, Rizan spinning to the left to avoid the strike and landing on the floor quick to sweep him with her tail. It was as if he slid across the floor, using his speed to get some distance between himself and the dragoness attacking, "Ooooh, scary. Though its rude to come between a man's quarrel little missy. Stay back and let us finish the job."

Rizan's glare strengthened as she planned on stop messing around, not expecting her opponent to be so fast. But before she was about to go, she was stopped by Michael pulling on her tail, looking quite worried for her, "Rizan...please. Let me handle this. Its obvious is here for me but I do want to hear the details over what he wants. Now stop looking so look nicer when you're smiling.", he said, getting a sigh out of her, "Eurasia, he hurt our son. How can you be so calm after that?"

He stepped forward with his chipped sword, giving her a pat on the shoulder, "We have to stay calm. He's relaxed and is taking advantage of our frustration so we have to keep our heads cool and figure out a strategy. This guy is very powerful, and even worse he has a dragon buster. You know what that can do you.", he explained, standing 10 feet in front of the new opponent.

This man fixed up his tie and slid his hair back, having very brown hair and dark brown eyes while putting the dragon buster down for a moment, "Well said Eurasia. They say a weak person's hand will melt away at the touch of the hilt. Just mastering the ability to hold it takes decades...but thats beside the point. Ms dragoness, stay out of this. Or I'll make sure you won't interfere. Eurasia is my target and I will kill him to avoid the eventual destruction of all living things."

Michael's grip on his sword tightened, knowing that his blade was battered and probably couldn't withstand much of an assault against a dragon buster. Still he had a job to do, and being a dragoon came first, "So I'm a threat huh? I'm not getting what you mean but all it sounds like that someone put a hit on me and you only care to kill me for a quick buck."

Then the battle began, the two fighters vanishing and moving at high speed with flashes of light being shown every few moments. Rizan had to stay back, as much as she did not want to but she awaited for the right moment. Michael felt his blade being chipped away with every block he did, unable to get an opening. Quickly the two pulled back from each other and Michael took aim, "You're fast, but have an Incineration Beam!", he shouted, launching a thin beam of fire that sped right at him.

The human smirked as he moved to the side, letting it fly right by him as the attack its self was rather slow to him. However he took his eyes off Michael for just a second and he lost track of him, finding him at the corner of his eye coming from behind. With a motion so fast that not Michael or Rizan can follow, he turned around and sliced in a perfect 360 degree range.

There was a loud groan of pain following, shards of metal falling to the floor, as well as Michael crashing to the ground. He bleeding from a rather deep wound, the power of the blow its self stronger than normal because he was using his dragoon spirit at that moment, "Ugh!...the energy is eating away at my power..just like last time..with N.D.", he thought to himself, feeling his body lose feeling.

Rizan gasped and ran over, seeing him cluch a now broken sword with the pieces all around him, "You sword Eurasia....he cut through it...sorry but I can't stand back anymore!", she muttered, turning around and jumping right with her wings fully open, "Wait! Rizan! Don't just rush in thereagh!...", shouted Michael, wanting to stop her but his body would not move.

Unlike Shyranrya's jammies, hers had holes for her wings so she was still decent as she went in for the attack. She pushed him back as he blocked a straight stab with her claws, now having to deal with an angry dragoness launching a barrage of stab attacks with claws that could slice through his body like paper if he let it go through.

"OH come on, hes not dead yet! But it seems you don't know your place!", he shouted, parrying one of her claws to try and throw her off balance and stabbing forward himself. Rizan kicked away the blade, but felt the pain of her foot getting cut slightly from it as she went in and impaled his shoulder with her claws. He grunted in pain as he felt her dig into his flesh and tear through his ligaments, "I hope you enjoyed using this arm...its coming off now!"

As she brought her claws down to completely leave his arm unable to function from severing the nerves, tendons and ligaments. The spray of blood covered her arm, but she didn't hear him yell in pain. In fact, as she began to back away, she yelled in pain as her arm felt numb and blood sprayed from her shoulder. She winced and wondered what happened, seeing that he still had no weapon, but the other hand was covered in blood, "H-how...I took away your weapon...", she asked, clutching her arm as she kept her gaze on him.

Definitely her hit was effect since his arm was dead now, seeing it limp but it seemed that he was still able to attack as he held his arm like a blade. It was now that she was saw that there was power coming from his other hand which was covered in her blood, "Please...I don't need such a powerful weapon to wound weaklings. This one hand is enough to cause you and your zoan mate's death."

He was floating in mid-air without any wings or anything visible, then quickly going at her again. She dove down to the ground with a thud to try to get a good distance between them, until he appeared in front of her and slashed down. She roared in pain as he lopped off her left wing, but she was quickly able to counter attack to dig her flesh through his chest, but unable to get it in deep enough for a fatal blow as he backed away at the last second.

Rizan was in serious trouble, seeing everything getting blurry just a bit as she had lost a good amount of a blood, as well as the shock to her body of her wing being chopped off beside her. This man coughed a bit of blood but still seemed like he was able to go on, "'re such a're at your limit."

Michael was finding it hard to stay still, trying to gather strength to get back up but it was no use. The wound he had wasn't life threatening but it ate all of his dragoon power, "Come on...power..why won't it come back?!...I can't lose...", he shouted in his mind, only to hear another voice drown out everything and make things feel like it was slowing down, "Power?...Now thats something you don't have."

He looked around for a moment, until realizing that the voice came from inside his mind, "No...You're supposed to be sealed away. Ruru and Darkstar took care of you after Siruis's twisted game and Abu helped me seal you away before I came can you be free?!", he wondered, feeling his heart beat starting to increase in power, "Please. All you did was...knock me out. But don't worry, I'm not free...yet. But your situation woke me up and I realize that unless I do something, this man will kill you. And as we share the same body, I cannot have that.", said this voice with a growl, sounding very menacing and cold.

It was then that Michael's heart began to ache, grunting in pain as it felt like his chest was trying to explode, "Agh! happening...", he winced as the pain was spreading to rest of his body. Soon his arms and legs were feeling like they were breaking as he felt his bones starting to change, "Relax, I'm just giving you a piece of what true power is. Think of it as a favor...heh-heh-heh..."

The dragon buster left on the floor was picked up with his good hand and he pointed at the fallen Eurasia, who was twitching on the floor several yards away. Rizan wanted to counter attack but her legs would not move, "No...Stay away from him!", she shouted, literally roaring at him as he stepped forward.

Obviously he kept going, swinging the sword as he lit up the darkened meadow, "Sorry but no. Eurasia must die, its for the good of everyone living. Unfortunately I have to go after your child next. Can't afford to let any shred of the Eurasia blood line live on. Not after what this boy's father did...", he said, still able to walk smoothly even with a slight hole in his chest. He looked down at him, his blade throbbing with power as he thrusted down through his back.

Rizan can only watch in horror as the blade went through his body, crying as she could only bare witness to seeing the penetration of the dragon buster right into the human she cared for the most.

-'re such a beautiful woman...and I will make you mine. I'll show you what found on your record, which you kept hidden before you joined word of law. Watch as I make you my mate as you'll have no choice but to accept!

**Date - November 1st, 2055

Location - Hydion, Heat Season Inn Hotel, Room 443

Time - 1:32 am**

The Heat Season Inn was completed recently by the famous Jack, Mysterious Mayor of the city of Hydion. After it was built, it seemed that Jack went back into hiding as he did before. The Heat Season Inn was a hotel made specifically for the Heat Seasons of all species, and the next one was coming in a week so it was making its grand opening today.

With 50 floors, and 40 rooms on each floor, it was perfect for a loaded city with species who's heat season would hit at the same time like a bomb. At a certain room at the 43rd floor, a certain someone was a pacing back and forth in room 443. Every room had a bed large enough for a 20 foot individual and at least one smaller partner, as well as doors about 15 feet high since most species that have the hardest heat seasons are the larger ones.

" you're not coming tonight Frin? You told me to pick the meeting place after your case with Casey Wellington and now you're telling me that you'll be here in the morning?", said a gruff voice, coming from a purple dragon with pink horns who was standing about 9 feet tall and dressed in a blue suit. He was talking on a P.I.C. but a larger than normal one since he was big, as he held it horizontal and was talking via a holographic video call.

Frin Hirk had finished the worse paperwork nightmare of her life since Casey ran off, eyes looking tired as she was talking from her office, "Well I just finished off what those bastards up top made me do a lot paperwork Jikan and its kinda late for a lady like me to be walking to Hydion. Don't worry, we can meet in front", she responded, faking a yawn as got a bit of a pout from her colleague, "Pfff...I know why he chose that damn place, and I don't know why he thinks I'm that stupid. Heat seasons aren't the thing to get my types so I won't have to go there.", she thought to herself, giving a wave with a cheesy smile, then hanging up.

Jikan sighed and wondered what to do now, taking a seat on the bed and putting his P.I.C. on the small dresser beside the bed, "Walking? know as good as I do that you could just teleport here...", he thought, sighing again while he looked down at his crotch. He undid his jeans, feeling them to be tight as his bulging purple member popped right out while he pulled them down. It had little ridges on it and was pointy as opposed having to a mushroom head most mammals and modern dragons were packing.

Both hands gripped his erection as he gave a light grunt, his toes curling and relishing the feeling as he imagined having Frin's little maw suckling his cock, closing his eyes to help with the imagination, "'re such a sexy little dragoness...what I wouldn't give to have you...", he muttered, knowing that she was more than half his size yet he craved for her.

His stroking increased in speed, tightly squeezing his shaft as he imagined how tight she'd be given her size while he'd be penetrating her slow to watch her expression and moaning. The thought of it was enough to cum to, his breathing starting to increase. It was then that a knock to the door broke the fun he was having like the sound of glass breaking, falling off the bed with a growl as the knocking was rather loud.

There was no one he could've been expecting he thought, a bit annoyed that he was interrupted so late. He licked his hand clean and wiped the saliva on his shirt, getting up and walking over to the door and opening it barely to get a view to who it was. He saw a tight cleavage that bounced a bit, followed by a very cute giggle as he looked up to see a cute face, "Hiya! I was hoping someone would be here, as I need some help.", she said, her tone sounding quite innocent.

She had to be at least 11 feet tall he thought, seeing a chubby female dragoness it looked like, having green scales and blonde hair. Her outfit was extremely tight as her nipples were literally trying to break free, noticing her wearing a rather elegant burgundy dress. Being curious, he opened the door a bit more to show his face but hide his body with a grin, "Oh? What could I do for you miss?", he asked, getting a better view as he saw that her dress had a nice view of her chest from the open v-top, and ending at her knees. Other than her chest, the rest was fit rather well.

" see...", started his female, squeezing her chest with her arms and pouting, "They said that I can't stay here unless I have a partner! There isn't anyone here but I heard that someone else checked in today. I just need a place to stay for the night and its rather late for me to stroll around...mind if I stay with you and your partner? I won't be any trouble I swear....", she asked, her orange eyes looking so cute as they shined in the dim light from the hallway. Usually he wouldn't be interested in a girl so large, but he was horny as hell and she had a rather interesting body.

It was then opportunity landed in his lap, chuckling as he nodded and walked away, letting her enter on her own. He took a seat on the room's bed, having his legs slight open with his 14 inch hard on bulging straight up pointed at her as she walked in, "Come on in. But my partner unfortunately could not make it. Mind being mine for the night?", he said in a sly tone, seeing her walk in and stare at his hard-on with a blush.

"M-my forward you are...I'm surprised you'd be interested in doing anything with me...", she said, feeling her heartbeat get faster as he stroked himself a bit, seeing a bit of pre leak out over his fingers, "Well don't worry about that. Lets just say its payment for letting a stranger stay in my private get undressed and come keep your partner warm.", he replied, getting a nod from her as she turned around and began to undo her luscious dress.

Her ass was huge he thought, seeing her tail swish between both cheeks so large yet round that he was anxious to stuff his muzzle between them. As she took off her top part, her expression changed from innocent to menacing, grinning with her teeth open as she still faced away from him, "Heh...that was too easy..."


To be continued...

As this chapter is only two parts, I'll only give info on one character.

Frin Hirk - Age 4498 years old. Height, 4'5". Weighs 110 pounds. Has no hair but has coral blue eyes. Size D breasts but the suit she wears makes them look smaller than they are. She is a massive carnivore, hating anything that is not meat. Not many know she used to be a 200 foot tall dragoness and she kept how she came to her current size a secret until today. Loves beating down liars and rude men. Will eat any meat, even human though she doesn't prefer to.