Ryt's Rants #2

Story by Synnastyr on SoFurry

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#2 of Ryt's Rants

I've been known to ramble on a rant long enough to do a politician or a salesman proud. The almost unending verbal tirade is something I gave to Ryt as a counter balance for the long periods of silence he is capable of. Just no happy medium with this Cheshire! =]-

Ryt's Rants #2

Panel 1

Ryt is standing on the left side of the panel facing Jinx and Verbena. Ryt is speaking to them.

"I can't believe some of the atrocities I've seen in the worlds I've been too."

Panel 2

Lighting a cigarette Ryt continues speaking.

"The division between classes is so categorically rampant I'm surprised the oppressed and subjugated haven't risen up and shot all of the elitist perpetuators in the face.

Jinx has a hand raised indicating he's going to say something but with Ryt rambling on he doesn't get the chance to speak.

There are several cigarette butts on the ground by Ryt's feet and a lit cigarette is in his fingers.

Panel 3

Jinx and Verbena are looking at each other with expressions of annoyance as Ryt is still talking. Verbena has a thumb pointed at Ryt as if to say here he goes again.

"Everyone who works the base level positions can barely afford to live on their own if they make more than the minimal stipend allowed for their required contributions. It's amazing more of you aren't dropping dead from the horribly contaminated sustenance you are forced to eat because it is sold for less. But no, the predator prey cycle is maintained by murdering each other through violence and neglect."

Ryt's continuing dialogue is now starting to take over any empty space that is not occupied.

Ryt's feet are buried in cigarette butts up to the middle of his shins and everything looks a bit smoky.

Panel 4

Jinx and Verbena are now leaning into the ongoing verbosity trying to keep some breathing room for themselves but are losing the battle since the bottom of their legs have been cut off by the right hand edge of the panel.

Oblivious to what is going on Ryt continues to spout off at the mouth.

"They say private transportation is a privilege but it seems to me that the less you make the more you need your own personal conveyance becomes a necessity. To me the routing of public transportation is done by a half blind chimpanzee throwing wet noodles at the wall while having muscle spasms in his one working arm. You either save time with your own car or save money taking a bus!"

Some of the words can barely be read as Ryt's continuous smoking is starting to fill the room and the butts are now piled up to the middle of his thighs.

Panel 5

Jinx and Verbana have been shoved even further off to the side with the multitude of second hand smoke obscured prattle given off by Ryt. The words are so heavily covered by cigarette smoke they can't be read at all.

Ryt is still oblivious to what is going on and is still flapping his lips. If the cigarette butts have increased in number it is impossible to tell with all the smoke in the air.

Panel 6

Ryt stands alone in the center of the panel and can only be seen as a faint outline. One point of red light from a lit cigarette shows that he is still smoking and the number of butts now covers him up to his waist.

"Hey? What the hell happened to everyone?"