No Light to be Seen: Chapter 1

Story by Mouseinwolvesclothing on SoFurry

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#1 of No Light to Be Seen

I came up with the idea of this story a few months ago and ever since the idea's construction has been snowballing ever since. Still I didn't start writing until my college finals were over and done with and was released for summer vacation which was a few weeks after that. Ever since my first day back I've been doing almost nothing other then fleshing this out into something I'm actually proud of. The best part is:

It's finished.

Well first book? saga? part? what ever it's called is completely done...kinda of. I still have the final 6 chapters that I have to do some final edits on before I can do the final skim through to make sure everything is how I want it before I post the story...but besides that everything is ready to go! I plan to post a chapter every day so be on the look out for that. No idea how long this series will be by the way all I know is the end result and a bit of what it takes to get there. Book 2's ship construction is on the way relatively soon. I'm looking for a editor if anyone obtains enough interest in this story.

To protect myself from copyright I do not own Pokemon franchise in any way so Nintendo please don't send your ninja's after me please and thank you!

One more thing: I hate the intro. it's informative and necessary but that doesn't make any less of a bitch to get through; which is why I decided to release the next chapter right after it to make up for it. Other than that you know the drill: subscribe,vote,fav, or flame me in the comments section below.

IMPORTANT notes from author: NLS's world is based in a world similar to this one. A few major differences being NLS's world is twice as large out of necessity due to real-life animals, Pokémon, and humans being forced to co-exist on the same planet. That is why there is references to things that only exist in the real world.The Rangers have three duties: investigate crimes that even have the slightest chances of involving Pokémon, protect humans and the places they take residence in from dangerous Pokémon, and finally protect real-life animals from dying out from natural selection. Due to the fact that this is way too much work for one organization to handle on their own: there are three branches. This information won't worm it's way into the story until later on. Despite this it's still a need to know because no one in the story will take the time to explain it because it's common knowledge to everyone involved in the story. Exactly like the duties of a police officer or a fireman.

I found the need to document all the messed up and fucked up shit that I had the misfortune to experience within my short life. Just something to leave behind when I die; whether young or old, crazy or sane depending . Call it a journal, a record, memoir or whatever you want. Hell I honestly don't give a damn if you hate it or like it since all I want is just one listener.

All of you were probably expecting a preppy, naive little sap rambling on and on about how its 'the big day' as they sling on their backpack and mediocre amount of supplies . Next comes the introduction of their cute, fuzzy wuzzy little sidekick, that from the start somehow carries enough power in just their giblets that if that natural energy was converted to electricity: it would be enough to fuel a power station of a large city for at least two weeks maybe longer. Yet for some reason still basically worships them like a follower would a dictator just because of the simple fact that the hero 'chose' them. After the introductions to a mediocre 'we heard this all before' plot and setting then its steamrolling time! Those are still reading are forced to watch the 'witty' character trounce the stupid and powerless bad guys (that might as well be fighting with a sticks let's be honest)because they had some goal that threatened the humans and Pokémon's way of life AND yet STILL have enough time in their schedules to collect blood money and stickers/pins or whatever so they can participate in a contest won by the Pokémon's ability to handle pain and suffering. Once the hero wins (cause why the hell not) guess who gets all the credit and fame? I'll give you a hint: it starts with the letter T.

Throw in a few Legendaries that since the dawn of man have brought nothing but fear and wonder because their dark and destructive nature: but are still benevolent enough to hide themselves from the humans they despise. Yet for no apparent particular reason except for some fluke somehow all these big bad Legendaries find the need flock towards our hero and turn into a needy puppies. Slap all that together and we have ourselves a best seller.

Well if you are so in love with those kinds of stories stop reading because this will be nothing like that. Bring tissues you kiddies cause it's time for a reality check.

A darker reality to be exact.

To succeed in life you have to stomp on toes harder than the people trying to stomp on yours. If you don't have any powerful friends or can't seem to find it in your heart to smash on the hopes and dreams of other people and our furry friends than life will continue to take from you until you have nothing left but a death wish. The only form of redemption to stop death from knocking on your door is to go into medicine, form your own business, or to master a craft.

Even that's a mediocre existence since just become a cog in the system; a nobody. Since you're a nobody then the other fish swimming along side of you won't give you a second thought if you get yourself swallowed up by the bigger fish.

After all you're just a another passing face in the sea of millions.

Sure your family and close friends will mourn you for a while but eventually they will move on or even get eaten themselves. Once that happens all ties to the world you had spent your entire life building slowly will get cut one by one. Finally with nothing to keep you tethered to the planet you'll float away into a void of nothingness until the lord of the underworld picks you up for whatever horrors that await you afterward.

If you somehow find yourself surviving another day you may try to quiet your worries and forget you stress for a little while with some good ole TV but all you are able to see is someone half your age swimming in money and ass seemingly without a care in the world. They have so much that if attempted to be carried all at once the sheer amount of it all would be enough to fill multiple dump trucks and maybe even a few semi's! While you: the honorable and hard working citizen, just get enough of an amount to survive on that those douchebag Trainers probably just use to wipe their asses with and that's only if you work really hard and are extremely lucky. Funny thing is they will leave a bigger impression on the world then you will just by knowing the right people, manipulating others, and taking credit for others accomplishments.

The world is a cut-throat one no matter how much you wish it wasn't, which path you take, or what angle you look at it in ...just how it works unfortunately. So it's easy to see why people turn toward the fame and glory way of life or a life of crime.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The name's Elliot Timothy Braxter. If you care enough to want a mental picture I'm a regular looking smuck with light green eyes, a freckle or two, and a height deficiency that makes me about 4.7 at 18 years (awfully specific I know). I also prefer to wear my blonde hair just long enough that if I position it just right my bangs will just barely cover my eyes. It's short enough that it doesn't interfere with my work but long enough that it makes me seem just a bit taller (I hope)...Well that and I just like the look. Sorry that I can't tell you more than, I'm a bigger picture kind of guy, want more detail then talk to Zil.

If my last name sounds familiar then you probably know my family's business. That multi-billion company called Braxter Tunnels that has a deep foot hold in each region ? Yup that is all ours. Our job is it to build whole mining systems and other things that lie underneath your feet that you don't really care about until they become a problem. We also dig up and sell anything under the earth to make a profit and we also get a small cut of the profits from the usage of the Fossil Revive device (You get three guesses what it does) which was my great-grandfather and his team's life's work. So it's no wonder why my family is freaking loaded.

It's also no wonder why my partner in crime became a Rattata whom I named Zillian (or Zil for short); to help with the family business and all that. Since Rattata are very useful in my families line of work. Small things can reach places the other heights can't fit, they take up less oxygen (small spaces= very little oxygen; we have oxygen canisters for digs just in case, which can get a bit expensive) and the acute sense of hearing and the fact that most Rattata dig their homes in burrows so they are naturally sensitive and instinctively know the sound of a incoming cave collapse.

Leave it to the folks to think of the business before asking of my wants and desires. A shrink would probably tell you this was the key reason why I rebelled so much. I now regret that part of me: my rebellious streak that is If I had the opportunity to change that part of my personality: I would despite the possible consequences. Since that aspect of myself helped lead kind of led me down this path of darkness (and I'm not just saying that to be corny either cause it's the only freaking way to describe it!)

...and just like that I'm getting ahead of myself again. Let's start in the beginning start in the beginning shall we?

There is a set of rules that must never be broken. No matter who you talk to: crime boss, regular smuck, or even a toddler. There is a few things drilled into our all our heads by our parents, school, and government through media that trumps all the other things we need to survive; all of the important information is stated below:

We can only own 1 Pokémon. Households are the only exception, each person can have one Pokémon assigned to them but only after the requirement of coming the age of 17 has been met. Than once that Pokémon has been bonded with and a love interest comes along; always treat the Pokémon the exact same as before even if that means placing love interest second. If the Pokémon has second thoughts before the contract is signed than it can decline at the last moment and the Trainer will be forced to set it free from its prison that they had caught them in. This is all in the contract that with a spot of our bloody fingerprint next to our signature that the Pokémon has to sniff to make it official with their bloody hand/paw print as their signature.

So you can say there are two test: ball (which test to see if the wild wants to stop being wild; can't cheat and weaken them before either. But like 80% of Pokémon want a Trainer so it all works out) and the blood test which is the actual acceptance of the offer. It's viewed exactly as a open marriage type of deal. Like with marriage some see it as too much of a commitment. These people are still usually forced into it because you are viewed differently in society if you chose to live your whole life alone. It's rare but it happens.

Only those that are the dumbest, craziest, and those so clouded with ambition that they discard common sense even attempt to break this agreement or try find a ways around of it (there isn't' by the way). Those that do...well let's say a traitors in those old mobster movies or of a whole nation are treated better and with more mercy. Whether you'll caught by the law or never caught it doesn't matter: the results are the same. It's to the point no one questions why or how the law came to be; kind of like murder. It's just one of those things now.

After my 16th birthday a year before I was to have my starter: I started learning Poke speak. Something that is both very difficult and time consuming along with being extremely illegal. But I was a stupid kid aspiring to be a Pokémon master (Did I not mention that was my dream at one time? I didn't? well now you know) and I thought that would be an extremely handy tool to carry with me. Took me all that year to learn a decent but still minuscule amount of the language. Taken me another few months talking with Zillian and Bleu (Dad's Azumarill) to help me become almost fluent. Unlike us Pokémon don't talk in complete sentences, more broken up and built with a mind of a very mature person with the dialect of three year old, there also is ALOT of sign language and body reading. At first I was ecstatic after I learned it since Zillian and I began to have conversations and eventually became more than best friends, he was like the little brother I never had.

Then I began to notice somethings I shouldn't notice or hear.

Not going into detail right at this moment but it's easy to summarize within a few sentences. What I learned is this: As Pokémon grow up and become more mature (which hits only hits immature Pokémon when they evolve/reach adulthood) they develop this over protectiveness for their Trainer that completely surpasses the line of obsessive. You know that Crazy Ex-Girlfriend meme that's still around? Yeah almost that level but just a level or two below that so it isn't a noticeable problem... just creepy. When you look at diagnostically I guess it makes sense. Why else would super powerful animals protect weaker beings who are just smarter than they are? (not counting psychic types or Legendaries of course).

So on a whim I asked Zillian "What would happen if I got another Pokémon?" At first he froze mid blink and didn't move a muscle, I wasn't even sure he was breathing. Then he gave me this crazy look/glare like he was about to strike (not at me of course since I was only asking a what-if question); but at his imaginary opponent. Than with his forever cute bucktooth smile he said with his naturally squeaky voice "Well I'll -insert psychotic and gory way to kill someone here- and eat them"

Of course I said "you can't be serious"

His facial expression told me otherwise.

"Well what about like if I found someone that I like as a mate?"

and Zil replied "Complicated, but as long as the balance tilts in favor of Pokémon and other homen- (he can't say human it makes me laugh to get him to try) - knows they come second and both homens know never challenge law-"*words punctuated with angry stomping and flash of teeth in a obvious threat*"than no problem...I'm hungry. Pizza?" now he looks at me with cute begging eyes.

Still whirling from the sudden shift from insane and murderous mouse to the cute and lovable mouse I know and love it took me a second to comprehend the question before I reply "Uh. Sure?"

Zillian cheers and races ahead to grab phone.

So there you have it this ^ is why humans can only have 1 Pokémon and why we must treat Pokémon in favor of family. If only I took that threat more seriously then maybe the events a few nights after this little scene would have went a little differently... or if I wanted to go one step further I would like to been able to go even further back in time to stop myself from even learning the language to begin with...sure I would miss the benefits but doesn't ignorance sometimes equal bliss?

Anyway this entry was just a bit of an introduction for those from another dimension (since stranger things have happened) so this should be worded differently from the rest of my story. Actually I really dunno about that since I didn't stay in English class long enough to learn that kind of stuff so it may to be able so it might just be worded the same. Anyway the next entry should be my memories as they happened in a present tense until...well whatever happens.

One last warning from the author, This story isn't just told from Elliot's point of view. Sometimes I or some other characters take the pen to add a little substance and spice to the dish. This is a story and not a diary after all, meaning there were a lot of key voices that are/were just screaming in order to be heard.

Sometimes just screaming...

Anyway congratulations on making past the intro sequence! This is the last you will be hearing from me. Smooth sailing for you after this I promise.