The Legend of Jenny and Renamon # 4 : Making Feathers Fly!

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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#5 of The Legend of Jenny and Renamon Fanfiction

After being repeatedly alluded to in the previous installments, we finally see what exactly happened the night Falco and Jenny explored their feelings for each other!

The Legend of Jenny and Renamon # 4 : Making Feathers Fly! Written by Klesk Vadrigaar

Being a child of Zoness, the former leader of the Hot Rodders gang, a member of Star Fox and a general all-around daredevil, Falco believed that there was nothing left to surprise him. He'd experienced first hand the worst horrors that could possibly have been wrecked upon the Lylat System, personally battled against living monstrosities that would've made even the bravest pilots tremble in fear, and risked his life more times than he could count pulling his fellow teammates out of harm's way. By this point the blue avian had long since accepted he was probably living on borrowed time and that nothing could ever again phase him.

So it was naturally a rather unpleasant discovery that the white feline sitting across from him in the Great Fox II's galley had managed to accomplish the impossible with but a few simple words.

" feelings for me?" He finally managed after picking his beak up off his chest and taking the time to remember how to speak again.

The feline, Jenny by name (or Master Jenny to those who wanted to show respect), steeled her fists against the table, her ears betraying her shame by flushing redder than beetroots as the bird kept staring at her aghast.

"I know you're probably wondering why you and not Fox...or Slippy..."

Falco received his second shock when Jenny somehow managed to blush even redder than before. He briefly worried her ears would hemorrhage, considering how much blood had to be flowing to them, before the kitty spoke again.

"Truth is, you've kind of stood out to me ever since I met you. The way you charge head first into danger without care for yourself, yet are always checking on the rest of us to make sure we're okay. How you seem so prone to throw caution to the wind, the way you pilot your Arwing like it's an extension of your body...your general 'devil may care' attitude. That just caters to some primal instinct in me."

Though her training as a warrior enabled her to endure the accusation seeping into Falco's gaze, Jenny still silently hoped he would cease. She knew it was folly as she'd probably stunned the poor avian into a stupor, but the shame at admitting such a terrible truth to him was proving even more painful than she'd anticipated.

"Have....have you told Slippy yet?" He finally asked. The fact that his mind would immediately go to the well-being of his teammate made Jenny cast her eyes down.

"No....I mean I know I should. But, I don't think he and I can really be considered....well, anything yet. We haven't done anything since I joined Star Fox, and with you on my mind....I've been keeping my distance."

Falco's beak hit the floor a second time, and Jenny realized she needed to really explain things faster before he had a coronary.

"Look, I'm telling you this because I know I need to make a decision about him, me, and you.."

Now Falco was really looking unnerved. "You and I? What makes you think I feel any...oh...of course." He groaned in defeat as Jenny reluctantly nodded.

"I promise I haven't been probing your mind. You've just been giving off some strong mental resonance that I can't help but pick up on. I know there's at least a surface attraction to me in your head."

Falco finally looked away as R.O.B. walked by carrying a stack of replacement circuit boards. Much like the rest of the ship, the galley was in a sorry state due to Star Fox having just returned and purchased themselves a new base of operations to replace the original Great Fox. Though they were all due for some much needed R&R, Fox had decreed they should still try to get their new home up and running.

"Well you certainly have an incredible sense of timing." Falco muttered as he looked around at the piles of steel plates, paint buckets and other tasks that still needed to be done around them. Jenny nodded reluctantly.

"Sorry, it's just now that the danger is past and I've had a moment to think for myself, I didn't want to leave this up in the air for too long."

She half expected another sarcastic retort, but instead noticed Falco's features easing down from their arched state of shock.

"I guess that makes sense...wished I'd done the same when I had the chance." The blue avian glanced warily at the robot currently working on a control console, well within earshot of them. "Look, let's go back to our work for now, and tonight...I'll take you out to dinner. Somewhere private where we can discuss this more properly and...well....see what happens."

Though she felt even more shameful for it, Jenny's ears perked with her excitement.

"Just let me know where and when!" She exclaimed, feeling the blush return when Falco nodded that he would soon as he had the chance. With awkwardness still hanging heavy in the air, the two left for their respective tasks, both hoping the coming night would bring resolution.

Jenny glanced down at the address on her phone, then at the rather dark and foreboding building before her. Though her enthusiasm may have been great before, finding Falco's choice of venue was not only located in the rougher parts of Cornerian city, but was also a dank looking club, lit only by a neon sign over the doorway that read 'BUCK EYE'S had put on a bit of a dampener.

"This is it?" She queried as Falco walked up beside her.

"This is it. My favorite port of call when I was with the Hot Rodders." Noting the feline's disbelief, he quickly added. "I know it doesn't look like much, but trust me, we won't be disturbed inside, and they do the best peanut satay in Corneria."

Jenny's doubt faltered, if only momentarily. Falco clearly had taken the time to research her eating preferences if what he said was truth, and the whole reason she was here was because she wanted to see some bad boy action so it wasn't like she could complain.

"Alright, I'm trusting you on this." The feline replied as she was lead into a smoky room filled with the typical cut of questionable looking customers. "Least now I don't feel so bad about not getting dressed up for the occasion."

Falco chuckled as he beheld his date for the night smoothing out her duty uniform and checking her massive pink mane was still properly held in check.

"You look fine, Jenny. Seriously." He soothed as he headed to the bar, his smile increasing as the aged bear tending to the drinks gaped upon sighting him.

"Well now, do my eyes deceive me? This can't be the same avian who used to darken my doorway at all hours of the night!" He looked Falco up and down, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "No, no, far too well groomed and properly dressed to be that young ruffian."

Jenny arched an eyebrow as Falco finally had to laugh. "Yes Buck, it's good to see you too after all these years."

A friendly paw shake was exchanged, and Buck, as he apparently was, turned his eye to Jenny. "Still finding time to chase after kitties in between saving Corneria from total annihilation huh? Good to know you haven't entirely changed."

That, strangely, seemed to dull the smile from the avian's beak.

"Not quite, Buck. Her name's Jenny and she's my fellow pilot. We're here to see if...well, just do you have anywhere away from the normal rabble where we can sit and talk over a few things?"

Realizing his error, the bruin snatched a bottle of something from behind the bar.

"Uh, yeah sure! Table 4, right there in the corner. Take this with you, compliments of the know, for taking the Aparoids out so the house can remain standing."

He placed the bottle with two glasses on a tray and pushed it towards Falco who sighed and accepted it.

"And two orders of the peanut satay when you can!" He chirped before heading to the cosy little nook where a table had been set up just for two.

"Still chasing after kitties huh?" Jenny queried. Falco covered for his disdain by popping the cork and pouring out two drinks for them.

"I promise I'll tell all...provided you do the same." He replied. Nodding that this was a fair deal, Jenny seated herself and accepted one of the glasses.

"Alright, who goes first?" She asked while taking a sip. The concoction, whatever it was, tasted strongly of citrus, tinged with a smoky edge and a hint of raspberries. Pleasing at it was to the tongue, it made Jenny regret there wasn't a roaring fire to help set the mood it demanded.

"Guess I will, seeing as dear Buck just had to bring it up." Falco drank heavily from his glass and let the punch of the alcohol steady his nerves. "Thing is, back when I was a no good street punk leading the Hot Rodders, there was indeed another feline who ran with me. Her name was Katt Monroe, and....hmmm..."

Falco paused to drain his glass and pour himself another drink.

"I guess you could say she grew on me in the worst possible way, specially as she had the same addiction to danger as me."

Jenny's ears perked again as the avian clenched his fist and winced. "Damn girl seemed to always be trying to get herself killed. We'd seek out the worst kind of adventure wherever it might be, and she just had to charge in first whenever we found a suitable challenge. I spent more time saving her tail than I did actually wasting my youth."

Subconsciously, Jenny established a very low level link with Falco's mind, finding a flurry of painful heat burning away at his thoughts. Sure signs of a previous affection that hurt as much it pleasured the avian to remember.

"Is that what persuaded you to finally quit the gang life and join up with Star Fox?"

Falco glared at his date, and she promptly scooted back.

"Hey, I admit I joined the S.P.A.C.E. for similar reasons. The Sisterhood would've loved to have me stay and teach on Alderbaran but I was worried I'd get too attached to my students to properly hone their abilities." Jenny soothed.

That seemed to take the edge off Falco's anger. At least he extinguished the glare and dulled his feelings with more booze.

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean it could easily have been the reason, as much as it could've been I just got sick of being a worthless thug. I wanted to do something with my life, and Star Fox seemed the perfect opportunity." The avian drank and massaged the bridge of his beak. "But then Andross resurfaced, and with him so did Katt. Seems she cleaned herself up and took to the skies as well, almost as if she wanted to keep torturing me with worry."

Jenny's ears wilted as she sensed that, in spite of all the fiery loathing swirling through Falco's thoughts, there was still a strong, shining spark of love that refused to diminish.

"She appeared several times during the course of our war, always under a banner of wanting to help, but with it the promise that she'd be gone soon as the fighting was done. And the worse part is, she always did exactly that!" Falco slammed his fist on the table, spilling some of his drink in the process. "So went the cycle; I thought I could put her behind me, then she'd crop up again. I'd tell myself not to get involved, and in the next breath I'd be flying out to see what she needed. It was like a splinter stuck in my mind, driving me mad."

Being able to see that splinter for herself, Jenny took a deep breath and coaxed herself to respond.

"And yet you still have yet to speak ill of her, despite it sounding like she was more trouble than she was worth."

Falco slumped back in his chair, staring into the abyss of his glass.

"I guess....I don't know. I hate her for her recklessness, for never giving me a chance to move on, and for just the way she keeps driving me crazy. Yet at the same time....yeah, I guess all of the above sprung from my feelings for her. Buck's right, I like to chase kitties, and as for you...."

Jenny braced herself as the avian leaned forward.

"I guess I hoped that you might just be the means for me to get the best of both worlds. You actually take care to not endanger yourself, you're kind, affectionate and damn gorgeous to boot. There may have been a moment or two where I vehemently hated Slippy for getting to you first, but now that we're here I....I..." He looked back down at his glass again and pushed it aside. "I may have had too much to drink already. Some of that outburst might have been the booze talking."

Silence descended as the bird slumped back again into his chair, the idle chatter of the other patrons falling on deaf ears. Jenny had absolutely no idea how to respond to that, now that she knew the truth of what spawned Falco's affection for her.

So she settled for just letting out a choked laugh.

"That's....that's fine. Sorry if I hit a nerve there." She quickly responded as Falco looked at her with that dagger like glare again. "Maybe some food will help."

She eagerly beckoned to Buck as he came over carrying two steaming plates.

"Here we are. A little something to whet the appetite." The bruin set down the plates, and noted neither of the two occupants were looking all that amorous. "Um...everything going okay?"

Jenny opened her mouth to respond, but Falco shook his head.

"Fine, Buck. Just clearing the air a bit here." The avian nodded for the bear to take his leave, and Buck did not hesitate to obey.

"So, with my guts now properly spilled....what's your story?" The avian asked. Jenny took a moment to grab a skewer off the plates as if to sample the so called best satay in town, only Falco then noted she didn't really eat the peanut coated meat so much as she tore chunks of it off and swallowed them whole. "Actually let me rephrase that: what's with the way you seem so uneasy about this place?"

Jenny paused in her munching to glance at the various shady characters milling around behind her. "You mean besides the fact that it's your typical wretched hive of scum and villainy?" She whispered, tactfully checking that no one besides the bird sitting across from her heard her.

"Well, yes actually. I thought this is what you liked in your chosen boyfriends, yet since we've been in here your body language is indicating it's having the exact opposite effect. Like the way you winced when I greeted Buck, and the disgust you expressed upon seeing the name above the door. There's something that's hitting you personally isn't there?"

Sauce ran down Jenny's chin as she suddenly lost the will to eat. Hesitantly she grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth, while peering with her own suspicion at her date.

"I guess you're not the only one who's been making it obvious huh?"

Falco shrugged and let the feline have her space so she could put down the skewer and compose herself for some serious revelations.

"So you know that I previously served as the first mate and co-pilot of Captain Bucky O'Hare, on board his ship, The Righteous Indignation. After the end of the Toad Wars I quit the S.P.A.C.E., as to be expected, spent a few years unwinding, then joined up with Star Fox, right?"

Falco nodded. "Yeah, that's pretty much the extent of it."

Jenny breathed deeply and steeled herself to continue. "Are you aware of the events that lead up to my quitting the service? Or indeed what happened before I met Renamon, and thereby you?"

Falco shook his head.

"Okay, well here goes: you're not the first bad boy I've been attracted to. During my time with Bucky he introduced me to a cousin of his, Jazz Jackrabbit."

Falco's feathers ruffled at the name, but as Jenny was now into the meat of her own story he said nothing about what relevance it was to him.

"Guy was like you, only even more extreme. His reputation as the hero of Carrotus had gone to his head, and he clearly thought he could do no wrong. So he kept accepting suicidal missions and took on enemies that no single morph could ever stand a chance against. He fought dirty, played rough and had no respect for authority." Jenny's face fell. "And that just made me want him more than ever. So much so that when he proposed to me after only a month of dating I accepted without a second thought."

That definitely got a rise out of the bird. The sheer impulsiveness that Jenny was describing hit way too close to home, though he bravely shoved aside the ensuing unpleasant memories and continued to listen.

"I know, I know, it was stupid and I should've known better. My only excuse is that I was still young and still high on the feeling of victory from having triumphed over the Toads and being hailed a hero of my own world."

The half eaten skewer caught Jenny's eye and she resumed eating it, taking the time to properly chew and taste the food. "Mmm, I do have to admit, this satay actually is pretty good. It's been ages since I last got to enjoy real peanuts."

Falco was both contented and annoyed by this at the same time.

"Well, as I'd hoped...but...what happened afterwards?"

Seeing that she now had her date hanging on every word, Jenny quickly finished her food and resumed with her story.

"What happened afterwards? Well, reality happened. I discovered Jazz wasn't just a guy drunk on his own achievements, he was a straight up drunk who just didn't care about anything or anyone else besides himself."

Almost instantly Falco felt his face forming into an expression of disbelief that that was all there was. He tried to stop himself, but Jenny still caught enough of it to sigh and grip the table.

"Well, okay that's putting it lightly. He was a slave to the bottle, who resented that no matter how much glory he achieved he was still living in Bucky's shadow. He only found solace when he was either drunk off his head or in the midst of hell trying to get himself killed." The feline grit her teeth as she found the will to add. "And that was just in the beginning."

Now Falco found himself at something of an impasse. On one hand he was seriously regretting asking Jenny to bare all and was frantically trying to think of a way to tactfully change the siubject, yet on the other, well, he'd bared himself to her, so it'd probably look worse if he tried to stop her from doing the same.

"Just the beginning?" He repeated, hating himself for feeding her a line to keep going.

"Yeah, once all that came to light I....well....I guess I made things worse. I tried to change him, convince him he didn't have to keep wowing me with his heroism or feel like he was second best, but all that did was plant the seed of suspicion in him that what I was really trying to do was turn him into a surrogate for Bucky."

Though he told himself not too, Falco's beak seemed to move on its own accord as it voiced the thought. "Would you say that was accurate?"

He instantly feared Jenny would get angry, fully expected to see her eyes taking on the tell tale glow that signified pain was about to come his way. Instead, however, Jenny dipped her head lower as if admitting her guilt.

"I....I honestly can't say. I mean, Bucky and I never really had anything for each other, but after living with was like everything that first attracted me to him was now everything that repulsed me. I didn't want him to be...well...him."

There again was that dreadful fall of silence, made worse by the way the rest of the club kept moving along without any care for the two individuals in the corner. Falco wanted to express his sympathy for Jenny's plight, but it was as if he'd used up the last of his speaking abilities with the previous questions. Tentatively he flexed his fingers and felt they could still move, and, with all his courage channeled into them, he reached for the feline's paw. The move proved somewhat comedic as he found she was holding onto the table too tightly to move, but upon feeling those soft feathers on her fur, the kitty looked up, and promptly grabbed him as if her life depended on it.

"I...I...I'm sorry?" He asked, swallowing heavily when Jenny shook her head.

" it's okay. I promised I would trust you with the truth and so I am." She clasped a paw over her eyes as if to hide tears. Briefly Falco feared he would soon have to comfort her through her sobs, but then Jenny lowered her paw to reveal her eyes were still dry, and amazingly she was smiling. "Besides, there's still something of a happy ending: that being that I finally wised up and divorced his ass."

Falco shared her relief, though he still felt a question niggling at his brain. "But then, what happened with Bucky?"

The paw clenched painfully around his hand.

"He...didn't take it too well. Family was still family as far as he was concerned, and Jazz unfortunately got to him before I could break the news. It made for a very uncomfortable environment while we still worked together so...I felt it was best if I moved on to other ventures and put the whole damn drama behind me."

Ignoring the pain from Jenny's death grip, Falco reached out to tenderly rest his other hand on her paw. "And so that's why you quit the S.P.A.C.E?"

"That's it. The rest was pretty much what you think. I was fortunate enough to meet Renamon, then came Slippy and then...well, now us, sitting right here."

The silence fell a third time, though now it was a little easier to bear. With their relative pasts laid out for perusal, the tension that had been choking the air was starting to dissipate. "Well, I guess if there is anything good to be garnered from this, it's that at least now we know what not to do in order to avoid pissing each other off." Falco finally said.

Jenny giggled in exhausted relief. "Yeah, that much is true, but really, that was also part of why I find myself drawn to you."

Falco arched an eyebrow, then chirped softly in amusement.

"You've got all the appeal that Jazz had, but none of the hang ups. I mean, I was at first concerned that if I said anything it'd be a repeat of history....but then it was like you seemed to immediately catch onto that and did everything to assure me such would not be the case." Jenny looked down at the satay and giggled. "I mean, small a gesture as it may be, the fact you actually caught on to what kind of foods I like is more than what Jazz could've been bothered to do."

Feathers ruffled adorably as the blue avian shrugged.

"Well I never got the chance to treat Katt like this so...I figured you deserved the effort."

Jenny nodded, though there was a noticeable weight to her movement now.

"Yeah on that, there's still one issue left."

Falco clicked his beak. "Slippy?"

Another heavy nod.

"Not going to lie, the morning after we met I wondered what the hell was wrong with me. Except then he made us breakfast, treated me like he would any of his other friends, and seemed to fully accept the whole thing would probably be a one night stand." Jenny guiltily waded the tablecloth with her free paw. "And even now that we're on the same team together he doesn't seem the least bit bitter that I'm still keeping my distance. I dunno, just...with all that's happened to me these last few years, his consideration is really starting to stand out..."

Now Falco had to nod as he caught the inferration. "So much so that you have to wonder if it'd really be that bad to get serious with him?"

Now Jenny was looking guilty as sin, but another gentle squeeze showed that wasn't necessary.

"Hey, he's a good guy at heart. Useless at the controls of an Arwing maybe, but he does have courage, and kindness." A very wary expression was cast his way. Falco noted it made Jenny look strangely alluring as she narrowed those amber toned eyes at him.

"We're here discussing whether we want to be together, and you speak in his defense?"

Another shrug, sadly without the ruffling this time. "Just want to make sure you know where I stand. Honestly I have my own doubts about how true my feelings towards you are so I'd rather you remember that you still have an alternative."

The eyes fell to stare at the table, silently expressing that Falco had just made the situation worse by showing he bore neither jealousy nor resentment that Jenny was still considering his team mate, and that in doing so he'd just made himself that much more appealing.

"You're not helping me make a decision here, you know." She snickered.

"Hey, I think I made it pretty clear that I suck at relationships too. You've only yourself to blame if you thought I was going to be of any assistance."

That brought more giggles from the feline and Falco accepted it as reward enough. "Anyway, I'm feeling Buck's concoction wants out of me so I'm going to hit the can."

The avian made to get up from the table, but found himself prohibited from doing so.

"Umm, Jenny, that means you have to let go of me."

The feline was momentarily stumped, then she gasped upon seeing she still had her paw firmly clasped around Falco's.

"Oh, sorry!" She meeped, frantically yanking her paw back. Awkwardly clicking his beak again, her date made for the restrooms with haste, while she shook her head and grabbed for the bottle on the table. If nothing else, one could always rely on booze to help settle most manners of turmoil. 'Most' being the operative word, as she was sadly about to discover.

"Finally, the feather duster stopped bothering you, huh? Thought I was gonna have to boot him out myself."

Jenny paused mid-sip as a heavy and roughly hoofed hand slapped itself down on her shoulder. Daring a look skywards, the feline felt her spirits slip back down into the dumps as she was met with the grizzled and scarred visage of a black bull.

"I'm...sorry?" She asked hesitantly.

"Just couldn't help noticing your fine ass sashaying itself in. The boys and me were having a little natter, and we all agreed you're by far the prettiest little thing to have walked through the door in a long time." The bovine grinned and gave a snort to flash the golden ring piercing his nose. Jenny caught the nauseating aroma of breath thick with far too much booze. "Such a pity you had to come in with that mottled mess of feathers but now that he's gone...."

Jenny sighted movement out of the corner of her eye. Craning her neck she beheld a similarly rough looking troupe stepping up behind the bull. Among them were a ram, a ringtail, and a very scrawny Labrador, all of them wearing the same grin of evident intent, borne from one too many drinks.

"Well that's very kind of you to say, thank you." She replied politely, turning back to her drink as if assuming that was that. A chortle and another snort were heard as the hooved fingers dug into her shoulder.

"You're not from around this walk of Corneria are you, sugar?" Someone asked. Keeping herself focused on the sweet, sweet booze, Jenny just shrugged.

"Oh dear, is it that obvious?" She smiled, then winced as her trapezius muscle was subjected to even more crushing pressure.

"Yeah it kind of is. See, around here, most girls know it's polite to repay a compliment like that. You do want to be polite don't you?" The bull sneered.

Jenny's teeth ground against each other as she felt her arm slowly being mashed in the vice like grip. Amazingly she still managed to show no reaction other than a simple reply.

"I....try to be. I'm afraid you're making it a bit difficult for me, though." She nodded to the way the bovine was manhandling her. Rather than let go, however, the black beast simply yanked her up out of her chair, grinning at the little meep of pain.

"Well then, why don't you come back to our table and have a conversation with some real men? The feather duster looked like he was boring you."

Rather than show any fear, Jenny just sighed and closed her eyes. Taking advantage of the brief confusion this caused, she reached up and pried the bull's hand off her.

"In that case I do apologize but I'm afraid you're mistaken. We were in fact having a rather intense heart to heart, and I'd very much like to continue it soon as he gets back." She sat herself back down and looked eagerly at the door to the restrooms. Sadly it remained firmly shut and betrayed no sign of Falco's imminent return.

"Sheesh, you listening to this, Trey? Girl's either really slow on the uptake, or really loves playing hard to get. Probably both." The ringtail elbowed the bull, drawing a more annoyed snort this time.

"Either way, perhaps I didn't make myself clear. I think you want to come over to our table and indulge yourself with some better company." The bull, Trey as he apparently was, grabbed for her shoulder again, but this time Jenny was quick enough to twist out of the way.

"And I again wish to assure you that I'm quite fine right here. Seriously, you've sadly made a mistake." She replied, picking her drink up and supping quietly of its contents. To their credit the troupe were kind enough to let her finish before a gleaming knife blade stabbed itself into the table.

"A mistake? Bitch, I don't think so!" The bull threatened as he yanked his blade free and leveled it at the feline's neck. Jenny's ears wilted as she put down her glass.

"I'm afraid I must disagree." She said, glancing from the knife to its wielder, then noting his cronies were slipping their paws into their coats, no doubt to retrieve other manners of unpleasant surprises. "And guess what, you all just made another mistake. A far bigger one."

The sharp edge of steel bit tenderly into her neck as the feline closed her eyes. Suddenly her would be assailants suddenly found themselves being launched clean across the room to a painful impact against the opposite wall. All ambient sound in the club promptly went dead as Jenny stood and turned around, her eyes and the rubies on her uniform glowing with psychic fire as Trey pulled himself up from the floor and grabbed for his knife.

"Well bitch, YOU just made your last mistake!" He yelled and charged at the feline.

"Hey, guys! What did I say about fighting in the club?" Buck yelled from the bar. His response was a blaster being shoved in his face.

"Shut it, grandpa! You want to die tonight, by all means get in the ring! Otherwise, stay out of this!" The ram spat. Behind him he heard the sound of an energy discharge, and turned to watch his bovine boss make a second trip across the room and into the far wall. He gaped momentarily as Jenny faced him with her fists raised and her body glowing with psychic aura, then promptly switched targets and locked her in his sights. "Okay girl, that's enough of that! Stand the fuck back or I'm adding your name to my list of kills!"

Jenny glared at him as he tried to steady his gun. For a moment it looked like he was having second thoughts about actually following through on his threat.

"Oh for fuck sakes Mitch, either pull the trigger or let me at her, ya drunk ass!"

And suddenly the ram found new cause to open fire, not out of choice but due to be being barreled aside by Trey making a third charge at Jenny. Proving to be as stubborn as his species was apt for, he didn't even flinch as searing plasma zipped past him in an attempt to take his target down before he could reach it.

Quick as a flash, Jenny dropped to one knee and formed the aura around her into a pink bubble shield. Shots sizzled and popped as they impacted against the psychic barrier, followed by a crackling THUD and a bray of pain as Trey finally caught up and experienced the same manner of hindrance.

"GRAAAHHH!" The bull screamed as he found his ass hitting the floor for a third time running. Smoke rose from his singed fur as he got his senses back and lowly ordered. "Someone, kill this bitch, NOW!"

"I'm trying, boss! You're in the way!" Mitch pleaded as he searched for an angle that wouldn't require shooting through the bull. Trey didn't seem to hear as he kept stabbing and punching fruitlessly at the shield, grunting as said actions just earned him more burns to his knuckles.

"Oh for the love of...put that damn thing away Mitch, you're bloody useless with it!"

The ram was shoved roughly aside again, which of course startled him into flexing his trigger finger again. Mercifully the walls and the restroom door took the brunt of the shots, leaving Jenny able to focus as the ringtail pulled a shock baton out and ran screaming at her. Bracing herself, the feline prepared for the sound of another body hitting her shield head on...but the screaming still endured, and along with it the sensation of something penetrating her energy. Opening her eyes, Jenny hissed as the ringtail slowly worked his body through her shield, bloodshot eyes gleaming as he came face to face with her.

"Yeah, babe, you're not the only one who knows about concussive based shielding. Fast objects may not be allowed in, but those who take it nice and slow..." He raised his baton to strike, forcing Jenny to drop the shield and roll out of the way. The table took the brunt of the blow instead, and did little to dissuade the ringtail as he just turned and dived at her. Jenny evaded that too, but then felt her head jerk back as her pink mane refused to follow her body.

"Also another thing, long 'dos ain't really favored around here. Let's fix that with a little hands on trimming eh?" The ringtail seethed as he ripped at the feline's hair, pulling her back into the perfect position to receive a full on smack from his baton. Stars swam with pain through Jenny's skull, the world around her spinning into a whirlpool. Feeling herself be thrown to the ground, she frantically tried to summon her powers again and get her assailant off her.

Then, in the next breath, she felt him let go of his own accord, or rather NOT of his own accord as her vision finally settled and she beheld Falco holding him up off the ground by his neck.

"Well first off though, you might want to pay for the sink you blew up in the men's restroom. Mainly because I was using it just now." The bird seethed as he brushed broken bits of porcelain out of his wet feathers. The ringtail let him have a moment while he gasped for breath, then decided to see if another whack from his weapon would persuade the avian to let him go. Falco politely showed him it would not.

"Jenny, what the hell happened while I was gone?" He asked, ignoring the screams of the ringtail as his arm was twisted till he dropped his baton.

Still woozy and aching, Jenny fumbled for something to help her stand up.

"Falco, I was just..."

And then, just as pain had knocked her senses for a loop, it brought them right back into focus. Gasping as something cold and very sharp buried itself in her thigh, the feline turned just in time to receive a follow up punch to the face, sending her back to the floor.

"You..both..die..NOW!" Trey declared as he lunged for the bird. Fortunately in his anger he seemed to have forgotten Falco was still holding one of his subordinates in his other hand. Thus, with a jump and a twist, ringtail was reacquainted with bull as both crashed into the table again.

"Jenny!" Falco dropped to his knees and reached for the hilt of the knife buried in his date's leg. With a low hiss and a hard grip, however, Jenny beat him to it and yanked the offending object out herself.

"It's...agh...not bad. Focus on the other two, they're also armed!"

Falco looked to the other morphs advancing on him, and soon found that to be a mistake as it put his face in the perfect spot to get sideswiped by something else cold and painfully hard.

"You two really picked the wrong place for a little romantic get together." The scrawny lab teased as he spun a length of steel chain around for another attack. Picking himself up and tasting blood, Falco calmly pressed a hand to the gash on his cheek and viewed his attackers with disappointment.

"I'd disagree. We were having a perfectly pleasant time till you interfered."

The chain came at him again but this time, Falco dodged and caught it. The lab attempted to yank him off his feet, but with a blinding flash he found himself stumbling back with a now shattered link hanging pathetically from his grip.

"What's more I've had plenty of other good times at this place before, and as such I'm not having scum like you soil it with your drunken antics." Falco replied as he tossed his length of the ruined chain aside. Next to him, Jenny slowly stood up baring a glowing fist. "Now you can either apologize for bothering us and leave on your accord, or we can show you the way out. Your choice."

Glancing to the remains of his weapon, the scrawny lab dispensed with it and raised his fists, emboldened by the click of Mitch bringing his blaster back into the game.

"Very well." Falco sighed while eyeing Jenny. "You ready for this?"

"Oh...yes." The kitty lowly intoned. Her ears twisted at the sound of shattered wood being thrown off behind her, and the roar of one set on having his revenge. With a speed honed both from her training as an Alderbaran warrior, and her natural skill as a cat, Jenny slid out of harm's way and let Falco grab the charging bull by his golden nose ring. In the split second where both Mitch and the lab were registering their boss was now being sent back to them at speed she charged and launched a perfectly aimed blast at Mitch's gun, blowing it into a million pieces and giving the ram a bad case of third degree burns. Fortunately the ensuing pain of being hit full force by Trey's body helped him ignore both of the above.

Taking a deep breath, Jenny charged herself for the next round as Trey rose again, roaring and gurgling as blood flowed like a waterfall down his face. Turning to eye his assailants, he gave the feline's stomach a lurch when she beheld the entire front of his nasal passage had been ripped out. She glanced to her side, and had to stamp down on the wave of nausea when Falco twirled the bovine's gore covered nose ring around one of his fingers.

"Still sure you want to continue?" The bird despondently asked.

The explosion of gunfire and a shower of plaster from the ceiling neatly filled in as an answer.

"No, I think I'm going to close up for the night. This old grandpa can only tolerate so much impudence after all."

All eyes turned to Buck who was aiming a shotgun at the gang.

"Come now, out! All of you except Falco and his lady, out!"

Despite having both hands over his nose to stem the blood flow, Trey still managed to glare and lowly threaten the bruin.

"Did we, or did we not tell you to stay out of - AHHHGHH!"

Another shotgun round, this one aimed at the floor, and the bull could now add a shrapnel riddled leg to his injuries.

"You've had your words for tonight. There's a medical center just up the street. If you leave now I'll let you go without paying your tab for all the drinks or the damage." Buck calmly racked the slide and aimed at Trey's head. "Alternately, if you stay....well, I wouldn't count on your chances of seeing tomorrow's dawn."

Trey looked to the bear, then to the extremely pissed avian and kitty, then to his broken gang.

"Boss...I can't feel my arm." Mitch weakly bleated as smoke rose from his scorched limb.

"And Dim isn't moving..." The lab pointed to the ringtail, who was still out for the count.

Retching as blood continued to fill his maw, Trey finally decided he didn't want to be hurt any more and hobbled for the door, leaving his subordinates to likewise drag each other out of the establishment. Gasping in relief, Jenny shut off her powers and collapsed against the bar.

"Not that I wish to nag after all these years, Buck, but why have you still not enforced a NO WEAPONS rule on this place?" Falco asked.

The bear put down his shotgun and shrugged. "If I did, then I wouldn't be allowed to carry this little beauty on the premises either. Granted it'd have been more useful if I hadn't left it in the office after cleaning it but meh, least I got it out in time." He turned to Jenny, and cringed upon noticing the blood running down her leg. "Do you actually want me to contact the paramedics?"

Jenny waved him off. "Seriously, I've endured worse. Just hand me the first aid kit and show me where I can bandage myself up."

Though he looked dubious, Buck retrieved the aforementioned from behind the bar.

"Okay, I've got a guest room upstairs if you want to use that; fourth door at the end of the hall. I gotta stay down here and speak with the CDF about pressing charges against those worthless bastards."

Falco helped Jenny lean on him as the two ascended up the stairs. "Star Fox will help pay for the damages if you just give us a total cost."

"Nah, I've got insurance for that. Again, thanks to you, I didn't have to use it during the Aparoid war so all will be fine." Buck assured.

Doing her best to not mark her passage with bloody drippings, Jenny limped to the indicated door and let Falco carry her into a small but cozy bedroom.

"Does Buck normally expect couples to be making use of his place for things other than drinks?" Jenny mused upon sighting the warm and comforting furnishings.

"I'd like to think not. He just happens to live above the club so it makes sense that he'd have somewhere for personal friends." Falco chirped in embarrassment as he popped open the first aid kit. "Don't know if I should be flattered or ashamed that he apparently now considers us to be on that level, considering what we just had to do to earn it."

Jenny giggled, then winced as she detached the rubies on her arms and legs then slowly peeled her uniform off. "On that actually...not that I wish to critique your choice of venue again, but considering where this place is located, and the still doesn't really feel like a place you'd be one to hang out at. Granted Buck doesn't seem the type to set up shop in such a bad neighbourhood either."

Searching for the necessary medical supplies, Falco contemplated his date's words.

"Everyone's gotta do what they can to get by. Buck's lived in this part of town all his life so he knows how to survive the rabble, and as for me, well even back during my own gang days I didn't try to make hassle like those drunk-asses, and I made sure the other Hot Rodders behaved accordingly. Guess Buck appreciated that."

As she got her suit off and examined her wound, Jenny felt her heart flush hot. To think the bird could still be such a ruthless combatant, and yet show such consideration even during his worst was positively agonizing for her to try and resist his charm.

"Anyway, let's see if I can make up for distracting you back there. I promise I'll be gentle."

Falco knelt by the bed to begin treating his date's leg, but yet again Jenny stopped him.

"As much as I appreciate that, you've got your own injuries to deal with. Seriously, Falco have you even looked at yourself?"

The blue avian arched an eyebrow, then flinched in realization when the move reminded him he indeed had a deep cut on his face that was still bleeding freely.

"It's not so bad. Adrenaline's a very effective painkiller." He smiled bravely, but Jenny just shook her head.

"Well likewise with me. I just need a basic field dressing."

Grabbing the necessary supplies herself, Jenny sanitized her wound and sprayed it with a clotting agent. Showing no hint of suffering, she then applied staples and stilled her breath as they pulled the wound closed. A thermal bandage to help accelerate the healing process and the feline was standing up to test her work.

"Yeah, that'll do." She smiled, noticing that now Falco was the one looking disappointed.

"Well, that's good that you obviously know how to take care of yourself, but it kind of ruins my efforts to make up for getting you hurt in the first place." He sounded so morose, that Jenny had to laugh again.

"Oh there's still a way you can do that. Just a moment."

She opened the door leading to the washroom and disappeared inside. The sound of running water was heard, and then Jenny re-emerged holding a wet towel.

"We still gotta clean those handsome features of yours, and your hands...and your neck..." The enthusiasm left Jenny's voice as she sat down again and noticed Falco was sporting several smaller nicks all over the exposed parts of his body. "Great Alderbaran, I didn't think you took that many hits!"

Feeling the thin fissures in his feathers, the avian groaned.

"I also had a sink explode in my face." He muttered. Jenny tsked and set about cleaning the blood off her date.

"Poor dear. Well at least you convinced me you're as tough as I thought you were." She purred. Falco tried to play it off as no big deal, but he couldn't hide the smile creeping across his beak. "Why don't you take off your jacket and your shirt? I want to make sure I don't miss anything."

Now the feline got a looking of bemused suspicion from her date. However, as he then considered that she'd dispensed with all but her undershirt and panties it seemed pointless to argue.

"Since when are you the worrying, maternal type?" He teased while removing his attire. Jenny purred louder upon seeing his feathers did naught to hide his toned, muscular torso.

"Since...well, ever. I just try to hide it because most of the time it seems it'd hinder me."

Falco look puzzled and Jenny cleared her throat.

"Way, waaaay back during the midst of the Toad Wars, Bucky got a rather unexpected addition to his crew: a young human from a parallel universe called Willy DeWitt. Brilliant technician and one who got us out of quite a few scraps, but at the same time...he was just a boy, and he brought out the worst of my instincts."

Dabbing up the last of the blood, Jenny tossed the towel aside and began applying ointment.

"I tried to tell myself not to worry, that he could take care of himself...and yet there were so many times where we'd be out on a mission, where I'd sense he might be in danger and would immediately drop everything to rush to his aid."

Though his wounds stung terribly from the dressings, Falco barely registered the pain as he was absorbed into Jenny's new revelation. "Was he a good kid?"

"As good as any parent could hope for. So much so that, if you'll forgive my selfishness, I sometimes hoped his real parents would turn out to be lacking so I'd have an excuse to take him permanently under my wing."

Falco chirped and trembled as his raw skin was now smothered in adhesive healing pads. "And, where is he now?"

"Back home, pursuing adult life. I don't blame him considering what happened after the end of the war, but...." Jenny looked away in evident embarrassment.

"But still you miss him, huh?"

A nod, and Falco quickly dispelled the shame by reaching down to skritch behind one of Jenny's ears. "Sometimes, I think you're too good to be part of a rag tag mercenary group like Star Fox."

The pleasure of having one of her sweet spots tended to helped put a smile and an arrogant PFFFT back on the feline's face.

"Yeah, well I think you're too kind to still claim to be a bad boy so that's a loss for both of us." She giggled while stepping back. "Least now you look a little more properly roughed up."

Falco touched the bandages on his head and the wrappings around his hands. Indeed he was reminded of how he usually looked when walking out of a scrap, though while that would've previously made him feel proud, now it just made him feel disappointed with himself.

"Well now that that's done, I guess I should apologize that our first date together went so horribly wrong."

He moved to get up, but felt his body refused to budge. Looking up, the bird felt his heart start to thud upon seeing Jenny's eyes were glowing again, along with the stone on her circlet.

"I don't know about that. The night's young, and I'm still riding high on the adrenaline."

Falco swallowed hard as his date's beautiful face closed in on him. His beak vibrated from the volume of her purrs as she embraced him round his broad shoulders and let him feel the heat of her lips.

"You''re sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"Yes I'm sure. The more I think about it, the harder it is for me to decide whether I want you for yourself, or just because I need proof that not all bad boys are abusive assholes. This way...this way I'll know for certain." Jenny exhaled. Her whiskers twitched as Falco tickled then with his breath. For a moment he seemed uncertain, but as Jenny's gentle smell filled his nostrils he knew there was only one answer.

"Well, let's finally settle the matter then." He replied, welcoming the second kiss as he let himself be pushed onto the bed. Ironically while the feel of each other's barely clad bodies was intensifying the two's high, both were feeling oddly relaxed. This was what they needed, more than just spending time together or vocally expressing their affections. The aforementioned may have acknowledged the itch in their beings, but now they were finally getting to scratch at it, to alleviate the agonizing want they felt for each other.

Jousting playfully at Jenny's tongue, Falco cupped her head as she responded in kind. He hair flowed through his fingers smoothly as silk, a veritable fall of purest (and pinkest) perfection that showed just how much effort the feline put into maintaining her beauty. He treasured it as he treasured her flavor, licking along her purring maw as she likewise sampled and enjoyed his beak. When the two broke it was only so they could focus some of their attention on the other parts of each others features. Jenny softly kissed the bandage on Falco's cheek as if to will it to heal faster, and in return, the avian let himself get lost in the texture of her short and fluffy fur.

"This is going to sound really selfish, but do you think maybe we should've just skipped to this from the beginning?" He asked while lifting her circlet so he could get her forehead too. Shiver's rocked Jenny's body as even the lightest touch of that beak sent jolts of pleasurable electricity coursing down her being. She tugged the silver headdress off and shook her mane free to make sure Falco didn't miss a single inch.

"Mmmm...maybe. The build up kind of helped though." She mused, then whined when her date finally ceased his tender appreciation and lay back down. Silently, Jenny told herself not to complain, that Falco was just sensibly realizing it was time to move on, and with that she grabbed her shirt and tore it off. "I suppose if you're selfish for wanting this as badly as I do, then I'm a terrible morph for actually getting hot from the way you...'relieved' that bull of his bling."

The quizzical eyebrow was arched again, and then it's owner politely forced it back down as his hands were placed on Jenny's big and oh so beautiful breasts.

"I mean it was sickening to watch, but by that point it also just seemed so...fitting."

Now Falco had to laugh in spite of how ill timed it was.

"If one wishes to fight dirty then they have only themselves to blame if their opponent follows suit. I just wanted him to stop hurting you and be quick about it." He chirped as Jenny purred from his touch. He hefted her boobs, admired how heavy and yet soft they were, then sighed happily as she leaned forward to let his tongue have access to them too. He licked at the tender pink nipples, kissed around the pebbled, warm areolas, then moaned along with his date as the pleasure of such intimacy warmed both their hearts.

"I don't know how much he actually hurt me, save for the lucky shot to my leg, but's nice to be worried over." Jenny meeped as she felt her nipples ripen from the attention. Falco was proving every bit the wonderful lover she fantasized him to be...and yet....yet.....even as he made her sweat from the heat and soak her panties with want she still found herself drawing a comparison. A comparison between his skilled tongue, and that of another significant and no less talented individual she'd experienced before.

Furiously, Jenny shook her head, scolding herself for daring to dwell on such things at such a perfect moment. Falco didn't seem to notice, thankfully, but his nuzzling in between her tits just made it harder to dash the thoughts from her mind. She looked down at his handsome face, looking so cute smothered between her luscious tits, and still the memories of her time with Slippy pursued her.

Now feeling a bit guilty, Jenny embraced the avian around his head, holding him to her warm, soothing chest so he could sup of all the wonder it held. Falco chirped happily for the gesture, but it did little to dash Jenny's turmoil. Deciding she'd just have to try and ignore it, the feline stroked her date's feathered mane, trying to focus on how good his fondling hands and his eager tongue felt, till her butt rubbed against something that could prove a far better distraction.

"Jenny?" Falco queried as he was pulled from her boobs and she got up off him. "Something wrong?"

"No." She quietly replied while tugging off her panties. "I just want to make you feel as wonderful as you're making me feel."

Catching her drift, Falco rose and kicked off his pants, his feathers ruffling proudly when Jenny gasped at the sight of his thick pink erection.

"Like I said, waaay too good." He smirked. Giving him a pitying look, Jenny's eyes took on the tell tale pink glow again, and the bird had to laugh as he was psychically pushed back onto the bed.

"Mmmm, not quite that good. I still demand something in return when I want it." She replied while climbing on top and shoving her soaked vag into his face.

"Eh, that's an acceptable trade." Falco muffled as he licked at the tender petals. Arching her back and raising fur, Jenny swallowed his hot bird cock with gusto, feeling her mouth water along with her depths upon finding it tasted as good as she'd hoped. Pre hit the back of her throat as if to sweeten the deal as she sucked and got a rhythm going, tracing up the pulsing urethra while Falco savored her rich nectar. He wasn't sure if she normally tasted so good, or if the drink Buck had supplied them with had infused into her juices, but either way she was damn strong. All the better really, it helped eased his mind over what they were doing.

Cawing as his tending to her depths prompted her to suck harder on his dick, Falco bucked his hips and willed himself not to cum as Jenny just purred louder. It felt good having his shaft sliding down her throat, whetting her thirst with his pre. He knew she was hungry for him, just as he was for her. Even if she still felt a tad off, Jenny knew this had to happen. Neither of them would ever be satisfied till they'd truly experienced each other in every possible way.

Murfling as Falco's thrusting caused his heavy balls to bat her nose, Jenny gently grabbed for the bouncing, feathered orbs and slid down the length of the shaft to nuzzle them more properly. They smelled as heady and strong as she probably tasted, ensuring that soon the pair were equally drunk. Jenny bobbed her head along in a nicely blinding haze, while Falco let his tongue do its own thing so his mind could get lost in the bliss of finally having at least one of his fantasies realized.

Though inevitably such a nice, zen like moment came to an end, neither bird nor cat complained when Jenny finally caved. Falco got juice in his nose as his date came all over his face, but with a snort and a lick he was back to kissing her quivering snatch as she gasped raggedly in orgasm then sank back to nuzzle his length.

"Alderbaran...oh you've been wanting to do that for a while haven't you?" She asked, purring anew as her butt was lovingly squeezed and rubbed.

"I guess I can't lie, I've always pondered if feline pussy tastes any more pure than others. I'm glad I can now say that it does."

Jenny giggled and kissed the bird's penis as she decided to get a little more personal.

"Are you sorry or glad that you waited this long to find out?"

The butt fondling promptly stopped and Falco hesitantly tilted his head to look at his date.

"Ummm...both? I mean...I'm glad it was you, but at the same time....uhhh...." He said, betraying his feelings loud and clearly. Refreshingly, rather than get upset, Jenny just turned around and took him in another kiss.

"It's okay Falco, don't worry about being honest with me. We want to find out the truth about ourselves so that means not holding anything back."

Feeling tender digits stroke through his feathers, Falco mentally stamped his unease into the ground. "Right, then please permit me to give you everything I've got."

Curling her paws to grip his plumage Jenny nodded and let Falco roll the two of them over so he was now on top.

"And likewise, please do the same in return. I know you can share pleasure beyond physical limits."

Jenny's eyes went wide, both from the subtle trust that had been expressed in her date's request, and also as said date lined himself up and speared his cock deep into her folds.

"Oh...okay then." She whispered. Grabbing Falco's head she pressed it to her own and reached out with her psychic powers. Feeling the ghostly sensation of a pleasurable intrusion in his depths the avian began to fuck her properly and cawed again as the feeling intensified. Her body convulsed under him as a fresh explosion of pleasure bloomed up from her loins, giving her cause to squeeze his thick bird-hood for all she was worth as he pulled out and thrust back in.

"Gaaah...hard-harder, Falco. Don't go easy on me!"

Gripping her shoulders, the bird stabbed relentlessly at the feline's tender snatch, gasping in amazement as Jenny fed the sensations back to him. It was incredible being able to feel both sides of sex simultaneously, and Falco quickly found himself wanting more of it with each thrust. Subtly he wondered what the experience would be like if he himself was also psychic, but quickly realized such was pointless. This was already enough for him; more than enough perhaps, considering the harder he fucked the more overpowering the return pleasure was.

Deliciously wet slaps mingled with soft, contented moans in the room's serene darkness, the stillness afforded by the four walls providing the perfect setting for the union of two such wandering hearts. Outside life continued on as normal, and eventually Jenny and Falco would emerge to re-join its endless flow. For now, however, for this one moment in time, the two had the fortune of a void where only they mattered, where their desires and the sating thereof was the only concern and they could go about it without care.

Such was a luxury both acknowledged as they held each other close and gave themselves over to the rapture of their bodies being joined as one.

" feel so hot....gaaah I'm loving it!" The avian cried as he felt his body temperature rising to what would normally be expected from a scorching summer's day. The feline had to be in utter agony if this was what she was feeling on her end, but from her euphoric screams and frantic squeezing it was clearly the type of agony one bore because it meant they felt that strongly for their lover. As he continued to slam full force into her depths feathers fell from his body like petals dropped to line the scene of a courtship. Even if they were blue instead of the more traditional red, they still seemed to suit the mood as Falco shook them off and kept hammering away at his date. He wasn't going to last much longer with the relentless overload being fed into his mind, but from that same feed he could gather Jenny wouldn't either.

"Falco...sisters....I'm going.....going to cum again. Errrrgh yes....YES....OH FUUUCK!" She screamed, an explosion of white hot fire searing through both their beings. Unprepared for such literal mind blowing pleasure, Falco had to stop and and fight against it, lest he black out and ruin the finale. It was upon him for only a second, but with the rush of juices to soak his groin that was one second that very nearly did him in. It was only due to him having already experienced years of hard living that he was able to keep it together long enough for Jenny to collapse and let him resume fucking her till he also climaxed.

Hot, heavy cum filled the feline's innards like a soothing infusion of relief, coaxing her to cease the mental link and let herself relax as Falco lost himself in the rapture of orgasm. His feathers fluffed up and even more of them fell free onto the bed spread as he lay down atop her date and welcomed the return of her sweet lips.

"Mmmm...yeah, Jenny I think you were right (smooch) while that probably would've still been good if we'd leapt right into it (kiss) the wait and the high did make it better." The avian sighed before letting himself be silenced in a warm and grateful embrace.

"Indeed....though even still, the fact that you didn't pass out when I let loose with the full might of my orgasm would've sated me. I sadly had to stop doing that with Jazz cause it'd always knock him out, which put a bit of a dampener on things."

While the reminder about Jenny's past took a slight edge off the afterglow, Falco still found it in himself to snicker as he rolled back over and let Jenny get comfy on top of him.

"Well go me for being so desperate and pent up that not even the power of a master psychic can stop my enthusiasm." He smirked while eyeing the bedspread. "Seriously, that's quite a few feathers you knocked loose with all the heat and the coaxing for me to go harder on you."

Looking at their unofficial garnishing of the decor, Jenny blushed a fresh shade of beetroot.

"Oh, sorry about that. just made me feel too good to want to slow down."

Now Falco had to really laugh as he leaned up to kiss her again."Hey, take it as a compliment. When the feathers start to fly you know you're doing something right."

Jenny still blushed harder as she rubbed his toned chest again.

"You have such a beautiful plumage though. I don't want to ruin that." She sounded worried, prompting Falco to drop the smile and instead soothe her with a return of his sensual ear skritching.

"It's okay, really, I've got plenty left. Heck I could probably lose a few hundred more and it wouldn't make a difference."

That seemed to reassure the feline, though Falco noted it also brought a rather naughty and devious glint to her eyes.

"Really? Is that a promise?" She asked, leaning down to rub her slit across his still hard cock.

" is....and I can prove it if you really want."

The grin returned and was rewarded with a kiss.

"Well then, let's see how many more I can get you to lose then!" She said before pouncing the eager bird.

The first rays of sunlight filtered lazily through the blinds, bringing a gentle if somewhat somber reminder to the two curled up on the bed that the night had passed. Feeling the warmth inch across his body, Falco reluctantly pulled himself from the bliss of sleep.

"Mmmmfff....what time is it?" He yawned, getting a murfle and a nuzzle from the feline wrapped up in his arms.

"Too early to be getting up." Jenny purred. Glancing to the clock on the nightstand, Falco saw that indeed the hour was not one where many would be awake, much less active, however, in their case that unfortunately was not a viable excuse.

", come on, Jenny. We need to be heading back. Fox and the others are going to be wondering where the hell we've been and that's just going to make things even more awkward."

Jenny grumbled as she coaxed away from her soft, feathery lover. "Awwww, well, I guess I can't argue with that."

Feeling a crinkle as he rolled over, Falco took a look around and felt himself blush at seeing he'd pretty much blanketed the room with his bodily coverings. "I should probably clean up a bit too. Don't want to strain Buck's hospitality."

He grabbed a pillow and stripped off the case, using it as a makeshift bag to gather all his shed feathers. "We really did a number on this place."

Smoothing back her hair and retrieving her circlet, Jenny joined her date in the blushing. "Yeah but damn was it ever worth it." She took a deep swallow and then added. "Shame we may never get to do it again."

Pausing in his gathering, Falco looked over to the feline, noting that she had her eyes closed and her head bowed.

"Do you want to talk about....that now?"

Steeling herself for the potential hurricane, Jenny slid over and let her date seat himself back on the bed.

"I'm serious that last night was one of the best in my life, but that that I've had time to sleep on it and think it over, I believe I've finally gotten some clarity on myself."

Falco smiled and reached over to rub the feline's shoulder. "Well that's still good."

Jenny's fur rose in trepidation. "Even if that clarity is I need to stop lying to myself?"

Falco arched an eyebrow.

"You are the perfect combination of a rebel who is also noble, but even still I couldn't help comparing you to Slippy. Not because he was better in anyway, but because I feel like he's what I need. If I were to stay with you it would only be because I'd be trying to make up for what Jazz lacked. I really WOULD be using you as a replacement and that's not fair to you." Jenny clenched her fists and forced herself to continue. "Much as they may attract me, I need to accept that bad boys are not right for me. I joined Star Fox to make a change in my life, to get away from all the mistakes I made in the past. Going back to my old habits now would just be inviting history to repeat itself."

She braced herself for Falco to get upset, to yell at her, or storm off or do...something. "I'm sorry, Falco. I'll totally understand if you don't want to speak to me again."

Much to her surprise and relief, his reaction was to gently squeeze her shoulder and pull her back into an embrace.

"If I did that Jenny, then I'd be the worst hypocrite ever."

Now the feline had to look confused, leading him to sigh and snicker.

"Maybe you SHOULD try reading my mind more often, then you'd know that for all the flak I gave her, Katt still never leaves my thoughts." Falco turned his gaze away. "I guess what last night proved for me was that, while I do appreciate you in every way, I was trying to use you to see if I could finally dash her from my head. When you voiced that rather armor piercing question about me waiting for you rather than her, it...really put things into perspective."

Feeling her apprehension flush away into empathy, Jenny reached up to stroke her date's cheek as he continued.

"You're a wonderful kitty, but you're not the kitty I want to give my true love to. Katt's been out of my reach years, but that's because I've never really tried to go after her whenever she vanishes. So, maybe once we're done cleaning up the aftermath here, and getting the Great Fox II up and running, maybe I should."

Looking down at his date, her amber eyes vanquishing any muster of negative feelings, Falco sighed and kissed her again. "So yeah, if you deem Slippy is the right one for you then go and get him. I won't be short on feline company for long."

Jenny purred in relief, even as she was deprived of those warm feathers a second time so Falco could resume picking up all the others scattered about. "So does this mean we're still friends?"

"Of course it does, Jenny. Whether you have the hots for me or not, you're still a good soul whom I'm thankful to have on the team with me."

Blushing at such kind words, Jenny rose and got dressed as Falco tossed the now feather stuffed pillow back onto the bed and went to retrieve his own clothes. Getting themselves back to a more proper looking state, the two descended down back into the club where Buck was quietly whistling as he set up for business.

"Well, this place is certainly looking a might nicer than last night." Jenny commented as the bear caught sight of them and smiled.

"Yeah the CDF was kind enough to send a few sanitation meks my way to clean up the refuse. I just gotta wait for the insurance company to send me some replacement furniture now." Buck set his remaining tables and chairs up and rubbed his paws. "I trust you two had a nice night? Heard you putting the guest room to good use at least."

Falco and Jenny promptly looked at each other and grinned in utter embarrassment.

"Yeah we had some...'issues' to work out." The avian said before straightening himself up. "Look Buck, we gotta get going. How much do we owe you for the small amount we consumed last night? It's the least we can do for your generosity."

Walking over to the bar's register, Buck tapped a few buttons, then stroked his chin as he studied what flashed on the screen. After a moment he shut the register down and turned back to the two.

"How about the price of breakfast and some quiet conversation? For all I know this may be the last time you darken my establishment before disappearing into space again so I'd at least like to make the most of it."

Falco looked to Jenny again, then rolled his eyes when he saw he smiling her support of the offer.

"Point the way to where you want to eat and you have yourself a deal." He gestured to the door. Licking his lips the bear took the lead, giving Jenny time to take her date's hand and give him a final kiss on the cheek.

"If nothing else, Falco, I highly recommend that if you do find Katt you have to bring her here, if for no other reason than to show Buck."

Ruffling his feathers again, Falco grinned slyly. "Only if you do the same after you settle things with Slippy. He deserves to see the place where his romantic future was spawned." He offered his hand. "Deal?"

Without hesitance, Jenny gabbed and shook it. "Deal!"