the unatural kid chapter1: fast reflexs

Story by BOLT777 on SoFurry

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#2 of the unatural kid series

My unatural kid series

My name is andrew. Kids always are bullying me. Im well known some stores, only the stores my uncle and aunt work at. Kids always beat me up. I was walking home on surburban side of the city. I noticed a homless dog walking. I walked over to on it. I picked it up and walked home. When I got it home I cleaned it feed it and I gave it water. I decided to name it bolt because my favorite movie was bolt. I trained bolt. And he soon started to love me. I was walking back home from school. I heard 2 gunshots. I walked over to where I heard the gunshots. When I walked there I saw my uncle and aunt. I started to cry. "SOMEONE CALL 911!!!" No one cared I hollared again. "SOMEONE CALL 911 PLEASE!!!" A girl called 911. by time they got there it was to late. I waiped my face clear of tears. The cops called me down to their police station and told me information. "His name is sgt.henry an old retired soilder from the Marines. He was relieved from duty when he killed his own teammates he worked for the Vietneamse soilder.he recently broke out. He last purchased a pistol from a gun store yesterday. We don't know if it was his intention to kill your uncle and aunt. He has a cross tatoo on his left arm and a russian star on his right arm. We do know where he lives. He lives on this street. The cop hand me the peiece of paper TROLL ST. 567. I look back up. "Why are you telling me this for?" "Don't you want Payback?" The moment he said "payback" I snapped back in to reality. I said "yes!" "You can't be detected or else he'll blow up the who damn city!"The military's giving you all there highest ttechnology they have!" "You'll be like a super soilder!" "And maybe do some more missions for us!" Said the cop. "Let's just concentrate on getting the guy back." "Meet us back tomorrow you will be given the technology and be here bye 8:00 am don't be late!" Said the cop. "Ok." Said andrew. As andrew is sleeping he hear his phone go off. *beep beep beep beep beep* "ughhhhhhh" "it's 3 in the morning!" I get up I pick up my phone huh?" "Its a text message." I click to open it it. It says "download hacking tool to hack all electronics there is in the world!" I click on it. As Im waiting I had it aimed at the tv once it's done I open it. It says it connecting then all the sudden my tv turned on. I was amazed I told my self try it out tommorow you have to get to bed to meet the officer and become what they call a "supersoilder". Beep beep. " just 5 more minutes mom!" I wake up see its 830 omfg im late! I rush to the police station running really fast I finnaly get there. "Your late!"