Medeival adventure

Story by dbj on SoFurry

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COmmission did for Gabriel Wolf. Working on another one for him. Characs copyright him. story copyright me. Enjoy ^_^

The hyena yawned and scratched himself as he walked along with his companion. "What is it with you doing that thing you do?" he asked, recalling the incident that forced them to quickly make hast from the inn they were staying in. "What? You know everyone one secretly loves it, and so do you" the horse grinned as he answered.

Mike, the hyena snorted and gave a soft chuckle that only he could hear. "Well that might be true for most folks, but you certainly gave those old ones a fright," he smirked thinking of what some of the old ones were doing now that they were gone. Yes it's kinda sickening, as he thought about it, but older furs are still quite sexually active despite their wizened age/sizes.

Brent, the horse just simply laughed and patted the hyena on the shoulder "Well I certainly gave them something to talk about for long time, as well as to their older grandkids" he smirked and idly scratched his groin, still slightly hard after giving some of them a show with his massive and sexy body. He sighs softly and just absolutely loves showing off no matter what happens, and of course it turns him on loads.

Mike chuckled loudly and agreed. "Well you're right there, but still now we have to walk to another inn. You know how I hate to travel at night, much less in rainy weather" he griped.

Brent just yawned and continued to walk onwards towards the nearest inn that, according to the post was only really 25 miles away. "oh relax. This time if I ever do anything I'll make sure to do it in a more private type area" Mike thought "oh yeah sure you will", but said aloud "Make sure you do. I'm not going to be doing this again. I need my beauty sleep you know."

They continued on towards the next small town in silence. Finally after a few miles of walking they reached their desitination. A small yet cozy looking inn appeared. The sing swung and showed an image of a pony prancing, and thusly was called The Prancing Pony. They both just chuckled at how 'original' inn names tended to be.

Soon they were walking in the door, and heading towards the bar area where the bar tender who was usually also the inn keeper. A few people were eating and talking quietly as they turn to glance at the two huge guys that came in. They felt glued to their muscled bodies, and a few to the huge swords they carried behind their backs. After the hyena and horse conferred with the bar keeper, they simply rented a room for a few nights and headed up the stairs right away, as it was in the middle of the night and they were quite tired.

The badger barkeep grinned and thought lewdly thoughts, as the glanced at the horses' and hyena's asses, as the stretched the pants they were wearing when they climbed up the steps. He quickly fondled himself at the thought of being with them, and then quickly went back to his business and would take care of that later.

Mike and Brent soon found their room. As they opened the door, the noticed the room wasn't really too bad, tho a tad bit cramped for their size, but they could make do. The wooden floors creaked as the horse and hyena stepped in and moved towards the single bed. "Figures. Only one bed and barely big enough for the both of us, unless you want to sleep in the staple?" Mike grinned teasingly at Brent. "yeah right, " the horse playfully slapped his friend.

They soon stripped their swords off and placed them on the side of the bed and moved to quickly bathe themselves of the dust and dirt from having to walk over from the next town. The wash basin was thankfully clean and full, as they took turns using the wash cloth to clean off their faces and necks.

"so how do you want this to work?" Mike asked, as he moved to lock the door close and slowly began to strip off his shirt and pants. Brent yawned and mumbled that anywhere was good. Mike grinned and nodded as he lewdly eyed the horse's hot naked bod, as it was slowly reaveled when he took off his shirt and pants. Their sheaths were slightly bulging, yet none of them were really horny, yet anyway.

Brent stretched out and scratched himself as he sat on the bed and turned to lay down. Mike did the same and quickly nuzzled his sexy friend. "well good night and see you in the morning" he said as he blew out the candle, and heard Mike mumble the same thing, before he instantly fell asleep when his head hit the pillow. Mike took a quick glance around, and then slowly fell asleep as well, enjoying the warmth of the horse's body against his.

Morning soon came, too quickly for either of their liking, but they just shrugged it off and soon got up. Mike yawned and quickly gave his horse friend's ass a grope and grinned. Bent snickered and fondled his hyena friend's groin grinning back. "So what say we try to find a place to bathe and possibly have some fun?" he asked. Mike said of course and they soon got dressed and took their swords with them.

The badger barkeeper was up and giving the early raisers breakfast orders, and mrred to himself as he saw the duo come down shirtless and were soon walking towards the bar. "heyo barkeep. We'll have a small breakfast and some coffee, and directions to the nearest public bath place here" Brent said. The badger nodded, and asked what they would like for breakfast. "simple eggs and hashbrowns will do for me" the hyena said. Brent pondered over the list and decided to have the usual grass steamed and some fruit.

Their breakfast orders soon came up and they quickly ate. "So where would we find a public bathing place around here?" Mike asked, and idly glanced at the sexy badger as he turned around from showing off his ass, knowing he was being watched and hoped to get a turn with them later.

He soon gave them directions that they couldn't miss and they left. Mike glanced around the small, yet prosperous town. Nothing out of the order was really around. The usual housed and few inns, bars, and open stall markets could be seen. As well as the huge public bath house, which read males only. He assumed there must've been one for the females around that was probably put in a out of hiding spot. Brent, being slightly taller looked around and did spot the one for females slightly hidden in a small park like grove that surrounded it. They just like to know where things are in case of emergencies, despite that they're gay they don't mind giving a helping hand to whomever might need it, male or female.

Mike swished his tail slightly as he spotted a very cute wolf walking towards the pb house, and mrred to himself as he eyed the wolf's tight looking ass. He nudged Brent, and the horse grinned as he spotted the wolf's ass walking right ahead of them and entering the building before they got there. "hmmm now he looks like he might fun, eh?" he grinned and fondled the hyena teasingly. Mike gave a soft moan and playfully slapped the horse's hand away. "We certainly shall be doing something with him no doubt" he said.

Frost, the slight odd colored wolf, who got his name due to that he had blue tipped ears and tail swished it, as he glanced around and spotted a relatively reculsive spot to bathe and relax in. The wolf mrred as he slowly stripped off his simple shirt and shorts and underwear, and carefully stashed them away into the 'lockers' provided.

He yawned and stretched as he slowly lowered himself into the bathing pool. "ahh this is just what the doctor ordered" he thought to himself as he slowly relaxed from the tension of his work. Brent and Mike soon entered and grinned as they spotted the hot cute wolf by himself. There was a few others in there as well, but they were in the farther corners of the building and wouldn't notice anything.

Brent stretched and grinned as he turned around and showed off his ass to the wolf's direction as he slowly stripped naked. Mike snickered and idly glanced at the wolf, who did quickly glance and noticed he adjusted his sheath under the water slightly. The hyena chuckled and then did the same, as he grinned up at the horse who did the same. They soon padded up to the lonely wolf. "hey there hot n sexy wolf. Mind if we join you?" Brent asked, wriggling his slowly swollen sheath and balls teasingly and erotically at the wolf.

Frost glanced up and gulped slightly as he spotted the very huge sheath of the horse. "sure why not?" he said, and moved over for the hyena and horse. Mike grinned as he climbed in and accidentally brushed against the wolf's ass. "hmm nice toned ass you have there" he smirked. The wolf blushed slightly and mumbled thanks. Brent soon sat on the other side, and accidentally touched the wolf's inner thigh as he was looking for the ledge to sit down on.

"So how're you doing" Brent asked idly just making small talk til they can get to the action. "Oh I'm doing allright thanks. Just relaxing and stuff" Frost grinned, and teasingly rubbed both their sheaths and balls with his feet under the water, pretending it didn't happen as he stretched out. "That's cool. So are we" Mike said. Everyone was soon incredibly horny and dispensed with the pleasantries and just went with the flow of things. Frost moaned softly to himself as he quickly rubbed their sheaths and balls harder with his paws now, and shivered as they both rubbed his balls and sheath at the same time.

"hmmm that feels so good guys. Don't stop" he panted, as he fondled their hardening cocks, pocking out of their sheaths quickly. "oh don't worry. We have far more fun planned for you" the hyena grinned.

"mmnn I'll just bet you do" the wolf murmured as his cock hardened and pred all over. They soon stopped and moved the wolf into a better position. The horse grinned as he rubbed his preing cock tip against the wolf's muzzle. Frost eager took the hung huge 15 inched of equine cock against his tongue, and slowly licked it up and down as he fondled the huge orbs he calls balls. Mike meanwhile moaned as he licked and spreaded the wolf's toned ass. Frost panted and moaned as he wriggled slightly against the tongue, enjoying the sensations and murmured "oh yeah do it like that. Get my ass ready for your hot big cock" Mike panted and pawed himself to his full hardness of 8 inched of black hyena dick. "mmmnn oh yeah such a hot tight ass you have. Going to feel so good around my dick when I fuck you merciselly" Mike said.

Frost grinned as he began to suck hard on the big horse cock in front of him, and teased the tip with his tongue as he mumbled around it "I bet it will. I can't wait for it" Mike grinned and then slowly rubbed his twitching cock up and down along the fuzzy ass crack, and teased the tight anus that awaited his enterance. "oh yeah going to fuck you good and hard," he panted as he got ready to shove into the hot wolf.

Brent meanwhile panted and moaned as his cock twitched and he thrusted slightly into the eager wolf's muzzle. "hmmm oh yeah suck it just like that. Soo good and hot" he panted and rubbed the wolf's twitching 7 or so inched of wolf cock that jutted out from under his belly and against his thigh. Frost shuddered and moaned from the sensation and suckled even more against the horse dick, as he pushed back against the teasing hyena cock against his tailhole.

"mmnn yeah get that hot tight ass ready for my big huge cock," Miked panted as he suddenly thrusts hard into the wolf's swaying ass. Frost grunted and moaned around Brent's huge cock as he felt the hyena's bulbous cock tip enter and spread his hole. He panted and resumed sucking on the throbbing horse cock in his muzzle and knows the horse is getting close. Brent moaned and groaned as he pawed the wolf's throbbing 7 inched of cock in his paw, and thrusts more as he can into the hot tight muzzle and pres heavily. "ohh fuck yeah.. so close. Don't' stop" he panted as he got closer to cumming.

Frost grunted and tightened his ass more around the hyena's huge cock and moved back and forth tween the two as he got closer to cumming as well. Mike groaned and shuddered in pleasure as he fucked the wolf's ass faster and deeper. "unnhh fuck yeah.. get ready for my cum you fucker" he moaned and grounded his hips against the wolf's tight ass.

Brent suddenly can't hold back against the talented wolf's muzzle and whinned as he thrusted up and gasped loudly, suddenly sending torrent after torrent of horse cum inot the wolf's muzzle. Frost gagged slightly and sucked up all the could and moaned in pelausre, as the tightened his ass even more around the heyna's deep thrusting dick and thrusted hard into the horse's paw as he too suddenly cummed all over. "oh fuck yeah.. so tight" Mike groaned and shoved in deep as he could, panting and holding the wolf's hips tightly as he ground hard and felt his cock swelling and cumming hard into the tight anus.

"oohh fuck yeah that's good" Mike moaned and kept thrusting a few times and then pulled out still rock hard. Brent grinned and panted "oh yeah I can't wait to fuck that hot ass soon" he moaned as he pulled out of the eager wolf's muzzle. Frost panted and gulped slightly as he heard that, but really wanted to feel the huge horse's cock up his ass. He wriggled his ass slightly and spreaded his legs more, as the soon exchanged places. Mike grinned as he felt the wolf's muzzle surround his 8 inches and shuddered in pleasure, as he pred and thrusted right away in and out. Brent maoned as his cock slowly slipped into the now well lubed wolf's ass.

Frost gasped and groaned, as he pushed back eagerly against the horse's hung cock sliding into his ass, and suckled hard on the hyena's cock. Frost's cock immediately grew hard again, as he suckled faster on the hyena cock and tightened his ass more around the big 15 inches of horse cock going in deeper into his ass. He panted hardly believing he was able to take it all.

Brent gasped and shuddered as he felt his hips against the wolf's tight ass, and pred heavily into the tight tailhole and started to go in and out faster, as he got really horny and couldn't hold back. Mike grunted and moaned as he too felt close to cumming again already and thrusted faster in and out of the eager wolf's muzzle and pred heavily. "mmmn oh yeah suck my cock you bitch" he panted and twitched as he got closer to cumming. Soon everyone was so turned on and eager for more, that they couldn't hold back and all three of them cummed at the same time. Brent whined as he shoved his big 15 inched deep into the Frost's tight anus and cummed heavily. Frost grunted as he felt the huge horse cock swell and cum into him, as he pawed himself off and suckled hard on the big hyena cock in his muzzle as he moaned around it and cummed hard into the water. Mike gasped as he thrusted up into the tight muzzle and shuddered, suddenly cumming hard down the wolf's throat.

They soon all pulled out and panted, relaxing near each other and resting. Frost grinned wickedly and suddenly took both their dicks and tried to suck and lick them clean. He panted and slightly got his tongue around their cock tips together, but not their whole lengths. They both moaned and shuddered at the sensations and twitched, as they were still sensitive from just cumming hard. "ohh fuck that was good" they both murmured and then soon got up and went back to their room, but not before giving the wolf a teasing view of their own asses and where they could be reached for more fun if he so desired.