Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 11

Story by GraveyardGreg on SoFurry

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#11 of Welcome Back to Cappuccinos!

Now Serving:

Under New Ownership

"And then my father said I was the new owner," said Art as he poured the last of the ice into the bin.

"No. Freaking. Way." Ted stared at Art, his jaw agape. He looked around to see if anyone else was there, but the place was empty. "You own this place? For serious?"

"According to my father, yes." Art stared into the now full ice bin, refusing to look at Ted and Otis. "I'm terrified."

"It's definitely a major life change, that's for sure," Otis said.

"I feel like I'm in way over my head," Art said with a sigh. "Oh, and did I mention he wants to make me his heir?"

"Venti told me where your folks live," Otis said. "Well off doesn't begin to describe it."

"How come you never told us?" Ted said, then tilted his head up towards the ceiling, then back at Art. "Heck, how come my own brother didn't tell me? He told me about how Singa lived in a freaking penthouse and was set for life."

"I asked Venti not to tell anyone. I'm not comfortable with it," Art said. "It would feel like I'm bragging."

"I guess I understand," Ted said. "But how awesome is it that your dad can buy a franchise and give it to you?"

"I'm going to have to take a class in business," Art said, mostly to himself. "I don't have the first clue on how to run a coffee house."

"Art?" Otis gave the lion a concerned look. "Are you going to be okay?"

Art rubbed the side of his face and finally turned around to look at the towering otter and the small hyena. "Yeah, I guess I'm just mildly freaking out." He ran his fingers through his mane. "Good thing I'm almost done with my shift. It means I can panic at home."

"It's always better to panic in private," Otis said, nodding his head. "Does Venti know yet?"

"No, and that worries me even more," Art said. "How's he going to react when I tell him I'm going to be his boss?"

Otis rolled his eyes. "If I know Venti, he'll make a joke about how he gets to sleep with the boss."

"Reggie will be able to handle it," Ted said, "and if he doesn't, he'll bottle it up inside him and develop an ulcer in a couple of years. By then you two should have enough money to afford the medical bills."

Art just stared at Ted for a long moment before saying, "Has anyone ever told you that you sound too much like Venti?"

Ted gave Art a look of horror. "You take that back!"