Story by Deathsia on SoFurry

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[b][center]AN OFFER SHE COULDN'T REFUSE...[/center][/b]

Twilight and Spike rushed into the medical ward to see the pink mare, green faced"We came as soon as we heard." Twilight said in a hurried tone as she looked about the room taking note of all the sick ponies.

"Oh thank you, Twilight. We need all the help we can get." Nurse Redheart remarked with a worried glance to the crowd of moaning ponies.

"What happened?" Twilight asked curiously as she looked about the room with a worried glance.

"It was a mishap with some of the baked goods." Nurse Redheart replied as she went to tend to one of the sick ponies.

It was at this point Pinkie Pie spoke up, her voice sounding as if she was ready to hurl as she spoke"No, not baked [i]goods[/i], baked [i]bads[/i]." She remarked, gagged, and heaved the contents of her stomach into a nearby bucket.

[b]THE NEXT DAY...[/b]

"Pinkie Pie, I'm not sure what we're going to do with you. We've let you stay here out of the kindness of our hearts but kindness won't pay the bills." Mrs. Cake said with a worried expression.

"We're lucky the ponies didn't due us for that mess-up you and your friend made." Mr. Cake chimed in though he sounded far more upset than Mrs. Cake did.

"But Applejack was the one who-"

"And it was your responsibility as the baker to make sure she was using the proper ingredients!" Mr. Cake exclaimed cutting off the pink mare and sighed heavily. "Listen, Pinkie, we know you mean well but a simple apology isn't going to cut it this time. We are being forced to pay out bits out of our own pockets to cover the medical expenses that [i]your[/i] negligence caused. Unless you can think of some way to pay us back for the bits lost within the next week, we're going to have to ask you to leave and find somewhere else to live." he finished and walked away shaking his head.

"We're really sorry dearie but there's no other way to do this. You've messed up before but nothing this big. We've been more than tolerant of your mistakes but this just takes the... well cake!" Mrs. Cake added and gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder before she walked away leaving Pinkie Pie to her thoughts.

She hated being left to her thoughts.

She enjoyed being spontaneous and laughing things off most of the time but this, this she couldn't laugh off or find something random to solve the issue. She was facing being homeless and that wasn't a laughing matter.

Sure she could ask to stay with one of her friends but the Cakes are the ponies who have put up with her for so many years now. In many ways, they were like her family. Though the word "[i]family[/i]" didn't quite fit the bill. More like, "[i]really, really close friends[/i]".

So now she had no choice but to think of some way to pay them back for all those bits they were forking out to those sick ponies. It was after all, her fault.

However no matter how much she thought it over, she could think of nothing that would provide a solid solution to her predicament. "[i]This sucks sour grapes![/i]" She shouted as she face-planted into the floor and groaned loudly.

"They're gonna [i]what[/i]?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in shock as her pink friend confessed the situation to her as she hovered just above a picnic bench in Ponyville's park.

"Well I did cost them a lot of bits..." Pinkie Pie replied in a less than enthusiastic tone.

"How the hay do they expect you to pay them back in a week?" Rainbow Dash asked as she lowered herself to the ground and stared at Pinkie Pie directly now.

"I've thought of a few ideas but none of them would make me enough bits to cover the amount they lost." She replied and sighed as her hair deflated with a balloon losing air sound.

"Well of course nothing would cover that many bits! What they do they expect you to do, whore yourself out?" Rainbow Dash replied as she slammed her hoof against her forehead and groaned.

"Whore myself out?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously, the mild innocence in the mare slipping out.

"Yeah, offering your foal-hole for bits. I mean what pony would reduce themselves to that?" Rainbow Dash replied and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Listen, if you need a place to crash, I'm sure Fluttershy, Applejack, or Rarity would be happy to lend a hoof. I would but my house is well..." she finished and made a non-verbal gesture towards the sky.

"Hmm..." Pinkie Pie replied as she placed a hoof on her chin in thought until her mane suddenly inflated and her happy-go-lucky expression shined through her facial features once again. "Thanks Dashie! You gave me an idea that's sure to have the Cakes let me stay!" She replied and bounced off without another word.

"Uhh... you're welcome?" Rainbow Dash replied looking completely bewildered for a moment until it hit her at which point her facial expression became slightly panicked.

"She wouldn't dare.... would she?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a worried voice as she bit on one hoof with a nervous expression for a few moments until she made a gesture with her hooves. "Nah!" she said and flew off.

Mr. and Mrs. Cake came home that evening to see surgarcube corner immaculately clean much to their shock. "Wow. I've never seen the shop this clean before." Mr. Cake remarked in awe as he ran a hoof along the glass case which made a squeaky-clean sound as he ran a hoof along it.

One thing that stood out however was an abnormally large arrow next to the staircase with the words "THIS WAY" printed on it. Curiously the Cakes walked up the stairs and past the sign only to see yet another abnormally large sign with the same words printed on the last one pointing towards their bedroom.

"Pinkie Pie?" Mrs. Cake asked curiously as she opened the door to their room only to both stare slack-jawed as they looked at Pinkie Pie dressed in a sultry outfit with an equally sultry expression on her face as he looked at the two.

"Welcome home. So I got to thinking of some way to pay you two back for being so kind and boy did I do a lot of thinking! But nothing I thought of would pay you two back for the bits I owed, and then it came to me! What better way to pay you two back then by letting you have your way with me!" She exclaimed with a cheesy grin as she hopped up on all fours and bounced on the bed a few times.

"What in Equestria would give you that idea?" Mrs. Cake asked in a stunned tone though Mr. Cake seemed to be fixated on Pinkie Pie at the moment as if seeing her completely differently than before. That is until Mrs. Cake gave him a swift slap to the side of the head with a glare which snapped him out of his stare.

"You could say it came to me on a pair of wings." Pinkie Pie replied cryptically only to begin laughing and snorting at her getting the idea from Rainbow Dash.

Mrs. Cake simply sighed aloud as she placed a hoof on her forehead. "I understand your desperate to stay here dearie but there is no need to offer yourself up like this. Not only is it bad for you to lower yourself to such things but think of how me and Mr. Cake feel? Do you really think we would allow you to degrade yourself to prostitution?" Mrs. Cake asked and looked to Mr. Cake only to notice that he had once again begun staring at her as if in a trance. That is, until she once again slapped him upside the head at which point he cleared his throat.

"Ahem, Mrs. Cake is quite, ahem, right. There's no need to offer yourself to... us." Mr. Cake added quickly though he trailed off again as he began to stare off at Pinkie Pie again only to snap himself out of his own trance this time around. "Now, um, please leave our room and, uh, we'll discuss a way for you to pay off your debt." he added.

"Really?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

"Yes, now please go." Mr. Cake replied though his voice sounded nervous more than stern.

Pinkie Pie bounced off the bed and hopped passed the two only to take note of the fact that Mr. Cake's hind right leg was raised as if shielding something from view though she dismissed the as nothing more than coincidence as she left the room.

Though Pinkie Pie now lay in her bed she wondered what kind of ideas the Cakes could be talking about to help her pay off her debt to them. Surely it couldn't hurt to ease-drop could it?

With this thought in mind, she pushed open the door to her room silently and sneaked down the hall and listened in to what they might be talking about.

[i]"But surgardumping, she wants to." Mr. Cake said in a pleading tone.[/i]

[i]"You can't be serious sweetcakes. Sure we had talked about this and agreed we would try it one day but with Pinkie Pie? Celestia knows how that mare would behave in bed!"[/i]

[i]"Then why don't you suggest a mare we can trust then?" Mr. Cake replied his voice sounding annoyed now.[/i]

The room seemed silent for a time until Mrs. Cake spoke up.

[i]"What about that unicorn she hangs out with? She seems to have a clear head on her shoulders." Mrs. Cake suggested though her voice sounded unsure.[/i]

[i]"You mean Twilight Sparkle? That mare has her head in so many books that she's probably never had any experience outside of an erotic novel. Besides, do you really think a mare of her stature, being the Princess's student and all, would probably end up writing a letter to her mentor about the experience and I can only imagine the bad publicity that would bring to our business." Mr. Cake replied at which point Mrs. Cake could be heard sighing loudly.[/i]

[i]"We just got done telling her that it wasn't a good idea to lower herself to that in order to stay here though. We would look like a couple of hypocrites if we asked her to after that." Mrs. Cake replied and sighed once again.[/i]

[i]"Surgardumpling, do you really think we could ever kick her out? Sure she messes up a lot but we both know she always means well and it's not like she's driven us bankrupt with this mistake of hers. Besides, she's the closest friend we have. If there was any mare I think we could trust, it's her. She is the best secret keeper in Ponyville, after all." Mr. Cake replied in a warm tone of voice.[/i]

[i]"You just want to buck her." Mrs. Cake deadpanned.[/i]

[i]"Ahem, that's... beside the point honeybun." Mr. Cake replied his voice sounding nervous now. "My point is that she is the only mare in this town we are close enough to allow us to consider doing this with her." he added though his voice sounded much more confident now.[/i]

Another silence ensued for a time, this one longer than the others until the sound of Mrs. Cake's voice letting out a long-winded sigh could be heard.

[i]"Fine, we'll try this out and see where it goes. I'm not really up for the idea but I did after all promise you we would try this one day and I won't go back on my word." Mrs. Cake said finally and sighed once again. "But if she gets too silly or rowdy, I'm putting a stop to this before it even begins." she added a few moments later in a stern yet threatening tone.[/i]

[i]"Should we tell her now?" Mr. Cake asked though his voice hardly hid its excitement.[/i]

[i]"It's late sweetkins, let's wait till tomorrow." Mrs. Cake replied followed by a yawn.[/i]

The room went silent as Pinkie Pie sat in place for a moment doing her best to put together what they were talking about. Once she had however, her face became a grin as wide as her head as she bounced back to her bedroom and went to sleep.

The next morning Pinkie Pie was up bright and early as she always was, the events of last night farthest from her mind, that is until she came home that afternoon to see Mr. and Mrs. Cake sitting at a table.

"Say Pinkie, care to join us for a snack?" Mr. Cake asked with a warm smile.

"Oki-loki,doki!" Pinkie Pie replied enthusiastically as she bounced over to the table and dug into the cake that sat on the table sloppily to which Mrs. Cake glared at Mr. Cake.

"Ahem, Pinkie, there's something we wanted to talk to you about." Mr. Cake said simply as he walked over to the door, flipped the sign from open to closed, closed the door, and locked it.

"What about?" Pinkie Pie asked with her mouth full as she looked up.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Cake looked nervously to Mrs. Cake whom had a hoof to her forehead at the moment and shaking her head. "Dearie, can you please be less, well... hyper for a bit? We want to have a serious discussion with you." she said in the sweetest tone she could muster despite her annoyance with Pinkie Pie's behavior.

Pinkie Pie looked at Mrs. Cake now taking note of the fact she was less than pleased with her pigging out on the cake like she was, gulped down what she had stuffed into her mouth so far, and giggled nervously. "Sorry!" she said sheepishly.

"Thank you." Mrs. Cake replied looking genuinely impressed that Pinkie Pie was able to actually able to behave maturely when asked to.

"So what's the super-serious talk we're going to have? Is it about the bits I owe you two? Because my last plan didn't work and I don't know what else to do and I really don't wanna leave and-mmph!" Pinkie Pie began to ramble on only for Mrs. Cake to shove a hoof in her mouth and sigh heavily.

"Just listen to what we have to say." Mrs. Cake said simply and removed her hoof from the pink mare's maw and looked at her husband. "Does it really have to be her?" she asked with a slightly desperate expression.

"We already talked about this last night, honeybuns, she's the only mare we can trust." Mr. Cake replied simply to which Mrs. Cake sighed heavily.

Upon hearing this, Pinkie Pie's mind shot directly to last night's conversation at which point she had a feeling what Mr. Cake was about to talk to her about but fought the urge to outburst this despite her usual impulses screaming at her too.

"So Pinkie, me and Mrs. Cake were talking last night about what you could do to pay us back and well... we decided that it was unfair of us to ask that of you. We know you mean well and the fact that we both know your only source of income is what we pay you. So you don't have to worry about moving out." Mr. Cake finished and looked at Pinkie Pie.

"Oh thank you Mr. and Mrs. Cake! I'll make it up to you, I Pinkie Pie promise!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she hugged Mrs. Cake tightly and bounced over to Mr. Cake and hugged him tightly as well.

"Ahem, well, we thought of a way for you to do that actually." Mr. Cake replied though his voice sounded a little nervous now as he spoke.

"As you know, I'm often out-of-town and Mr. Cake is often left to his own devices and well, when a pony gets in the mood, it's hard to shake it so me and my Husband agreed a long time ago that if we found a mare we could trust..." She began only to trail off.

Pinkie Pie could hold it in no longer.

"Oh, you mean how you and Mrs. Cake had a talk last night about you creaming my pie? I'm [i]totally[/i] up for that!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she bounced around the room only to stop literally mid-bounce in the air upon seeing Mrs. Cake's slightly annoyed stare. "As long as you're okay with it, of course." She added meekly as her hooves seemingly floated back down to the floor.

"Well, that saves us having to explain everything honeybuns." Mr. Cake remarked sheepishly while Mrs. Cake's stare seemed to intensify at him.

"I am but on [i]two conditions[/i]." Mrs. Cake said though her voice sounded stern and strict as she spoke.

"Which is?" Pinkie Pie asked doing her best to keep her bouncy impulses in check at the moment.

"You keep this relationship purely unconditional and if I object at any time to you or my sweetiekins when either of you wants to run off and buck, you drop the idea then and there for the day. Are we clear?" She said, her voice strict and firm as she spoke.

"Crystal." Pinkie Pie chirped looking a little scared of Mrs. Cake due to her attitude making the condition sound as if she didn't follow it to the mark, there would be dire consequences

"Secondly, I don't want to hear any objections if I choose to take part in these activities of yours. [i]He is my husband after all[/i]. In fact, if I weren't curious myself, I would have never agreed to the idea." Mrs. Cake stated and sighed.

"Oh! Are you Bi-Curious too?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed enthusiastically which caused Mrs. Cake to blush crimson with a startled expression due to being put on the spot suddenly and look away. "Oh! You are! This is gonna be fun!" she added as she resumed bouncing around the room.

Mrs. Cake attempted to continue speaking but Pinkie Pie bouncing around the room seemed to continuously annoy her "Pinkie Pie, would you please behave like the mare instead of your horseshoe size?!" she blurted out in frustration and sighed at which point Pinkie Pie once again literally halted mid-bounce in the air and seemed to float back to the floor. "Honestly dearie, if you can't behave like a mare for more than five minutes, than I don't see any point in this arrangement." She added dismally and sighed once again.

"Oh, I just thought of something super-important! What if Mr. Cake knocks me up?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously which caused Mr. Cake to clear his throat uncomfortably.

"Glad to see your thinking of the important things Pinkie." Mrs. Cake remarked looking impressed at the fact that she had thought of something extremely important like that as she reached down, picked up a brown paper bag on the floor which was sitting next to her with her mouth, set it on the table, and took out a small box with the words, "Foal Prevention!" printed on the side of it.

"Ooooh, birth control." Pinkie Pie remarked dragging out the sound of her first word longer than she needed to only to suddenly look confused. "What happened to using a rubber?" she asked curiously.

"I'm, uh, allergic to them." Mr. Cake replied with a blush as he looked away from the pink mare.

"So, now that we have everything covered, do you think you can handle not telling a single pony about this arrangement of ours? You can only imagine how bad it would look on us if we were exposed to be doing such acts." Mrs. Cake said as she looked at her with her stern glance once again.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" Pinkie Pie replied reciting the motions she often did when she made her signature Pinkie Pie promises.

"Good." Mrs. Cake replied simply and allowed herself to loosen up and smile genuinely at the pink mare.

"So lets pop some pills and make some cream pies!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she bounced over to the table.

"N-Now?" Mrs. Cake asked incredulously with a crimson red blush. She didn't expect Pinkie Pie to want to wait long, given her impulsive personality but immediately after the conversation? "Are you sure you don't want to wait a little longer dearie? It is still business hours after all." Mrs. Cake said with a nervous smile almost regretting making this agreement already.

"Are you kidding? I've wanted to this ever since I heard you two talking about it last night!" Pinkie Pie nearly shouted as she began to fumble with the box to open it. "Besides, I can't tell you how many times I've had a hoof between my hind legs imagining Mr. Cake filling my pie." She added much to Mrs. Cake's discomfort.

The mare found it both comforting to know that the hyperactive mare was able to resist her impulses to try to hump her husband before this but at the same time unnerving to hear that her friend had fantasized about her husband bucking her many times.

"V-Very well but I'm not so sure I'll be taking part this time. Somepony needs to run the store after all since it's still business hours." She conceded finally.

However before she could unlock the door, she felt somepony bite on her tail and begin to drag her away from the door. "P-Pinkie?! What are you doing?!" Mrs. Cake asked.

"I think she wants you to join us." Mr. Cake remarked with a smirk as he followed the mare's upstairs.

"You could have objected and waited till tomorrow you know." Mrs. Cake replied with an annoyed glance at her husband as her rump bounced against each stair.

"You could have as well." Mr. Cake countered with a cheesy grin as the three made it to the top of the stairs.

"It's hard to say no to her." Mrs. Cake replied and sighed as Pinkie Pie opened the door to their bedroom and dragged her inside.

"And now to prep the oven!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a cheesy grin.

"Prep the oven? What in Equestria does this have to do with a-!" Mrs. Cake began to ask only for her to feel a tongue running over her light blue mound at which point her mane and tail shot up in surprise. "P-Pinkie! What are you doing?!" She exclaimed with a crimson red blush only to stifle a moan as the pink mare's tongue ran along her clit sending a wave of pleasure down her spine.

"Getting you ready, duh!" Pinkie Pie replied as if her actions should have been obvious.

"A-A-At least let me get on the bed first!" Mrs. Cake stuttered aloud as she stood up, shakily walked over to her bed, and laid down on it.

Pinkie Pie was next to get on the bed though she jumped on it rather than simply climbing on it which caused the springs to groan as she landed. "Now we can continue." she said lustfully as she gently moved Mrs. Cake's tail which had instinctively shielded her goods to the side, leaned down, and resumed running her tongue along the light blue mare's slit.

"I can't believe this is happening, somepony is eating me out other than my husband. A mare is pleasuring me, that mare is Pinkie Pie of all ponies, and it's turning me on so much!" Mrs. Cake thought to herself as she bit her lower lip when Pinkie Pie's tongue slipped inside her.

Mr. Cake simply stared at the two, his erection quickly forming and becoming rock hard as he stared at Pinkie Pie eat out his wife. A fact that didn't go unnoticed by Pinkie Pie as she glanced behind herself. "Enjoying the show Mr. Cake?" She asked in a sultry tone before she inserted her tongue back into Mrs. Cake's slit which was growing wetter by the second.

"Y-Yeah." Mr. Cake stuttered nearly drooling as the Mrs. Cake moaned out and Pinkie's hoof snaked under herself and began to rub herself gingerly.

"D-Don't just stare! It's embarrassing!" Mrs. Cake flustered blushing red as she looked over at her husband.

Upon hearing this, Pinkie Pie removed her mouth from Mrs. Cake's flower once again much to Mrs. Cake's disappointment "She's right Mr. Cake, why don't you come over here and join us?" she asked with a smirk at which point Mr. Cake walked over to the bed as Pinkie Pie resumed eating out Mrs. Cake.

Moments later, Pinkie Pie's eyes snapped wide as she felt something resting at her entrance which caused her to lift her head up and look behind herself to see Mr. Cake looking over her. "M-May I?" He asked nervously.

"Just stick it in her already honeybuns, we both know you've been wanting to do this since last night and you know I'm okay with it." Mrs. Cake replied looking a little agitated at the moment due to her pleasure being interrupted twice in the last five minutes.

With his wife's consent now clearly stated, Mr. Cake's nervousness seemed to melt away as he slammed himself into Pinkie Pie's love tunnel up to the hilt and quickly picked up a rhythm which caused the pink mare to arch up and moan out.

"Holy moley! He's big..." Pinkie Pie moaned as she looked at Mrs. Cake who couldn't help but smirk.

"Don't forget about me." Mrs. Cake reminded her as she gently pushed Pinkie Pie's head down.

Pinkie Pie didn't need to be told twice but feeling the object of her fantasies now plowing her was greatly distracting her as she resumed pleasuring Mrs. Cake.

In fact, it was becoming so distracting that even Mrs. Cake took note of the fact that Pinkie Pie was panting into her more than she was sticking her tongue in her less than two minutes later. "I suppose I'll have wait my turn." Mrs. Cake remarked dismally as Pinkie Pie moaned out seemingly completely forgetting about her task in pleasuring Mrs. Cake.

"S-Sorry but he's just so big and...mmph!" Pinkie Pie attempted to apologize between moans only for Mrs. Cake to lock lips with the pink mare cutting her off.

"I know he is." Mrs. Cake remarked with a smirk after she broke the kiss with Pinkie Pie, crawled around the bed until she was right next to her husband, leaned under Pinkie, and began to run her tongue along Mr. Cake's cock as it slammed in and out.

"You're really getting into this surgardumpling." Mr. cake grunted as the pleasure continued to mount in his throbbing member as he slammed it into Pinkie Pie's puffy pink cunt.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Cake removed her head from under Pinkie Pie and looked directly at her husband "You better not cum before she does, you're doing me next." She remarked with a slightly threatening stare at her husband whom gulped softly.

"Oh that won't take long..." Pinkie Pie drawled between moans as her body twitched with each thrust into her puffy pink pussy, pushing her closer and closer to her climax which was not far away at all.

Mrs. Cake now lay on her side as she rubbed herself with swift yet gently strokes to her marehood. She wanted to keep herself wet and ready for her husband but didn't want to cum yet. No, she wanted to cum all over her husband's cock.

Pinkie Pie's statement was dead on as moments after Mrs. Cake began to rub herself, the pink mare gave a high-pitched orgasmic cry as her vaginal muscles contracted around Mr. Cake's member and her marehood began to gush its juices all over Mr. Cake's cock.

Mrs. Cake watched the mare's fluids dribble on the bed the steady stream of mare-cum making a steady pattering sound as it splashed against the mattress and stained it.

Eventually Pinkie Pie's orgasm subsided and the mare collapsed on the bed causing Mr. Cake's member to slip out. "I certainly hope you're not close honeybuns, because I'm looking forward to a good, long rutting." Mrs. Cake remarked with a smirk as she crawled up to the head of her bed, spread her legs and motioned for her husband to come over.

"Oh don't you worry sweetiepie, I'll give you what you want." Mr. Cake remarked lustfully as he leaned forward and locked lips with his wife as he slid his member still coating in Pinkie Pie's orgasmic juices into her.

Mrs. Cake moaned into their kiss as she felt her husband enter her. She could feel the wetness of Pinkie's juices sliding along her inner walls mixing with her own as Mr. Cake began thrusting in and out of her at a high-speed pace. For some reason, knowing that her husband was screwing her just after making another mare cum all over his member turned her on more than she ever imagined it would.

"Mmmph! You love bucking me hard and fast after making another mare cum all over your cock, don't ya honeykins?" Mrs. Cake quipped with a mischievous smirk.

"Hehe, If I didn't know any better Mrs. Cake. I'd say that you're even more turned on than usual." Pinkie Pie remarked as she crawled over and began to kiss her upper chest gingerly and make her way down.

"M-More turned on than usual? What's what supposed to mean?" Mrs. Cake asked though she could barely keep her thoughts steady as her husband's member continuously "thrust" them from her mind.

"Oh, nothing much. I've just watched you two do it a few times." Pinkie Pie replied as if what she had just said was not big as she continued to mean her way down to her intended target.

Mrs. Cake's teats.

"Ah! H-How many times is [i]a few[/i]?" Mrs. Cake barely uttered out as Pinkie Pie's maw wrapped around her right teat and began to suckle it.

"Enough to know how you two behave in bed." Pinkie Pie replied with a cheesy grin before she looked over to Mr. Cake. The stallion was clearly very close now. "Oh, I just got an idea!" She exclaimed with a big grin and began to whisper into Mr. Cake's ear.

"I like that idea." Mr. Cake replied with a grin as big as Pinkie Pie's after she finished whispering her plan into his ear.

"What idea? What are you two-" Mrs. Cake began to ask nervously only for Mr. Cake to seemingly go into overdrive and thrust himself harder and deeper into her while Pinkie Pie fonded her left teat as she continued to suck and lick the right one.

Mrs. Cake's senses were being overloaded now. She found herself lost in a the bottom of a sea pleasure with no desire to come up for air. Her climax rushing forward so fast she had no time to stop it. In no time at all she had the hardest and most body jerking orgasm she had ever had.

Her hind legs seized up, her front legs flailed about until they found Pinkie Pie's head and squeezed hard, the lower half of her body continuously bucking into her husband, and her pussy seemed to have no end to the amount of juice it was gushing now.

"I'm going to cum!" Mr. Cake exclaimed and while Mrs. Cake expected him to fill her with his seed, he instead pulled out and began to rub both hooves along his member as it began to squirt rope after rope of sticky cum on Pinkie Pie's face and Mrs. Cake's lower chest and teats.

"And that's how you put icing on a cake!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed with a cheesy grin as she looked at the two.

The couple literally burst out laughing at this very bad and cliché joke. "I-I'm going to strangle you Pinkie! I'm trying to enjoy an orgasm and your making me laugh which is ruining it!" Mrs. Cake shouted between heavy laughs as she held her sides.

"You don't seem to upset over that though." Pinkie Pie replied between her own laughs.

"We're never going to have normal sex ever again with her being involved." Mr. Cake remarked as he sat down on the bed while his member slowly grew flaccid.

"That's not a bad thing is it?" Pinkie Pie asked with a big grin.

Mrs. Cake let out a soft sigh after she had managed to stop laughing so hard. "I suppose not. Just don't make a habit of cracking jokes during my orgasms." Mrs. Cake remarked with a big grin of her own.

Pinkie Pie leaned over Mrs. Cake now and looked over at her "Oki-doki,loki!" she replied and ran her tongue along Mrs. Cake's teats which got her a nice amount of Mr. Cake's seed on her tongue which she lapped up and swallowed.

"Mmmmm....creamy frosting..." She droned with a dreamy expression for a few moments before she went back to suckling Mrs. Cake's cum coated teats.

"P-Pinkie, what are you doing?" Mrs. Cake asked curiously though she gave an audible shudder and moan as a wave of pleasure coursed through her body.

Pinkie Pie lifted her head up and looked at Mrs. cake with a lust-filled expression "Mr. Cake is going to be out of commission for a little while so we can have a little fun until he's ready for another round. Don't tell me your spent already?" she replied with a smile before she resumed cleaning off Mrs. Cake's teats and lower chest with her mouth and tongue.

"Well, usually only go for one round and it's still business hours so we really should-" Mrs. Cake began to explain only for her explanation to be cut off with a sharp moan.

"You tell me you want to stop but your body tells me you want to keep going." Pinkie Pie remarked lustfully as she ran a hoof along Mrs. Cake's slit and presented her wetness to the mare. "Go ahead and clean off my hoof." she added a few moments later as she put her hoof close to Mrs. Cake's maw who seemed to be hesitant to clean it off. "Don't tell me that you've never tasted yourself before."

"N-No I haven't." Mrs. Cake replied as the scent of her own arousal and orgasmic juices assaulted her nose.

"Oh! Why don't we play a game? Lets taste each other and guess what each of us tastes like!" Pinkie Pie replied looking really excited about the idea as she climbed on top of Mrs. Cake, turned around, and presented her pink dripping sex to the mare.

Being pleasured by a mare was one thing but returning the favor? Though the idea had crossed her mind at some point during their encounter, she honestly didn't know if she was up to the task.

"Well, what are you waiting for? It's time to stop starin' and get lickin'! Pinkie Pie exhorted just before she dug her own maw into Mrs. Cake's light blue puffy slit which earned a loud moan from the mare.

Pinkie Pie's sex dripped a few drops of its juices on the mare's face as she continued to stare at it. She was still hesitating. Wouldn't that be crossing the line into being a full-blown lesbian? What if she actually enjoyed the taste of a mare more than she did her own husband's seed? Come to think of it, she had already made out with the pink mare when she was getting plowed by her husband.

"You only live once..." She concluded softly, leaned in, and began to shyly lick at Pinkie Pie's folds getting a sample of her sex as the mare's juices continued to leak from her slit.

The taste, the scent, the overwhelming heat, it intoxicated the mare as she grew braver and braver until Mrs. Cake's nose was buried in Pinkie Pie's cunt as she lapped at her juices before she dug her tongue in to get a full taste of the pink mare.

The sight of his wife and Pinkie Pie in full-blown lesbian action was more than enough to get Mr. Cake hard again as he watched the two go at it for a little longer before he crawled up to his wife and presented his throbbing member to her.

"Oooh, looks like somepony is ready for another round." Pinkie Pie remarked as she looked up and behind herself to see Mrs. Cake going to town on her slit while stroking Mr. Cake's member with both hooves. "You wanna cream a pie and fill a cake with some yummy frosting?" she added as she got off top of Mrs. Cake whom looked confused for a moment as to why she had removed the object of her sexual high until she caught on as Pinkie Pie laid next to her.

"Oh yeah." Mr. Cake replied as he gently moved Mrs. Cake's hooves away from his member, crawled over to Pinkie Pie and began to plow her missionary style.

"Make sure you give Mrs. Cake some too!" Pinkie Pie moaned after a few minutes of plowing by the stallion who quickly picked up on the idea Pinkie Pie had in mind.

He then pulled out of Pinkie Pie and began to plow his wife. Once again, Mrs. Cake could feel the Pinkie Pie's juice run along her inner walls and mix with her own. Though this didn't last too long as Mr. Cake pulled out of her and began to slam his length into Pinkie Pie again.

Mr. Cake took turns screwing both mares, each one rubbing themselves as they made out with each other until the other one got their soaking wet sex filled with his meat.

"I-I'm nearly there." Mr. Cake grunted as he slammed the full length of his cock into her over and over.

"Don't hold back on our account, just make sure you give us both a nice helping of your yummy frosting." Pinkie Pie moaned out, her climax as close as Mr. Cake's was by now.

Mrs. Cake wasn't far off either as she leaned over and resumed making out with Pinkie Pie as Mr. Cake's panting became erratic signally he would blow his load at any moment.

With a mighty grunt, Pinkie Pie's slit was the first to be filled by the stallion as he squirted stream after stream of sticky warm milk into her. "Oh yeah! Cream my pie!" She screamed as she came on his cock, the feeling of his seed splashing against her cervix sending her over the edge.

"Give me some frosting honeybuns!" Mrs. Cake exclaimed as she reached down and pulled Mr. Cake's cock out which was still squirting. Mr. Cake immediately slammed his cock into his wife, emptying the remained contents of his balls into her slit.

"mmmmph!" She moaned out as she locked lips with her husband and came hard.

Mr. Cake's balls soon emptied and the stallion collapsed in between the two mares whom scooted to the side and wrapped their hooves around him. "Is he asleep?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously. She couldn't tell since Mr. Cake was facing her at the moment but she could hear faint snoring sounds.

"Looks like it. I guess the two of us were too much for him to handle." Mrs. Cake remarked and moments later the two burst out laughing.

"So, any regrets?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously after a short period of silence among the three.

"As a matter of fact, yes. I regret thinking you would be too immature to handle this. I should have known that under that hyperactive filly was a full grown mare." Mrs. Cake replied with a warm smile as she looked at Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Just because I like to have fun and throw parties doesn't mean I like to behave like my horseshoe size all the time!" Pinkie Pie quipped with a smirk.

"Yes, well I certainly hope you can behave like a mare more often outside of the bed." Mrs. Cake countered to which both mares burst out laughing once again.

"I'll try but no promises." Pinkie Pie replied with a cheesy grin.

"Pinkie, the day you behave like a mare for more than three minutes outside of this room is the day the sun explodes." Mrs. Cake replied and sighed blissfully with a soft giggle.

"And then Mrs. Cake had me go take a shower and run the store for the rest of the day!" Pinkie Pie finished only for her face to become a scowl once she had. "That was a meanie-pants thing you did Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie shouted angrily before she crossed her front legs along her chest with a crimson blush.

"Revenge is never nice Pinkie Pie." Rarity remarked with a smirk. "I'm surprised at Fluttershy though. What pony knew she was so passive aggressive." she remarked with a curious look to Fluttershy whom looked satisfied with the embarrassment she had put the pink mare through.

"Read a bucking a book on it Rarity, she's a(hic!)classic case." Twilight remarked as she rolled her eyes at the unicorn.

"Such language!" Fluttershy remarked with a shocked expression at the Alicorn due to Twilight's curses snapping her attention to Twilight.

"Who knew Twilight was such a foul-mouth when she's drunk, ha!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she pointed a hoof at the lavender mare.

"Ah reckon we'll all be learning somethin' bout one another we didn't know before this game's over." Applejack commented and looked at Pinkie Pie who still was scowling at Fluttershy. "You're turn surgarcube." She added as she motioned towards the pink mare with her hoof.