Tahikida, Chapter 4

Story by jcrescent on SoFurry

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The feast wasn't officially over, but Tahikida and Misha quietly excused themselves after staying for the twenty minutes required by protocol for such events. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Tahikida was actually comfortable having a conversation with someone he just met, and had an attraction to. Sure, the butterflies and fuzzy feelings were there, but with Misha, he felt safe to be around him. He didn't feel the urge to guard his feelings, for risk of being hurt.

They entered the court yard of the temple, a large open space filled with trees, flowers, various types of plants and well manicured grounds, no relics or symbols existed in this space for the original architects of this temple wanted this area to be one of peace and relaxation. There were several benches and Misha lead Tahikida to the one closest to the large fishpond on the far right corner of the grounds. Finally, they could have some time to themselves, well, almost: two discrete Royal Guards had followed them to watch over the prince. Tahikida sensed their presence but paid them no attention, when it came to him, discretion was a big priority, and this was a fairly harmless situation.

Tahikida found himself lost in the eyes of Misha again, those glacier blue orbs that had the strange ability to be so warm and welcoming. He decided open the conversation this time.

" So, tell me Misha, what exactly is your affinity? I haven't seen any official relics on you beyond your highlights, but I have a feeling that you actually hold an official position in the Society."

" You really are perceptive, your mother was right about you." Misha chuckled

" You know my mother?" Tahikida asked, surprised.

" Yes, she personally oversaw my promotion"

" As for my affinity," Misha continued, " I have a gift for truth, I can glean one's true nature and intent, I also have a slight gift of sight, but its more tuned to the past than present. Naturally, having these gifts made me a perfect selection to the Dir..."

" Your an Inquisitor?" Tahikida interrupted


The Directorate of the Inquisitor in Tahikida's home world was the equivalent of the judiciary system in this one. There were several different branches within the Directorate: Civilian, Military, and Mage. Because of their trusted abilities, the Mage branch often was responsible in the oversight of the Civilian and Military branches, and the Inquisitor General was traditionally a mage himself. For the most part, Inquisitors were, natural born subjects of the Kingdom, with a few exceptions. However, the Inquisitor General was traditionally an outsider who was brought in after being selected from the Head of the Mage Society. Given Misha's age, and early promotion to full Inquisitor, Tahikida came an interesting conclusion:

" Your going to be next in line for IG... this is unreal..." He remarked

" It is what many people say, but it is not a job I look forward to, but, anything for the new kingdom which I humbly serve." Misha said softly

" Well, I wouldn't worry too much, Inquisitor General Leantros is far from his last leg. You have a good bit of time ahead of you yet." Tahikida said with a smirk.

" Gods, it's getting colder out, it was foolish of me to come outside without my cloak." Tahikida said. He was still dressed in only his traditional loincloth.

Misha, feeling bold, and also gleaning some things about his new friend, turned towards Tahikida and pulled the lion towards him, his hoodie covered chest and Tahikida's bared back made contact. The sudden movement and wonderful warmth from the husky made Tahikida shiver and then purr slightly as he took in Misha's scent.

" Mmmm, thank you, that's much better" Tahikida purred

" It's my pleasure" Misha whispered, " So..." he continued " What's it like being royalty, I have an idea from what your mother has told me during our conversations, but I always wanted to know what it was like for..."

" For a gay fur my age?" Tahikida completed

" Exactly..."

" Well, to be honest, things haven't been bad. I suppose I have it good in my family because I have heard some horror stories. I spent my younger years in the closet, or at least tried to. It's hard to keep anything from my mom, pretty much impossible. At 14, I came out to her, and she tells me ' I've known this about you since the day you were born, I was just waiting for you to find the right time to tell me'.... Talk about embarrassing..." Tahikida said

" She is the head of the Mage Society" Misha stated

" Tell me about it...Ever since I was a young cub, I was involved with the affairs of country. I'm a bit of a prodigy in the magic arts and in computer programming. Much is expected of members of the royal family, we all have to dedicate our lives to the service of the kingdom in some way. Either you become head of one of the Ministries, or you get commissioned in the military. My mother couldn't stand the idea of me being in the military, both my older brothers both have commands in it already, so when my talents were discovered, my mother didn't hesitate to get me involved in the ministries concerning them. Because of my programming knowledge, I was inducted in the science academy, and helped work on the defense shield program when I was around 13, you remember that?"

" Yeah, that was a major deal back then, wow I never knew..." Misha said impressed

" I'm not surprised, not too many people do, anyway, when knowledge of my magic arts skills was discovered, I became a member of the Mage Society. I was probably the youngest initiate in their history, I was five." Tahikida said

" Didn't you have a childhood, or time for friends?" asked Misha

" Yes, more so than most kids born into royalty, mainly because I am dead last in line. My brothers were my only friends for most of my childhood, but it was cool. I've been told that my relationship with my brothers is special, we never fought, nor argued with each other, and they were very protective of me. They always spent time with me, helped me when they could, played with me when I was lonely, hugged me when I was sad...I miss them, I haven't seen much of them since they were commissioned..." Tahikida remarked

" I'm sure they are doing well, the kingdom isn't at war with anybody, most of what they would be doing now is drills." Comforted Misha

" I know, I would be worried sick if they were actually involved in a conflict..."

Tahikida sensed their presence before one spoke, and turned towards them, his violet eyes glowing in slight contempt for having his moment with Misha interrupted.

" Inquisitor Nikonov" the higher-ranking guard said apologetically, knowing he upset the prince.

" Yes, guardsman?" Misha replied

" Sir, your presence is needed at the consulate, there's been an incident that needs your attention," the guardsman answered

Misha sighed " Very well"

He turned to Tahikida, " I'm sorry my prince, I'm afraid we will have to continue this another day"

" I understand, see you in class tomorrow?" asked Tahikida

"Of course, my cub" Misha whispered

In a flash, Misha was gone. Tahikida sat on the bench, smiling in remembrance of their time together.

Another pair of eyes watched the prince as well, and she was pleased with what she saw develop...