baby dragon

Story by demon545 on SoFurry

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Long ago a baby boy was born with a destiny to be a god of babies.

once upon a time a mother was expecting a baby dragon she was sitting in bed when suddenly she felt her water break she yells the babies coming to her husband who came running in with towels that he placed under and over her while calling the midwife telling her to get here soon because his wife is in labor.

The midwife soon arrived with all she needed to tend to the baby dragon after ten minutes a dragon boy was born into the world cleaned up umbilical cord clamped and cut then the boy was put in diaper. After the baby boy dragon was feed and burped put to bed midwife helped daddy clean up. After the birth mess was cleaned up the midwife left making sure the baby was well on the way out. The baby was named kaden Stewart for the first few years of kaden life he was feed cleaned and diapered and given a check up when needed by a doctor who always asked permission before doing the check up. As the doctor wanted kadain to love coming to the doctor office but ever. Kadain had the power to change his age and the power of the shield to keep him intact.