
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Short story poetry, poem

The air brisk, my thoughts on the other side of the field

I race across with tail whirling round, to no reasoning shall I yield

The sky blue as the oceans bright, I'll run till it's in my sight

My heart racing, keeping pace with my feet

I find breath escapes me as my nose inhales the cold sleet

I am at one with the spirits that surround me among the snow

I find my eyes fixated on the ending of the cliff, & the waters below

Without hesitation, I continue off into the sea now racing toward me

Arms open, I reach for the unknown waters to embrace my mentality so free

I plunge far below the freezing top, & continue full force as long as I can

I surface far from the edge of my mountain top, what was, is now my plan?

I feel in the size of what I've done

Muscles already aching, truly, this was the best of my thoughtlessness

A great bit of fun

For now, I'll drift slowly to the shore

An by tomorrow morning, I'll repeat this once more

For the sake of keeping sane among the insanities that fill my life to the brim

I'll continue on my recklessness, till my fire filled life grows dim

---Thanks for reading--- ^_^
