Lost Pokemon Episode: 16 - Fighting Fire with Magma

Story by Hakuzo NightFox on SoFurry

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#17 of Lost Pokemon Episodes

This chapter marks the start of the final couple of chapters. Story arc 1 is drawing to a close very soon.

Legalities: This is a non-profit fanfic. All Pokémon characters are copyrighted to the prospective peoples. Since this is a rough draft, no asking to borrow content at this time.

Note: I use a dice roller for events like poisoning and freezing. If I roll high enough the status effect will land in the story.

Ver 1.0

Title: The Lost Pokémon Episodes.

By: HakuzoNightFox

Episode 16: Fighting Fire With Magma.

>>>Narrator: With just two Gym Leaders standing between them, Hakuzo and Andrew prepare to face their next challenge. Blaine, the CinnabarIsland Gym Leader. One obstacle stands in their way, the expanse of ocean between Cinnabar and Fuchsia city creates a boundary even for the most prolific swimming pokemon to traverse. Professor Oak has given the two trainers a map the night before detailing the safest route to Cinnabar Island and warned them that they must stay away from Seafoam Islands.<<<

Hakuzo stands out over-looking the expanse of ocean before him. He knows that Miles can't stay with him in the open once they take to the sea. Having never been able to swim before Hakuzo is very nervous about the trip and has an extreme sense of dread. Hakuzo jumps when a hand rests on his shoulder. "What's the matter buddy?" Andrew asks after noticing how nervous Hakuzo was.

"It's... just I don't know how to swim. I never have been taught how too.... It's such a long trip to CinnabarIsland I don't know how well we will fair." Hakuzo explains his plight.

Andrew nods, "Don't worry about it, if something happens I'll save you. I know how to swim just fine. Everything will be all right."

"I really hope so...." Hakuzo says with a resigned sigh.

After the two trainers make sure they have everything they need, Hakuzo summons out Lapris and Andrew summons Dragonair. The two pokemon look out to the water and smile happily. It's been a while since the two Pokémon got a chance to swim, and they finally get that chance.

Hakuzo lightly pets Miles. "You gotta go into your Pokéball for this. There's no way that the ocean will do you any good at all..."

Miles sighs. "I know... Still it's going to be a long journey and I don't want to stay cooped up in that ball." Miles communicates telepathically to his trainer.

"I wish there was an easier way but it can't be helped right now." Hakuzo gives Miles a hug before returning him to his Pokéball. With a slight nod Hakuzo climbs onto the shell on Lapris' back.

Andrew follows as well and climbs onto the back of Dragonair. The ride won't be as smooth or dry as it would be for Hakuzo but Dragonair is much faster in the water than Lapris is. Both trainers set out to the waters heading toward CinnabarIsland.

* * *

A small fishing boat slowly floats along the sea very near the SeafoamIslands. The crew of three steer the boat towards the turbulent islands trying to keep the boat from rocking sideways and capsizing.

"Keep it together boys! The boss wants us to get that legendary Pokémon that's sleeps in this cave. Keep the boat in once piece!" A woman yells out to her two male ship-mates.

"I don't see you doing anything to help! Why don't you get your own hands dirty, Ana?" Mole yells back at Ana.

"Can't, I had a manicure done before we went on this little voyage." Ana replies while lightly buffing her nails against her shirt.

"Oh boo-ho. Why did you do that when you know we have work to do?" Mole asks angerly.

"I have to look my best. This IS a legendary Pokémon after all." Ana yells back. Rax stays quiet while he continues to pull on the ropes of the sails to keep the boat going in the right direction. The arguing went on for several long minutes without interruption. After a long hour of this the three finally made it onto the shores of an island that housed the biggest cave system in the area.

* * *

Hakuzo fights to keep his eyes open. The gentle rocking of the sea and the monotonous scenery lulls Hakuzo into a false sense of security. The journey so far has been quiet and boring. Hakuzo's wonders how much more they have to travel, hoping they have enough supplies to make it through the trip.

Andrew has grown accustom to the slippery hold that's required to keep a firm enough grip onto Dragonair. A few times the two trainers had to stop and allow Andrew to climb back onto Dragonair every time he slid off.

A breeze starts to pick up along the sea, the wind coming out of the west near the location of SeafoamIsland. It was a light breeze for most of the morning until the speeds slowly increased. A few hours later the winds turn into a gale. Hakuzo becomes increasingly worried as the wind continued to grow more powerful.

"I don't like this. We need to get out of the water as soon as possible." Hakuzo has to shout over the wind as best as he could. Even being so close Andrew had a hard time making out what Hakuzo was saying.

Andrew maneuvers Dragonair closer to Lapris to try hearing his friend better. The winds continued to grow, reaching an estimated speed of fifty miles-per-hour. Dragonair has a bit of trouble going forward whereas Lapris kept a steady pace, undaunted by the wind.

At this time clouds start to roll in over-head as well. Soon gathering quickly and making the area dark as if the sun has set. Hakuzo holds on tightly to Lapris as the weather quickly turned bad.

The water became more turbulent as the wind continued to grow. Both trainers grew increasingly nervous as the storm started to brew up. "We have to head to SeafoamIsland.... It's the only shelter we have!" Hakuzo shouts as loud as he can over the approaching storm.

"ProfessorOak said the island is too dangerous. We can't! We have to turn around and head back to FuchsiaCity." Andrew shouts back. Hakuzo sighs and nods, turning Lapris around to head back the way they came. Hakuzo has no idea if they could out race the storm or not with the strength of the wind.

Without warning the wind shifted, forcefully blowing the trainers towards SeafoamIsland; the winds well over a hundred miles-per-hour. The waves were starting to get larger and threaten to make a tsunami.

The water batters against the two trainers, stinging them with the salty spray. No matter how hard they fought the waves they were continually pushed towards SeafoamIsland as if an invisible force was pulling them along to the island.

The sky grew even darker and it was becoming increasingly harder to see or hear. Hakuzo clings to Lapris for dear life as Andrew pulls up besides Lapris and climbs onto her back. He tells Dragonair to stay as close as possible to Lapris. The two trainers hold on as best as they can to Lapris' shell as lightening cracks over-head.

"If that lighting strikes the water, we'll be in trouble!" Hakuzo shouts out.

"Not to worry!" Andrew calls out Electabuzz. "Electabuzz can safely absorb the lightening without issue."

>>>Narrator: When Eleckid evolved, he gained the Lightening Rod ability. All electrical attacks or energy gets attracted to this Pokémon and he safely absorbs all the energy recharging his own reserves of electrical energy. <<<

"I really hope you are right. This is no time to get struck by lightening!" Hakuzo shouts back.

Lightening cracks over-head striking Electabuzz. The sizzle of the electricity is heard over the loud wind as the Electric Pokémon was unphased by its power. Lapris ducks her head down lower as the weather continues its rough course. A much larger strike hits Electabuzz but this time the shear Sonic Boom from the lighting knocks out both of the trainers from the concussive force.

* * *

Elsewhere Koga sets out preparing for a journey to MountSilver. He has reports that a strange fiery Bird Pokémon has been seen causing a disturbance there. The reports say the fire it casts off is dark in color. Koga is concerned about this and rushes to ViridianCity.

Upon arriving there Flint and Blaine are waiting for him, along with ProfessorOak. "Koga, with your skills of stealth and surveillance, you will be taking Flint and Blaine into MountSilver. Flint will navigate the caves there while Blaine will be examining this Fire Pokémon. The reports sound as if the Legendary Moltres has been changed somehow. This could get dangerous quickly, if things get to that point don't risk your lives." Oak instructs Koga of the situation and the best way to approach this matter. The three Gym Leaders nod and make their way towards MountSilver as fast as they can.

Koga leads them through the forests near the base of MountSilver in a rapid haste. The older Gym Leaders have trouble keeping up with the younger ninja as he continues to lead on. Within moments they reach the base of MountSilver and Flint has the other two stop.

"There's a very small entrance nearby. It's only big enough for one person to squeeze through at a time. I'll go first and signal the next person to come through with my flashlight." Flint explains in his gruff voice as he proceeds to squeeze through. The larger man barely fitting through the tight opening as he shimmies through. After a long ten minutes he makes it into a larger opening and uses his flashlight to signal the next person through.

Blaine goes through next, the oldest of the three. Blaine is fifty years old and his graying hair matches the rocks around them. He dreads going through as he knows he is going to wake up tomorrow sore and achy, but that is of no consequence as this is an important matter at hand. The older Gym Leader makes his way through the opening having a slightly easier time than Flint did.

Lastly Koga makes his way through. Being the slimmest of the three he practically runs though the cramped opening. He arrives with the other two and turns on his own flashlight. The drip of water and the sounds of their footfalls echo through the cavern. Not even a single Pokémon can be heard digging along.

* * *

Hakuzo slowly opens his eyes as drops of water continue to drip into his face. He lets out a soft moan from his aching sides as his eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light around them. A few seconds later Hakuzo remembers what happened and is awake with a shock. He quickly looks around and notices a small fire near the entrance of the cave.

Andrew was sitting besides the fire trying to dry his clothes as best as possible. Hakuzo moves closer to the fire as he shivers from the wet clothing.

"About time you woke up." Andrew states while he adds more dry fuel to the fire.

"How did you manage a fire so easily?" Hakuzo asks looking around. He notices that all of his Pokéballs were attached to his belt and wonders where Lapris is.

"There's plenty of driftwood along the shore because of the storm. Combuskin easily dried out the logs and got them burning with his fire attacks. If you're worried about Lapris I returned her to her Pokéball for you." Andrew explains as he tends the fire.

Hakuzo nods as he lets Miles out of his Pokéball. He figures the Fox Pokémon would be safe inside of the cave. "Thanks...." Hakuzo replies as he sits down. The storm outside continued to rage and each strike of lightening reverberated through the cave entrance. "How did we make it to shore...?" Hakuzo asks.

"Once the thunder hit us, we got knocked out. Lapris' shell protected her from most of the force and thankfully Dragonair was far enough away. When Dragonair seen what happened, He quickly helped pull Lapris along to the shore. There Dragonair helped pull us to shelter while Lapris pushed us along." Andrew explains. "I think somehow one of our Pokémon explained that to me inside of my mind... Crazy huh?"

"That... would have been Miles...." Hakuzo's simple answer hung in the air unsure if it was wise to let out Miles' secret.

"Really? That's awesome I didn't know you could communicate with Miles in such a way!" Andrew remarks excitedly.

"Ninetales has psychic powers along with his fire abilities. That's how he can use Hypnosis and Dream Eater." Hakuzo explains.

"I see, so that's how you defeated Koga so easily?" Andrew asks Hakuzo.

"It helped, I can order Miles directly without saying a word to him. It offers such a strategic advantage in battle that the opponent can't counter." Hakuzo sais with as small sigh, feeling as if he broken some unspoken promise with Miles.

"Hakuzo, It's ok. You know you can trust Andrew with this."_Miles tells Hakuzo in his mind then sends a message to Andrew. "_This is something we must keep to ourselves as much as possible. Many humans may fear the ability to talk in such a way to a Pokémon."

Andrew nods to Miles. "I understand. Your secret is safe with me."

>>> Narrator: After some time the two trainers rested and dried all of their belongings. After they made sure they had no broken bones or other injuries they set off deeper into the cave, having no idea what they may find. <<<

* * *

Flint leads the team deep into the heart of the Mountain. After a few long hours the three arrive near the top of the mountain. Inside of it rests an inactive volcano that has been dormant for hundreds of years. The starry night sky clear of clouds an a full moon shines light inside of the indent in the mountain.

Blaine walks forward and picks up a large feather. It was completely back with a deep crimson metallic red color. He looks it over carefully studying it. "This... should be the feather of Moltres but... it's as if it's been corrupted somehow. What's going on here..." Before Blaine could finish a horrid shriek fills the air as the light that was cast into the cave dimmed suddenly and the flapping of wings could be heard.

Dark fire rolled off of the large Bird Pokémon as it flapped its wings; a fire that looks unnatural and seemingly absorbed the light instead of producing it. The Corrupted Moltres locks its eyes onto the three Gym Leaders.

Without hesitation the three release out their Pokémon. Flint releasing out Onyx, Koga releasing Aerodactyl and Blaine releasing Arcanine. The three large Pokémon were still dwarfed in size compared to Moltres.

The three Gym leaders engage into battle with the Moltres each of their Pokémon attacking the Legendary Pokémon but each attack having no effect at all. With one large flap of its dark wings, Moltres creates a Dark Heatwave that strikes all of his opponents at once causing them to instantly faint.

"This isn't Good! Recall your Pokémon and get into the smaller caves as fast as you can!" Koga yells out to the other two leaders as he recalls the fainted Aerodactyl. The other two mimic and spend no time heading back to the smaller caves, hoping that they can make it there in time.

* * *

Miles leads the two trainers deeper into the cave, providing light using his Fox Fire. The light making the blue color of the cave walls even more vibrant than it originally was. The path suddenly takes a sharp turn to the right and opens up to a cavern covered in thick natural crystals.

Hakuzo walks up to one of the crystal spires and places a hand on it. The surface of the crystal is cold, As if it was solid ice but still crystal. The light of Miles' Fox Fire refracts off the surface of the crystal causing odd shapes and shadows to form in the ambient light.

The walk was pleasant to the two trainers until the walls seemed to change the deeper the go into the cave; the crystals taking on a darker appearance as if they absorb the light. A high-pitched screech fills the air as a suddenly extremely cold air strike the two trainers directly.

Hakuzo is suddenly reminded of the sound Zapdos made and remembers how the legendary Pokémon was corrupted in some way. Hakuzo suddenly remembers something that ProfessorOak told them after the fight with Zapdos.

= = =

"There are three legendary Pokémon. You met the first one Zapdos, named the god of thunder by many of the locals. The second one is Moltres, the god of fire. Lastly is Articuno, the god of ice. These three Pokémon are said to contain the raw power of those elements. Only a rare few have been able to see these Pokémon in person. You and Andrew being part of that group." ProfessorOak explains.

"Though, what happened to Zapdos? It was as if.... Something corrupted or changed it somehow." Hakuzo asks wondering how this happened. There was one possibility but yet Hakuzo has never told ProfessorOak about Thranos yet. Hakuzo has too many of his own answers to find out before he can say anything about that evil being.

"I don't know, but I will investigate into it as much as I can. I'll hope to learn more when I get a chance. If you two find anything more let me know immediately/" ProfessorOak tells the two trainers before getting interrupted by one of his aids. Both trainers nod and tell the professor they will.

= = =

Hakuzo fully realizes why ProfessorOak didn't want them venturing into these caves. The sudden realization strikes Hakuzo that they are in Articuno's nesting grounds. "Prepare for a very tough fight..... Articuno." Hakuzo states as he tells Miles to quickly prepare for battle.

"You're right... Combuskin I'm going to need your help in this fight." Andrew says at he quickly releases the Fire chicken from his Pokéball.

Miles lets out a growl as another sharp burst of frigid air strikes them. Hakuzo starts to shiver as another shriek is heard much louder as it approaches closer. Soon a large bird Pokémon hovers in the air flapping its wings; its feathers a dark blue and black.

With another shriek, a dark beam of Ice shoots out of Articuno's beak striking behind Hakuzo and Andrew. The pathway is blocked by more dark ice as Articuno shrieks again.

Both trainers nod at each other, Andrew issues Combuskin to use his Blaze Kick against the legendary Pokémon. Combuskin runs in and starts kicking in a flurry with his chicken like legs. Flames cover the Pokémon's feet as he continued to kick at Articuno. The Bird Pokémon easily dodges the kicks as it counters several dark ice attacks.

Hakuzo uses his mind to commands Miles to skirt around the battle and to try to get behind Articuno. He tells Miles to not attack until he has a clear shot. Miles complies trying to stealthily circumvent the battle and get a better position.

Upon seeing the idea Andrew orders Combuskin to fight harder and draw more attention from Articuno. Combuskin attempts to peck at the icy bird in addition to continue with the kicks as well. As the battle continued Combuskin started to get tired where as Articuno didn't seem to tire at all.

Miles grins as he moves into position, Combuskin keeps up his assault but his movements were slowing down. Miles crouches low and sends a telepathic message to Combuskin "Dip low and try to pull Articuno closer to the ground, I'll do the rest."

Combuskin nods as he drops to his back and enters into a break-dancing type of stance. As expected the Articuno swoops down and Miles leaps into the air, deafly landing on the bird's back.

Articuno shrieks out again at the added weight and pain it felt while Miles clams his maw down holding on tightly. The dark blue bird shakes violently trying to dislodge the Fox Pokémon but Miles keeps a hold through the flailing.

This time Combuskin smiled as Articuno flailed, having regained some strength the chicken like Pokémon approaches the thrashing legendarily Pokémon. Combuskin balances on one clawed foot and pulls back the other, with a well placed Blaze Kick, the strike impacts the Legendary Pokémon causing it to cartwheel back in the air. Miles lets go and lands adeptly on the ground and unleashes a stream of fire at Articuno, focusing to keep the flames going as long as possible.

A sizzling sound fills the cave as steam rises up into the air. Miles stops as soon as he notices this effect and leaps back. Lying on the ground Articuno slumped on the ground panting heavily. The lighter blue color returns to the Legendary Pokémon and the black feathers gone now.

After the fight Combuskin feathers start to glow. After a few moments and a shower of sparks, Combuskin is no longer the same and evolved into Blaziken. The Pokémon having reached it's final stage of Evolution and reaching a new plateau of power.

Miles walks over to Articuno and crouches down. Articuno lets out a squeak instead of the shrill shrieks of before. Miles nods at times as the Articuno continues to communicate with the Fox Pokémon. After a few more moments and Miles nods one more time before turning back to Hakuzo and Andrew.

"Articuno tells me that he wishes for his last 'brother' to be saved. These gender terms I am using loosely, as these Legendary Pokémon don't have genders like most other Pokémon." Miles explains Articuno's request, pausing a moment before continuing. "We saved these two already, we have to save Moltres. It nests on MountSilver past Viridian City."

Hakuzo nods, "Yes we do.... Even though we were heading to take on the next Gym Leader, but this is more important than getting some metal badge."

Sudden yelling catchesMiles attention. His ears turn sharply to further down the tunnel. He motions for the others to follow as he starts heading down deeper into the cave. The group arrives to a much larger room. What they found was three humans encased in the same crystalline ice as before.

"Hey! It's you guys. Could you please let us out of here?" Mole pleads to the trainers.

"And why should we expend any kindness to the likes of you three? You tried to steal our Pokémon, and not to mention all the other trouble you caused." Andrew asks the trapped trio.

"Because.... We no longer want to work for Team Rocket. We keep getting sent to dangerous places and get nothing in return. Our boss wants to gain control of all the Legendary Pokémon. We now realize that this if folly and impossible." Ana replies with tears in her eyes. "After what we experienced today we want no part of it."

Hakuzo looks on thoughtfully wondering if they are being sincere or not. He looks towards Miles. The Fox Pokémon walks up to the humans looking them directly in the eyes. Miles slowly looks from one human to the next and finally to the last one. He paces back and forth for a moment and then sits down.

"Yes, they are being sincere. These humans have been thoroughly scared from this experience, if not traumatized by it. They won't be anymore trouble." Miles projects into Hakuzo's and Andrew's mind.

Hakuzo nods and walks up to the three. "If we release you, I want you three to promise us that you will return any stolen Pokémon you have and abandon Team Rocket. From this day forward choose to fight against Team Rocket and help put an end to their acts. You know some of their inner workings, you have an advantage." Hakuzo states while looking at the three waiting for a reply.

After a few long moments of silence the three trapped humans look at each other and finally nod. "We Promise." The three say in unison.

Andrew nods, "Very well. Blaziken let them out." The Pokémon replies with a squawk and kicks the crystalline ice surrounding Mole. It shatters and the human was free. The same actions were repeated for the other two trapped humans.

The three humans slink to the ground, groveling at the two trainers and their Pokémon. "Enough of that have some decency." Andrew tells the three. They stop and slowly stand up.

"You have our thanks. Maybe one day we can return the favor." Mole replies after brushing him self off.

"One day we shall see, but for now you three have your own work cut out." Hakuzo replies as he turns and starts heading back down the tunnel. Andrew follows as well then Mole, Ana and Rax follow silently as well while Hakuzo leads the way. The three arrive at the blocked path.

"How do we get past that?" Mole explained.

"Simple, Watch. Blaziken you know what to do." Andrew commands his Pokémon. Blaziken nod and Kicks fiercely at the wall. It shatters and the path is clear. Articuno stands up and then flies out of the tunnel. The former members of Team Rocket gasp out suddenly, not noticing the Legendary Pokémon until after it took flight.

* * *

>>>Narrator: That concludes the first part of this Episode. Stay tuned for the next Episode to find out the fate of Blaine, Flint and Koga. Will the former Team Rocket member stay true to their word and fight for good? Will Hakuzo and Andrew be able to save Moltres next, abandoning their current quest for Gym Badges? <<<