Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 1

Story by Rawcore on SoFurry

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#1 of Just Another Gay High School Romance

This is the first story I've actually had the courage to upload. I think It's good for the first time I've written anything GOOD. Anyway, I would love it if you guys would give me some constructive criticism so I can write better in the future.

Coren Donatell hated high school. Being the 16 year old junior he was, he never really got along with anyone. Coren was very antisocial and very reserved, and only talked to his close friends. In fact, his friends were the only reason why he ever came to school in the first place. Coren was a tall and skinny individual. Standing at a height of 6'2'', he towered over most of the students in his school. He was a Cat with orange fur, blue eyes, and a pink nose. His face was always showing off a scowl, making anybody who tried to come near him feel very uncomfortable. Coren always wore his favorite purple hoodie and jeans. When he walked, he would have a slight slouch and his hands were always in his pockets.

Coren walked along a sidewalk in the local suburbs, scaring away children with his menacing demeanor. He always walked to school. Since his mom had to work all day and his dad usually had hangovers from the amount of alcohol he consumed the previous night, he had no other choice. He had his learners permit, but he never got enough time to get all his hours completed with his mom, so he just walked. He didn't mind walking, though. When he was walking by himself, he liked to think to himself and leave the troubles of his life behind him.

Coren made it to the high school just as the bell rang to go to first period. He attended the local high school, known as Tooele (You pronounce it like this: TOOWILLA) high school. The front entrance led to a wide and large room known as the commons area. The walls were white, with the exception of a mural of a white buffalo on a purple background in the back of the commons area. There was a set of stairs leading to a balcony and the second floor of the high school to the left of the commons area. There was tons of posters that said things like "Buff Pride" and "Forever and forever in Tooele" and other stuff like that. School spirit made Coren want to throw up. He was pretty sure that Tooele high school took pep and school pride to a whole new level. "Seriously..." Coren thought. "What is there to be proud of here? Certainly not the football team. They're terrible!"

and with thought he shook his head and sighed heading to his first class of the day.

The day passed by normally with Art for first period and Gym for second period. He liked those two classes since they were easy and Art was something he enjoyed doing. Whenever Coren got bored in elementary school and junior high, he would sketch and doodle on any piece of paper he could find. He was a natural, and it was something he loved. Gym was just a way to look at cute guys as they walked into the locker room. He didn't widely publicize this among his classmates, but his close friends knew Coren was gay. He would fantasize seeing their nice round butts and groping them for hours on end. The class itself wasn't too hard since the gym teacher was pretty laid back. Coren just enjoyed his moments of lust and fantasizing whenever he was in the locker room.

His third period sucked. He was in algebra II with the most awkward teacher in existence, Mr. Lems. He was a rather small middle aged human with a button up shirt and slacks. He had gray hair and his head was balding. No one ever talked in that class, even the talkative kids. Mr. Lems would always start the class by trying to start a discussion, be he eventually gave up as the hour moved on and always ended up handing out the worksheet. Coren always ignored the teacher and sketched on any loose papers he could find. When he received his homework, he stuffed it into the black hole he called his backpack.

After 3rd came lunch. Coren pulled his home lunch out of his backpack and looked for his two best friends. The commons area bustled with activity. The jocks all sat at a certain table laughing loudly and talking about how large their girlfriend's tits were or how they got laid the night before. The nerds were all grouped together, playing card games like Yu-gi-Oh! Or Pokemon. Others were on their laptops or talking to their own groups of friends. Coren found it tiring to push through the large crowds to find his two friends at lunch. He almost thought that it wasn't worth it. Almost.

"Coren! How ya doin'?" a dark-brown haired human shouted as Coren approached the table. He had a gray t-shirt on that read "I got up for this?" and ripped up jeans. He had acne on his face and arms and his eyes were sharp and pointed.

"Hey, Floyd. I'm surviving." Coren smiled as he sat down. " You really need to cut your hair dude. Your bangs go down to your nose."

"My hair is perfectly fine, thank you very much!" Floyd huffed.

"You know, maybe I should cut it while you're asleep!"

"You do and I'll shave off all of your fur." Floyd glared. Coren laughed at his response then turned to his head to the left.

"Hey, Haley, Whatcha readin'?" Coren suddenly asked the girl next to Floyd.

She was a short and small rabbit-girl with a pink and white stripped shirt on with a blue jean skirt that had white stars all over it. She wore boots that went up to her knees. She had large long ears that made her as tall as Coren if you counted the ears for height. She looked up from her book and revealed her green eyes.

"It's called 'The Fault in our Stars.' It's a really, REALLY good!" Haley exclaimed with a smile on her face. "It's so cute so far! I love romance novels!"

"Yes, you've said that before." Floyd sighed.

"Shut up, Josh." She put her book down and playfully punched Floyd in the arm. Coren laughed as he saw the classic back-and-forth fight between Haley and Floyd break out. This was bliss, being with his true friends and forgetting about the worries and struggles of his life. Their playful fight went on for at least 5 minutes before Coren broke it up.

"Alright, alright, break it up you two" Coren leaned forward and pushed the two apart. "We don't want anyone dead here."

"Not yet!" Floyd grinned.

"Uh-huh." Haley smiled and rolled her eyes. "Anyway, we were gonna go to hang out at Josh's house today after school. Can you make it?"

"Your parents okay with it?" Coren turned to Floyd.

"I'll text my mom now." Floyd whipped out his phone and started mashing buttons. Not even a minute later, he got a reply. "She said she doesn't mind, as long as my homework gets done first."

"My parents wouldn't care, so I'll be there." Coren didn't care what his parents would've said anyway. Even if they had said no, Coren would've sneaked out.

"Great! This time, though, I will defeat you Josh!" Haley turned and glared at Floyd. Coren thought he saw her eyes on fire as she fiercely glared at her rival.

"Not if I can help it!" Floyd glared back at Haley with the exact same intensity in his eyes. Coren thought that if he was cought in the middle of that stare, he'd be burnt to a crisp.

"Floyd? Haley? HHHHHEEEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOO!?" Coren waved his hand in between them. They didn't budge. "I'm gonna regret this..." Coren took his hand, raided it up, and smacked Floyd across the face.

"OW!" Floyd cried as he almost fell out of his chair out of complete surprise. "What the hell was that for, ya bastard?" Floyd rubbed his right cheek, glaring at Coren now,

"You guys were staring at each other like rabid dogs. I had to do SOMETHING!"

"Fuck you, man." Floyd snapped back. Coren just laughed as lunch continued. He wished he could feel like this forever, just goofing off and hanging out with his friends, who didn't judge him and accepted him for who he was. Sadly, all good things come to and end. As their conversation dragged on, the bell rang to continue onward to the last class of the day. They all walked out of the commons area and headed off in the same direction until the found their classes.

"Alright, see you at my house at 3:00!" Floyd as he turned and headed down the science hall.

"Kay, bye!" Coren waved back and continued down the narrow hallway to his history class. "Geez, for such a big school, this place has some small hallways!" Coren thought to himself. The halls were, indeed, narrow. Narrower than most other schools in the county. Lockers lined up across the hallway with a top and bottom row. The lockers were probably the reason why the off-white hallway looked so narrow.

Coren took a right at the end of the hall and turned into his history class. It was a rather boring class, so Coren entertained himself with paper and pencil. Mrs.Beer, a red-tailed fox with a black dress and slacks, talked on and on about the civil war and the struggles the north faced. Coren never cared for history, but it was a required class to graduate. He didn't know why, because the last term he did nothing but draw and take tests in that class, and he somehow ended up with a B. He wasn't worried about this class.

The bell rang at 2:35 while Mrs.Beer was still talking. The students jumped out of their seats and rushed out the door. Coren couldn't stand her, and neither could the other students.

Leaving the front of the school, Coren stared at the mountains in the distance. He felt lonely as he looked at the mountains. He felt like that no matter who he was with, friends or his parents, he was alone. He desperately wanted someone who shared his interests and hobbies. He wanted someone to listen to his troubles, his worries, his dreams, and his pain. He wanted a boyfriend, a person who would hold him and love him so he wouldn't feel alone anymore.