To Aug or not to Aug.

Story by Thornbrier on SoFurry

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#42 of Chakat ThornBrier

CMO Chakat Hiltsong joining the LS FirmingWave

HiltSong walked into the stark security room and was stunned to see a giant chakat standing behind the border collie shi'd come to meet. The collie directed Hilt to sit on the taur pad opposite him at the table and waited for hir to do so before speaking.

"Shir HiltSong, thank you for meeting with us today," he started in a calm tone, trying to sooth the shock shi had upon entering. "This is Chief Fantine, head of security aboard the LS FirmingWave." The twelve foot tall chakat bowed slightly from behind him, still so imposing. "In many ways Fantine is my second in command aboard the ship. I am Captain Strolder. We have been reviewing your application and previous interview footage. This will be the final interview before we decide if you will be accepted to join our crew. Obviously, you've passed our background check or you wouldn't be meeting with me. Before we continue, are there any questions you have for me?"

HiltSong's tail was still curled up tight around the taurpad, but shi tried to relax. These were going to be hir co-workers after all, and Fantine was one of the reasons shi'd sought out this position after hir friend had mentioned it. Shi just didn't expect the disguised alien to be so huge. It was now or never, time for Hilt to play hir wild card, either securing hir place on the ship or destroying hir career. "Yes, I'm curious if we'll ever be visiting Fantine's homeworld. Studying eir alone will be quite informative, but it would take more samples of eir people to create a proper treatment so ey can live a longer life among us."

That was it, revealing hir knowledge of their top secret and hir plans to help them with it. But neither batted an eye. Strolder flicked a finger in the air, clearly scrolling through files in his neural implant. "Unfortunately, the Stellar Federation still has that region of space under lockdown. They view it as a tactical staging area, private vessels such as ours are not allowed entry despite our owners previous dealings with the planet. And thank you for your discretion with this information. Most of our crew is not yet aware that Fantine is anything more than a chakat with a giantism mutation."

Fantine stepped forward and spoke in a rather low voice, "And thank you for using my proper sex pronouns. However, in public or with other crew use the chakat pronouns to maintain the illusion."

HiltSong nodded and gulped as Fantine stepped back. Shi was simultaneously terrified and honored by eir.

Pushing a data pad forward the Captain spoke. "This is the standard medical, insurance, and other on-monetary compensations you are to receive for your work with us. Obviously, becoming the ship's doctor, in addition to studying and treating Fantine you will be expected to maintain the general health and wellbeing of the rest of the crew. One medical aspect uncommon to our crew is our high proportion of cybernetics. While I see you are certified for cyber-maintenance and repair I do have to ask how you view cybernetic augmentation."

Nodding, HiltSong took a breath before replying. "It is true, my species generally looks down upon any form of surgical intervention that is not absolutely required to save a life. We much prefer to grow replacement limbs rather than use cybernetic prosthetics, and cyber augs are particularly abhorrent to my people as they are not only unnecessary to life, but are done for personal convenience. That said, I have worked the last 13 years on the Chakonan Medical Review staff, in that time I founded the Implant Call Response team. At first I was the only person taking calls from implants because there are just so few people on chakona who have them, but I have since trained four more. As more augments come online on our world the team will need to expand, but I've done my part for them, it's time for me to move on. Helping directly with the augmented will be a wonderful way to proceed with my career."

The collie tented his fingers in front of his muzzle, "And would you ever consider getting augments yourself?"

Shi shruged hir shoulders, "Maybe, with the money I'll be making here I could finally start saving up for it, but it's not exactly high on my priorities. Especially given the time it would take."

The datapad in front of Hilt changed with a flick of the captains finger in the air. "This is a special deal we offer our crew. 25% off the basic neural implant package through one of the Ashworth affiliates, full financing, as long as you work for us you have no interest, and each year we knock off 10% of the total. Similar deals are available for any augments that directly aid in your job on the ship."

Fantine reached to a metal bandoleer warn across eir chest and took out an orange disk which ey fited over one of eir eyes. Ey sat down on eir haunches behind the captain. "Fast communication and computer access is essential to the smooth operation of our vessel. All crew must either have their implants synced with the ships computer or utilize one of these eyepieces. It's up to you."

HiltSong quickly skimmed over the documents with a smile and gave them hir approval code. "I guess I'll be becoming one of the rare cyberkats then."

The captain stood up, pushing his chair out behind him. Reaching a hand forward he shook HiltSong's hand saying, "Welcome to the crew then. We think you will fit in well." Meanwhile, Fantine walked around the table and suddenly picked up HiltSong in a big hug. "Welcome aboard, Chief Medical Officer HiltSong."