The Mayapan Codex.

Story by FurryNation2013 on SoFurry

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These are a series of notes I have made for the creation of a Mesoamerican fantasy world.

In The Beginning.

In the beginning was the void. There was neither man, nor animal, birds, fishes, crabs, trees, stones, caves, ravines, grasses, nor forests; there was only the sky. The surface of the earth had not appeared. There was only the calm sea and the great expanse of the sky. There was nothing brought together, nothing which could make a noise, nor anything which might move, or tremble, or could make noise in the sky. There was nothing standing; only the calm water, the placid sea, alone and tranquil. Nothing existed. There was only immobility and silence in the darkness, in the night. Only the creator, the Maker, Yig, The Great Plumed Serpent, Cahlaak Vûl ,The Giver of Form, the Forefathers, were in the ancient water surrounded with light.

As gods, it was there nature to think about the mysteries of life, and as they lay there, beneath canopies of feather, they talked about the Heart of The Sky, they who dwelled among the heavens and bore many parts. Chaak, The Lord of Storms, Xbaltiku, The Lord of Lightning, and Yidah-ahpu, The Lord of Thunder. As their thoughts ranged more widely they talked about brightness and decided they would turn the darkness of night into day so that the world would know light.

'Let there be brightness,' they said, 'a day that will dawn over the sea and over a world we shall make. And onto this world we shall populate it with our creation, and they shall give us praise.'

From their respected realms, the gods began to create many things, from the simple and mundane to the great and spectacular, but as soon as they would come into existence, their creations would fall into the water and be eaten by the dreadful Sipakna, who swam in the primal waters, taking the form of a great caiman. The Maker and the Giver of Form saw this and knew they must stop her. They swam along side her and took her by surprise. One of them grabbed the goddess by the arms while the other grabbed her around the legs, and before she could resist they pulled until she broke apart.

The other gods were angry at what the two had done and decided, as compensation for her dismemberment, to allow her to provide the necessities for their people to survive, so from her body they created the world; From her hair they created the trees, grass, reeds and flowers; caves, fountains, and wells from her eyes; rivers from her mouth; hills and valleys from her nose; and mountains from her shoulders.

Everything was made by The Maker Yig, The Great Plumed Serpent, Cahlaak Vûl ,The Giver of Form, helped by the three gods who were the Heart of The Sky. But the goddess was still unhappy and wept, because she was now broken and in many pieces. Yig saw her unhappiness and took pity. So he took a knife of obsidian and cut his genitals, letting his blood fall upon the land and resurrected old Sipakna, but no longer was she Sipakna the Devourer, she had been reborn into a new body, young, fair and beautiful. And she was named Ayi'ig, the daughter of Yig, who men would call Ak'nah, the First Mother.

The World Tree.

Yig look out upon this new world and was pleased. Yet the Maker was still troubled. For the sky still lay upon the earth and it's weight would crush his creation. So he planted a great Ceiba tree, and as it grew it began to lift the sky, until finally it reached it's present height. It's roots ran deep into the earth and held firm the world, and it's branches spread out to form the cosmos. This great tree, which was named the Yax Imix Chee, then impregnated itself and bore a multitude of fruits. Which in the darkness of night glow like white fire. It was here, atop the highest branches did the gods of creation choose to reside, holding dominion over the earth.

The Birth of Man.

With room of which to create, the gods made the animals and beasts of the woods, the guardians of the forests and the spirits of the mountains: the deer, the jaguars and the hyenas, the birds and the serpents. The Maker and The Giver of Form told each animal where to live -- the deer by the side of the rivers, the cats among the forest undergrowth, the birds in the trees, the serpents in holes on the rocky hillside. 'Speak now are names,' said the gods. "Our glory is not complete without those to give us praise.' The animals could not do it: all they could do was cry or roar or cherp, each one making a noise according to his own nature. 'That is no use,' said the gods. 'These creatures cannot even pronounce our names, let alone commit worship.' Accordingly, that they shall create another to give worship, and dedicated the animals to the forest. First, the gods collect several masses of mud and began to fit them together to form a body.

A man sat alone, drenched deep in sadness. And all the animals drew near to him and said, "We do not like to see you so sad. Ask us for whatever you wish and you shall have it." The Man said, "I want to have good sight." The vulture replied, "You shall have mine." The Man said, "I want to be strong." The jaguar said, "You shall be strong like me." Then the Man said, "I long to know the secrets of the earth." The serpent replied, "I will show them to you." And so it went with all the animals. And when the Man had all the gifts that they could give, he left. Then the owl said to the other animals, "Now the Man knows much, he'll be able to do many things. Suddenly I am afraid." The deer said, "The Man has all that he needs. Now his sadness will stop." But the owl replied, "No. I saw a hole in the Man, deep like a hunger he will never fill. It is what makes him sad and what makes him want. He will go on taking and taking, until one day the World will say, 'I am no more and I have nothing left to give."

Yax Imix Che - The word tree.

The Thirteen Gods of Creation.

Yig - Feathered Snake god and creator. He appears as a serpent man, a feathered, winged serpent, or as a giant snake. Although Yig is easy to anger, he is easy to please as well. Yig often sends his serpent minions, the children of Yig, to destroy or transform his enemies. He is also known as Tei-Khan in the western city-states, and Q'uq'umatz to the people of the southern kingdoms.

Cahlaak Vûl - A creator god who helped create humanity. Twelve other gods were also involved in creating humanity.

Xcthol Vûh - The god who created the human mind and consciousness.

Ah khan - The god of male fertility, lust and wine.

Ahpu - God of medicine and good health. Enemy of Ajal Q'ana.

Ak'nah - Daughter of Yig, goddesses of fertility, lust and childbirth. She is as known as Ayi'ig.

Hûn-Tabai - A sky god and one of the creator deities who participated in the last two attempts at creating humanity. He can appear as a great bird.

Chaac - The god of Storms, enemy of Zotz.

Yidah-ahpu- The god of thunder and brother of Chaac.

B'ahlam - God of jaguars. Patron god of Akakhôr.

Xbaltiku - God of lightning, second brother of Chaac.

Jix ik'nal - Jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine. Sister/wife of B'ahlam.

Yaluk - God of maize, fertility and the harvest. Enemy of Xik'.

The Lords of Death.

Ah-Pûch - The god of death. He appears as a decaying corps with the head of an owl, bat wings, glowing red eyes and adorned in the dress of kings.

Zotz - Bat god, lord of fear, war and destruction.

Wuqub' Kame - The god of war, violence, and sacrifice.

Kik'Re' - The god of the hunt.

Xik' - God of famine, starvation and drought.

Chi'Amiya Jolom - One of two trickster gods who find pleasure in tricking unsuspecting people into horrible circumstances.

Chi'Amiya B'aq - Twin brother of Chi'Amiya Jolom

Ajal Q'ana - God of sickness and disease, who sickens people's blood.

Xik'iri'pat - God of rape, prostitution and murder.

Xibalaba - The Underworld.

Yukatek - The race of men living in the jungles of the Northern Mayapan

Zaltek - A warrior race of men known for their savagery and practice of mass human sacrifice, located in the burning deserts of the north.

Yilané - An ancient, pre-human race of reptilian humanoids that originally inhabited the dark, tropical, rain drenched jungles of the Northern Mayapan.

Ak'b'al - race of feline-humanoids. Resembling humanoid leopards or jaguars, they are a primitive, reclusive people dwelling in jungles who are sometimes led by large, quadrupedal versions of themselves.

Nahgûl - A race of shapeshifters who dwell deep in the rain forest.

The Naum Vûh - an order of scholars, healers, astronomers, sorcerers, and learned men found through the Yukatek city-states.

Sun-People - a tribe of humans devoted to solar worrship.

Tabaxi - a nomandic, humanoid fox-like beings found in the deserts of the northern Mayapan.

Vucub-Caquix - Bird demons.

Ahuizotl - Demonic, hell hound-like creatures bred by the lords of death as attack dogs.

Shadow Walkers - Demonic spirits that dwell deep in the jungle and only appear at night.

Shadowcats - a large feline apex predator found throughout the jungles of the Northern Mayapan.

Alux - small, knee-high, goblin like creatures that dwell deep in the mountain highlands.

Chak Tok Ich'aak

Yax Nuun Ayiin



Yohl ik'nal

Zero Wolf

Snake Ink

Monkey Jaw





Ch'aktel Kôr

Jol Huanaco

Chak'cha Pat

Mal Vaughn

Yukatek City states:











Zaltec Cities:





Known Yilané:




Sea of Ah-Zûl.

Gulf of Grief.

The Gulf of Martell.

The Serpent's Maw.

The Stepstones.

The Summer Sea.

Blackwater bay.

"Ka nama kaa lajerama"