In The Forest (Part 1)

Story by Infernos_Flame on SoFurry

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#1 of In The Forrest

New series posted as panned. I always enjoy reading comments and seeing what people think so a comment, vote and a fav is very much appreciated.

A small town layed on the coast with two ports facing out to sea, both held ships for either departure or staying for longer. On a small rise-like hill just out from the outskirts of the town is a tower, standing tall overlooking the old Victorian town that sat by the sea. A large forest grew to the north west from the tower and almost directly south from the town, its thick green leaves blocked most sunlight to the grassy ground. Matk's, the wolftaur supplier of the tower, entire body was covered by a thick winter coat of silver fur, his nose was big and black like a smooth lump of coal on a fire, his ears stood large and proud as two large triangles on top of his head, his muzzle grew long and thick at the end of his face as he looked over the town below.

"What's wrong, Matk?" The sleek furred tiger asked, wearing his lapis blue robes that flowed just above his feet.

"It's nothing," the wolftaur says as he looked up at the night sky, the cold wind blow through his white fur. After a moment he looked down at the town bellow, the candle lights escaped through the windows of the Victorian houses.

"I know humans may seem bad sometimes, but they have something's to teach even us." The tiger said as he sat next to Matk, his front legs and paws hanging lazily over the edge of the balcony, on the highest point of the tower they now called home.

"And what would that be Lios?"

"They have such diversity and have come over so much, it kind of sets an example in a way. It teaches others to come over things that they fear." Lios said with certainty, "Now, how about I go down to the food shop and get some rats on a stick?"

"No, I'll go. Jakos knows I need to get out of this bloody tower, even if it's to them." He said, motioning the town with his muzzle. He brought his legs from over the edge of the balcony and stood up, standing about a foot taller than the tiger. Matk walked back into the tower and went into the specially made, one person elevator that sat at the other end from the balcony, going down to the ground level. The wolftaur padded out of the tower with a small pouch of gold coins at the joint between his anthro and his feral chests, hanging from a utility belt that hugged the large joint. A vest and coat hung onto the wolftaur's shoulders as he walked down to the town, wind blow softly through his feral chest fur as it travelled through the uncovered lower body.

As Matk entered the town the number of humans increased from non to a good dozen or two passing him through the streets, the stone walls shadowing over the path Matk took to the shop. A few humans openly stared at him as he walked, a couple only looked once or twice before going on with their daily lives. But Matk walked onto the store, without a clerk at the counter.

"Dan?" Matk asked through the door that separated the counter and the stock. No answer came so Matk put his right paw up into a fist and knocked the air, the sound of knocking came off the wood of the door. It took only a few seconds this time for Dan to come through the door with a small smile on his muzzle and walked to the counter. Dan was a smallish mouse fur with a beard of bleach white hair on his slightly darker white chin, with two small round ears sat on his head with tufts of fur coming out of the in-between the small ear folds. He wore a simple vest without a coat and a pair of wool, brown trousers.

"Why did you use your powers for that?" Dan asked, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Matk replied.

"It was barely five feet away from you, it just seems like a waste."

"I don't have much to use them on anymore."

"So what can I do for you Matk?" Dan asked., changing the subject

"Four rats on two sticks please," Matk said while he put his own arms on the counter, relaxing.

"Sure thing," Dan said as he squared two rats on both sticks and put them on the fire. "So, what's going on at that tower of yours?"

"You know, the usual stuff."

"Yeah, potions and spells. How's Lios doing with that curse of his?" Dan asked in a hushed tone.

"It's getting a little worse," Matk said with his voice turning a little sorrowful. "I have to... you know, once a day now."

"Really? That bad?"

"Truth be told, it could've been much worse. Lios knows how to slow it, but sadly not yet how to cure it."

Dan nodded slowly, turning back to the rat sticks and turned them upside down. "So, I'm just curious, is there anything going on. I mean with you two?"

"You mean like...?" Matk half asked.


"There is a connection but, it's not love. I do what I do to keep him alive."

"I understand," Dan said as he took the rats off the fire. "Want these in holders?"

"Yes," Matk said.

"Here you go," Dan said as he put them into two small paper bags and handed them to Matk.

Matk took the rats and went to open his gold pouch but Dan held up a paw. "No charge, on the house."

"Thanks Dan," Matk said with a wolfish smile.

"Anytime," Dan replied.

Matk waved goodbye and left the older clerk and started to walk back to the tower. He took a route a little to the south than he did before, wanting to curve through the forest on the way back. The smell of roses and many other flowers hit his sensitive nose before he got close to the wooden border of trees with thick, dark green vines weaving through their long green branches.

The wolftaur padded into the wooded area, his bare feet paws walking over the rooted ground and around the small flowers that ground from the soft soil. Matk's agile ears quickly turned towards the sound of a snapping trig, his entire head moving not a second later. Matk got a glimpse of a large orange hide moving out of sight through the trees about five metres away. He walked over quickly and silently to where the large creature once stood, looking down at the small puddle of blood.

Matk put one of his paw pads into the blood and brought it up to his nose, giving it a long sniffing. The blood had a basic animal musk to it, but with the smell of leather and metal suggesting the creature was a taur, like himself...