A Sad Back Story

Story by Lucas Ra on SoFurry

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So, final edit, going for full back story here.

Lucas was born in 2002 to a fennec mother, his father, a chihuahua, having left him and his mom behind as soon as Lucas was conceived. Despite that, he lived a great life, especially since his family had a wealthy business. Oddly enough, his mother was fully sized, and completely normal by all means. However, Lucas was born special, only a foot tall, his body never grew, despite being in perfect health. Another specialty. It seemed Lucas was never hurt by anything, and learned extraordinarily quickly, only having to hear something once before understanding it in full.

Turns out Lucas's cells repaired themselves, as did his very DNA, giving him immortality due to a gift. He lived normally otherwise, with a giant, loving mother and a massive amount of money to play with, even though his family never used much of it. The house he grew up in was a normal house anytime would live in, in a nice neighborhood.

However, life is a river, full rapids and rocks, and then eventually a waterfall.

Lucas got to the rapids.

At around the age of eleven, his mother seemed to catch something, something bad, as she began coughing and having trouble breathing, and just seemed weaker. Lucas expected her to get better, but she didn't.

His mother eventually went to the ER after a long day of coughing and wheezing. To Lucas's dismay, they kept her overnight, and Lucas was sent to his aunt's house for the time being. His mother didn't want him to see her like she was, struggling for breath, suffering to breathe.

And then Lucas hit a rock

After two weeks of his mother being sick, she was diagnosed with lung cancer, and it had already begun to spread. There was very little they could do.

Lucas now met every day with crushing worry, visiting his mother every day, comforting her and praying to whoever was listening. His performance in school worsened like his mother's condition. She began loosing her once beautiful fur, but Lucas never gave up hope, and even offered to be tested on himself, but it was deemed unethical.

One year passed, and hope had grown strong. The treatments began doing something, finally. She lived past his twelfth birthday, and they had it right there in the hospital.

And then came the waterfall.

Three weeks after his birthday, Lucas got a phone call. It was the doctor. Late in the night, Sera, Lucas' mom had a incident with her breathing, and effectively went unconscious...she hadn't woken up, and her vitals were fading even after they put her on life support, they gave him a choice, pull the plug, or try to wait it out.

Lucas dropped the phone and went silent the rest of the day, pondering and obsessing over the question for weeks.

He was tired of her suffering...he wanted her to be at peace...but if he pulled the plug, she may wake up...but there was still the cancer that wasn't going away.

Finally, he decided...

He let her rest, and sat at her side her last moments, watching her shallow breathing slow to a halt, she was dead, on August 31st, 2012.

As her will decreed, Lucas inherited the family company, and her bank account, she knew he'd run the company strong, and Lucas was determined to make it so.

Lucas held a funeral for her, a simple funeral, closed casket, and burried in a private cemetery, so she could have peace, and rest.