Awkward Mutt

Story by Doshi on SoFurry

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Sigh... Another hour

passes by without much really happening. It just seems like all my classes mean

nothing. I feels like I never seem to learn anything.  I

rested my head on my propped arm, allowing my claws to scratch my temples. Mrs.

Gued, an elderly house cat and teacher of my literature class, droned on

about prepositions, participles, and other parts of speech; all things that my

old school had drilled into me by now. I began to drift

into semi-consciousness, thinking about my life and all the new changes.Honestly,

I had read stories online about how some fur moves away and is swept up by

some great-looking athletic fur who is really a heart-throb, but my story

or rather my life was a bit bleak in comparison. I mean I got a boyfriend, at

least for a little while, but he was nothing really great nor was he worth half

the hassle his family was causing. Jake was cute-ish... But definitely not a

heart-throb for me. Besides

the recent failure in my love life, my social life in general had been on a

spiral downward even before Jake and I broke up, but now my small group of

friends stopped talking to me except for one or two... Just my luck right? I

get one of the horror stories: to move and lose everything. It's March, five

months since I moved, and I still have made little progress in my new social


sighed quietly, but loud enough to cause a couple of my neighbors to throw a

glance my way. I lightly blushed under my fur and whispered apologies to them.

Quickly, the feline's lecture lulled me back into my daydreams.This

class is going to kill me with these sophomores; I'm a junior... Why am I

with these morons? When they argued about whether 'is' in an example sentence

was a preposition or adjective, I felt like I was going to have an aneurysm...

Calm down. CALM. DOWN. Heart rate slowing, good.... They are still idiots.Back

to what I was thinking about, friends or rather my lack of. It's not

surprising; I'm shy, kind of mean-looking, and reclusive. I don't know

what I could have expected. Woo, self-pity party... I wonder if anyone can

read my face for my thoughts? Nah, I always look pissed... Am I? Yeah... No,

just kind of frustrated and... Lonely... But I'm not totally alone, I've got

Mary, but it feels like the only time she feels like hanging out is when she is

working at the coffee shop that I frequent now... We never hang out outside of

there, not since I broke up with Jake. Again, they are best friends, and she

introduced us; what did I expect? I don't know...I

still have my friends back home in Kansas though right? Well, no... Not

really... I have Steve and Rene, but I really pissed off Kim not only for

breaking her heart when I came out of the closet, but for breaking her trust

with something that happened between Rene and her ex-boyfriend by telling

Steve. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't not tell him. I guess it really

doesn't matter though; she isn't my friend anymore. Funny how you can know

someone so well, but she can still hate you. Oh well...Being

gay is not as hard as I thought it was going to be, but I'm not very flamboyant

or out really or known in general. Perks of being new kid. Come to think of it,

I really haven't even been picked on yet which is kind of weird right? I don't

sit in the lunchroom, just read in the courtyard alone, and I don't really even

talk in my classes, even when spoken to. Maybe they are afraid of me? Nah, who

would be afraid of a short, moody mutt dressed like some biker wannabe, though

I'm not a wannabe... And

this area? Why are there hardly any hot guys? Maybe I just don't see them

because I don't even look for them, well, usually look for them. Mmmm that

horse in Chemistry though, how could I not notice him? I really, really hoped

he was gay on my first day. His pretty beige coat with dark brown hair... and

his dark green eyes...My

tail wiggled behind me slipped between the back of my desk-chair thing. I

murred almost silently....And

his body. I bet his member is proportional... Stop! Control, you are in class.

Furs are all around you, judging you. Don't get horny right now; remain

calm. I

looked around from my back corner seat; no one was giving me weird looks that's

good. Come

to think about of it, I don't know of really any other gay furs. I know some

lesbians, but not gay guys. Well, there is Chase, but she is transgender... and

not my type. Is trans-gay? Or is there a trans-gay and trans-straight,

cis-straight and cis-gay? Another reason not to date him... She is a very

pretty vixen or... fox... or trans-vixen? Too confusing....The

bell rang out loudly interrupting my thoughts, bringing me closer to reality. I

slowly gathered my things, making sure to take my time so all the other student

had left the room. Before leaving, I gave my routine goodbyes to my teacher and

headed towards my US history course. Maneuvering

through the halls without being bulldozed was, like always, a challenge and

necessity. The halls were full of more exotic furs than I'm used to back in

Kansas: there are more elephants, zebra, a few giraffes, and other African

furs. I would have venture to guess that half of this school's population is

African descent.  Arriving

at my final class, I looked about at the furs in the class. I quickly went to

my usual spot behind Mary, even though it is also beside Jake's best

friend's girlfriend, Sasha. Mary hadn't made it to class yet; she must have

been stuck in Statistics longer than usual today. Sasha was sitting down

already, giving me nasty looks. I continue to scan the room after I have

situated myself in my seat-desk. Some

of them are nice people, but others either ignore my existence or blatantly

discriminate. Sasha is a bitchy, judgmental collie. Why is it always the

damn Border Collies that are always so damn mean? This is going to be a long

class...Mary walked through the

classroom door a few minutes later, sitting down in her seat gracefully. I

greeted her with a wave and a small smile. She politely waved back, but turned

to Sasha. They began to talk about some sort of thing they did a few days ago

with the group of furs I was no longer a part of. I sighed quietly to myself.Mr. Sheridan is usually

really interesting, but it seems that today I was not so interested in his

lecture. When the bell finally sung, I had my truck's keys in paw and was ready

to dart, but as I was making my way through all of the madness, I ran into Jake.

The lean, tall kangaroo looked down at me after he had knocked me over. For a

moment, there was empathic and apologetic look in his eyes, but it quickly

faded into a snide grin, chuckling "faggot" as he looked to his friends.Jake, you little punk ass... If you weren't such a coward,

you would be a decent person. One day you'll get yours. I mean it isn't enough

to throw me under the bus so you can prove to everyone else that you aren't

gay. Make me look like I tried to convert you. Asshole...I got up to my feet,

grumbling as I did. I watched for a moment as Jake and his group of morons

walked away. Jake glanced back for a second; his eyes flashed regret and fear.

I simply shook my head, continuing my interrupted route. When I reached my car,

Jake's truck was parked opposite to mine. I looked at the cabin, thinking about

the times Jake and I made out in there... I looked around as I stepped forward

looking into the passenger side window. I saw a little piece of paper sticking

out of the center consul. It was a movie ticket; actually, it was the ticket

from our first date (the second Hobbit movie).Even his truck looks like it's pretending... I could key his

truck. Reveal what a hypocritical piece of shit he is... I sighed. I can't do that; no matter how much he

deserves it. I kind of feel sad for him. He's kind of pathetic pretending to be

something he isn't, leading that girl on and everything.