Winter’s Breath

Story by Samantha Stormpaw on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

Another descriptive piece

A chilling breath blows through the barren slumbering giants causing what little leafy coverage they had to fall stiffly down and crunch every time they were to touch a limb and fall down to their frozen stiff siblings bellow. The breath travels beyond the sleeping giants and down through the once lively stream, that is now slowing the once endless march flowing to the song of spring, the surface is now turning to a cold wet glass pane ever so fragile with it's dangerous beauty hiding bellow a deep watery abyssal cold. As the breath continues what was once a damp cold air is now starting to turn into a curtain of white specks. Now what was a light curtain has turn into a sky filled with white stars as far as the eye can see continually covering the landscape in a white cold and brilliant blanket laying the once vibrant landscape to rest, preparing for a new beginning deep within the bright cold landscape.