GBL High: Chapter Two

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#24 of GBL High (Fave)

Heres the chapter before the drama begins... Let it begin...

Chapter two

Protection and gratitute

The bar was filled with a happy cheer as the large group of friends sat close together, some with beer, some with fruity drinks, and some with just a plain coke. Their glasses were held high for a certain Tiger who sat at the head of the table. His beaming smile towards the very friends that had helped him through it.

"To Timmy! The sexiest and most brilliant singer in the entire world!" Came Sammy's giggly voice as he toasted to his friend, the remaining friend holding their glasses higher as they call cheered together.

"To Timmy!"

Everybody took a long happy swig of whatever poison they had. The glasses were soon put down, and the night out continued.

Timmy was close to the large Tiger next to him. His large arm over his shoulder while his gentle head against his chest as Ryan laughed and talked with John about the season. Timmy didn't feel like talking much right now. He just felt content with the fact that his stage fright had been put down to rest. For good.

It was hard, all he had to do was imagine the audience was not there. Timmy looked so confused when Stewart told him that instruction. At the time it seemed too stupid to work; but when Stewart brought in the whole school before him. Timmy stood there shaking at the knees.

They were told to be silent.

Timmy stood before the entire school, his knees shaking and the sweat gently sliding from his forehead.

He couldn't do it, there was no way he could. There were way too many people. He felt like turning and running. Running as fast as he could until he couldn't anymore. Until he fell to the floor and gasped for the cool air, but he knew he couldn't. He had to face this fear right on.

"We aren't here honey, you're in an empty auditorium." Stewarts said, letting Timmy just take one deep breath. He closed his eyes and just let the air flow through his lungs, and come flowing back out. He opened his eyes and as the empty auditorium showed itself to him, the Tiger smiled.

It was then the music started to Katy Perry. It was then he smiled and let that heavy beat flow through before he opened his maw and let the words flow out.

The entire time he was on that stage, he felt free, he felt good. He felt confident.

That's when the cheering hit.

Timmy looked over the audience and continued his song, walking along the stage, singing out towards the large group of furs and scales that were clapping, cheering. That's when he felt that unsureness sink to the very bottom of his worries.

He had talent; he had nothing to freak out about.

He then made a mental note to make sure he sent Stewart a gift when he next had the chance.

Afterwards, Timmy was cheered, he was applauded and very soon he found himself in the very bar he sat in. Against the Tiger he loved who as rubbing his arm gently.

Timmy looked around at his friends, some laughing, some cuddling, but as he made eye contact with Joey, the two smiled at each other.

'You ok?' Joey lipped over to the Tiger,

'More than ok sweetie.' Timmy replied, Joey nodding before cuddling back into the wolf next to him.

Timmy moved his head up to look up at Ryan, his focus still on John. Timmy huffed a little laugh before rubbing his thigh gently to try and get his attention.

Ryan finished what he was saying, giving a happy chuckle before looking down at his mate. The smile he got giving Timmy gentle butterflies throughout his entire body.

"What's up kitty?" Ryan asked,

"I feel like doing something." Timmy said bluntly, "but I'm not sure what."

"Are we talkin' adult something, or regular something?" Ryan asked, a cheeky smile on his maw. Timmy couldn't help but giggle at his boyfriends childish ways.

"I don't know, I kind of feel like a drive, maybe movies, maybe dinner." Timmy said perking his lips off to one side.

"Do you want to go out on a date sweetie?" Ryan asked, a simple smile now on his gorgeous strong face.

"I think that's what I'm looking for." Timmy said with a smile,

"Wonderful," Ryan said, leaning down to give his little feline a gentle peck before standing. "Sorry guys, but Timmy and I have a dinner reservation,"

"Oh really?" Cole whined, "we all just got here."

"I know, I'm sorry guys." Timmy sighed, "But I will see you all tomorrow ok?"

"Okeh," Cole said, cheering up and clapping his paws gently together.

"Bye all!" Timmy said with a friendly wave and turning to the door,

"Bye." Ryan said happily.

Timmy and Ryan padding to the door, and soon out into the cool afternoon air. They were heading to the car before a loud familiar voice sounded from the bar.

"Hey! Faggots!" Came the low growled voice, making the two Tigers turn confused.

"Are you serious?" Timmy asked the hyena padding up, his angered look burning into the two felines. "Todd, fuck off."

"I have to deal with your shit at work, don't fucking bring it into my bar." Todd growled,

"Your bar?" Ryan asked, his eye brow going up as he leaned to look over to the red glowing neon sign reading


"Is your name poison?" Ryan asked,

"That's not what I meant and you fucking know you disgusting fairy!" Todd growled,

"What is this really about Todd?" Timmy asked, laughing a little in annoyance and disbelief. "You seriously cant hate gays this much."

"You people are disgusting, you're ruining the entire world with your 'love' and filthy ways. It's not Christian, it goes against the bib..."

"Todd, what are the twelve commandments?" Timmy asked,

"What?" He asked,

"Come on father Todd. If you're so holy, what are the twelve commandments?" Timmy asked,

"um h-honey th-there are.."

"I know sweetie. I know." Timmy said smiling over at the confused feline.

"U-Um, don't steal..."

"Number eight." Timmy said, crossing his arms.

"Shut up faggot! What do you know about the twelve commandments?"

"Well one there are only ten. A Christian would know that."

"Oh fuck you! Just stay out of my bar!" The hyena growled and turned, leaving Timmy to giggle,

"Oh hey todd!" Timmy called out. The hyena turning around. Timmy rose his paw in the air, lifting a finger, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Timmy rose a second finger, "Thouh shalt not make unto thee any graven images." Another finger rose, "Thou shalt not take the lord's name in vain." Another rose, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." Every single time Timmy finished a commandment, a finger rose. "Honor thy Father and they Mother. Thou shalt not Kill. Though shalt not commit Adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Though shalt not bear false witness. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, wife of possessions." Timmy put down his paws. Shrugging gently as he did. "Don't play this gods work bullshit on me Todd. You are not Christian, You're a simple-minded, closed-minded, little shit that will find no body in this life because all you want to do is cause pain and trouble. Heres an eleventh commandment for you todd. Something you should live by. "thy shalt not be a dick."

Ryan couldn't help but laugh at that. He watched the hyena, watched as more and more anger grew inside his body. He began to walk forward, his fist balled. Ryan took a step forward in front of the small feline he loved, making sure the hyenas path was blocked.

"Fuck off, it's between me and him fag." The hyena said, staring right into his eyes.

"No its between you, me and Ryan." Timmy replied, "Cause you see when you love somebody, you two become one in a sense. A sense where you fuck with one of us. You fuck with both of us. Now Ryan here. He's not going to let you touch a single hair on my body and do you know why Todd? Because he cares for me. Something you will never know. Something that only people like me and Ryan here will cherish and help grow."

"I don't need to listen to this gay bullshit."

"It's not bullshit buddy." Ryan said, his voice deepened and growling as his dominance poured out before the hyena. "I love him, and he loves me. And even if I'm gay, I know damn well I can beat the shit out of you."

"You sure faggot?" The hyena asked, their eyes not leaving each others. It was then the first fist was thrown. Right into Ryan's stomach. Ryan didn't even flinch. Timmy did however. He nearly ran out to hit the hyena right in the man bits. But as he saw Ryan stand there, muscles tensed and an over powering sensation of submission hitting over him. He knew he

"That's strike one. You only get three." Ryan warned, his abs not feeling the littlest amount of pain.

Todd growled as the next strike went right across the Tigers cheek. The fist hitting him directly

Ryan's head barely budged.

"That's two." Ryan replied, his eyes seeming to squint a little as a warning. His fist balled tighter.

Todd didn't care. He had one more shot and he was going to take it. "It will only take me one shot, think fucking carefully."

Timmy was silently freaking out. If Todd suddenly pulled out a weapon, would Ryan be able to protect himself?

Todd gave another loud growl as his fist moved quickly towards Ryan's face, and with a loud grunt Todd stood there. His fist in Ryan's nose.

The three stood silent as Todd's fist shook against Ryan's nose. That was a full frontal attack and the feline didn't even move.

Todd felt a wetness on his paw and a small smirk rose to his lips, had he made the fur cry?

"Crying you fucking wuss?" Todd asked. There were definitely noises coming from the Tiger. But as the deep chuckling grew louder. He knew that the wetness was blood, but still it had no effect.

"You should have stayed in the bar you pathetic shit." Ryan growled, his entire body dropping.

Ryan knelt down, his fist then shooting out right into the Hyenas pubic bone. There was a crunching sound, a loud yelp and finally Ryan's paw grabbed the hyenas leg, pulling it up with him as he stood, causing the hyena to fall to the floor holding his groin yelling out in bloody murder.

Timmy's eyes winced as he saw the animal fall to the floor. He knew the animal had it coming sooner or later. But still, it was a surprise to watch it happen to suddenly.

Ryan gave a deep breath and whipped his nose gently before flicking the blood to the floor. He gave Timmy a soft wink before he turned and knelt next to the whimpering dog and with a gentle smile he began to speak.

"I just want to know what your mouth and threatening advances just cost you." He began. "I just broke your pubic crest. That's the bone in the front there. And may have done a little damage to your testicles. Your public crest plays a major part in walking, and your balls in making babies. Now these are not permanent, as I'm not a heartless asshole. But for the next couple months to maybe a few years, you won't be walking. And for a shorter amount of time, won't be able to get off painlessly." Ryan said with a cheery tone, "now, Gay people are not an abomination, they are like you. Except most aren't as big of cunts. We may like the same gender, but guess what dude, it doesn't matter. I bet you watch lesbian porn, bet you don't see that as an abomination. So Todd, if you want to make it in this life, you're going to have to stop being such a dick! Now, do you want a lift to the hospital?"

Todd was whimpering, his eyes filling up with tears and ever ounce of self respect he had went right down the gutter. He was no match for this feline.

Todd shut his eyes tightly and nodded his head. He knew there would be no way for him to get to the hospital on his own. So he would swallow his pride, and let the person who pained him, take him to the hospital.

"No worries," Ryan said with a smile, "honey, why don't you wait inside for me to get back. I'll come back for you."

"yeah sure sweetie, but come here a minute." Timmy said, gesturing his lover over with a finger. Ryan chuckled and made his way over. Finding it very alluring as Timmy sat back onto the hood of his can and let his legs gently slide around Ryan's waist. Ryan purred gently as he moved in to hug his mate. Chuckling as he was pulled down to have his lips pressed against his lovers.

Ryan moaned as he cuddled his love closer, letting his kiss deepen as Timmy let his tongue flicker against his lips. Ryan chuckled gently as he opened his maw just ever so gently to let his large tongue slide in and against the smaller felines.

"Miss you already." Timmy whispered as he put his tongue back into his maw, and left with as soft yet firm grope to his mans package.

"Careful boy, you might get the dominant side of me back." Ryan said, his arm sliding around Timmy's side.

"Oh I hope I hope I do." Timmy said gently, winking before padding back to the bar. The two a little upset that the date had to wait a little longer, but after a long and reassuring talk with the group and long trip to the two were in Ryan's car. Timmy holding into the large ones paw and the two not on the way to a romantic dinner.

But to Ryan's empty house.

"How far away?" Timmy asked gently,

"A good twenty minutes I'm afraid." Ryan said gently. "Somebody is very eager."

"Maybe I am." Timmy said gently,

"Well you don't have to wait." Ryan said suggestively,

"Wh-What do you mean." Timmy asked,

"You can start now if you really want sexy," Ryan said purring, gently taking his mates paw to his already very hard, very large bulge in his pants, that leaned off to the right.

Timmy bit on his lips as he gave the long meaty log in the jeans a very hard squeeze.

"Oh Jesus kitty," Ryan moaned out, reaching to his kittens paw to edge it over to his pants zipper.

"Will you be able to concentrate?" Timmy asked, undoing the button followed quickly by the zipper.

"Guess we will find out," Ryan chuckled.

Timmy had to roll his eyes at that comment, pulling the all familiar black member out from the briefs Ryan had it kept in.

"How long have you had this for?" Timmy asked, giving the head a very gently squeeze.

"Since you got in the car kitten," The feline moaned, "Been a while since we last did it."

"You haven't given yourself a tug since out last encounter?" Timmy asked confused, His paw gently working up and down the long shaft, squeezing, tugging and sliding up and down the large member before him.

"Oh fuck." Ryan moaned, "No honey, I know not to do that."

"Oh you poor feline!" Timmy said with a little empathy to his voice. "you know I'm not that kinda crazy who doesn't let you look at porn and get off right?"

"Are you serious?" Ryan asked, panting a little bit of hot breath. "Every mate of mine has been crazy about that."

"Oh sweetie," Timmy said softly, leaning up to nuzzle against the large neck and cheek. "Sweetheart you need to get off! It can mess with your head! By all means wait if YOU want, but if you need look at some porn, get off!" Timmy said with a gentle smile and rubbing his head. Knowing if he could, he would be looking at him.

"I am going to thank you when we get to my house." The large feline said purring.

"Well in the mean time, I need to thank you for being so faithful." Timmy said gently, nuzzling Ryan's arm out of the way as he leaned in. His paw at Ryan's base as he leaned in.

"Sh-Shit are you doing what I think you're doing?" Ryan asked in disbelief. None of his other mates ever considered road head. Sammy was crazy with these sorts of things, but road head was a big no, no. He was all about keeping an eye on the road.

"Eyes on the road kitty cub." Timmy whispered soft as the head of Ryan's long, musky rod slid into his maw.

"Oh~ fuck kitten." Ryan moaned as he checked his rear-view mirror to see if anybody may have been watching; but luckily he took a back road home. And the road was his.

Ryan gave good heavy moans as he felt his lovers maw sliding up and somewhat down his shaft. His throaty moans happy as he ran his free paw over and through Timmy's head fur.

"Fuck you're the best mate ever sweetie. Fuck." Ryan moaned, his toes curling as he drove. He groaned as his hips gave very gentle, but obvious bucks into the hungry maw. His tongue circling his head causing a deep gasp and a quick tap on his head. "fuck baby, god I don't know if I can do this." Ryan said panting while Timmy continued to bob and run his wet, warm muscle all over the throbbing, leaking member.

"Then pull over." Timmy said gently. And that's exactly what Ryan did.

Ryan pulled off to the side, put the car in park and let his mate continue. Ryan couldn't stop letting out loud moans or growls as Timmy worked every part of his member that was most sensitive to his tongue.

"How did you get so good at this?" Ryan moaned, "Hang on kitten, sit up."

Timmy lifted his head as he was asked, giggling as Ryan turned his body so he was face on Timmy. Timmy then moved in to very gently press his lips against the Tiger's lips. Ryan expected some hot, sex kisses; but the ones he received were more loving, more gracious. He was a little confused but even as he got those loving kisses, there was Timmy's paw. Gently and softly running his paw up and down the long piece of meat.

"You're so good at this Kitten." Ryan purred as he returned the gentle kisses,

"You give me the drive to be good." Timmy said gently, letting go of Ryan's meat, "It may be weird to say, but when you were protecting me from Todd. You have no idea how hot you were."

Ryan couldn't help but chuckle,

"You like a dominant man huh?" Ryan asked, getting a very shy and embarrassed nod from Timmy. "how rough?" The feline asked,

"I-I'm not talking B-D-S-M rough, just y-you know. A little rough sometimes." Timmy said hiding his blushing cheeks.

Ryan gave a little nod,

"Well then sweetie, how about when we get back. I'll be your dominant man. But right now I want some gentle stuff. I want to make love right now more than anything."

"Heh, that's alright." Timmy said gently.

"how about you take those pants off and come sit here kitten?" Ryan asked gently.

"Y-You wanna do that here?" Timmy asked, while Ryan pulled the leaver next to his seat causing him to fall back until the front seat and back seat met.

"That ok?" Ryan asked, reaching over to softly rub his mates shoulder. "My windows are tinted remember, almost black." Timmy nodded, giving it a quick think before just shrugging and began undoing his jeans.

"What the hell." He said, pushing his butt off the seat and pushing down his jeans, taking them off before climbing over to take his seat on Ryan's crotch.

Ryan leaned up, and with a gentleness only he could show. He very gently slid his arms around the smaller felines body, letting his lips be taken by his. The two would moan as Timmy lifted his self up while Ryan got a hold of his love maker.

He softly broke the kiss as he felt Timmy slowly lowering, the two letting out a soft moan as the head of Ryan's maleness gently kissed Timmy pick tight entrance.

"fuck it has been a while." Timmy said softly, moaning as he sat there for just a few moments. He ran his paws up the large feline's chest, moaning as his neck had a large tongue running over it. "god you turn me on." Timmy said with a soft, breathed giggle.

"That's my job." Ryan said, "happiness; and ah~" Ryan moaned as he gently pulled his lover down, his member pressing through Timmy's tail star.

"AH!~" Timmy yelled, his ring not lubricated in anyway, the only lube being a small amount of saliva lining Ryan's member. It was not working very well. "F-Fuuck." He whimpered,

"And pleasure." Ryan said panting softly. "Are you ok sweetie?"

"N-not a lot of lube k-kitten." Timmy whimpered softly. His claws digging into Ryan's fur and skin, causing a grunt of discomfort.

"Ok kitty, ok." Ryan said panting, holding himself steady. "Do you wanna keep going or wait till we get back?"

"J-Just push in." Timmy said panting, his eyes clenching and another whine escaping as Ryan gently pushed forward. The grip causing him a little bit of pain himself.

"H-Honey this is got to be hurting you." Ryan said, his voice a little worried.

"I-It is," Timmy said panting. "J-Just.. p-pull out kitten." Timmy said regretfully. Calling out in pain as his mates large member came free. "Fuck, fuck, fuck that hurt." Timmy said wincing.

"Turn around honey." Ryan said gently, moving out of the way so Timmy could move to all fours.

"Wh-What are you doing honey?" Timmy asked,

"Making the pain stop kitten." Ryan said, resting his paws on Timmy's cheeks very softly. He pulled the pair of jocks Timmy had concealing his entry down, then after parting his mates cheeks away, leaned in very slowly before letting his wet, warm, saliva dripping tongue slide over the pink pucker that was causing his lover pain.

Timmy let out a long happy whine as the stretching pains were taken over by the sudden wetness invading his pucker.

"Oh Ryan!" The feline moaned out as he pushed his behind into his lovers maw, moaning as his tongue was sliding in circles, going up and down his mates hole before Ryan pushed his muscle forward into the felines ring. Timmy gave a soft whine of pleasure as he felt it, giving the tongue a gentle clench.

Ryan smiled and began to roll it around, licking his mates inner walls gently, making sure every drop of saliva was used to make his mates entrance as wet as possible.

"how you feeling sexy?" Ryan asked, taking his tongue free only long enough to speak. Timmy was moaning, his paw gently sliding below himself and grabbing hold of his own hard length.

"S-So good honey." Timmy whined,

"let me take care of that kitty." Ryan said, his tone going smooth as he slid his paws under his lover, slowly taking his meat carefully into his paw.

"Oh cub!" Timmy cried out, His member giving a hard throb as Ryan gently worked it up and down. Timmy only wished that his lover could give him his member to suck on.

Timmy felt like he was in heat. His entire body was burning for Ryan's touch, burning for him to dominate him.

"You like this huh?" Ryan asked with a chuckle, his tongue pushing itself back inside the tight sphincter as the feline began to jerk the long muscle throbbing below.

Timmy wanted to answer, but he couldn't open his mouth without letting out a moan or whimper of blissful pleasure.

"W-We oh, we need to get back to your place." Timmy forced out. His hands gripping the car seat tightly,

"Why is that kitten?" Ryan asked, his maw leaving his mates dripping hole just to make sure nothing was wrong.

"I need you so bad right now." Timmy whimpered, his body trembling as the lust flowed through his entire body.

"We don't need to go anywhere." Ryan said purring. He stood from his sitting postion, bending over and gently resting above Timmy. Ryan wrapped his arms around the feline, giving his neck very gentle and soft lick, all the while his throbbing, hot member was gently poking right where it needed to be.

"Deep breath sexy." Ryan whispered as he then began to push.

"Oh fuck Ryan!" the Tiger yelled out, as his now wet pucker opened for his boyfriends member and gave it the slick it needed for Ryan to gently slide every inch of Tiger member deep into the whimpering and moaning Tiger.

"God your gorgeous kitten.:" Ryan moaned, rubbing his sides gently as he got himself ready. Moving his limbs until one leg was behind, one was forward. His arms holding his lover to him, all the while his head was next to his. Kissing his lips, or nibbling his neck as he gently made love to Tiger beneath him.

"You feeling ok kitten?" Ryan asked, his lips gently kissing up and down Timmy's neck, who gave a gentle moan and nod.

"More than ok sweetie," He whined gently. "God you're big." He growled softly as his ring began to clench,

"You love it." Ryan chuckled, nuzzling Timmy's head gently to get him to look over. As he did, Ryan moved his lips so that Timmy's grazed on his.

The two shared a kiss. Lips mashing together gently just as Ryan's hips began to very gently move back and forth.

It was slow. Not rushed. The only thought that the two shared were of each other. How Timmy was moaning out, how Ryan's member felt, how warm the other one felt.

It was magic made with bodies.

Ryan's member seemed to just glide in and out of his lovers member, his clenching ring not even gripping as the long rod slid its way in and out of Timmy.

"God Kitten, you feel better every time." Ryan panted gently. His paw sliding gently and slowly to where it was before, gently working his lovers pink member.

The two continued, moans filled the car as well as steam. The car windows were fogging, the temperature rose but the two were too busy to care.

Timmy was too fixated on the feeling of his lovers long member pushing inside of him, giving his prostate a nice massage as he clenched around it. Moaning out as the wet long rod throbbed inside him.

Ryan though was too bothered with the tight tunnel his member was encased in. His lovers tail star was always clenching, tightening right where it needed to and letting his cock do what it needed to. Go in deep and pleasure him as he wished.

"F-Fuck kitten. C-Could you ride me honey? My backs cramping." Ryan asked, panting gently as he slowed his rhythm down completely as he softly held Timmy to hid form a little tighter.

"S-Sure sweetie." Timmy said gently, letting out soft whimpers as the large feline pulled his large member free from his warm body.

The two hurried to get Ryan lying down and Timmy on top. The two were not done but they were close. Timmy could feel it. God and he needed it. It had been close to as week since they last did anything together. His body needed to feel his mate finishing inside him.

He needed to feel that sensation of knowing his mate was pleased, and he need his mate to please him.

Timmy held onto Ryan's paws before he began lowering himself down onto his mates long thick meat. He was whimpering in a gentle bliss as he sat himself down, taking every inch once more before getting right back into bouncing himself.

Timmy looked down at Ryan's panting face. His face was showing utter pleasure as he gently bucked in time with Timmy's gentle bounces.

They didn't need to be so rough right now. That would come later. As for now, the two would just be gentle. Soft with each other until later tonight, after band rehearsal.

"Ry-Ryan." Timmy moaned, "I-I'm cumming." Timmy moaned as he felt that urge hitting through him.

"Yeah?" Ryan asked panting, and once the nod was given, Ryan took hold of Timmy's hips and began to buck just that little bit harder. Getting that area he knew he had to. All the while the more clenching on his member began to grow inside him.

"Jesus, I'm cumming too sweetie." Ryan moaned.

The moans in the car got louder, the bucking and bouncing got harder. Ryan sat himself and with a bite to his lovers shoulder. Ryan was unloading thick, pent up bursts into his lover while Timmy gave his onto the two chests.

Their moans of bliss holding out for the longest while as the two sat there panting in the midst of afterglow.

"I love you so fucking much." Ryan panted holding his male to his form as tightly as he could, getting a soft giggle a few kisses up the side of his shoulder and neck.

"I love you so fucking much too kitten." Timmy panted softly.

The two wouldn't move right away. They didn't need to. They didn't have to be at band rehearsals for another couple hours. So they would sit there and softly pant with each other. Staying near one another as their purrs filled the car with music.

They sat there for the longest time, Timmy's backside feeling full, their bodies messy. It was then Timmy gave a small giggle as something came to his attention.

"What's funny mister?" Ryan asked, moving to gently sit back and nose his lover.

"We have to get into your house from the outside right?" Timmy asked,

"Yeah?" Ryan agreed,

"Your jeans and shirt have call over them. And I have cum inside me due to lack of protection. How do you propose we get inside?" Timmy asked.

That's when Ryan sighed.
