Chapter 73: You Always Had My Love

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#73 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

From the world of the mating season

You Always Had My Love

Chapter 73

". . . my brother's a light sleeper," LiAnh said breathlessly. "And my wife . . ."

"Your wife! Tch! Frost wolves are not permitted to marry!"

Keme could hear their voices as he lay on his belly in bed. Seleste was beside him, her pale mane spilling everywhere as she smiled in her sleep. She was sleeping, so who was LiAnh talking to . . .? He moaned as he realized it was Nizhoni. She was breathless and spoke to LiAnh in frenzied whispers. He could hear their desperate kissing and moaning. A wet noise began, followed by long moans and sucks, then Nizhoni sighed and whispered LiAnh's name. Lying in bed nearby, Keme squeezed his eyes shut. It suddenly seemed to him that he had been forced to watch others having sex one time too many.

But what the hell? LiAnh had watched Seleste the night she fucked Keme with her little clit-dick. He opened one eye and instantly felt his dick get hard under him: Nizhoni was on top of LiAnh with her big tits hanging down in his face. He cupped and massaged them until milk dribbled in her fur. He suckled one of her tits, and she closed her eyes and whispered in ecstasy. He went to the other nipple, and as his lips gently pulled, her eyes hooded and her lips parted. She was perched on top of him with her ass sticking out, and her small body was perfect in its curves.

Shivering as if it was too much, Nizhoni pulled back and sat straddling LiAnh as she held her breasts. Her breasts rose in mounds against her small paws. She folded them away in her arms as LiAnh sat up on his elbows.

LiAnh licked his lips. "Your milk is sweet. What do you eat? Berries?"

"With honey and a little wine," Nizhoni said with a smile. "It's Aayan's favorite."

LiAnh licked the milk off his lips. "Lucky boy. So . . . why did you come to me? I mean . . . it seemed as if --"

"Because I like you," Nizhoni said at once. She smiled warmly. "And you like me." She jerked her head at Seleste. "The slave is your wife in some way, I suppose. But you aren't in love with her. She loves your brother."

LiAnh frowned. "Stop calling her a slave."

Nizhoni glanced down apologetically. "When you've lived as long as I have, master wolf . . ." she whispered. She gazed off and scowled. "I was raised to view them as nothing. Your wife is blameless in this. But it's not easy . . . letting go of the hate. Sort of the way you hate her majesty the queen." She smirked.

LiAnh's frowned deepened. "I don't hate Wynn," he said at once. "I'm here to help her, aren't I? I just don't approve of every stupid thing she does. Inden was clearly the better mate for her. Look what marriage to your precious king has gotten her! A cursed child who can not speak -- and a rape."

Nizhoni gasped. "Rape! What do you mean?"

LiAnh stared at her. "Doesn't anyone here know? Kitari was behind all this! He raped my sister as she slept! She went astral out of her body and can't - or won't - come back for the shame."

"My . . . my god," Nizhoni whispered. Her frightened eyes stared past LiAnh at the wall. She scowled. "No doubt you understand why Kitari was banished now. He sows nothing but chaos and pain. He tried to rule the kingdom after he killed his brother. We drove him out and shut the gates to him. How he got to her . . . it must be the great crystal in the palace. That crystal is a direct link to the crystals outside." Nizhoni gazed off thoughtfully and absently dropped her arms from her breasts.

LiAnh stared at her, his eyes soft as he admired her beauty. He reached over and touched the side of her breast, his fingers spread as he caressed. Her lashes fluttered and she heaved a breath, her supple breasts rising up and then down.

"You must be so old," he whispered, "and yet . . . you look to be sixteen."

She smiled at him. "But I am sixteen. I will be sixteen for hundreds of years, master wolf."

"Sixteen," LiAnh repeated. "You must have pups somewhere, a mate?"

She shook her head sheepishly. "Nursemaids such as I ingest herbs that force the breasts to . . ."

"Produce milk," LiAnh finished for her. He sat up and carefully licked her nipple. She shivered as white milk beaded out. He closed his lips on her and sucked. She cried out and held to his head. Lying on the bed nearby, Keme bit his lip. Fuck he was hard.

LiAnh's lips traveled up her breasts and neck. "How did you come to work for her?" he whispered between kisses. "My sister." He buried his face in her neck and his fingers curled in her mane. He was doing something to her that made her head fall back. Keme saw her small paws curl hard in the tight muscles of his back. Her thighs closed around him, trembling as he continued nuzzling his face in her neck.

"I - I was given," she stammered, and she was flustered now by whatever LiAnh was doing. Keme couldn't see: LiAnh's muscular back now obscured all, and only Nizhoni's face and clinging thighs were visible. Keme shifted on the bed. Ah, that was better. He could see LiAnh's paws under her tail. He was holding one of her ass cheeks open and fingering her.

"It - it w-was a great honor," she continued breathlessly. "Oh - you're t-touching . . ."

"Your pussy," LiAnh whispered. "Hasn't anyone ever . . .?"

"Once," Nizhoni admitted. "But it was so long ago, I've forgotten the touch of a male . . ."

"Let me remind you."

Keme closed his eyes again when LiAnh pulled Nizhoni down on the bed with him. They lay beside Keme, moaning through a kiss, and Keme opened one eye and stole a peek. LiAnh was on top of Nizhoni now. She looked so frail and beautiful under him, so small as her pretty eyes gazed up at him, bright and eager. Keme saw LiAnh shift, and when Nizhoni's eyes widened, he knew his brother had plunged inside. She gasped as she was filled, but her eyes hooded as he began to thrust. She sighed and melted all over with pleasure. Ah, so she was moist and warm and ready to receive.

LiAnh made careful love to her, his eyes full of a tender emotion Keme had never seen in them before. They rocked slowly together as their gasps and cries rose soft to fill the room. After some time, LiAnh moved faster, and Nizhoni clung to him, arching her back weakly. She was coming. LiAnh closed his mouth over hers and breathed hard through the kiss as he came inside. When they were lying there spent, his eyes went to Keme and he froze as they locked gazes. Keme gave his brother a guilty wince of a smile, and smirking back at him, LiAnh threw a pillow in his face.

After a long silence, Keme carefully pulled the pillow from his face to find LiAnh still awake, holding a sleeping Nizhoni in his arm. He stroked her mane carefully, slowly, staring at the white tresses as they fell from his fingers.

"You want to stay with her!" Keme accused in a whisper.

LiAnh frowned. "Shh! You want to wake Seleste next!"

Keme shook his head as he sat up. "Admit it. You want to stay here. You've wanted it since we came in the gates."

"You mean tore down the gates," LiAnh said with a light laugh.

Keme looked at him sympathetically. "You can't stay here, Li. Grandfather told me how Wynn became a fox. It's a very painful process, and those who don't survive . . . they die -- or become some weird nymphs or something."

LiAnh gazed off. "That wouldn't be so bad."

Keme scowled. "What about the summer village? You're their chief --!"

"I don't have royal blood," LiAnh said carelessly. "Seleste does. She's the one who matters. Things will be fine so long as she returns."

Keme's nostrils flared angrily. "If she returns, remember?"

LiAnh glanced at him sympathetically. "Oh, Keme, things will be fine. Seleste will go home with you! You'll get what you want in the end, so shut up and stop --"

"No, they won't be fine! Listen to yourself! You do nothing but ridicule Wynn for becoming a fox, and now you want to join her?"

LiAnh sighed miserably. "You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

LiAnh glanced at Keme, as if there wasn't a point to the discussion. He slipped his arm from Nizhoni and turned his back. Keme's chest heaved. He wasn't letting it go at that! Tossing the sheets off, he leapt up and jerked LiAnh around, forced him on his back, and straddled him. LiAnh scowled. "Keme - what the fuck - get off me!" Keme didn't let go. He dragged LiAnh up by the arm. "We're going to talk about this!" he insisted. LiAnh scowled and twisted to get free. They started to grapple, and their struggle shook the bed so hard, Seleste and Nizhoni both sat up in confusion.

"Keme - knock it off, you idiot!" LiAnh shouted.

Keme grabbed LiAnh by the shoulders and shook him. "I'm the idiot? You're the one who --"

"I said stop it!"

They struggled against each other again before suddenly crashing to the floor. Nizhoni screamed as the bedside table went down with them. Everything that had been on it flew, smashing to the wall and on top of them: books, parchment, candles, and coins. The coins scattered in a cacophony across the floor, and as Seleste demanded to know what was going on, Keme looked up to find Kilyan in the doorway demanding the same. The others were crowded in behind him, and he could see their spears.

"Keme and LiAnh are fighting like idiots," Seleste answered Kilyan and waved a paw. She noticed Nizhoni for the first time and added, "Oh, and apparently, they invited the royal boobs to the bed!"

Nizhoni scowled and climbed quickly from the bed. She was beet red as she clutched her breasts, and with her silky white mane flowing around her, she put her head down and hurried from the room. The others cleared a path for her as she darted off.

"Keme," LiAnh sputtered angrily. "Get off me!"

Keme looked down and realized for the first time that he was on top of LiAnh. He scrambled off and stood. LiAnh got irritably to his feet.

"So," yawned Keeno from the hall, "false alarm?"

"False alarm," Mio confirmed.

The others went back to bed. Kilyan remained, and looking at him, Keme realized his mother wasn't there. That was strange: he almost never saw Kilyan without Avi. How could she sleep through all that?

Kilyan came into the room. "Seleste? Would you give us a minute?"

Seleste nodded and climbed from the bed. She gave Keme a dirty look as she passed from the room. Ugh! Did she really think he was sleeping with Nizhoni!

LiAnh righted the bedside table and started collecting everything from the floor. He pointedly ignored it when Kilyan looked at him.

Kilyan looked at Keme instead. "What's going on here, son?"

Keme glowered at LiAnh. "My brother has lost his mind!" he said at once. "He thinks he's going to stay here --"

"What, are you going to stop me?" LiAnh snapped. He pointed a finger. "Stop coddling me! You aren't my mother, Keme!"

Kilyan frowned. "Though your mother wouldn't want this anymore than I, son."

LiAnh folded his arms. He still wouldn't look at Kilyan. He stared resolutely at some distant point beyond Kilyan's head.

Keme pitied their father. Kilyan looked so tired and miserable. In fact, he hadn't stopped looking that way since the incident with Kitari out on the ice. He watched as Kilyan heaved a sigh, and walking through the room, he went to a cushioned chair in the corner and sat down. He leaned back in the chair and spread his thighs and just regarded his two sons quietly.

Not knowing what to do with himself, Keme sat on the edge of the bed.

LiAnh remained standing, his arms folded, his angry face resolute.

"You're right, son," Kilyan said heavily after a pause. "You've been right all along. You needed me and I failed you. Everything you've been going through since Ehawae . . . I didn't stop to take the time to help you." Kilyan rubbed his eyes wearily. "Everything was confusion when the fires happened. And then to learn that Keme was alive and . . ." He sighed. "I didn't listen to you. I'm listening now."

Keme saw the surprise register on LiAnh's face. His eyes softened guiltily. "Dad . . . no, nothing is your fault, you didn't fail me --"

Kilyan snorted. "So all your anger was for nothing? Sit down with your brother and I," he said, nodding at the bed, "and explain why you want to stay here."

LiAnh stiffened. "You can't force me to come back with you."

"No," Kilyan admitted. "I can't. But when I tell your mother she's lost another son, I'll be the one to hold her as she cries each night. You've no idea what losing Roan and Wynn did to her. I don't want to see that happen a third time."

LiAnh swallowed hard, and thinking of the sweet, soft female that Lea was, Keme could very easily see her crying for LiAnh each night.

"Since your mother and I are the ones having our hearts ripped out," Kilyan went on, "I think you owe us a damn explanation."

LiAnh moaned and pushed a paw back through his mane. He finally sat beside Keme on the edge of the bed. He stared at the floor. "Da--"

"In my eyes," Kilyan cut sharp through his sentence. "Like the male I raised you to be."

LiAnh lifted his eyes and met Kilyan's hurt gaze. Keme looked between the father and son and suddenly envied the bond that was there, a bond that had been there all along. He was furious all over again. LiAnh had a wonderful family who loved him, and he was throwing it all away for what? Because he missed his wife? Looking at Kilyan now, Keme would kill to have grown up with him the way LiAnh had, listening to his lectures, being scolded and forced into the pushups, riding on his shoulders . . . receiving all his love.

"I can't go back there, Dad," LiAnh said into the silence. "Our house where she died . . . it's still there. And when I'm there, I see her. I see her body and how it looked when . . ." He broke off and swallowed. "I had to get out of the village! I had to be free of it! When I left with you on this journey, it was like . . . an immense weight just rolled off me! I could breathe again! I love her and I miss her everyday of my life, but when away from the village . . . I'm not forced to think of her screams or her burns or her grave up on that dismal hill. When I think of her now, I see that sweet girl I loved. I want to keep that memory alive. I don't want to live where she suffered. And . . . I don't want to be chief."

"LiAnh!" Keme said before he could stop himself. He hadn't expected that.

Kilyan hadn't either. He lifted his eyebrows. "Son . . . why not?"

LiAnh made a face. "I know I'm supposed to be honored and everything. I know I'm supposed to be glad that I get to marry an endless number of wives and have an endless number of children - children I can't make anyway."

Kilyan's lips parted in mild surprise, and it occurred to Keme that no one had known LiAnh was sterile - no one but the wife who took the fall for him, announcing to the family that she was barren.

"I don't want that life," went on LiAnh. "I want one female. I want Ehawae. I can't have her, but it doesn't mean I want to be unhappy with a bunch of females I don't know or want. I've been so miserable and bitter, I've treated Seleste unkindly. I could have easily done the same to the other wives forced on me later. I don't want that." His eyes widened as he said, "I don't want to be King TalIB: "

Reflecting on the dismal life of the mountain king, Keme suddenly couldn't blame LiAnh. Frowning sadly, he smoothed a paw over LiAnh's shoulder, and his brother smiled at him in silent gratitude.

"Being away from the village has probably been good for you," Kilyan admitted. "I didn't realize how unhappy being chief had made you. And you never told me you couldn't have children, you said Ehawae . . ."

"She didn't want me to face public scorn," LiAnh said. "A male who can't make sons . . ."

Kilyan nodded sympathetically. "Son, if I knew, I could have helped, maybe we could have gone to the council and changed their minds --"

LiAnh laughed sadly. "They wouldn't listen to us, Dad. They chose me. To deny them would have disgraced me. It would have disgraced us. Maybe Avi would have lost her seat on the council too."

"So you won't even consider coming back?" Kilyan said and his brows pressed together. "Maybe now that you've had time away . . . And Keme loves Seleste. They could . . . make an heir for you. I'm sure the council would prefer if a relative of yours did it anyway."

LiAnh shook his head. "No, Dad. The summer village, the whole village reminds me . . . everywhere I look, I see her. It's . . . too painful, I . . . I'm sorry your son is too weak to face it."

Kilyan frowned. He shook his head. "LiAnh . . . what have I taught you? Your emotions are not your weakness, they are your strength."

Thinking of his discussion with Seleste back in the sun village, Keme wished he'd had Kilyan to teach him such a lesson. He had spent so long keeping the vision to himself because he thought it would be weak to share the burden, to put that worry on her. But telling Seleste about the vision would not have weakened him. In fact, her knowing now only strengthened him, because he was no longer alone in the knowledge, because they could support each other through it, because he could focus on more important things.

"I would rather," went on Kilyan, "that you loved your wife so dearly you couldn't face living in the place where she died. I would rather you feel that way than feel nothing for her at all. But to live here, in the fox kingdom, where I'll never see you again?" Kilyan sighed.

"If we put everything right," LiAnh protested, "I could visit you! Now that Wynn's had Aayan, the kingdom is open. I could leave any time I wanted."

Kilyan was not convinced. "If you survive the ritual," he said with a frown. "And do you know what this will do to your mother? At least when Roan left, he went to the sun village. You're entering some magical realm never to return!"

LiAnh moaned irritably. "And when we see Wynn, are you going to lecture her for becoming a fox too? I bet not."

"LiAnh . . ." Kilyan said wearily and pinched the flesh between his eyes.

"I'm grown, Dad," LiAnh protested darkly. "You have to let me go!"

Keme rolled his eyes. Did LiAnh have any idea how childish he sounded? He elbowed LiAnh to make him stop whining. LiAnh's ears flattened irritably and elbowed Keme back.

Kilyan looked at his sons and laughed. "You say that, but I look at the two of you, and you're just my little pups. And like it or not, that will never change. If this is what you want, LiAnh, I can not stop you. I want you to be happy before anything else, and if this makes you happy . . ." He sighed heavily.

"But you're not happy," LiAnh said apologetically.

"No," Kilyan said and shook his head. "I'm never happy when one of my children go far away."

LiAnh smiled sadly. "Is this the part where you realize you love me now?"

Keme looked at LiAnh in amazement. Was he blind? Kilyan had always loved him!

Kilyan paused in just as much surprise, but he was saddened by LiAnh's words as well. How could LiAnh think he didn't love him? He rose from his chair and came to them. He stopped before them and smoothed their manes, cupped their faces. He smiled as he looked at them, and there was love ringing clear in his eyes.

"I love all my children," Kilyan told them softly. "I've always loved you," he told Keme and brushed his thumb against his cheek. "And I've always loved you," he told LiAnh gently. "Always."

Looking over at LiAnh and the way his eyes suddenly watered with tears, Keme realized that Kilyan's words were something LiAnh had needed to hear. Perhaps for years.

They were surprised when Kilyan playfully knocked their heads together. He ruffled their manes, and they laughed and brushed his paws off. He stood smiling down at them at moment. Keme was glad to see that smile: Kilyan had looked desperately unhappy since coming here.

LiAnh sniffed and quickly wiped his tear away. "Night, Dad," he said.

Kilyan smiled at them. "Goodnight, my sons," he said and quietly left the room.