Purest Heart

Story by ShingetsuMoon on SoFurry

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#13 of Poems

Unicorn's! Who doesn't love unicorn's right? I thought I would make a poem about one! This poem will be included in a fantasy themed poetry book that I'm planning/currently writing. I won't be uploading every poem I plan to put in the book, but I will be adding some of them as a preview of sorts. Some of the poems that I've already done about dragons will be included as well.

Behold the mighty unicorn fair. With hooves of iron and a mane of hair.

Look into its gentle eyes. A gaze that that pierces through the most well woven of lies.

Approach the mighty stallion if you believe you have the heart. Be kind and pure and perhaps some knowledge it will impart.

Behold the fierce spirit of the forest. For it runs like the wind and fights like the fiercest of lions.

It's dazzling horn can rid the darkest waters of poison and the make the most foul of sicknesses flee with but a glance.

It carries the wisdom of centuries and the cunning of a serpent.

The guardian of the forest who never falters and never ages. So many have had it within their sights. Only to come away sounding as nothing but fools and charlatans.

Nothing can trap a unicorn. Not even the purest and most gentle of heart.

For the unicorn knows that while they may never wish it harm, the rest of mankind is not so innocent.

There is but one way to trap a unicorn. To rid it of it's power and take its mighty horn away.

You must trap them in their own cunning and use their great and merciful hearts against them.

For unlike the tales men spin unicorns can resist all temptation. All temptation but one.

A unicorn no matter how strong, how old, or how wise will never leave a man to die.

No matter how wicked, how evil, or how greedy he might one day become.

A unicorn may never allow itself to be bound by chains or held behind walls but it also will never fail to use its power to help restore the life of another.

And in giving up their power for the life of mortal man.

The purest spirit of the earth risks becoming the darkest of nightmares.