A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 20-A Turn Of Events-Part 3

Story by Tyro619 on SoFurry

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#20 of A Dragon's Tale

The year is 1999. Retried Marines John Alex Mason,friend Hudson James Weaver and brother Issac Tyler Mason,have stepped back into the Corps to rescue their fellow Marine and brother in arms Wyatt Nolan Clarke. The friends are overjoyed to get the team back together. Little do they know that this is 30 year old John's last mission.....as a human anyway....

I waited. Time seemed to drag by. Everything was moving so slowly. I started to get dizzy,then my vision started to blur. This was how it felt to die. I can't describe the feeling,it was one of utter chill,the poison seemed to drive the warmth from my body. My friends stopped crying as their throats began to close. Val started to choke,then Rolland,then Syralth,then Sozenn and finally me. I glanced at Val,who was beside me,his eyes were huge and his pupils were dilated,he had tears streaming down his face as he struggled to get a breath. Not being able to breathe was the worst feeling I'd ever experienced. I was struggling to get a breath,calling on everything,I had to lite my fire and burn off the poison,get a breath,fight somehow,but I coludn't. The sedative had complete control over me. I tried breathing through my nose,but it had closed too.

"This is how we go out?",I asked myself,"we suffocate on tables?"

Then,something happened,everything went white. I was standing,where,I don't know,but the floor felt like the stuff plates are made out of. I started walking,my claws clanked on the floor,the surface should have been hard to walk on,but I felt like I was walking on grass.

"Tyro",a voice came from behind me,"turn around,would you please?"

I turned to see a small man. He looked to be around 5'10,had blue eyes and black hair. He was dressed from head to toe in jet black gear,with a tan scarf around his neck and blue sunglasses siting in his short,spiky hair. On his back,was a desert cammo MK-48 GPMG and a B32R automatic pistol rested lazily in a holster on his right leg. He seemed to be angry at me.

"Why?",he asked,"why did you give up?"

"I guess",I said,"out of fear?"

He did not answer,he stared at me with a soul piercing glance.

"I was out of ammo",I said,"i coludn't take them with fire,fangs and claws,so I..."

He stopped me,an angry tone in his voice,"You gave up",he snapped,"you gave up,you thought you coludn't win,so YOU GAVE UP!"

I pondered his words,he was right,I had given up.

"So I'll ask again,he said still angry at me,WHY?"

"I don't know",I snarled,"I was a coward,I was weak,is that what you want to hear?!?!"

"Your weakness may have just cost your kids their father and Adelind her mate,did you even once think about them during that fight?!?"

As much as I hated to admit it,I had not.

"No",I said starting to cry and laying down,"I didn't,are you happy now?"

The man looked down at me,his eyes,they had gone from blue to green,from human,to dragon. Then it dawned on me,this man,was.....was me.

"Tell me Tyro,he said,why did you give up?"

"My team",I said,"with out them,I lose the will to fight,and the will to live".

John sat down beside me.

"Look at me Marine,he said,youv'e got a family to take care of,friends to keep safe,and a home to defend,today is not your day."

I looked at him,confused. "John,he said,me,that part of you,US,is dead,gone,replaced by the dragon you always were."

"You said it yourself,Marines don't die."

I stood,"What do I do,I asked.

"Simple",John said puling his pistol and leveling it with my head,"you survive,and kill that bastard Lung Wei."

He pulled the trigger and I snapped back to reality. The Draco shook violently,then again,then again.

"Attention all soldiers,a voice came over a loud speaker,we are being boarded by an unknown enemy,man your b..",the man on the PA was cut short as a gunshot cracked over the system.

Three men,dressed from head to toe in black gear,entered the room and killed the doctors who were putting us down.

"Stop the damn thing!",one of the men screamed.

One of the humans brought the end of his gun down on the machine as the other two pulled the hoses from our throats. The men pulled out syringes and gave us each an injection. I could feel my throat and airways open,but I felt my heart began to race.

"No!",the man said,"this one is having a reaction,we need to get him back to the ship!"

As the men heaved me off the table,my vision went blurry,and I began to sweat heavily. The heat left my body and a chilled feeling took over as my fire went out. I slipped out as we emerged into the sunlight. When I woke up,I was in a white room. I was chilled from the effects of the Cyanide,as well as whatever they'd given me to purge it from my system. I yawned as I stretched out,expecting to hit Adelind or one of my five kids,but there was nothing. I felt around again,my paws again,found nothing but emptiness.

"Well",I thought,"the doctors probably didn't want to let them in the room because they thought I'd maybe get sick?"

I rolled over on my stomach,and the started to try and stand. My first two attempts failed,but I succeeded on my third. I exited my room and was met by a man in a lab coat.

"You need rest",he said blocking my way,"go back and lay down."

"I just need to see someone",I said.

"Who",the man asked,"I'll see he or she gets to you as soon as possible."

"I need my mate Adelind",I said.

The doctor met me with a soul piercing glance,"She's dead.

My heart stopped.

"What did you just say?"

"She's dead",the doctor said,"killed in a raid on the resistance base."

"Noo"I said my heart beginning to race,noo,not her,not her."

"What about my cubs",I quickly stated,"are they okay?"

"Who are they",the doctor asked.

"Their names are Ace,Dusk,Helix,Tyson and Kayel."

It was as if my body had shut down waiting for his answer.

"The names do ring a bell",he said,"I'm sorry, but they were killed as well."

I could feel the tears coming,"Can I at least see their bodies?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"You woludn't like what you'll see."

"I don't care!",I said crying,"I have to see them!"

"Very well",the doctor said,"I'll take you to them."

The doctor led me down the hall and into a room with six tables,all of which held bodies. I could feel my breathing shallow as the doctor uncovered them. Adelind's throat was torn to shreds and her abdomen was ripped open,her muzzle was covered in her blood and pieces of her flesh,she had not gone without a fight. My cubs,had not gone peacefully either. Their skulls had been caved in. I started to pant as I looked at them,the tears followed shortly.

"Get him out of here",the doctor said as he recovered the bodies.

The human walked me back to the room. I lay down on bed and burst into tears. I had lost everything. Adelind and my kids were my whole world,and now,they were gone forever. Before I left for the mission,I had not said goodbye to Adelind. I pictured her face in my head as I balled up and sobbed. I had no one to talk to,no one to cry to,no one to comfort me. For 25 years,Adelind had been there whenever I needed her,now,she was gone. I was by myself now,with nothing. Adelind was gone,Ace,Dusk,Helix,Tyson and Kayel,they were gone. I sobbed harder than I ever had. Adelind's torn throat and abdomen seared into my brain. With the image of her and my cubs burned into my eyes,I cried myself to sleep.