Facts About Planet Malrook

Story by Marcus RJ on SoFurry

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#6 of Project Malrook

Facts about my planet mainly just minerals days months hours and the such more actual lore for the planet and continent to come soon though.


This will be some facts and such about the planet.

The Calendar.

The Wolf calendar as they call it consists of sixteen months: Harbinger, Sunsprout, Livingwind, Allsquire, Equalssun, Wyrmstook, Burningwinds, Goldstrum, Leaffall, Rootrot, Wondering, Equalsshei, Soulsthar, Heartwood, Hoarfrost, and Newmorrows. These are the sixteen months with the shortest Harbinger being only 23 days long and the longest contain 31 days. The year is also 476 days long

The Days.

Each day is 30 hours long with equinoxes happening in equalsshei and equalssun.


There are common minerals in Malrook such as iron and copper but the planet also has its own special ones.

Solstone: Gems of pure sunlight imbued with starlight.

Graysun: Hard grey metal that doesn't oxidize.

Nihano: Blue/Silver colored ore stronger and lighter than steel.

Hallstone: Dense shiny stone often yellow in color.

Lupinium: Metal precious to the wolves that repels magic and dragonfire.

Vixum: Soft blue metal valued as much as gold by the foxes.

Dwimum: Mix of hallstone, graysun, and nihano. Forged by the dwarves of the mithril province.

Locuststone: Dense gems found in the heart of Locust trees.

Synook: Hard metal that absorbs vibrations.