Strictly Business (updated)

Story by MartyrFrostFox on SoFurry

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A love story. i focused mostly on building the characters early in this one. I plan to change how i write back story in the next one.

Disclaimer! this story contains some violence (not much for real), it contains sexual acts of predominantly (like 95%) the m/m variety. if that aint your thing then you may want to look elsewhere. enjoy and feel free to comment... yada yada.

I'm sorry if i spend to much time in character development. I definitely felt more comfortable after a couple of paragraphs which is why the intro is kinda crappy. What can I say? I haven't touched a story in years. this will be the universe for most of my new stories. If ya can last, I feel the end is pretty good.

A short story by MartyrFrostFox


Important note please read. If you want to skip most of the unnecessary back story and not miss anything, look for the ~~~~~~~~~~. I could really use some feed back and, as much as I don't want to admit, that spot is a better starting point. i got a little carried away early. I'll put some notes at the~~~ to fill you in on character. enjoy and tell me what I'm doing wrong... I plan to start another one soon.

I sat there in the corner chair of the lobby; eyes closed, head leaned back slightly, snoozing. It had been a rather slow day for a change. I only had a few appointments on the books for today, which I had taken care pretty early, and left the rest of the day open for walk-ins. I rested; drifting in between sleep and consciousness with only my breathing and slight muscle twitches across my gray muzzle to indicate vitality. I was tired from our previous night. They always last well past what my friends had insisted the night would.

The night had started at 9oclock with the weasel stopping by my house with his girlfriend Julie. She was a very intelligent and pretty otter, with blue and purple clips imbedded in her bangs. I have known the weasel for years. Ever since middle school when Eric had stood up for me when I was ridiculed about my height. The teasing never ended but it was easier with a friend like Eric. It's not easy being a scrawny wolf when the rest of your species has easily four inches on average above you but having Eric as a friend made the days easier. We stayed friends all through schooling and eventually joined the same high school together. By the time we had made it to high school I had grown quite a substantial amount. Having such a late and sudden growth spurt in eighth grade put me a near half a foot above the rest of my class. I felt bad for Eric because he only grew a couple more inches placing him well under the average height for incoming freshmen but within the average for his species.

We went about our first few days with a few common classes and joking at lunch with a couple of new faces that we met at registration. The end of the first week was around the corner and we had plans to go the mall with our new friends. The final bell rang signaling the last class of the week. I quickly made my way to my locker which luckily was only a couple segments away from Eric's. After the short 7 minute walk from class, and a quick bathroom break, the halls had cleared out. I heard some commotion ahead as I rounded the last corner and I was met with an odd scene. There was a rather large panther talking to Eric at his locker. The more I looked the more I noticed that they weren't talking so much as the panther speaking down at Eric while the weasel tried to squeeze out of the way. Realization finally hit when I caught the words 'you don't have a choice' followed by the panther reaching back with his fist clenched.

My mind went blank watching that panther bring his fist forward and land a hard blow into the stomach of the unsuspecting weasel. There was no longer any confusion about what was happening and very few thoughts running through my head. I remember walking toward the pair. The weasel fell to the ground clenching his gut and gasping for breath. I think I remember the panther speaking to me, something like 'keep walking, this doesn't involve you'. Much after that I can't remember but Eric says that I walked straight up to the panther, which was only slightly smaller than me. The weasel explains that I grabbed the panther by the shoulders and slammed my temple straight in between the panther's eyes. I do remember the blood dripping from my forehead; that iron taste only making me angrier. Eric tells me that I had pulled back my arm, closing the distance between me and the panther, and with a glint something scary in my eyes I had damn near broken that assholes jaw. I remember a very large bull grabbing me by the shoulder and pulling me off the bloody feline. I think I almost threw a punch at him but that would have been a huge mistake as my conscious came rushing back, I was in some deep shit.

As expected we were escorted to the principal's office by the now fuming bovine. Mr. Clay, as we had soon found out, walked between me and the panther with a large gruffly hand on both of our napes. I don't know why I was still furious; maybe it was from seeing my friend in that condition, I'm still not sure. Eric was walking shakily beside me coughing. I shot a glance at the panther and growled. Mr. Clay made his disapproval very clear by vise gripping the back of my neck. I felt the pinch and my eyes lost focus. My body tensed of its own regard. My legs went rigid and a tingle ran down my spine to the tip of my tail. I heard the whimper leave my lips and saw the ground approaching quickly. I braced myself with my paws as my knees hit the ground. I stood up slowly with a slight panicked expression across my muzzle and my paw rubbing my neck. I remember mentioning something about possible whiplash or some bullshit story to draw attention away from myself. I was very relieved to push the incident aside and continue back to the principal's office, something about teachers can stop a fight but physical injury to a student can land you in a large shit storm of trouble so the bull moved us along fearing for his job thinking he had hurt me.

As expected we all received a stern 'constructive speech' and a disciplinary form to sign, but that was just some crap to keep the education board and families from raising to much hell. Eric didn't receive any punishment and me and the panther ate the brunt of it; one week suspension for me and a damn near expulsion for the panther, aka Thomas. It made me feel better seeing the panther beg which got him a two week suspension and after hours cleaning instead of expulsion. Apparently the panther had been in the office multiple times. Me and Eric left the office in a hurry, gathered all our books, and went right out the door. I was dreading telling my dad about today, I could already hear it...

"Do you have any idea how much I'm pulling out of my pocket to put you in that school? And the first week you try to throw all that away with a stupid fight? I know you were defending a friend and that's admirable, but a suspension? You've had enough trouble with grades as it is; so why don't we throw missing school into the equation?...

I was so lost in that fake conversation it took Eric flicking my ear to realize he was talking to me. "I said, thanks for helping me out back there." I waved a paw saying it was nothing still looking forward. A felt a paw on my shoulder. "Is everything okay? Are you worried about your dad?" I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Of course I'm worried. I told him I would try harder in class and keep my grades up and when he finds out that my schooling will suffer from a weeks' suspension he'll be furious.. I also promised him I wouldn't pick fights at my new school." The past few years were riddled with fights.

"Listen man, I'll get all the class work you need from your teachers and turn in your homework for you." He was smiling again, that damn infectious grin of his. "I'll explain that it wasn't your fault and that you didn't 'pick' anything."

"You know schooling doesn't come easy to me. What am I supposed to do about the missed lectures?" He didn't miss a beat. He just knew what I was going to say before it left my lips.

"I'll go over the material with ya after classes next week. I mean we have the same classes just different schedules remember? Besides the second week of school can't be that new." I had no choice but to agree and I hadn't really thought of that. "Trust me, you won't miss a thing, and I'll explain that to your father too! So quit worrying about shit that hasn't happened yet. I won't let ya fall behind because of me!" It wasn't often that he cussed. He just knew how to read people and knew what they needed to hear.

"Okay, okay. Let's just get this over with. Thanks man." I cracked my back as I stood up straighter gently rolling my neck around with a sigh. He stopped me again on the sidewalk.

"So what was that back there?" He stood there with a smirk across his face.

"Back where? If you're asking about the head-butt then I don't know where that came from." I wasn't lying either; it was not my intention at all when I first rounded that corner.

"no, no, not that, but that does remind me that you need to have that checked out." I was bleeding a little and it still hurt. When that bull pulled me off and there was blood running down my muzzle if I wasn't busy wiping blood away from my eyes that moment would have been priceless. The trail of blood in the hall way plus the stains on his dress pants were probably the reason he was so pissed now that I think of it. "No, in the hallway. One second you're walking and the next you're on the floor. And don't try to lie like you did in the hallway." Damn my nervous give aways... He's told me before that my left ear hangs a little sideways when I lie and my eyes dart around a bit more than is normal.

"'s hard to explain..." I'm again looking at my feet.

"Well I'm all ears." I know he's not going to let it go and there is no way I can lie my way out.

I curse under my breath and give in, defeated. "Okay. The nerves and muscles in my neck are, well... sensitive. We're pretty sure it all stems back to my great grandmother who was a Siamese. You know how feral cats would carry their young by the neck. Well apparently a recessive gene was carried and transmitted to my grandfather to my father and finally to me. I seemed that the gene never showed until me. They also assume that was part of the reason I was a ru... scrawny pup and that's why I was teased by my brothers." I've told him before that my brothers taunted me for my size but I didn't tell him everything. It's not an easy subject. "I really sucks you know? When it happens I can't really move so my brothers would really screw with me. They told me I wasn't a real wolf because of it while burying my nose in the dirt..." And hitting me... I didn't tell him the last part. My great grandfather was never really respected dating a feline. Of course interspecies dating and marriage was legal but not fully accepted, especially not by a species as 'proud' as wolves. As you can guess my grandfather was mostly rejected for being mixed, though he appeared and acted 100% wolf. He eventually wooed the heart of a government officials' daughter. He joined the army shortly thereafter, we speculate it was to impress her father, but ended up in the war. He never came back from the war leaving my grandmother with two pups, which they didn't even know about, to raise. I finished explaining my lineage to Eric and he seemed to understand and didn't press it any further.

The talk with my dad went better than I ever expected. Of course he yelled at me for getting into a fight and threatened to ground me 'forever' but he calmed down. I did end up with a punishment, basic chores and lawn duty for a month but that didn't bother me because I still got to go to the mall and hang with friends.

The first fight I ever had was with my brother. He pushed me around and called me names until I decked him in the nose. I didn't know what I was doing, it just kind of happened. He had to get stitches for his split lip and I had a swollen eye and some bruises but they left me alone for a while and every time they would start calling me names I would lash out. I never told anyone that the reason I kept getting into fights was because I was scared. Even after the teasing had stopped I was scared that things would go back to the way they were and the only way I could prevent that was to hurt others. Seeing Eric in that position with that panther towering over him made me project myself into their place. So I lost it, again.

True to his word Eric came over after school and helped me with my studies and homework. When I got back to school my grades were still okay, I still had my friends, and a story had spread. Turns out the panther had been a sophomore that had been held back for grades and was on the football team. The only way the panther could play was if his grades improved so he sought to bully Eric into doing his homework for him. I had made a lot of friends that year and never did have to fight again much to the relief of my father.

Senior year rolled around and so did a new face. She had moved with her parents from few states over and attended our school as a senior. She was very pretty, but somehow she wasn't for me. Like if you sit in a new car that has the latest and greatest everything but somehow an old beat-up truck feels more comfortable, that's how I felt; not that she didn't cross my mind when she first walked in but looking over at Eric with his tongue on the floor made my mind up pretty quick. She introduced herself as Julie and the teacher searched for a seat for her. The class was full so there were no extra desks. I reach over to Eric and close his hanging maw and gathered my books. I stood up and telling the teacher that she can have my desk and that I need to go see the nurse. I didn't need to go of coarse but who am I to sit between true love? At the time I thought I was helping my bro get lucky but it turns out I had just set the stage to be the best man. Funny thing life is. As it turns out she is the one that steered me to a profession that I really love.

We were best friends through senior year, the three of us. I guess it was two or three weeks before our senior prom and I had been asking girls around school to the prom and otherwise striking out. Maybe I waited too long or smelled bad, I'm not sure, but I struck out hard. It was really frustrating. I talked with Eric and Julie and they cheered me up with pep talks and what not. They didn't need to worry; they had each other to go with. The day got closer and still no progress so I resigned to just go stag, pardon the term. The thought of not even going crossed my mind when we were discussing transportation about a week in advance. We were sitting in Eric's room discussing plans and I had offered to drive them there and go see a movie or something which was seriously depression shit for a good looking fella like myself. They declined the offer and Julie sat behind me saying something about how I'll just have to go on 'the hunt' or something I can't remember. But what I do remember is the best feeling in the world. Now before you guys think I was getting a reach around from my best friend's girl that was not the case at all. Nope it was just a massage. The best damned massage I had ever had... or the only massage I had ever had? Either way, wow.

She started with the shoulders and worked her way up. It didn't bother me that my tongue was hanging out. It didn't matter that I was making all sorts of noises, some of which may not be considered male. And when she reached my over. It had the same effect it always did. Tingle in my spine...legs tightening up...stars in my eyes...but it felt soooooo damn good this time. Before, the pressure had always been very sharp and hurt; but this time the pressure was smooth and rhythmic. I passed out for a couple minutes. I woke up to my buddy with the hugest smile ever and Julie covering her eyes, embarrassed. I could still feel the tingling in my tail. Eric was laughing pretty hard when I looked up at him rubbing my eyes. He directed my attention lower and behold! A well pronounced tent, knot slightly visible and damp spot on my shorts. That was a pretty entertaining night one of which changed a lot of things.

From there we graduated high school and went on to college. Eric and Julie attended the state college and I went to a technical college; a fast track to massage therapy. My buddy graduated with a business degree and his now wife followed through to a medical license. Julie, now Dr. Hanson taking the last name of Eric, was very successful. Eric managed to get a desk job at a law firm as a 'glorified accountant' as we like to call him. Sure it's not the dream job of owning a business like he planned but it covered the bills. And there were bills. Medical school is expensive. When she started raking in the money he got rather frustrated. I on the other hand only managed to get an assistant position at a physical therapy clinic. About the same time we both got fed up. I wasn't doing the job I love and neither was he. I got him to agree to a simple back massage, neck to lower back, clothes on, nothing weird. I would be able to help my friend who was way to tense to be good for him and I got to do something that I loved. Win, win. That massage went different than I had expected. I had just about finished the massage when his wife walked through the door. He took one look at her and calmly but firmly rushed me out the door. I was gonna ask why but the look in his eye left absolutely nothing to question. I left and got some dinner. As I was getting in my car I got the call. Apparently the massage had not only relieved his back pain but had restarted his libido and just like that my best friend and his wife were happy again. So one conversation lead to another and now I co-own a business with my best friend.

Of course we had humble beginnings. Only a small group of furs knew about us, mostly our friends and a few past co-workers. We operated with simple guidelines under the franchise name 'Max Relief'.

  1. No tobacco products (we only allow e-cigs that have fruity flavorants)

  2. Nudity not prohibited. Please wear provided robes

  3. Tipping is allowed. all employees are salaried appropriately (thank you for any generosity)

  4. Walk-ins are welcome. Reservation can be made

Word began to spread and so did the need to expand. The business end was taken care of by Eric leaving me to facilitate hiring and salary. I had to convince Eric to be lenient on the first years' budget. I had a vision! And visions require money! Ultimately we sacrificed year end budget and profits to increase comfort and accommodation. We only broke a little above even for the first year but what we accomplished was a thing of beauty. Our customer base expanded throughout our smaller town and some into the city where Julie works. I knew that if we set up shop near that hospital or just closer than a forty-five minute drive then we would have a much larger customer base. We have good relations with our town but we needed to expand. All towels, pillows, massage oils, custom robes, and incents were kept local which may have been more expensive but helped drum up business. We were itching to upscale the operation. We were seeing enough profit to feel comfortable but as they say 'can't eat just one chip' and we just tasted a very delicious chip. I already had plans for the future the only problem was finding a new location somewhere in the city.

We figured that construction was not viable based on cost and time so I've been spending my time at home searching listings. I had gotten home from work on Friday made some dinner and sat down at my computer. I had a couple emails so I checked on them. The first was a bill reminder from 'Andy fragrant' which is a long time supplier of scented candles, incents, and oils for our company. I set closed the email noting that Eric had already addressed Andy and opened the second one. I read the heading which stated 'I've found the PERFECT PLACE' (I contacted a real estate agent to help me and she turned out to be a customer). The body of the message stated that she had the 'perfect' place, she had a bubbly personality so this wasn't unexpected. It also read that I should call now so she could discuss it with me and she gave her personal number. She added at the end that I should call her no matter how late which struck me as odd but I dismissed it as part of her caring nature.

"alright, alright, let's not get needy." I chuckled to myself and dialed the number chewing on a piece of steak I had shoveled into my maw. I heard the dial tone ring for maybe a half second before I heard a voice scream in my ear "MAX!.. oh my goodness, I mean Mr. Thomas." I nearly choked on my steak with the sudden outburst. She continued "do I have a place for you! It's down the street a few blocks from the hospital!"

"Kelsey slow down. And Max is fine as I've told you before. Now slowly and calmly tell me what's going on."

"Well you can't fully appreciate the grandeur of this particular location over the phone, so what are you doing right now?"

"Well I'm eating now and I had planned to meet up with my friend to go over some numbers and budget in an hour or so when they get back. Hey they are eating at the new place that opened in the city, that place any good?" They were celebrating their six year anniversary.

"Oh my yes. That place is to die for but don't worry about that! Or wait he's the financials right?" she didn't let me answer "that restaurant is actually pretty close. You need to call him pronto and have him meet us at my office."

"Wait, us?"

"Absolutely! I'm going get the key from the owner and meet you back at my office in say an hour? You absolutely have to see this place."

"Wait wait wait, what kind of place is this I need answers." This was getting silly.

"Nononono you need to get ahold of...was his"


"YES, Eric. Get ahold of Eric and meet me at my office! Let me hear it."

"Hear what?" Well it looks like I'm not relaxing tonight.

"Tell me that you will meet me there, I want to hear it. I'm not waiting outside my office like an idiot!"

"Okay okay. I'll be there and I'll give Eric a call. No promises on that account."

"Excellent! You won't be disappointed, I promise!" bold statement there.

"Alright I'll see you there in an hour, but why are you so eager?" This was just to entertaining to pass up now.

"Oh we will discuss that during the signing! I just want a bonus for finding this place is all. Be there. One hour!" She hung up before I could reply. My head was spinning at this point but I was feeling the excitement from just speaking with her. I called Eric and he agreed after a little encouragement from Julie, God love her. We both met up and waited outside her office for a short time before I see the gazelle practically bouncing toward us from inside her office, key in paw. We pile into her car and spend the eight minute drive trying to pick her brain of details. We didn't learn anything but it was very amusing hearing the frustration of wanting to blab. We arrived at the building that had been freshly boarded and chained with an old neon sign that read 'Big Pete's'. The gazelle popped off the pad lock and took down the chains. When she opened the door we were all met with a strange odor. The place lightly smelled of dust, sweat, and musk.

" this a gym?" I ask her quizzically.

"Was! Was a gym. The owner had to shut down because of that building down there on the corner," she was pointing a large shiny building that read "Gold's Gym". Gold had a rather large franchise with rates that were near impossible to beat. "Now this beautiful building is the new location of 'Max relief'."

"I don't know. Eric what do you think?" Being honest the place was clean and well maintained and maybe I was a bit tired but I just couldn't imagine it at the time.

"I'm not sure. I mean we did well with the building back home but this has to be easily three or four times the size. I'm not sure if we will be able to utilize this place to the fullest." I agreed and looked over at my agent. She was shaking her head giggling.

"Oh you boys are thinking to small! This building is dirt cheap because of the competition down the road. Don't just stop at massages!" We all gave her our full attention with questions in our eyes. "One word. SPA! This city desperately needs somewhere to unwind that isn't an hour away! Now before you say anything just hear me out, your massaging is phenomenal and your staff is top notch but there is always room to improve. This could be that opportunity!" I guess I hadn't really considered it, although they do go together. "Don't get me wrong the massage is to die for and I find myself thinking nonstop about my husband when I'm heading home and forty minutes is way too long a wait." Her eyes had seemed to drift by now. we could see she was day dreaming.

"I didn't know you were married, congratulations. But what do you mean it's too long of a wait? Wait for what?"

"Well when the massage is complete I get well... my body relaxes so much I just.... This is not the conversation to have with a client..."

"We get the hots for our men! Or at least that's how it has been for me." Julie chimed in. I looked over to Kelsey who was nodding with a blush. Eric even agreed that he feels a bit turned on after massages. This was a bit more to digest as I stood there thinking. While Eric was talking with Kelsey about pricing and expenses a silly thought came to mind.

"If ya'll get so hot and bothered why don't we just have a happy ending room?" I said jokingly with a laugh.

"Wait can you do that?" Kelsey asked very serious. Julie was the first to reply with a giggle.

"I don't think so honey. The government will see that as payment for sex and I don't think Eric here is the pimpin type seeing as he would be the management."

"Well it doesn't need to be an employee!" She exclaimed with a very noticeable blush her voice dropping considerably. "I would love to be with my husband after my session, plus you guys have the best robes and pillows I've ever felt." I can't believe we were discussing this. It was just a joke.

"Technically that's not against the law and who knows that may be appealing to the customers." Julie comments. They both look at me while Eric shakes his head.

"We aren't really considering this are we?"

"I don't see the harm in it if we do it correctly. Plus its crossed my mind before." Says Eric; there goes my one voice of reason. Julie and Kelsey both look back at me.

"Well I mean it's not like we can call it 'Max Relief and happy endings' we'll have investigations constantly to make sure we are clean. And how would we even advertise something like this." I can't believe I'm even considering this. I guess it doesn't really change my duty any.

"Don't worry about advertising, word travels fast in this city."

"I don't want my name on the sign if this idea blows up." I do not want my rep being crushed if we even follow through with this.

"What if we name it something like 'just business'." Julie asks looking at the group. I shake my head.

"No that feels a bit off." I look back at Julie and Eric and ask, "Are we sure about this?" They nod back to me and a smile creeps on me as I'm looking over the building again. "Do the numbers look good?" Eric replies with 'excellent', he even tells me it will cost less than we expected. "Julie, will you help us address any sanitation concerns and what not?" She tells me that she would be happy to assist. My grin widens and I bring my paws together turning back to the group. "Well then, I welcome you to the 'Strictly Business: Massage and Spa'." They cheer and we come in for a group hug. Now that we had an excuse to really party we hit the town. Kelsey left us to party saying that she had to get the proper paperwork together and tell her husband the good news. Before we left her I asked her a question.

"On the phone you said that there were bonuses to discuss. You weren't planning this were you?"

"Oh no, I was just hoping for free or discounted massages when you all open." She was blushing again.

"Very well," I look over to Eric and he nods. I smile up at Kelsey "Free massages for a year. Let's say limit one per day until further notice. We may extend the time based on how the Spa does." She thanks me numerous times and we left her to hit the bars sharing in a celebratory drink. Before long Julie and Eric were heading back home. I was looking around the bar hoping to find some excitement. An hour later I stumbled into another bar about ready to call it quits then I saw her. She sat at the bar nursing a beer as a guy got cold shouldered by this pretty little knock out. I walked over and sat beside her as she had finished her drink.

"Can I get you another?" I asked her with a friendly smile.

"No thanks, I'm here to relax if you don't mind." She wasn't rude but was very firm and that just drew my attention more.

"One drink? It would make me happy. I'm here to celebrate and celebrating alone kinda sucks."

"Fine, one drink. I'm here to forget so I guess this will only help." She looked so sad I just had to lighten the mood. I got the bar keeps attention and spoke loud enough for her to hear.

"A glass of water for me and a keg for my friend here." I looked over at her and said "you didn't specify quantity." She grinned a little at that and asked for a beer I hadn't heard of before. I looked back at the bar keep and said "Forget the water I'll have the same." He nodded and grabbed two bottles. I could still feel the alcohol from earlier and I probably should have stopped but I must say her choice in beer was top notch though.

"So, why are you here to forget? Everything okay?" I asked after a short while, nursing on the beer. She shivered a bit and sighed. I could tell that she was not ready to talk about it but before I could take it back and change subject she replied.

"So you're here to celebrate eh? What are you celebrating? You're not here with someone so it's probably not an anniversary or anything is it? She spit the word anniversary out like it was poison. I knew not to press a sore subject so I just talked about my day.

"Well my friend and I just agreed to buy a building and start another branch of our business." I didn't know what else to do so I just talked about it. I told her about our first building and about how we needed to expand all the way through to the new building and location. She seemed to liven up a bit at the story and even smiled. She was so cute when she smiled. By the end of the night I was feeling the alcohol and sleep was hitting home among other bodily functions. I look at my watch. "hmm it looks like one beer has lasted an hour and a half." She grinned at me saying that she should be getting home. Of course I would have loved to bring that cute little thing with me but I know when to push it and when to drop it. She stood to leave thanking me for the company. I paid the tab and stood with her.

"I'll see you to the door. I need to head home too. I've called a cab will you be needing one as well?" I was still hoping to spend more time with her not wanting the night to end just yet.

"No, my apartment is right around the corner." She must have seen the smile drop some from my muzzle. "But I guess I can keep the wolf company until his cab gets here." My face lit up again. I wished the night hadn't ended but the cab eventually showed up. As I was getting in I looked back.

"I really did have a lovey night that was truly completed when I met you. I have to go but I would like to stay longer, can we see each other again?" I must have been giving the puppy dog eyes or something cause she giggled and waved saying that she may drop by after opening day. The driver gave me a chuckle as we drove away. "Have a good night sir?" the cab driver asked.

"Probably the best I've ever had."

I arrived home late at night and stumbled through the door knocking a few things over in the process. I staggered upstairs and laid down on my bed. I should have gone to bed right then, I had to get up to fill out paperwork in the morning, but she was stuck in my head. Every detail of the night was somehow clear through my drunken haze. She had dressed very casually which had disguised her form a little more than I had hoped. She had kind amber eyes, two ball stud piercings in each ear, and a long flexible tail. She carried all the proper markings that let the world know what she was; Long whiskers leading into a black muzzle. The rest of her aside from her paws and tail were a creamy tan. I guess you could say genetics played a part in this, seeing that I had been drawn to a Siamese. I laid there covering every step of the night in my head until I finally dosed off.

I woke up to Eric calling me. He told me to get ready; he was picking me up to go to the city to fill out paperwork and pick up my car. About forty minutes later I was bouncing out my front door and into the passenger side of Eric's car.

"Someone's happy." I looked over at Eric and shrugged smiling wide enough that it kind of hurt. "So you gonna tell me what's up? You shouldn't be 'this' excited to fill out paperwork." I smirked at him.

"I met someone last night." I looked out the window snickering.

"Annnnd?" I cracked, and started to tell him everything growing more excited as I went on. I had spent nearly the whole trip talking about her. As we pulled up to the office he looked over to me and asked "Well when you gonna call her? It's pretty obvious that you're stuck on this 'feline'". He sat there grinning at me.

"Okay I get it, but I'm not as close minded as my brothers or father. I'll probably wait a day or two and then I'll... call... c-call... CALL?!? FUCK! SON OF A BIT..... HOW DID I FORGET?" I stared at Eric getting softer which each repeat. "How did I forget? It's so basic. You meet girl, hit it off, get digits. Simple... How did I forget that? Eric how did I forget? How?" I had started lightly banging my against the car window.

"Dude calm down. I'm gonna be down here a lot with the remodeling of the gym. I'll keep my eyes out for any 'cute' Siamese. I'm sure there aren't that many Siamese that live here, let alone with the name...what was it? Jerry?"

"It's Jamie, come on give it a rest. I think it's a cute name that works for both gender so cut it out." I commented with a chuckle.

"Alrighty; I shall keep my eyes posted and I will get those digits in your honor!"

"Okay asshole," I punched him in the shoulder as we walked up to the door of Kelsey's office. "Thanks, it means a lot."

"It's all good. Let's get the paperwork out of the way. They need you back in town soon." I nodded and we walked through the front door.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

I went about my normal routine of working at 'Max Relief' waiting until I Eric gives me the good news or at least a number that I can reach her at.

*Perspective shift, 1stperson - Eric*

Two weeks had passed after that night and I still hadn't been able to spot any Siamese by the name Jamie. "I hope he wasn't too drunk and just made that story up. He doesn't drink much." I looked over at my wife with a shrug.

"Oh sweety, I'm sure he wouldn't have made it up. Just keep your eyes out and I'm sure she will turn up eventually. All I'm worried about is if the night actually went that smooth."

"Yea I hear ya there. I guess we will just see how things play out." I kissed my mate before heading for the door. My day was pretty packed with construction. We were having the framework for the individual massage rooms setup as well as demolition of the walls and stalls of the shower. We decided on 2 in ground hot tubs and a unisex sauna. Of course we left a couple of the shower stalls but decided to construct walls around them for privacy. I had just finished talking with the lead foreman on spacing and dimension of the last row of rooms when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Um, you wouldn't happen to be Eric are you?" I turn around

"Why yes I am..." I run through the checklist in my head. Feline, check. Siamese, check. Female, ch... um not check. Must be coincidence I guess. I regain my composure. "What can I do for you?"

"Well," he's looking at the ground nervously "I've come to ask when you guys plan to open."

"Oh, well it's not set just yet but it looks like we may open in about a month."

"Wow, that's so soon." He was opening up a bit now.

"Yea, since this place used to be a gym it's a lot easier to change. The main floor is already reinforced to support the weight equipment. The floor is mostly tile and the building had a rather large shower already so there is actually minimal construction needed."

"Okay that makes sense."

"By the way, how did you hear about us? We haven't had any time to advertise yet." He was visibly blushing and looking at the ground again.

"Well, I met someone a couple weeks ago and he told me that he was expanding his business." Oh lord..

"Jamie, isn't it?" He nodded still looking at the ground, which is good because my eyes were wide open. Again I have to regain my composure. "Well, Max has told me a lot about you." That wakes him back up.

"He did? What did he say?" His eyes were lighting up. I couldn't think of anything else so I figure I might as well go with the truth.

"He recapped the entire night you two had met, more or less. And I don't think he's shut up about you yet." He's blushing again and he looks concerned.

"He did realize that I'm a guy right? Maybe it was the drinks but I got the impression that he thought I was a girl." He asks very seriously. Oh jees, now what. Truth don't let me down.

"No. He's pretty sure that you were female." His smile is gone and his ears drop.

"Oh." I hear him sniffle and I see tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry to bother you." He's starting to walk way but this feels all wrong. I've had my theory about Max for a while now but it never played out in a way that I could ask. I was pretty sure Max was gay. He never had a lasting relationship and he had dated some really sweet girls. There was always some BS excuse that he would stick to. I guess now is as good a time as any to investigate.

"Hey, Jamie wait." He stops but doesn't turn around "I've known Max for a long time. He's been with plenty of girls in the past." He whined a bit and I knew I had to get to the point. "But he's never had anything serious. The longest I've ever seen him in a relationship was just over three weeks." I heard him sniffle again.

"So what? He's probably had bad luck or something." Ah there we go.

"It never had anything to do with luck, they were all sweet girls. I'm pretty sure he was breaking the relationship on purpose." He turned around and looked at me. He was looking pretty rough now with blood shot eyes and tear streaks across his muzzle.

"What do you mean? Why would he try to end a relationship before it begins?"

"That's the question isn't it? Well I thought it was just coincidence to begin with. He was always making excuses about each of the girls. Every time I thought my theory was right he would start dating someone else. It didn't make sense."

"What theory?"

"Well for a while I considered the option that Max was breaking it off with these women because they weren't what he was looking for." I smirked and chuckled a little. "I never had any way to approach the subject with Max before."

"Are you saying that Max is.." I cut him off before finish

"I'm saying that Max has been hiding something from me for a long time. And I'm pretty sure that Max is looking for someone like you." I didn't know if he was going to explode but he didn't say anything that resembled a sentence. "You know what, let's go get some coffee. We have some plans to discuss." He looked at me a wide eyed.

"Plans? What do you mean?" I just laugh a little.

"Well Max isn't going to come to terms with himself on his own. We gotta do some prying."

"What about your Spa? Don't you need to stay here?" I shake my head a little.

"Oh no it will be fine. I'll just move some appointments around. Besides I'm getting tired today and this much more fun. And I guess I kind of owe it to the guy." He cocks his head to the side. "Don't tell me that he hasn't told you about his best friends' Wife!?!" I exaggerated a little with my arms. He giggled and shook his head. He really was a sweet guy. And I can definitely see why he was thought to be a girl. I shake my head getting back on subject. "Well that jerk!" I pull out a picture of us together on our wedding from my wallet.

"Oh my gosh. Congratulations. You two look so happy."

"Thank you. It's a story we can discuss later but let's just say I owe him a lot."

We walked down to the local diner and sat at a booth scheming. We both came to the conclusion that I should be the one to break the subject and do the most prying; after all I'm sure he won't be too mad at me if things go south. We set the time to meet at the new building at noon when the workers take lunch and we could have enough privacy. Jamie will be waiting to come out and I'll be the one to crack the shell and if everything goes well I can send them off on their first date.

*Perspective change, Max-First person* (the next day around ten)

I sat there in the corner chair of the lobby; eyes closed, head leaned back slightly, snoozing. It had been a rather slow day for a change. I only had a few appointments on the books for today, which I had taken care pretty early, and left the rest of the day open for walk-ins. I rested; drifting in between sleep and consciousness. I was woken from my light slumber by a phone call, the name on the screen reading Eric. I yawned a bit getting some giggles from the girls at the front desk.

"Hey man, what's going on? Everything going well up there?"

"Yea things are coming along like they should but I have a few questions."

"Sure. Shoot away."

"I don't think I can explain on the phone. Do you think you can come up here at noon I'm not sure things are fitting right. Do you have many appointments today?" Hmm that's odd. I thought we had plenty of room. He better not be adding more.

"No I'm actually done with appointments today. I'm just standing by for walk-ins. I'll be up there at noon. Need me to get anything? I can pick up some lunch for us if you want."

"No that's alright. How bout we grab lunch after our meeting? We should still have time while the workers are on lunch."

"Alright that sounds good. See ya then." I hung up the phone smiling. We hadn't had much time to hang out since we started expanding and this would be nice. I had one more walk in before it got too late. I made it up there right when I agree to and walked through the double doors. I looked around. "Wow," I thought "these guys work fast." There were already walls getting insulated and wired. Things were looking good.

"Max, over here!" Eric had called out from the old shower area. Don't tell me that the hot tubs and sauna were gonna be a problem... I stepped around the corner and saw Eric checking over some papers.

"Hey man, the place is really coming along isn't it?" He looked up from his papers with a huge grin.

"You bet they are! I can really see everything falling in place."

"Alright so what's going on? We're not having any problems in here are we?"

"No no, everything is great so far. We have a few bills to discuss and some choices of décor to decide but first I got to meet someone yesterday. Goes by the name of Jamie."

"What you talked with Jamie? What did she say? Did you get her number?" my tail was wagging pretty fast and he chuckled at me.

"Calm down. Firstly no I didn't get her number we only met briefly before she took off again. She was checking on the opening day before she had to head off."

"Whaaaat... you didn't get her number..?" I was frustrated as all hell when I hear Eric continue.

"Sorry she was in such a hurry, but I did get a look at her." He smiled again. "quite the looker but I stand by my earlier choice, she's a Jerry."

"Come on man. I told you to let that go." I know he's just playing around but some things get old.

"I mean flat chested and practically no butt, you sure she's a she?" He's chuckling but it's not funny. I'm getting a little angry but his damn smile relaxes me.

"Yea, like a married man should be checking out other women! Besides, it's not like your wife is the embodiment of female."

"Oh and what is that supposed to mean? You been checking out my gal?" He puts up his paws in a mock fisty cuffs stance.

"Ha, yea. It's not like I've given her a massage or anything." I grin at him. He puts his arms down and leans in closer.

"I guess you're right. But you keep them mitts off my wife."

"You can have her bro. she's not my type and beside you two go together to well."

"Damn straight. Well then wolf butt what is your type?" I cock my head at him.

"Wolf butt?" He just shrugs. "Well I'm not sure what my type is honestly."

"Okay what was wrong with that ferret you dated? She seemed super nice with high goals. What was the problem there?"

"Oh Lindsey was nice. But she kind of creeps me out." He's raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that, she was so sweet."

"Okay fine. When we were fucking her flexibility creeps me out."

"Do what?

"I know ferrets are flexible but I have limits. She would kiss me when we were doggy style."

"Oh that's fun. Me and Julie do that at the end."

"Not when we are done. While I was still burying my bone she twists her upper body around, hips still in place, grabs my shoulders and French kisses me."

"Dude that sounds hot as hell! I'm gonna have to look that up later."

"Yea... you do that."

"Okay what about the tiger? You really crushed her when you dumped her. What happened there?"

"I really don't want to talk about that..."

"Listen I know it's hard. But you need to figure out what you want before you go and break the heart of Jamie. She seems really sweet. Now what happened with you and the tiger? You looked happy..."

"I just... she wasn't as nice as she put out." This is not what I wanted to talk about. Hopefully he drops it.

"That's bull shit. I can tell you're lying. You don't have to lie to me. We grew up together. I want you to be there when me and Julie have children. You're gonna be Uncle Max and I want you to be happy." My stomach is in knots. Why is he being so persistent? Am I going to throw up? I look back at him. "just answer yes or no." I nod my head. "Was it because she was pushy?"


"Was she to needy?"


"Was it because she was a tiger? Is your father's teachings still there?"

"Oh god no." I'm shaking a bit. I don't know what to do. I can't just leave but I have to do something.

"Good. What is it that you are looking for? Are you looking for someone like Tina?" (the tiger)

"Noo." My voice is weak. I just want this to stop.

"Are you looking for someone like Julie?"

"No. Can we please stop? I need some air..." He didn't flinch

"Are you looking for someone like Kelsey?"

"Eric please.."

"Are you?"

"No. no I'm not."

"Are you looking for someone like... me?" What did he just say.. does he think...

"Wha.. what?"

"Are you hiding something from me?" Oh my god.. what is he saying. He doesn't know... Nobody knows.. oh god what do I say. "Maxwell. What are you hiding from me?" Shit shit shit.

"Nothing! I need some air."

"Max, it really hurts me when you lie to my face." Oh god am I crying? I shouldn't be crying... What do I do... He can't know. "If you're gay you should just say it. You don't need to keep lying to the one's you love." What? He just said... oh god..

"No no no no. I'm" My vision is blurry. My worst nightmare is being enacted in front of me.

"You don't have to lie Max!"

"I can't!" my face is in my arm wiping tears from my eyes. I look up at Eric. "I can't be gay!"

"Why Max? What are you hiding from us? What are you scared of?!?"

"I'M SCARED I'LL LOSE EVERYTHING!" I take a breath "I'll lose everything just like my uncle..." I started to walk to the door but Eric cut me off. I whined at him, begging him to let me pass.

"What uncle Max?" I turned around facing Eric. Choked back tears and spoke clearly.

"I've told you before that my Grandmother had two children. My uncle was the best. He never said anything about me being a runt or my ancestry traits. He played with me when I was young, before we met. He was my hero. The summer before we met he announced to the family that he was seeing someone. When they heard it was a guy they flipped their shit. Called him filth and denounced him as family. My 'family' moved away because they didn't want to be anywhere close to him. My family, friends, neighbors, everyone, agreed that he was filth and abandoned him! That's why I'm scared. I can't lose everything." I was whispering now. "I can't be gay." I started walking to the door again and felt two arms rap around me. I was crying again.

" one is going to abandon you." Is he crying? Why is he crying? "Friends don't do that Max. It doesn't matter to me if you're gay. You deserve to be just as happy as anyone else." I felt another set of arm wrap around me. I look back and see a black tail waving around.

"J-Jamie? What are you doing here?"

"Because your best friend wants you to be happy and so do I." Jamie took a few steps back wiping away a few tears. Eric had stepped back too and I looked over to him. "I knew you were hiding something but I had no idea it was all that." He said wiping tears away. "The question now is do you still feel that you can't be gay? Everyone will love you the same way regardless and you have someone here waiting for an answer." He gestures over to Jamie.

"It's James but I go by Jamie. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle."

"James? Oh... OOhhhh," I must be really out of it. Ok so Jamie is a... which means Eric... "Eric did you? When did you... erm," I cleared my throat "What do I do now?"

"Well 'we' can start with lunch, that is if you want to?" I took a deep breath.

"We? Right.. I've never done this kind of 'we' before but lunch sounds nice."

"You two go ahead I have to get the mob behind the wall back to work." Oh god the whole construction team was staring at us. When did they get here? How much did they hear... Eric is ushering the mob back but I swear I heard Eric whisper 'kiss him' and then the mod began chanting it... I stared in disbelief at Jamie who just giggled and looked back at me.

"See, just as Eric said. No one is bothered by who you are." They are chanting louder and I see Eric smirking at me. What evil friends I have, he's pushing me and I don't mind it. I turn back to Jamie with a grin. "We don't have to if you're not comfortable." He looks up to me smiling. I'm glad I'm taller, that is just too cute.

"Well I am nervous." The mod is still chanting which only makes my cheeks burn and throat dry out. "I've never done anything quite like this before." He grins again reaching for my paw.

"That's absolutely fine. I'm perfectly happy with a normal pace." Oh, well I was going to say that a kiss wouldn't be too different but he's already pulling me toward the door. I wasted a perfectly good chance. That's okay, when the times right I guess.

"Awe, no show? Alright you two go have a good time. As for you lugs, shows over. Let's get back to work." Jamie giggled and lead us out the doors. Something was still bothering me as we stepped outside.

"I'm glad things have turned out the way they have but I have a question." Jamie tilts his head toward me and replies.

"Ask away. I have a question for you too."

"Okay. Well I know that at least I had a great time the first time we met but I'm just wondering why I didn't hear back from you for so long?"

"Oh someone missed me?" He giggles a bit and continues. "I had a flight the next morning when we first met." He seemed to be a bit sad saying that. "I was heading back home to be with my mother."

"Nothing's happened to her has there?"

"Oh no, she's perfectly fine. I needed a shoulder to lean on I guess and I always feel better with her to talk to." He took a deep breath and I can tell he's trying not to cry. "My boyfr... Ex decided to break it off with me a two weeks before our anniversary..." Well that explains the spite at the bar. "He's a fucking jerk..."

"I agree, complete asshole. But I have to thank him. If he wasn't a jerk I wouldn't be here right now, with a wonderful Siamese of my own."

"What do you mean of your own? You don't just get Jamie. You have to earn this." He gestured as if he was Vanna White. "But I'll give it to you, you have my interest and you're not so hard on the eyes." He winks and I feel the heat returning to my cheeks. Before I can reply he adds. "So you have any other family secrets that I get to hear about?" He's smirking again looking at me. I chuckle.

"I have to earn it? Sounds like fun." Now Jamie is the one blushing. "But I'm going to have to limit family secrets to one per month. I'm not sure I'm ready to spill everything."

"Whenever you're ready, I'm all ears."

"I'll keep that in mind. Oh didn't you have a question?"

"Yea! I know you had spent a lot of time with your uncle when you were little. I'm just wondering if you have kept in touch."

"I wish. He changed his name and moved out of the neighborhood soon after we left to avoid the harassment from my family. No one in the family knows what name he took up so he's been dropped entirely."

"I'm sorry to hear that. We'll just have to do some searching. I know a fur that may just be able to help. If he changed his name then there is a legal paper trail."

"That would be wonderful but it's okay. It's been so long since I've even seen him." He leans his head on my shoulder.

"Well that just means you have a lot of catching up to do silly. Besides you have a few more things in common now."

"Well yea, but we shunned him. I don't know if he'll even want to talk to me anymore."

"First off you didn't shun anyone from what I understood and secondly family is important. I have a hard time believing that the guy you described would turn his back on you. Have faith in the ones you love and they'll come around."

"You're right, I know, but it still worries me." He nuzzles my arm some.

"It's okay, I'll be right there with ya but that's for another day so don't worry."

"Yea, thanks. Um.. where are we going? Aren't we getting lunch?." I didn't mind the walk but being in public was making me a tad self-conscious. I guess I'm not fully adjusted yet.

"Oh! Silly me. I've heard about this new place that opened not so long ago and I thought it would be nice to see what the hype is all about."

"You know I've been meaning to check that place out myself but work and the new building are really taxing."

"Great! I've really had a craving for meat all week but my mother has been all about some veggie diet recently." Well we don't have to go to a restaurant to have that...No... Bad penis... you pipe down you hear. This is not the time to be inappropriate. "Max?" I snap out of it looking at him embarrassed. Apparently he had been talking still.

"Um, yea? Sorry I didn't hear you... I was um, lost in thought." He giggles, swaying back and forth as we walk the street.

"That's okay. What are you gonna get?"

"Well I heard they have good burgers so I might give one a try."

"Yea I've heard that too. Which one do you think sounds good? I think I heard they have a pretty mean mushroom Swiss."

"hmm.. nah, I just want a classic bacon cheese."

"Ah, bacon is always a good choice. Hey, Do you ever feel sorry for ferals? Not quite pets but like livestock. I sometimes think that it's not right seeing as we share such close roots."

"Well I can't speak for all furs but I feel that if we feral like them I wouldn't even consider it I would just attack. But really, I think I would rather eat a creature I know was killed humanely than picture how feral me would hunt."

"Yea I get that although I'm not quite a species that would hunt anything larger than a bird so I feel kinda guilty. But then I shovel another piece of steak in my muzzle." We both laugh walking through the front door. We sit down at our table and order our meals. We shared some small talk about where he was from, where I was from. Turns out his mother lives about 300 miles away which is driving distance, if he had a car. Turns out he bikes most places. Our server brings our plates out and we dig in. Between bites I start another conversation.

"So Jamie, you know about what I do for a living but I've never heard what it is that you do." He gets nervous again, so cute.

"Well I don't, um, I don't actually have a job right now."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?"

"Oh don't be sorry, I quit. I was working at Kayton Superstore and that place has a way of sucking the soul out of you. I got into an argument with my boss and it just wasn't worth it so I quit. Best. Feeling. Ever."

"Ha! I bet. Are you gonna be okay?"

"Oh for sure. I've got enough cash saved up to last a while and I've still got the money from commissions." His eyes get wide and he blushes looking away.

"Commissions?" He bites his lip and sighs.

"I... draw pictures." He takes a drink of water and continues. He relaxes seeing my interest. "I've always drawn but recently I've been getting attention. Furs have been asking me to draw pictures for them." I'm pretty sure I know what he means but this is too much fun.

"Oh really? You mean like landscapes or something?"

"Well no, although some do have landscape in them that not what they pay for." He's really turning red, I'm so cruel.

"Oh do you mean like caricatures or like portraits?" Am I going too far? He's really red.

"Closer to portraits I guess..." Okay okay let him off the hook.

"Oh I guess you'll just have to show me what you mean later." Maybe the wink was a bit much, he looks really embarrassed. "I'm having a wonderful time you know." He relaxes and looks up again.

"Yea, me too. I'm sorry about the past you've had to endure but I'm really happy that you end up here."

"I know what you mean. I wish you didn't have to deal with that jerk but if you hadn't I might not have met you." We talked a little longer and I paid for our meal. We walked along the street paw in paw telling each other about pieces of our past until we decided to see a movie. We had sat down and I had been contemplating putting my arm around his shoulder unsure if it was to forward for a first date but I felt him lean over and nuzzle up against me and it felt so right. I don't know what the movie was about. I was too busy watching the fur beside me. His eyes would catch my gaze every now and again and I would cough looking away, he would giggle and nuzzle back in place. Half way through he dosed off and he has the best sleeping habits. His ears would twitch, paws would knead the air, and his nose would twitch ever so often and oh my god I have never wanted to kiss someone so bad in my life. Not even if I was offered a million dollars would I ever wake such a sweet slumber and it was maddening.

The lights had come on waking him from sleep. He stretches and yawns rubbing his eyes.

"Sleep well?"

"I'm sorry. I haven't quite slept enough from the early morning flights."

"Don't be. I didn't mind at all."

"That's good. You're really comfortable you know that?" We decided to hang out in the arcade until dinner time came around. I was better at shooting, he was better at driving, and we both sucked at DDR which oddly was the most fun. We got a bite to eat at a nearby diner. When we were seated I noticed he wasn't quite as cheerful.

"Everything alright Jamie?" he blushes looking up at me.

"Oh, yea. Everything wonderful actually and that's what I'm having trouble with." He bites his lip in confusion.

"What do you mean? Did I say something?" I'm really concerned that things aren't okay.

"No you have been great. It's just that from the reaction you had at the spa and the story about your uncle... It just doesn't seem real." He's rubbing the back of his head. I not sure exactly what he means.

"What doesn't seem real? I'm not doing anything wrong am I?"

"No and that's just it." He pauses for a second "I guess I just find it difficult to believe that you have come so far, so fast. I mean earlier you were broken up about... you know... but now you're just so normal. It's hard to believe you're the same guy ya know?" I breathe a sigh of relief. This is something I can at least explain.

"I know how I acted, because that's the scene I that would keep me awake at night." I take a deep breath and continue. "Probably four years or so ago I realized something. It occurred to me that maybe I was at least bi and that thought scared me to death. I thought that if I was, and someone found out, the same thing would happen to me that happened to my uncle." He's nodding slowly realizing what I mean. "It took me awhile to grasp the concept that I might be gay and I never stopped fearing that I would be abandoned. I decided that it wasn't worth the risk of possibly losing my best friend so I never told anyone. I knew for certain that I was about a year ago when we first celebrated our old business." He had relaxed and seemed rather interested. "We went out drinking and I ended up hitting on some fur that ended up being a guy. Eric has never let that go which was scary because it's a lot closer to home than I wanted him to be. I guess what I'm saying is that I've been wanting this for a long time so it feels natural." He smiles and rubs his thumbs over the top of my paws.

"I'm glad that you talked to me at the bar. I've had a lot of fun with you." I blush feeling slightly ashamed.

"Back at the bar... everything felt so natural. I didn't know you were a guy. I thought I had finally found some fur that I could... well... eventually love..." I take a deep breath. "It felt like such a relief but it turns out I didn't need to hide anything. Letting those walls I built fall has been the best feeling in the world." We both smile at each other and place our orders when the waiter arrives. We talked some through the meal and eventually finished and paid. The night came to end outside his apartment. We stopped outside his door.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"My pleasure. I had a wonderful time with the most amazing fur I've ever met." He blushes and smiles at me.

"I am pretty amazing aren't I?" We both chuckle. "Your pretty amazing yourself. I don't think I've ever met someone genuine like you. You're not just some smooth talking ass looking for sex."

"I used to be that way..." I look down feeling a bit ashamed. "I thought that if I slept with enough women I would eventually like them."

"But you're different now and that's what matters. I've had my flings back in college but that doesn't change who you decide to be now."

"I agree. It's just odd, ya know, I could sleep with women but I could never... Well it never felt right if we kissed and that ultimately ended a lot of relationships."

"Well kissing is very personal and will tell you a lot about someone. It makes sense that you were uncomfortable kissing someone that you didn't have, or want to have feelings for. Also maybe you just haven't kissed the right person..." Is now the right time? Yup now is definitely the right time.

I hold his paws and pull our bodies close, muzzles inches apart. I stared into his eyes and feel at home. "Maybe I haven't." He murrs and starts leaning closer. I closed my eyes when our lips met and I melted. I pulled him closer as he wrapped his arms around my neck, tilting his head to the side deepening the kiss. He scratches the back of my ears which causes me to gasp slightly. I moaned feeling his rough tongue slip in wrestling with mine. Everything that happened in those fifteen seconds was electric. The way his whiskers tickled my nose. The warmth of our bodies. His purring and his cute little moans. We pulled apart and I stared into his eyes again, strand of saliva connecting our muzzles before snapping. We were both breathing heavily. We stand in that door way for a minute staring in each other's eyes. I was the first to break the silence.

"I'm going to need a phone number. There is no way I'm letting you disappear for two weeks again." He giggles and punches the number in my phone and stretches up to kiss me on the cheek.

"Good night Max." I've noticed that he put the name as James in my phone with a winky face.

"James? I thought you preferred Jamie?"

"Well it's what I'm used to. It's what Dale (his Ex) preferred but...?"

"Say no more. Good night James." He smiles and walks through the door closing it behind him. I'm not sure how long I stayed in the doorway but I eventually stepped off that porch. I don't think my paws touched the ground as I walked back to my car. The drive home was both exciting and excruciating. My mind never stopped going over the events of the evening always lingering on the kiss we shared, the tent in my pants agreeing. Masturbation crossed my mind seeing my engorged tip poking out of my sheath but I knew that waiting would be much more fun, although I don't honestly know how long I could wait. I ended the night with a cool shower and a warm bed; thoughts of James still floating in my mind.

I was woken in the morning by my phone, it was Eric. I rolled my eyes and answered checking the time on the clock.

"Come on man, its only seven."

"How did things go? You have a good time?"

"Things went great but for real couldn't you wait until later?" I rub the sleep out of my eyes.

"Well maybe I care for my best friend? Don't play that game with me. Besides I was gonna call you last night but Jules talked me out of it, so count your blessings. Now spill it wolf."

"Listen it's too early for this and I need to get to work soon."

"Oh no you don't. you don't have to be there until nine."

"Good morning Eric and good bye."

"Wait! Did you sleep together? You gotta give me something."

"No Eric, we did not sleep together, and a gentlefur never kisses and tells."

"Ahh so you kissed. Did you kiss him or did he have to kiss you."

"I'm not sure that's any of your business."

"Oh so the big wolf was too shy to kiss him?"

"What? No."

"So you kissed him. You sly devil. Well at least there's some hope for you yet. Alright I need to hop off. By the way we still need to discuss the décor for the spa."

"Okay I'll drop by after I finish my appointments." Something clicks in my head. "Hey Eric what are we doing about staff? I expect that we'll bring the current staff from town but where does that leave us in terms of hiring?"

"We should only need a couple extra furs for opening. I'll put in some ads online. Got anyone in mind?"

"Well James is currently unemployed so if things go well I'll mention something to him."

"Okay, I'll allow it. But don't you two do anything to get us in trouble."

"We wouldn't do anything you and Julie wouldn't."

"That's what I'm afraid of." We both laugh a bit. "Alright I've got to go meet up with the contractors."

"Okay I'll drop by around four?"

"Sure sounds good. Talk to ya later." We both hung and I lay in bed.

'Well shit. Now I have two hours to kill...' My paw idly fiddled with my phone until my thumb stopped on a contact. 'I wonder if James texts.' Before I could process things further I had a message open. 'hmm what do I say? Something like..'

"Hey James, just wondering if you have texting on your phone." I press the send button and set the phone down pulling my sheets to the side and stretching. I hop off the bed heading to the bathroom. I have a pretty standard morning ritual and halfway through my breakfast prep I hear my phone ding. It's a message from James.

"I'm sorry I don't know this number." Ha silly me. I got his number but he never got mine. Before I could type a reply I got another message. "I'm just kidding Max. I got your number from Eric earlier. Hehe."

"Ha So what's going on?"

"You tell me, seeing as it's seven and you texted me."

"Oh, yea.. sorry bout that. Long story short Eric sucks."

"It's alright, I got to get up anyway. Besides I like Eric, you two seem very close."

"Yea we have quite the history together but we can discuss that later. So I um, I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition for me? Well let's hear it."

"Well, I'm going to be in the city later today around four to meet with Eric. If you're not too busy would you like to have dinner after I get done?" There isn't a reply for a while and I'm starting to get a bit worried. 'Am I being to forward? I mean we did just meet..' my mind was put at ease shortly after.

"Sorry my phone died on me. Dinner sounds nice. Where do you want to go?"

"I'm not sure yet. But I'll come pick you up when I get done. We can discuss the proposition over dinner."

"Oh the dinner wasn't the proposition?"

"Nope. :D I'll ttyl."

"Ok. Looking forward to tonight."

"Me too." He didn't reply and I finished my breakfast. 'well shit, I still have time to kill... I could go into work early or...' I pull my phone back out and type another message with a smirk. "Hey! It's later right? I don't have to go to work for a bit."

"Hehe. Bored huh? That's fine, what you wanna talk about?" We chatted back and forth for a while until I had to go to work. We would text back and forth between appointments until I headed up to meet Eric. Eric was looking for help picking colors for paint, furniture for the lobby, as well as furnishing for the individual rooms. He also mentioned another addition to the rooms that caused a smile to split my muzzle. Opening week was gonna be fun but I've got other immediate plans. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial up James. I pick him up and we head out to a sit down joint I've come to really like. Leave it to cats to love all things fish. We ordered some sushi and sake to split.

"This place is great! I've never been down this far. How did you hear about it?"

"This place is right by where I get my robes and linens for our job."

"I'm glad you keep business local."

"That's the best way to do business. It's a bit more expensive but I build a customer base. That reminds me, I need to place a large order with them for the spa."

"Sure, do you want to do that after dinner since we are out here?"

"Oh if that's okay with you that would be great. You'll like them, they are the sweetest."

"Okay sounds good. Oh yea, you said you had a proposition?" He smirks taking a sip of sake.

"Right. This may be a bit too soon but we have openings at the spa when we open; If you're interested that is." He blushes but I'm not sure if it's the sake.

"Really? I've been looking around for a while but nothing has turned up."

"It's not the most glamorous job but I'm sure there will be room to move up. We can start you as a greeter and train you on other duties." His smile is pretty big for such a small face. "I'll have to talk to Eric about pay but it shouldn't be unreasonable."

"This is.. are you sure?" I nod to him and he continues. "Oh this is so wonderful. I was afraid I would have to go back and beg for my job." The image of him begging crossed my mind and my cheeks flushed red and I take a drink of water. "Max this is amazing, how am I supposed to make it up to you?"

"There's no need to make it up to me. I would have offered the job even if we were strangers. You have the personality that we need so don't think you owe me anything."

"But that's just it. I'm not sure that my personality would show through. I'm normally a bit withdrawn but I feel at ease when I'm with you."

"I know the feeling. I can put up a good front but I don't need to around you." We are both blushing pretty heavily.

"Regardless of what you say I owe you. Not that it's a bad thing." I swallow a lump in my throat and look up from my plate. He's looking at his plate picking up another piece of sushi and squirms in his chair while he enjoys it. We spend another half hour talking before he pays for the meal, he insisted and I couldn't refuse such a cute pout. We decided to take a walk around the local park to ensure the sake wouldn't get us in trouble. The walk was wonderful. The sun was setting and cast the sky in various shades of orange. We eventually made it back to my car about the time it got dark.

"So what do we do now?" I inquired not wanting to let the night end just yet.

"Well it's the weekend and I could go for some coffee."

"Coffee sounds nice. Any place in particular?"

"Well actually I was thinking we could go back to my apartment." I couldn't tell if it was an accident but I felt his tail brush across my cheek when I held the door for him. "There's a special blend I've been dying to try since I got back." I feel a tingle down my spine

"Sp-special blend?"

"Yep, I picked it up back home and I haven't had a chance to try it. I figured now was as good any seeing as I'll have company to share it with." We start driving back to his apartment. 'Ok Max, head out of the gutter. He wouldn't mean anything like that yet, but then why did he wink at me... I mean I know we've made out before but... mmm his lips are soft.' I feel my sheath stir. 'Max get it together! It was just the moment. Listen body, this sweet guy next to you is not thinking about... wait is he purring? Maybe he is thinking... no keep it together Max... Why is he so hard to read? I mean it's exciting but I don't know what to do.. Ooo he's looking at ya. Say something, say something clever.'

"Um, Hi." Smooth...

"Somethin on your mind? You've been pretty quiet." We come to a stop in front of his apartment.

"Well yes, but it's nothing. I haven't really been on a date lately and I don't know if I'm just rusty but I'm not sure what to do."

"Well that's easy silly. Let's go inside, I'll make us some coffee, and then we'll see where it goes from there." His vagueness is killing me... and I love it. I nod and we step into his apartment. It's a nice apartment and is furnished well. Large TV on a stand with a few sofas along the wall and a.. broken cup? I look at Jamie and he blushes. "Sorry about the mess." He's picking up the pieces of the mug now. "I haven't felt much like cleaning since I got home, I really like this mug." He frowns a bit. "I'm not mad that it's broken I just wish I hadn't missed his big fat head." It clicks what had happened.

"Ha! Wait, you're not gonna throw a cup at my head if we don't work out are you?"

"I wouldn't count on it. You don't have nearly as big a head as that arrogant asshole... well maybe you do, I haven't seen enough of you to know a big a head you have." I cough a little. OK THAT WAS DEFINANTLY MEANING SOMETHING!

"Well um, so uh.. c-coffee?" Even his damn smile is vague. What is going on in that head of yours' cat..?

"Sure, coffee sounds good." I see him pulling things out of cabinets. Is he bending over like that on purpose...? Stop looking... I feel my shorts tighten some and there is a definite bulge. Well shit this is gonna be a lot harder to hide. "Hey Max, you like sugar or creamer with your coffee?" I clear my throat.

"N-no I'll try it black first but I usually go with sugar."

"Okay. I think I'll put some milk in mine. We cats love milk." He winked again! I can't take much more of this... My heart feels like it's in my throat and my shorts are definitely uncomfortable. He starts brewing the coffee and hums a light tune. I sit down on the couch trying to keep my arousal from being obvious. He sits next to me and gives me a mug. The smell is wonderful. I look over and he's drinking the coffee rather quickly.

"Better slow down or you'll never get to bed."

"I don't think so. The blend is a very low caffeine mix with herbs to promote relaxation." I sip at my cup and blink.

"This is really good. Wait relaxation? You're not trying to drug me are ya?" He laughs a bit and shakes his head.

"No I wouldn't do that. This blend helps relax muscles and I've been sore and stiff for a couple days."

"Well James, I do give massages. I don't mind."

"I don't want you to feel like I'm using you or anything so you don't have to."

"Let me rephrase that, I would like to."

"Really? That would be great.." Wait what did I just do. Max, control yourself. Maybe he will just be relaxed, or maybe he'll want to... nope, just a massage, take things slow, no rushing things.

"Um have you ever had a massage before?" He sets his cup down and shrugs.

"Nope, I've read up on them though and from what I've heard they are pretty amazing." I gulp a bit and set my cup down.

"Okay, take your shirt off and lay face down on the couch. Relax your arms beside you and make yourself comfortable." He begins taking his shirt off and my breath catches in my throat. I didn't need him to take his shirt off but how could I pass up a chance like this. He has a tone stomach and silky and slightly curly fur. I have to catch the murr from physically leaving my lips. He lies down and relaxes. I take a breath and move closer to his side. I start at the shoulders and work down. He wasn't kidding, his back was tight. I forgot about the cute noises and purring soon and focused on loosening the tight muscles. About the time I reached the end of the massage I'm brought to my senses feeling something brush across the bulge in my shorts. I look down a bit shocked and see his tail waving around mindlessly. I check his face next, his eyes are closed and he's drooling hehe. Ok so that was just an accident. I continue the massage and rap things up without any more incidents.

I have to look away as he arches his back. Any more now and things might get messy. "That was amazing! I've never felt so relaxed." He stands up rolling his shoulders. "Are you done with your coffee?" I shake my while he takes his mug to the sink. He puts the coffee maker back up again bending at the hips to reach. If things weren't enough he looks back, still bent over, and winks at me. This is too much. No level of re-adjusting will make a difference.

"J-James, this is torture." He turns back feigning ignorance as he walks over to me.

"Torture? Is everything okay Max?" He stops just inches shy of touching my chest. My body jumps a bit when I feel his paws resting on my waist. "You know, most guys wouldn't be this patient." His index fingers slip into the waistband at my hips and he slowly draws them together toward my crotch until they're a few inches apart on either side of my sheath. My breath catches in my throat as he plays with the elastic. "It's quite admirable Max." I stop him from going any further and he slips his fingers out of my waistband looking worriedly at me. I take a deep breath.

"I, it's just that." He's starting to panic, control the situation. "It's not that I don't want to; cause I do. I just should have warned you that my massages have certain effects and I don't want us to rush anything." He smiles wide and I moan when I feel a paw loosely grip my sheath through my shorts.

"The massage was wonderful Max. But it's not the massage that makes me feel this way?" He accentuates his statements by kneading my growing member through the fabric. I shiver at the touch and there is definitely no going back now.

"Okay so it's not the massage. I'm still nervous though. It's been a while since I've been with someone." He smiles up at me.

"How long has it been wolfy? A couple weeks? A month?" he's still massaging my package.

"Um, like... a y- mmm a year?" I hear him gasp and his paws come to rest on my neck. He stares in my eyes with hunger.

"Someone really has been patient. Wolfy is definitely getting a treat." He pulls my head down into a deep kiss. I moan into his muzzle feeling his tongue invade my maw again. I gasp feeling a paw slip past my underwear cupping my balls. I quickly shimmied out of my shorts and underwear letting them fall to the floor. I wrap my arms around his smaller frame and pulling us closer together. He breaks the kiss and drops his other paw down. My tongue lulls out feeling him place small kisses along my neck and shoulders. I had to brace myself against the wall feeling his paw wrap around my throbbing member, smearing pre along my length. I was on the edge already feeling him reach down and pull my sheath back behind my slowly forming knot. He looks up at me licking his lips. "I haven't been with a wolf before." He knows all the right buttons to push leaving me rock hard and moaning.

He drops to his knees kneading my balls and lightly tracing along my member with a digit. I'm leaking pre and whimpering for more. My body tenses up as he kisses slowly from the head of my shaft down to the base. I feel a wet nose press into my balls and I hear him take a deep breath. My head swims as he drags his deliciously rough tongue from the base to the tip getting a good spurt of pre when he reaches the top. "Mmm I didn't know wolves have such sweet pre." I whine at him curling my toes.

"James... please." He's audibly purring as he takes the tip into his maw. I'm left moaning as he slowly slides down my shaft, tongue covering every inch as he goes, until I feel my tip touch the back of his throat. He pulls back just a slowly. I can feel the purring. He brings a paw up to stroke what his muzzle couldn't handle. I can no longer moan, whine, bark, nothing. The only thing I can do is shut my eyes and pant. He picks up the pace bobbing up and down and I'm so damn close. 'If he would just squeeze my knot.. I'm so close.' His pace continues to increase until I can't wait any longer. "J-James...hah..I'm gonna..." He stops bobbing his head leaving only the shaft in his maw, lapping the pre flowing from my slit. His paw is feverishly jacking my entire length. I hear my whining, feeling like I'm gonna blow without needing any stimulation from my knot. My balls are tensing up and I look down and our eyes meet and he winks. I feel his paw stop and slip past my knot squeezing firmly while his muzzle drops taking me all the way. I feel his nose muzzle bump the top of my knot and every muscle in my body clenches. I let out a howl feeling my member throb in his throat. He pulls back off my shaft after two shots go straight to his stomach, catching the rest across his tongue. I lost track of how many times my cock pulsed and everything got a bit hazy. I drifted back in at the end of my orgasm seeing James lick the last bit of cum off my tip and licking his lips. My legs in and I slumped to the floor.

It took a few minutes of panting to regain my thoughts, shivers and tingles running down my spine. "James... woah... that was... amazing." I said between pants. He was sitting beside me now nuzzling my shoulder.

"I told you that I owed ya. And by the way, you taste delicious." I blush finally feeling my heart rate start to slow down. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on top of his, breathing in his scent. He nuzzles his body closer and purrs.

"You didn't owe me anything but I'm not complaining. I can't help but notice that someone hasn't come out to play." He gasps as I drag a claw around the bulge in his pants. I tipped his muzzle up and kissed him taking on the more dominant role. My tongue and paw explored. I unhooked his belt and popped the button to his pants. It took a little wiggling but we managed to get his pants to his knees without breaking the kiss. I lift him onto my lap and begin kissing his neck. His little mewls and gasps drive me on as we slip off his underwear exposing him fully. I murr wrapping my paw around his length feeling over the texture. He wasn't as thick as I was but he was nearly as long with little barbs around his head. I started feeling the barbs, squeezing and flexing them and James is moaning. They are firm but flexible. I have no clue what that would feel like but I want to find out. "Let's go somewhere more comfortable." He lets out a squeak as I scoop him up and carry him back to the bedroom.

I set him down and pull his clothes off the rest of the way. He's whimpering lightly as I drop to my knees in front of him. He moans as I drag my tongue from the base of his shaft to the tip. I feel a tingle as my tongue scraps across those barbs. They definitely held firm but not firm enough to scratch. I lick some of the pre from his tip and kiss my way back down his shaft. His pre was much like mine, salty sweet. I continue down earning gasps and moans from James and pause when I reach his balls. I breath in smelling his light musk. 'I can barely smell him, clean little kitty.' I lap across them earning a few squeaks and moans and continue lower. He squirms feeling my warm breath across his pucker and I take another breath again only a light musky scent. 'Very clean kitty indeed.' I give him an experimental lick earning another squirm and a whimper. I continue lapping across his tail hole building pressure with each pass.

I grab his wrist holding them to his side when I see him reaching for his erection. He whimpers loudly and I drive my tongue deep inside him. His back arches as I probe around with my tongue. My head swims with thoughts of pounding that tight hole feeling him clench on my tongue. I pull my tongue free dragging all the way to the tip of his drooling member. I pull him to his feet and kiss him deeply. We break the kiss leaving him purring and panting. "We may need some lube. Wouldn't want either of us getting hurt." He nods eagerly and turns around to pull some lube out of his dresser. He turns around and drops the lube seeing me on the bed, on paws and knees looking back at him over my shoulder. "I never said the lube was just for you." He stands there open maw for a short time.

"Max, are you.. are you sure?" I smile and hike my tail up wiggling my rump and licking my lips. I have to snicker watching him feel around for the lube at his feet not taking his eyes off me. He slowly walks toward me and I look back towards his headboard noticing that I'm fully engorged and dripping on the sheets. I shiver feeling his paws on my hips and I gasp feeling his warm breath across my back side. I hear the lid pop off the lube and my spine tingles in anticipation. I jump a bit feeling a cold digit smearing lube across my pucker. I feel a bit of pressure and grin. I relax and press back against the digit letting it slide in up to the knuckle with a moan. I hear him gasp and I look back at him with a smirk now becoming nervous.

"I have... some toys at home." Now feeling embarrassed to tell him that. He murrs and I feel more lube being added as well as another digit pressing against my entrance.

"Oh we have a naughty wolf do we?" I moan feeling him press a second finger in. There was a bit of pain this time but that quickly passed as he probed around, stretching me out. I whimpered feeling his fingers leave me feeling a bit empty. I pant feeling more lube followed by shifting weight and something larger resting under my tail. "Are you sure about this Max?" I growl grinding my hips against his member.

"I haven't been more certain of anything James. I trust you. I know you won't hurt me. Now fuu.." I felt the pressure increase as him tip stretches me open. We both moan as he sinks his head inside me. He stops to let me adjust. It hurt some but not too much. Feeling his barbs slide across such sensitive flesh was unreal. There was worry that it might scratch me but they teased my flesh only feeling amazing. I'm glad he cares enough to take things slow but it's maddening. "I need you, all of you." I growl out pressing back against him until my rump nestles against his lap. We both pant heavily taking a few seconds to relax. He draws back slowly and I want to ask him to wait a bit until he slams his hips back against mine causing me to squeak and moan. He leans over top of my back and whispers in my ear.

"Say it again Max." I whimper not sure what he means. "Say you need me. Beg for me wolf." I whimper again feeling him slowly pull out, barbs dragging slowly against my walls, until just his head is in me.

"Please James. I need you to mate me." I whined out feeling him slam his hips flush against me again, quickly pulling out and slamming back in. We both moan as he continues his fast and hard pace. The pleasure was quickly drowning out the pain. I gasp, arching my back, as I feel his paw jerking my throbbing member in rhythm with his pounding. I cry out feeling dangerously close to my second orgasm. I whine hearing him whisper in my ear again.

"Is the wolf getting close? Wolfy gonna make a mess?" I simply nod unable to actually speak. "I'm close Max." I hear him panting and I focus enough to say a few words between gasps.

"Cum in me... James, please." He picks up his pace some slipping his paw behind my knot and squeezing. I see stars when he bites the back of my shoulder just shy of my neck. My limbs go rigid and my second orgasm slams through my body. I can't even howl lost in pleasure as I paint the sheets of his bed. I feel him slam his hips against me one last time feeling him twitching inside me. He released his bite letting out a hiss that was both scary and I feel his orgasm hit and he begins coating my insides with warm cum. He laid over my back licking where he had bit me until our orgasms faded. Much to my disapproval he pulls out a few moments after he finished. That's a cat habit we are gonna have to break. My body still tingled as I felt his mess leaking out across my sack. We rolled over on to our sides with him nuzzling and purring against my back. We laid there until I heard James whisper to me.

"That was amazing Max. I've never actually..been on top before." I rolled over to look him in the eyes. He was blushing.

"Well that makes two of us. I've never been on the receiving end." We kiss briefly sighing happily.

"You're not hurt are you? I don't think I was very gentle for a first time.." I chuckled and licked his nose.

"I'm a little sore but that's not a bad thing. I'll just have to remember this the next time when you're under me." His face turns red and his ears splay back.

"I'm sorry for being so.. well.. demanding. I've never been in that situation before and it just slipped out." I nuzzle his cheek and kiss him on the lips.

"Don't be sorry James. I kinda... liked it." It was my turn to blush. His eyes lit up.

"Really?" I nod sheepishly and he pulls me into a deep kiss. I feel my sheath stir again thinking about the monster I had just created. We break the kiss and I look into his eyes. He gasps seeing the lust still in my eyes and feeling me swell against his stomach. "Oh my gosh. I didn't know wolves had this kind of tenacity." He gives me a seductive wink which causes me to growl. "What does wolfy want this time?"

"I wasn't finished with my meal earlier." I sit up gesturing for him to roll onto his stomach. I waste no time lifting his tail and digging my tongue back inside his warm entrance. He moans and grinds his hips against my muzzle.

"Oh Max... your tongue.. is amazing." He whimpers when I pull my tongue out. I grab the bottle of lube and generously rub some into his loosened back side slowly slipping to digits inside. He gasps being stretched more as I loosen him up. "Max.. oh my god.. ahh, Max..." he whimpers as I rub against his prostate for a couple seconds. I pull him onto his paws and knees slipping my fingers out of him. I squeeze some lube onto my shaft and rub it across my length. We both moan when I feel my tip meet his pucker. I bite my lip pressing forward lightly. We both moan together as I start to sink inside him. He whimpers as the head slips in so I give him some time to adjust.

I begin to ease in until I feel my hips bumping against his rear. I lean over him wrapping my arms around him, licking his neck lightly. There's no reason to start off rough but I feel a growl in my throat thinking about slamming my knot into his tight rear end. I set up a nice slow rhythm only pulling out about half way before sinking back in with a bit more force but not letting my growing knot sink in. He's really enjoying it if he gasps and mewls have any indication. I drop one of my paws to his waist, still gently licking his neck, and pick up the pace a little. I know I'm not gonna be able to hold back for much longer but I want to keep this as sweet as I can. "Max... you're so feel so..ahh so good." My hips buck forward on their own driving my still swelling knot inside him and I hear him gasp. It takes a lot of my strength not to just hammer him but I manage to pull my knot back out setting up a much faster pace. I hear James whine. "Why did you pull it out..?" He asks between gasps and moans. I lean close to his ear and whisper.

"So I can shove it back in." I see him shiver and he pushes back against my thrusting. My knot now fully formed and stretching him with each thrust.

"Oh... Max.. please... shove it back in. Tie me Max!" I growl into his ear increasing the force of my thrusts hearing him squeal and moan. I let out a short howl feeling my knot slip past his ring locking us together. I hunch over James reaching under him and pawing him off while my hips work with what little movement they are allowed. I growl feeling James clench around me as he adds to the mess on the sheets. I close my eyes and lightly bite the back of his shoulder as my member throbs, painting his bowels with my seed. We both ride out our orgasms and finally collapse sideways still locked together. He nestles against my chest and I rub my paw through his fur on his chest. We stayed locked together for nearly forty minutes with James lightly snoozing against me. He woke moaning when my shrunken knot finally slipped out. We had made quite the mess and desperately needed to shower. I hugged him close and kissed the back of his head. He must still have been waking up.

"Mmm, I love you Max." I lay there blinking. 'He loves me?' James must have realized what he said cause his head shot up and he turned to face me with panic in his eyes about to say something but I just smile and kiss him on the lips.

"I think I love you too James." The smile across his face was so big I'm pretty sure it was painful.

"Y-you do?" I nod and we share another kiss.

"I really do James and I would love to lay here forever with you, but we both stink and I'm pretty sure we are lying in cum." James blushes and we both sit up on the bed wincing a bit. I see James walking a bit funny on the way to the bathroom and giggle feeling a bit proud. We shared a shower, washing the 'fun' from our fur and enjoying the warm water as well as the company. James changed the sheets blushing at the mess we had made of the bed. We went to bed lost in the embrace of our lovers officially becoming boyfriends.

A week passed and just as James had said there was a paper trail leading to my uncle. After a lot of convincing, he's right to be hesitant, he agreed to come visit. When I introduced him to James he relaxed and I got my uncle back. I got to meet his mate as well, a very handsome collie. We talked for a while until he had to return back home. We stay in touch and I feel very relieved to have actual family again. The launch of our new spa went well. Most of the furs that worked at 'Max relief' continued to work for me. James originally was a greeter but quickly we bumped him up to a managing position covering stock. Things were looking very promising seeing the crowd we had cutting the ribbon opening day. All four of us, Me, James, Eric, and Julie, determined the rules for the new business seeing that the old one's no longer applied. We determined, that for the time being, we couldn't do reservations. So a number system was implemented and I explain the rules to each new fur we have. We walked inside the doors on opening day and everyone present got a number. I went over the rules of the establishment.

"Good morning and welcome to the opening of 'Strictly business'. I'm sure you all are eager to relax the stress away but we have some basic operation procedures to go over." The crowd mumbles a bit and I continue. "As you can see by the sign on the wall we have some simple rules. Firstly, paws to yourself. We are all professionals here, disobey and you will be asked to leave." The crowd nods. "Second we have a dress code. Once you are inside the massage room feel free to get comfortable, nudity is acceptable but only in the rooms. Robes are complimentary but may be purchased. They are cleaned be Mr. Lind over there, which we purchase the robes from." I look over the crowd and continue.

"Those numbers in your hands represent order as you may have guessed. We have a limited number of rooms and we operate first come first serve." We had twenty rooms total and twelve misuses leaving time for cleanup and limiting down time. "If rooms are full we offer complimentary hot tub and sauna time while you wait. Bathing suits can be provided, complimentary of course, for any fur wanting to soak in the tubs." I see the crowd smile and talk amongst themselves. "Once again, welcome to our Spa." I shake hands with the group of furs as numbers are called and rooms fill up. The numbers of the crowd dropped by a quarter.

"Alright for the rest of you, you have a couple of options." I regard the rest of the furs. "Firstly you can relax in the sauna room if you choose to. You can also leave and come back later, your number will be skipped but you can come back and be next in line but that only applies to the day the number was drawn." I get a chuckle from the crowd. "Or you could wait in the lobby, the choice is yours. For those that wish to spend time in the tubs please see Mary here and she will take care of you. I must get back to work so if there are any other questions feel free to ask any of our staff. Have a great day." I walk back into my office with a hop in my step seeing Eric and James talking. They look up and grin.

"That was an excellent speech sweety." James said happily.

"Yes quite the knock out, you really sold it out there, I think you could run for president isn't that right James?."

"Oh shut it Eric. You can't say anything if you were too scared to do it yourself." We all share a laugh and I mention that I'm gonna go check on the rooms and make sure everyone is settling in. I walked up to a room of a client that was only scheduled for thirty minutes. I walk into the room seeing Sarah kneading the shoulders of a Dalmatian. Her nimble fingers focusing mostly on his right shoulder.

"How is everything going?" I ask closing the door behind me.

"Oh hi Max. We are just about wrapped up but I can't quite get his shoulder to relax." I walk over to the pair seeing the Dalmatian with his paws in his lap obviously covering himself over his shorts.

"That's quite alright, you still have some learning to do. So," I check the clipboard. "Sam is it?" He nods. "What is it you do to make your shoulders sore? You're a bit too young to be tense."

"Well it's probably from playing ball with my friends." I step up behind him placing my paw on his shoulder. Sarah was right he was definitely tense in his right shoulder. "What are you.."

"Alright so you're very tense in the right shoulder." I look back at Sarah. I start gently rolling my thumb into the muscle between his shoulder blade. "He's young and athletic Sarah, you can put a little more umph in it." I demonstrated by rolling my palm against his back causing Sam to groan.

"Ohhhh yeaaa...that's good." I finished up on his shoulder and informed Sarah to move on to another client. Sam rolled his shoulder and stretched. "Wow. I feel great."

"Glad to hear it. Before I get out of here I've got a few more things to add. First I guess is a bit of a disclaimer. All rooms have security camera for safety." He nods. "The videos recorded are only kept for a short time and no footage is saved unless for official review."

"Okay that sounds fine."

"Although your time for massage has ended you still have a complimentary ten minutes to relax and change. You may stay in the room for as long as you like but will be charged forty bucks an hour past the ten you are given." He nods looking a bit more confused. I love my job. "Again this entirely your decision, but everything in that cabinet over there is for customer use."

"Wh-what's in there?"

"Why don't you go check it out? You don't have to embarrassed by the way. Nearly everyone has the same reaction you're having which is why we have that cabinet." He looks back caught between horror and curiosity and I just smile looking down at his chart. I hear him whisper 'oh my god' when he looks in the cabinet. It was a struggle getting approval for that cabinet's contents but we managed to come to an agreement. "All of that is available for use. If you find something you like you can buy it. Try doing that at any other store!" He still stares in awe between me and the cabinet. "Why else would we have drains and hoses in a massage room?" He stands shaking his head in front of the cabinet obviously aroused. "There is a dimmer switch on the wall next to you. Again you can change back and head on out, you have ten minutes. Or you can take some time and 'relax'." He's nodding now I know he's set. "Alright, I'll get out of your hair." I notice that he has a wedding band on his finger so I turned back one last time before exiting the room. "Don't worry about any mess and you can use the sinks and towels to clean up yourself. One more thing Sam," He looks back at me "We offer specials for groups, in case you have someone special in your life that you would like to share some relaxation with." His tail wags and a huge grin spreads across his muzzle. I add before closing the door behind me. "Once again welcome to the 'Strictly Business: Message and Spa' enjoy your stay."

** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **

Thank you for reading. please leave a comment. it greatly influences if i continue writing.