Sarah and Josh 4 (part one)

Story by PrettyPanther on SoFurry

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#5 of Sarah and Josh

FOR MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY!!! Hey guys, I know it hasn't been a while, but I'm back, and from the looks of things so is that vibrator! One of you posted about doing some indenting and paragraphing instead of one big chunk, so I'm trying it out. Lemmie know what you think! So far I only have one follower, but that's ok! I'm going to try some new things and I'm gonna need your guys' help! I have decided that every so often I will do a viewers-pick special where I will do a two part story like this one and let you guys pick how you think it should end. That's right, interactive reading. So, for each of these I will set a goal. If I can reach 10 followers, just 10, then I will let you pick the ending to a two part story. This one I will pick the ending for, but once I hit 10, the next one will be the viewers-choice. Anyway, thanks for reading! Enjoy the story!

I sighed heavily as I walked up to the door, pulling out my keys. It had been a long day for me and I was glad to be home where I could finally rest. Today I had been doing so much work, I was surprised to have been able to make it home without passing out from exhaustion. The keys fell out of my hand and I bent to pick them up, standing to find Josh in the doorway, smiling. "Oh, hi." I greeted, smiling as I walked in. "How was your day?" I put my bag on the stand by the door and removed my shoes. "The usual." he responded, to which I nodded. "I have a request for you." I paused at the sound of his tone. Oh boy. "Yes?" "I need you to run to the store in a bit once you rest a little." The store? There must be more to this. "But I just got home." I said, still curious what the catch was. "As your Master, I'm asking you to go." he told me, but I knew that "asking" means "ordering". I don't mind it though- most of the time. "As your partner however, I understand if you want to rest before you head out." He then kissed the top of my head and walked to the living room.

I pulled my hair up and went to the kitchen, grabbing myself a bowl of ice cream and going to the living room with Josh. He was up on the couch and I sat on the floor, leaning back on the couch near his chest. We sat and watched some t.v. for a while as I mixed my ice cream to get it to a softer texture, like those frosties you would get at fast food places. Soon my bowl was emptied of its product and I was eating the last spoonful of the vanilla goodness, then Josh patted the couch and I got up, laying on the couch and across his lap, snuggling into him warmly. He stroked my hair and I smiled up to him. "Such a good kitty." he told me, and I only nuzzled him more. "So, why do you want me to go to the store anyway?" I asked. "We just need a few things. For now though, you should take a nap, you look tired." and with that, I yawned as if my body were confirming his observation. I curled up to him, head still in his lap, and dozed off into a light sleep.

About an hour later, I wake to find Josh has left me, his lap now replaced with a pillow and a light blanket over me. I stretched out, yawning, before I sat up and looked around. Josh then came into the room with a small box. "Hey there sleepy, I was just about to wake you." he said with a smile, sitting next to me and pulling me on his lap. "Have a nice rest?" I nodded and, still not all the way awake, kissed his neck a little. "Not now Kitty. You remember what you have to do right?" Again I nodded and this time he stood me up before I could kiss his neck again. "I picked an outfit for you to wear, once you're dressed come to me okay? And only wear what I put on the bed." he explained, then kissed the top of my head again and sat on the couch. I went to the bedroom and found a skirt and shirt, along with a tie. "Sarah!" I heard from the living room. Leaving the schoolgirl outfit he picked out, I go to Josh. "I almost forgot, there's something I want you to wear under your outfit." "What?" I asked unsure. He stood now. "Well, strip and I'll help show you." he told me.

Once I had nothing on and stood in front of him, he nodded as he looked me over. "Yes, perfect. Now, take this and put in it." he ordered, handing me a vibrator dildo. I blushed. "It- it's so big though.." I started, but he lifted my head so I was looking at him, then pulled his shaft out. "If you want this, you need to start working it so I'll even fit. I've had my fingers inside of you, you're nice and tight but I'm afraid you're a little too tight for this to fit." He was right, the dildo may be big but he was bigger. I blushed deeper as a flash of a thought ran through my mind, the idea of him filling me, stretching me out. I blinked the thought away, not soon enough to prevent my body from reacting. Seeing my understanding, he then handed the dildo to me again, and this time I took it. "I want you to get on all fours, face me, and put it in nice and deep." he told me. With a swallow and a nod, I got on my hands and knees, spreading legs slightly and pointing myself in his direction.

Josh sat and watched as I rubbed the dildo along the lips of my pussy, gathering my moisture so I could slip it in easier. I then slowly started to put it inside and couldn't help but curl my toes and shiver. With a whimper, I lowered my hand and looked over my shoulder to him. "I can't do it. It's so big, I don't think it'll fit." He took the dildo from me, pushed me on my back and pressed his body up against mine. "Don't tell me Kitty's giving up so soon?" he asked. I looked down, unsure of what to say. "I just-" "No, if you need help, I'm more than glad to assist you." I started to speak, but before I could he began pushing the dildo inside and I quickly moaned as it pressed inside. "Oh come on, this is just the head." he told me, and I had to look to believe. I looked to him, biting my lip. "It already feels like a lot, I don't think I can- aah~!" I moaned louder as he pressed it further in. My body clenched around it and this only brought more pleasure.

Josh kissed me hard as he pushed the dildo in, drowning my moans out. I broke the kiss and panted up to him. "I can't take anymore, please it's so big~" I pleaded, but he only shook his head. He then lowered his hand and pulled his shaft out again, now fully erect and looking even bigger. I quivered at the sight of it and he pushed the dildo in further. "You've almost got it all. Just a little more." he told me, rubbing the length of his penis on my inner thigh. My body twinged in hunger and he started rocking his hips, rubbing against my inner thigh still. My body was screaming to me that it needed him inside of it, that I had to take him in me. I whined in teasing pleasure, kissing up his neck. He then took this chance and gave the dildo one more push, sending it all the way in, my back arching as pleasure shoots through me. Josh holds it in place with his hand, being sure it doesn't come out at all. "Knew you could fit it." he told me, smiling.

Again, he left little room for me to speak, because he then grabbed some rope and tied it so it held the dildo deep inside, then once the ropes were secure he turned it on and it vibrated inside of me. I gasped at the burst of pleasure, curling my toes and rolling to my side with a loud moan. Josh came behind me and lay with me, pressing his bare shaft on my lower back and holding me close, his hands pressing below my stomach and only tightening the space where the toy lies. I squirmed a bit, my body unsure of which position to be in to best handle the pleasure. Josh holding me against him however gave me no room to decide. "Master, please make it stop!" I pleased through the moans. "It feels too good, I m-might make a mess~!" He grinned in reply and spread my lower lips, pushing my clit on the base of the vibrator. Almost instantly I was brought to climax, my body clenching the toy tight as I grabbed my breasts, moaning loudly. After I came, the toy still buzzed and Josh put his penis away, smiling. "Now that you're all loosened up, I want you to keep this inside and the toy on, get some clothes on over this, and we can go to the store."

With that, he licked up my neck and gently nipped the corner of my jawline before standing and going to the bedroom to retrieve my clothes and some for himself. I lay there a moment before relaxing and sitting up carefully to do as my Master ordered.