Typheks Origins

Story by Typhek on SoFurry

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This is the Origins of Typhek, a Tyrannosaurus with a shaded and mysterious back story.

Reptiles, documented with the earliest appearance of 320-310 million years ago, are traditionally known as the Reptilia. Comprising of Amniotes (tetrapods) that are neither associated with mammals or avians(birds). During the Carboniferous period the reptiles/amphibians advanced and evolved from evolution to become increasingly adapt to the dry lands. Many historic groups are now extinct which includes dinosaurs,pterosaurs, and aquatic groups such as the ichthyosaurs for example. Modern reptiles inhabit every continent with the exception of Antarctica. Several living subgroups are recognized:

· Testudines(turtles,terrapins and tortoises): approximately 330 species.

· Sphenodontia(tuataras from New Zealand): 2 species.

· Squamata(lizards,snakes, and worm lizards): over 9,400 species.

· Crocodilia (crocodiles, gavials, caimans, and alligators): 25 species.

For the next 58 million years reptiles were subsequently over-ruled until the Carboniferous Rainforest Collapse, whilst the large amphibians suffered the worst during this collapse reptiles were ecologically more adapted. Where as Amphibians had to lay eggs in the water the reptiles were naturally more robust from laying eggs in the ground, which came them new perks such as new feeding strategies, for example they learned Herbivory and Carnivory. Where previously they only fed on insectivores and piscivores.

Then came the age of the reptiles, scientifically known as ''Mesozoic era'' which was 252 to 66 million years ago. That begun at largest mass extinction documented today, known as the ''Permian-Triassic extinction event''. The Mesozoic Era is categorized into three main era's:

  1. Triassic(252.2 to 201.3million years ago)

  2. Jurassic(201.3 to145 million years ago)

  3. Cretaceous(145 to 66 million years ago)

From this time was where the origins of Typhek begun...

The legend of Typhek is surrounded in mystery and aura. The prophecy behind Typhek extends back to millions of years, during his species predominance in Laramidia (North America) sixty-five to sixty-seven million years ago at the Cretaceous Period. The legacy of his children extended millions of years and across every culture in this world, installing fear and installing a mutual level of respect and appreciation for the pinnacle of reptilian dominance.

Typhek according to Egyptian hieroglyphs was a controversy of humanity and that he demanded sacrifices from the Egyptians thousands of years ago for mistaking his rule that of the Crocodile/Alligator Nile god Sobek. The Greeks believed he was the son of Typheous, the most deadliest monster ever known to mankind. The Norse and the Romans believed Typhek was a neutral god and unaffected by the ideal squabbles of civilization or human profanity. From these popular and ancient cultures of society came the name 'Typhek'. A combination of Typheous and the Nile god Sobek. To be named Typhek the humans combined 'Typh' from 'Typheous' and 'Ek' from Sobek to give the reptilian god recognition for his reign and legacy.

In truth, the mystery surrounding the god himself lays in a foundation of rumour, myth and legend. Typhek was to have thought to be Reptilian himself, a god that bore neutrality and nothing more. His appearances across the cultures show all kinds of designs for the reptilian god himself, some depicting him as a fire breathing dragon and others a Naga. Later study has shown across all cultures however they agreed on one thing, that he was speculated to have bore features distinctively similar to the Tyrannosaurus Rex sixty-five million years ago.

What was strange about his myth was that he came across every cave carving, every marking on the Egyptian walls, and that of Chinese Papyrus's during humanities hatching years, where transport and word of mouth across the globe was not possible. Much the same way that the mythical creatures of dragons came to be as well. The god himself is depicted from all mythology, from Norse to Hindu, Egyptian to Roman, the god was labelled all names under the morale spectrum of good and evil.

Under all of the observations and speculations of the humans, none of them knew that the god could in fact change his appearance from the feral Tyrannosaur to a anthropomorphic lizard that bore the same human anatomy except for the meagre differences of the head, claws and feet. His intelligence was humbly mediocre due to his hesitant labyrinth which tested the mind in a series of puzzles and wits. His muscular stature was what made him such a threat to the credibility of all gods, he was a very broad and muscular T-Rex in any form, his advantage was that of cunning strength and stamina.

According to evidence, many enemies quake in before the deadliest monster in mythology, the gods feared was that he was somewhat emotionless which made his actions unpredictable or unmanageable. Scripts dug up from modern day archaeology shows that the myth/monster was described of having several ways to torture his apparent victims. Many of them came in many strange and abnormal ways, these victims of the Rex would be noted as normal for him and as part of the circle of life, from the apex predator to the prey he had no reason to acknowledge them.

For the very reason the god himself thought it was a part of subconscious life, was the same reason he was loved and feared by many cultures, because so any rumours are surrounding his origin no one knows where his loyalty lies.

According to Mayan carvings the humans were naturally the prey and that Typhek believed reptiles were the older, wiser and superior dominant species. No one knows the truth of how he felt or whether he existed. Over time, stories revealed by archaeologists will show the impact and influence this reptilian prophet had.

Although the Rex himself was surrounded by many tales of neutrality, good and evil. He has been hailed by even early aborigines for bringing rain in Africa and hailed as a sun god. His mythology is twisted as it is diverse, mangled between the chords of many interpretations and speculations.

What was surprising most of all is how he viewed humans not by name or age, but the fact they in fact just meagrely served as another animal, he did not view them differently nor did he care, in fact due to his high testosterone and curiosity he sometimes found ways to cruelly play games with the humans. Many of which were well recorded of pieces of parchment under the great Sphinx hidden away for the danger that could erupt in modern society, only Egypt's government knowing that the protection of these pieces of parchment must be secluded from the modern world. No one knows what could happen and the very few people that know about it are far and few in humanity.

What is known is that the T-Rex was a god, an uncertainty, and he is a force to be reckoned with.

With the little known, Typhek has been recorded throughout history. For good and for bad. But for him, his time on our planet has just begun. And that the stories that follow will only induce Typhek himself.

''The Time has come, the legacy of the reptilian race will live!''