BOG Origins Chapter 4: Fated Meeting

Story by KibouKumara on SoFurry

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#12 of Beast Omega Galaxy

Chapter 4 of the origins saga! Discover more about Hesh's past and his meeting with someone who will become a close ally and friend

Chapter 4: Fated Meeting

*While observing the wolf, Hesh hears a cracking sound and the branch underneath him gives way and he falls onto the grass*

Hesh: Urk! *Slowly stands and looks at his shoulder to find a bullet had entered it. He was already scraped up from the landing* I'll looks hurt, maybe I should watch him for a little.

*Hesh pulls out some food and leaves it by the unconscious wolf and limps behind the trees, watching from a distance. A few hours later the wolf finally awakens. As he sits up he rubs his head and looks around dazed and confused. Feeling something was wrong he then raised his paw to his face and his expression turns to one of surprise and horror.*

Wolf: What the!?...FUR!!!? Why? What...what is this!?

*As the wolf jumps up and gazes upon his new body he notices a satchel by his feet. Confused he bends down and looks over it.*

Wolf: Huh?...This isn't mine. I wonder who left it here.

*The wolf looks through the bag to find food and other supplies. Unknowingly he begins to wag his tail happily as he starts to devour the food.*

Wolf: Hehe well whoever left this here...thank you!!! Hm...this whole fur and tail thing's weird, but kinda cool! I do like wolves! Hehe Soulka The Wolf! Now that sounds awesome! Okies for now I should look for signs of's too bad I don't recognize this area. Hmm...oh well! Guess I'll just start walking!

*Soulka then places the satchel over his shoulder and proceeds to walk straight, kicking his feet as if happily marching while his tail wags. Still unsure about this strange wolf Hesh decides to continue to silently follow him from the shadows. After an hour or so of walking Soulka finally reaches the end of the forest where he can see a small village nearby. Excitedly Soulka jumps joyously and dashes to the village. Meanwhile in a tree not too far Hesh continues to observe the wolf. When Soulka is a safe distance away Hesh jumps down and proceeds toward the village. Once in the town Soulka begins to search around and ask the residents about where he is. Unfortunately he finds that their clueless just like him.*

Shop Keeper: Sorry, I have no clue where we are. I woke up here about a week ago, just like you and found this town. I decide to just work at this shop here until I get enough money for travel.

Soulka: Ah I see, darn. Oh well I'll keep looking, but thanks for your help!

*Soulka leaves the shop and with a sigh looks up at the sky lost in thought. "Well at least Miles should be safe. All these people are lost like me...deciding to just wait whatever this is out until something happens. I can't do that though...need to get back to Miles. Oh right! I'll look for Vance!" *With that Soulka decides to look around town to see if Vance is anywhere nearby. Along the way a cloaked figure passes by and bumps into Soulka making him lose balance and fall.*

Soulka: Hey watch where you're...huh? *Slowly stands and looks around the ground confused. Soulka then looks up in shock, realizing what has happened* Hey! Hey that guy took my satchel! It has food in there!

*Soulka immediately jumps up and runs after the cloaked figure. After several minutes of chasing him down the streets, bumping into beast men along the way he chases the figure into an alley, but there he only finds two beast men, and no sign of the thief, it was a dead end.*

Soulka: Darn! Looks like I lost him! My poor food...

Mugger: Hehe hey there lost? *Slowly approaches Soulka*

Soulka: Huh naw, but did you see a person wearing a cloak come this way?

Mugger 2: Hm...maybe we did...what are you willing to pay for the info?

Soulka: Pay? Well the thief took my satchel so I don't have anything on me.

Mugger: Well that's a problem isn't it? You want free info, but that's not how it works mutt.

Soulka: Gee even here it seems humans don't lose their personalities. Oh well, forget it I'll find that thief myself.

*Soulka turns to leave, but is halted by a paw on his shoulder.*

Mugger: Oh no you don't. You came into our territory and bothered're going to have to pay us somehow.

Mugger 2: How about you be our servant.

Soulka: What!? Back off!?

*Soulka swings and knocks one of the muggers in the jaw, making him stumble back in surprise. The two stare at the wolf with anger in their eyes and charge towards him. Soulka stands his ground and dodges one of their swings. He tries to counter, but thanks to his low fighting experience, is easily dodged. One of the muggers sees an opening and grabs the wolf holding him in a headlock. Soulka squirms and shakes trying to get free, but is unable to, due to the sheer power of his attacker. Losing hope the wolf starts to think of Miles and his friends, closing his eyes, but he immediately jolts them open as he hears a scream and the grip around his head is loosened. Coughing and trying to regain stamina Soulka looks up to see one of his assailants falling to the ground and his thief standing behind him in an imposing stance.*

Soulka: Yo...You?

*The figure stands silently staring at Soulka until the other assailants' charges at him yelling. The cloaked beast man quickly dodges the attack and in a swift moment strikes the mugger in the back of the neck, knocking him unconscious. Soulka slowly climbs to his feet and stares at the figure in shock. The cloaked figure looks over at Soulka then drops on one knee in pain and as he falls his hood comes off revealing him to be a husky. Soulka rushes over and offers him a paw.*

Soulka: Hey! Are you ok?

Hesh: I'm fine. No need for you to worry.

*Hesh tried to stand, but falls back down gripping his arm as blood flows down it. Soulka on instinct grabs the husky's other arm and puts it over his shoulder helping him stand.*

Soulka: Haha silly. I'm no doctor, but I'm sure a bloody arm is something to worry about. Come on I'll take you to the doctor.

Hesh:...guess I have no choice...thanks.

Soulka: Haha I should thank you. You saved me back there.

Hesh: It was nothing...those guys were weak and bared ill will...

Soulka: *Gives Hesh a curious look* Haha I see. How'd you learn to fight like that?

Hesh: Hm....i know a lot of things you couldn't believe....ask me another time...preferably when I'm not bleeding....

Soulka: Ha fair enough. Alright let's get you patched up.

*Soulka and Hesh walk until they reach a small house. Once there they walk inside and a doctor shows them into a patient's room. Hesh's injury is sewed up and wrapped in bandages. As the doctor leaves Soulka walks in to see Hesh putting on his clothes, but not before seeing strange markings and the Feral Force tattoo.*

Soulka: Hm...hey what are those markings and that tattoo? Some kind of tribal thing?

Hesh: *sighs*....These markings are my past....are you sure you want to hear about it?

Soulka: *Smiles wide and sits next to Hesh*

Hesh: *sighs* Alright, alright. Which one do you wane know pick one....the next is for a better time.

Soulka: pick one? In that case...that one! The one that looks like a scale!?

Hesh: *His eyes soften as he looks back on the long painful road he has trekked lowering his eyes, but opens his mouth to speak* That...that is the mark...of the Liberator

Soulka: What's a...Liberator?

Hesh: The liberator is a chosen being endowed with incredible power for the purpose to pass judgment on those who are deemed fit for it and those on their last breaths. I was born with this marking...I must struggle to keep balance between all for peace and bring this world back into equilibrium.

Soulka: Hmm...I see. Then you're like some kind of superhero husky! Hehe well then...*Holds out his paw* It's nice to meet you! My name is Soulka!

Hesh: *Shakes Soulka's paw* A pleasure Soulka...few get to hear my name...the name's Hesh.