Experimenting in College: Part 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A new addition to this little story world, where Peter gets shrunk again by not one bear, but two.

Chapter 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/468812

Experimenting in College: Part 2 By Draconicon

Peter Seeberger was on the verge of giving up on his work. Knowing that Professor Grosjean's annual Christmas Party was coming up consumed his mind, reducing his normally neat and coherent writing to scribbles on the page.

Then again, he was hardly the only one that couldn't focus on their work. He looked out the window, smiling as he glanced over the grounds. The human students had mostly cleared out for the holidays, but he saw some of the more tolerant ones walked around with the anthro students. With maybe a dozen people in sight, however, it was a fraction of the normally bustling campus.

Even that meager population was more than the library boasted. Other than the staff and a wolf working to copy pages from a book, he was the only one there.

Sighing, he gave up on work for the time being and leaned back on his chair. As he stared upwards, his thoughts drifted to the party again. Professor William Grosjean was a source of pride for Stantman College. The professor was a renowned biochemist, nearly at the top of his field, and he was invited to conferences around the world on a near weekly basis. He was a strong advocate for the rights of a quality education, and he pushed his students as much as he encouraged them. In Peter's time in his class, he'd learned more about biochemistry than any library could have taught him.

Perhaps most astonishingly - at least, to some people - Professor Grosjean was an anthro. A grizzly bear anthro, to be precise, and as well-known as an activist for equal species rights as he was for his work in biochemistry. It was partially due to his work that Stantman College had become an integrated college, leading to a mixing of humans and anthros in the classrooms.

He idolized the bear as much as the subject, and had thrown himself into the class with a will. And it worked. Just a few months ago, his professor had noticed him and invited him into the prestigious study group he headed.

Of course, he'd hoped that he'd be noticed by his work, but it hadn't turned out that way. He blushed, squirming in his seat as he remembered how it went. He'd dropped an edition of Fine Fur Feet magazine in the professor's office, and he'd been absolutely mortified when his idol called him in to give it back. He'd been completely convinced that he'd be thrown out of college for his choice of 'material', but instead, the Professor had -

He shook his head, stopping his thoughts in their tracks. Fun as what happened next had been, it would lead from memory to fantasy, and he didn't want to be walking through the library with an erection.

The party. That'll be fun. Just...the party.

No bigots would be invited, Peter was sure of that. The Professor was very open-minded, but the bear didn't tolerate bigotry or beliefs of special superiority. Anyone that subscribed to that view was sent packing.

"I wonder if the party's going to be more humans, or more anthros."

"What are you talking about?"

Spinning at the sound of a different voice, Peter fell out of his chair. Grunting, he got up to see who it was.

It was the wolf he'd seen earlier, he realized. He had thick white fur and wore a thin sweater with the college S on it. He was bare-pawed as most anthros were, something Peter couldn't help noticing as the wolf chuckled.

"Sorry about that, man. You okay?"

"Yeah, j-just off in my own little world."

"I get that. Easy to do when there's no classes for a few weeks, huh?"

"And all the parties, too."

"Right, that's what I meant to ask. What party were you talking about?"

"Oh, um, Professor Grosjean's one for his study group."

"Damn, you're lucky. All I got invited to is the one my dorm's throwing."

"Well, I've only been part of his group for a few months -"

"Oh, so you're the human that my roommate was talking about."

"...Talking about?"

"Yeah, apparently the professor's been bragging holding up this new guy to some of his students as a hard working person. It's only been in the last month or two, though, so I guess it has to be you."

Peter blushed, looking down at the table. He couldn't believe that he was being used as an example. It was the highest praise he could ask for.

"Um, I'm Peter, by the way. Peter Seeberger."

"Harrison. Harrison Laed."

They shook hands before the wolf sat down on the other side of the table. His collection of papers collapsed as he sat them on the table. The wolf grumbled as he frantically collected them again.

"Sorry about that."

"No worries," he said, waving a hand dismissively. "So, uh, what's got you in here instead of out there like everybody else?"

"Just a project for Professor Gemaut. Physics problem that he gave us before the holidays that I'm still trying to understand."

"Ouch. I'm surprised that he gave anything out. Usually he just lets people enjoy the holidays."

"Yeah, well, we're an anthro majority class this year, so..."

Peter winced sympathetically. While a number of the teachers were accepting of the college's new ways, not all of them were willing to change. Gemaut was one of the old guard, and though he wasn't obvious about his distaste, he had subtle ways to make the lives of anthro students harder. A good contract and an equally good name protected him from any complaints.

The wolf wrenched a folder of papers out of his pile and placed it on the table. At first Peter thought that it was filled with notes, but as soon as Harrison opened it he recognized Gemaut's letterhead. Numbers and variables streamed down the page, with a question to go with it written above the equation. Harrison had to turn the page to display the rest of the problem, leaving the human shaking his head.

"I don't envy you."

"Yeah. Maybe it's a good thing that I don't have any parties to get to over the holidays, huh?"

"Maybe. Still, that guy -"

"Eh, he's a professor. What can you do?"

"More than this."

"Some of your kind still don't like having us around. If he's thinking he can make me quit with this, though, he's got another thing coming."

Despite the wolf's brave words, Peter could see that the strain was taking its toll. Having to deal with a teacher who tried to make non-humans quit his course couldn't be easy. The closest to that experience he'd ever gone through was the reaction some of his professors had after it got around that he'd joined the Professor's study group. One of them had been fine with it, but the other - another human - had been livid. Half of the last lecture had been taken up in the 'moralities' of consorting with other species.

He sighed as he looked down at his work. Until recently, his rough handwriting wouldn't have counted against him, but with the professor's vendetta against him, anything out of place was fair game. He'd taken to printing out every assignment to get around that problem, but with the computer lab closed for the holidays, he was out of luck.

They observed each other's problems in silence. Peter didn't say anything, but he felt that they understood each other's difficulties perfectly. The world was changing, and some people just couldn't keep up.

Picking up his pencil, he went back to work. For now, he should just get it done. He could worry about handwriting later. Another pencil scratching away suggested that Harrison was doing the same.

Nobody else entered the library as they worked. Even the staff seemed to have given up on anyone else coming in. Every time that he looked up, it seemed there was one less person at the desk. He shook his head but pressed on, finding the quiet helpful for thought.

It also made the time pass quickly. The next time that he looked at a clock, he couldn't believe the time.

"Wow. 5:00 already."

Harrison blinked as he looked up. "What?"

"5:00 already. We've been working for five hours."

"...You're kidding." The wolf looked up at the clock. "Okay, you're not. No wonder my stomach's hurting."

"No kidding. I skipped lunch to get here, and I'm starving."

They packed their stuff up, moving quickly at the insistence of their growling bellies. As soon as they left the building, Peter shivered. As well heated as the library was, he'd forgotten how cold it was outside. Summer and fall had been very warm, but now he was paying the price.

His new acquaintance chuckled as Peter shivered.

"Heh, one of the good things about being an anthro. We can take a lot more cold with this fur."

"Not to mention that you get to walk around barefoot all the time. How the heck are you not freezing?"

"Fur. Everywhere."

He rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around himself as they jogged towards the cafeteria. The few people he'd seen through the window must have gone back to the dorms. If only he had the same brains to get out of the library while it was still chilly instead of freezing.

At least he'd get a hot meal, he thought, and have some good company while he ate.

"No unwelcome surprises? Good," he said as he slipped into his dorm room two hours later.

One of the few good things about the new semester was that his previous roommate had moved on. Not that Erik had been a bad guy. Far from it. He'd been as accepting of anthros as anyone could ask, and he'd been a good guy to bounce ideas off of.

However, his after-school activities had been disruptive, to say the least. He was a sex fiend, always going out and bringing back some girl - and always a different species - for some fun. Not once had the guy gone to their places or a hotel. No, he just brought them back here and fucked them, usually at a time when Peter was about to walk in after a long day. Wolves, cougars, even a cow at one point; he'd seen all of them far more intimately than he'd have liked.

He would miss Erik's brain, but he definitely wouldn't miss his 'exploits'.

Dropping his bag at the foot of his bed, he powered up his computer. He had no printer, but usually he didn't need one. He usually used it for editing or checking email; anything that required printing out could be done elsewhere. Usually.

One bonus of having the room to himself was that he could be less secretive. When he turned the computer on, he blushed at his new background. Despite knowing no one else could see the large pair of bear feet on the screen, he squirmed in his seat as he stared at them. The smooth pad along the underside, the uniform color that was so different from the fur around it, extending up to the toes and looking so smooth and shiny and -

He had to force himself to start his internet browser, and he panted as the image disappeared. It only made his blush worse as he realized just how much that picture affected him. No surprise, he supposed. They were Professor Grosjean's feet, after all.

"I wonder if I'm taking this a bit far," Peter muttered as he opened his email. "Getting that excited...maybe I need help."

That was something to deal with later, he thought as he looked through his inbox. Most of it was the usual garbage from a few message boards he no longer visited, and some of it was from his family. He dragged those into the usual folder, just to get them out of the way for now, and checked what was left.

Only two emails stood out. One of them was from his biology professor, a group reminder sent to everyone in the class. Probably an update to the assignment, Peter thought, shaking his head. He'd need to read that, but for now he didn't want to deal with biology work.

The other was another group email and it was from Professor Grosjean. The subject line read, "Student Party". He opened it.

_"To my esteemed study group,

Thank you very much for making this a great semester for all of us. We've progressed by leaps and bounds compared to the last few years, and I'm so proud of every one of you. I can't wait to see where our work takes us after the winter holidays.

Until then, I think we've all earned a break from our work, and I know just the thing to help us relax.

Consider yourselves all invited to my home - the address will be sent closer to the date - for a party. Food, drinks, and entertainment will be provided for all.

I can't wait to see you all there. Thank you again, everybody.

Professor Grosjean."_

The letter was sincere and touching. The grizzly's honest affection for the group always made Peter smile.

The announcement that the party was going to be at the professor's house was new. He knew where it was - fighting an erection as he remembered his first time there - but he wondered if he was reading too much into the party being there. He doubted it would be anything like what happened the first time, but -


Another email, again from the Professor, but this one just for him. Though it was still labeled "Student Party", it had an attachment on it. Cocking his head to the side, he opened the email.

He completely ignored the body of the email as the attachment came up. It was probably important, but when he was presented with not one, but two pairs of bear feet, he couldn't look away.

The brown-furred pair was instantly recognizable, but the other pair was new. The fur along the tops and sides were white. He'd guess they belonged to a polar bear, but he didn't remember any of them in the group. Despite being new and a bit strange, the light colored fur made such a contrast with the undersides that he couldn't help but stare. His pants grew tighter and tighter as he kept staring, and he realized he was panting again.

With a supreme effort of will, he managed to drag his eyes away from the image and look at the message. If the Professor had sent him this, then there was a reason. Maybe it was just to tease him, but he doubted it.

_"To Peter Seeberger,

I'm looking forward to seeing you at the party and the after-party. I hope you don't mind that I'm bringing a friend along, but I'm sure that you'll be just as cordial and well-behaved as ever. See you soon, my friend.


Professor Grosjean"_

"A friend?"

That was unexpected. He'd looked at other anthro feet, admittedly - Harrison had been the most recent in a long line of them - but he'd never thought of playing with both the Professor and someone else. Aside from the possibilities of getting in trouble, he just hadn't thought about it really happening. He didn't need it, and he was a little worried that the grizzly might be bored with him.

Still, Peter was tempted. The idea of being under two big pairs of bear feet...The thought alone sent shudders down his spine and tingles through his cock.

He thought about it for a few minutes before typing out a response. It was quick and to the point - mostly because he wasn't sure he could keep on topic if it was longer than a few sentences - but said that he was fine with the Professor bringing a friend, as long as the grizzly had thought it through.

As soon as the message was sent, Peter looked down at his tented pants. It was already begging for attention, but he knew better than to give in. If he waited instead, he'd enjoy the 'afterparty' even if something went wrong.

The next week passed by quietly. The students that hadn't left were members of some club or another, and tended to hang out with the other people they knew. Half emptied dorms became club rooms, and the few dorms not centered around a single club planned parties for themselves to rival the big ones to happen around Christmas.

Peter spent the week focused on his work, but it wasn't easy with all the celebrating going on. More than one classmate knocked on his door with an invitation to join them for a drink or a party, and he always - often with regret - turned them down. It was more important to finish his biology paper before the party. Once he hit that high point, any time spent on that paper would just ruin the holidays for him.

It took him six and a half days, but he managed it. Not only did he have a perfectly handwritten final draft, but it was typed up on the off chance he could get to the computer lab and print it out before class. He'd gone out with Harrison and a few other bio-chem classmates to celebrate, hitting up a local club for a night of dancing and drinking.

And now, with a headache barely managed by a generous supply of painkillers, he'd arrived at the Professor's house. Lacking a car of his own, he'd had to use the bus, which was a pain in and of itself. With the slow death of the segregation laws between humans and anthros, neighborhoods had started joining together, but most anthros still lived on the outskirts of cities, and the Professor was no exception. Peter had to transfer three times to get out there, and as he walked up to the door, it was snowing and the party was already in full swing.

He stepped around a few groups that were observing the grizzly's winter garden and commenting on the plants. When he reached the door, he paused and knocked. It opened immediately, but it wasn't the Professor on the other side.

"You are late, you know."

Standing in the doorway was an immense polar bear. He was shirtless, his white fur thick but not hiding the thick muscles beneath, and he stood a full foot and a half taller than the Professor, which meant the bear was head, shoulders, and chest above him.

"Uh...hello. I'm Peter, Peter Seeberger."

"Yes. I know your name. Please, come in."

The bear's voice was deep but quiet as he stepped to the side. Peter almost felt guilty about being late after that welcome, but the feeling soon faded as he walked in. He looked back, his eyes wandering down the black shorts that he wore down to those bare paws. Were they the ones in the photo? Was this the guy Professor Grosjean had -


That voice. His head snapped around just in time to spot a lady wolf walking towards him, and his eyes kept going up as he realized that she was following anthro customs. Her chest, her entire body was bare. By the time she'd reached him, his eyes were glued to the ceiling.

"Peter, it's been three months. I thought you'd be used to seeing us like this by now."

"Lianna, if I ever got used to seeing friends naked, then there would be something seriously wrong with me."

"Oh, grow up. Here, I saved you some punch."

She pushed a cup into his hand, and he took a small sip. The concentrated fruit flavor was as fresh as the drinks always were, but this time there was a hint of something stronger behind it.

"Did someone spike this?"

"It's a party. Live a little, Peter. Just because you're so hung up on this doesn't mean everybody is. The other humans got used to this pretty quickly."

"The other humans were looking for a lot of a-...Um, affection, too. I just wanted to be part of the research and study project."

"And you are. I don't think Professor Grosjean has bragged so much about another person's work since he still boasted about himself. That doesn't mean you don't get to enjoy yourself after all the work's done, you know."

"Yeah, but it's not -"

"Not done, yeah, yeah, I know. Look, I'm going to get back to dancing so that you don't get a crick in your neck, but why don't you try and find someone here tonight? I'm sure that there's more than a few girls - or hell, guys, if that's what you're into - looking for a bit of love. Give it a shot; I bet you won't be disappointed."

He shook his head as she walked away. She was a good friend with a great mind, and she was quick to defend a friend's work no matter how crazy, but he doubted that he'd ever understand Lianna. At least he hadn't said anything stupid about him and the Professor.

For that matter, where was he? Peter would have thought that the host would be doing the greeting, but maybe he was busy. After taking another sip of his punch, he started exploring the two story house.

To say that the party was wild was an understatement. In just three rooms, Peter ran into a group of students making a homegrown - and explosive - chemical experiment, a human girl and a cheetah in bed together, and a cluster of plants brought as a gift for the Professor. He'd nearly knocked them over when he ran into them near the stairs, and only avoided it because he was grabbed by a few of the other students in the area before he could.

After they helped him to his feet, he decided that a little embarrassment was better than blind exploration. Taking his eyes off of the ceiling, he thanked the other students and tried to ignore his burning cheeks. Some of the ladies wore a thong or set of panties to cover up their sex, but all of the guys were naked. While he was attracted to anthro feet and...other things, humans didn't really do anything for him.

He walked out of the room with his drink pressed against his cheeks, trying to cool the blush away as he explored the rest of the house. Where is he?

Eventually, he found the grizzly. The Professor was nearly as undressed as his students, wearing something resembling a loincloth. It was tied around his waist and hung down to his knees, covering the slightly chubby bear rather well. He smiled as Peter stepped into the room, waving at him over the room of chattering students.

"There you are, Peter. Here I was thinking I might have frightened you off or something."

"No, no, I just, uh, keep forgetting how, uh..."

"Heheheheh, you really need to learn how to relax, you know that?"

"That's just what Lianna was telling me, Professor."

"She's right."

The big bear pulled Peter closer and patted his back. The Professor towered over him by nearly two feet, though after seeing the polar bear the difference didn't feel as massive as before. The slight red in his cheeks as the bear grinned suggested that he might have been the one to spike the punch.

"Um, so, who's the polar bear at the front door? I've never seen him before."

"Oh, that's Alornerk, my assistant."

"I didn't know you had an assistant."

"Most of the group doesn't. He's usually abroad, helping me tend to different collections in specific climates and keeping track of my speaking arrangements. He's a very handy fellow."

"And, um, is he, you know..."

"Yes, yes he is."

The blush on Peter's face burned hot again. He'd guessed it was the case, but it was one thing to guess and another to know. Alornerk was absolutely immense, and from the small glimpse he'd gotten of the bear's feet, they were in proportion to the rest of his body. Just the thought of playing with them -

He covered his crotch surreptitiously, though he doubted that anyone would have cared, not with all the other guys with hard-ons. He cleared his throat.

"I'm going to...I think I need to find a place to sit down for a while."

"I'll come with you, Peter."

The bear wound his way through the crowd, and Peter followed. They walked up the stairs and into the Professor's home office. As the grizzly locked the door, Peter finally felt safe looking somewhere other than the ceiling.

The Professor offered him a chair, and he took it with thanks. Pulling another chair over, the bear patted his shoulder as he sat down as well.

"Sorry about all the surprises downstairs. There are times when I forget that humans don't like to see everything on other people."

"I don't mind seeing, well, you. It's just that -"

"You don't want to see people that you aren't close to."

He nodded. That felt about right. Since he wasn't required to expose himself, he usually found a way to be comfortable anyway, but having everyone around him naked got very stressful after a while. He didn't know most of them by name, let alone intimately, so he wasn't interested in seeing that.

"I don't really know if I can change that, Peter. That's part of the culture that I come from, and what the anthro students in my group are raised in. I can't really take that away from them. Not here."

He nodded again, looking at the floor silently.

After a few minutes, his eyes started wandering around the office. It was bigger than the one at the college. Rather than having to play Human Tetris to get from one side of the room to the other, there were wide spaces between the single desk and the bookshelves around it, as well as enough floor space for at least six people to stand in front of the desk without bumping into each other. The floor was hardwood, covered with red rugs to protect the wood from claws and paws, he imagined.

Along the shelves and the desk, Peter noticed a number of photographs. Professor Grosjean was in each one, though always in a different location. Florence, Vienna, Berlin, London; he recognized landmarks from each city, and saw more photos where he didn't. He realized that the photos were arranged in a chronological order, going back in time through the Professor's career.

It didn't take long to find the oldest photo. Professor Grosjean looked half his age in that one, standing in St. Louis with the arch in the background. He looked tired, but happy.

"You've been all around the world, Professor. Why did you settle for a teaching job at Stantman?"

"Because all that globetrotting wasn't bringing about the sort of change I wanted."

"What do you mean?"

The bear got to his feet, walking over to the solitary window in the room. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back, and for a moment, Peter worried that he'd offended him.

"When I first got my degree, I wanted to show the world what an anthro could really do. I wanted to show all the people that saw us as less, as plain animals, that we were just as good, just as intelligent, and just as driven as any of them. I wanted to be the one that brought some equality between human and anthro.

"So I studied. I wrote various papers and developed all sorts of theories in my field, and as you know, many of them are still in use today. I traveled the world, speaking at different universities and gatherings of scientists, showing off what I could do, what I had come up with. I argued with all the passion of a teenager defending his first love, and...well, I found out just how futile the whole thing was."

He turned around, shaking his head as Peter listened in confusion. The grizzly gestured at him.

"Peter, you're one of the first people to actually go to a school where anthros and humans are allowed to study together. Do you know how much of a gain that was for us? Do you know how much pushing that took?"

"Well, a lot, I think."

"More than a lot. Do you know why I threw so much effort into getting that to happen?"

"You said it yourself. You wanted equality."

"Yes, but I could have shown that through all sorts of things. I could have continued my tours around the world, giving speeches and showing what I could do to very important people, humans high up in society. I could have simply thrown money at charities that were trying to accomplish different laws, or become part of the lobbies in this country that are trying to get laws pushed through. Why didn't I do that?"

Peter blinked. It was like he was in class again, trying to figure out a problem that the teacher had set for him. The bear looked down at him like he should know the answer, but Peter couldn't bring one to mind.

"I...I don't know."

"Because, Peter, there was no way for me to change things at the top. People are too settled in what they want, in what they expect. They would never have changed things for a single bear that had managed to get ahead in life. They might cheer, they might applaud, and they would happily use my research to forward their own ideas, but they would never think to change things because of it. I was an individual, an exception to their world view, not something that changed it.

"But here, in Stantman College and in the other integrated places across the country, I'm seeing things change. Everyone that thought that anthros were just beasts, that they were less than humans, are getting a first-hand experience of whether that's true or not. Most humans never had the chance to interact with us. I don't think you did, at least not before coming here."

"That's true, I didn't."

"And were we what you expected?"

Peter shook his head. He liked to think that he was better than most students, at least about this, but he hadn't expected anthros to be so similar. The only differences seemed to be purely physical rather than anything mental.

"That's why I've settled for teaching here, Peter. I want to see people change, and to see the humans of your generation accept us for what we really are. Now that you've been exposed to what we're like, you won't be able to see us as beasts again. At least, not dumb beasts, at any rate. Some of you may see us as a different sort," the bear said with a small smile.

He groaned.

"Did you have to go there?"

"Considering where everyone else is going - and where you'll be later - I don't think it was inappropriate." Chuckling, Professor Grosjean turned to the door. "You can stay here as long as you need to. I'll be back a little before midnight to get your help with something, and the party should end after that."

"What about the people that get too drunk and need to stay here?"

"Don't worry. I didn't let them put that much alcohol in the drinks. If they get that far, they'll need to be taxied home anyway."

He nodded as he was left alone again. After a few minutes of silent contemplation, he got up and started examining the Professor's library. The collection was even bigger than the Professor's school office, and that was saying something. There had to be something interesting in here.

Unfortunately, most of the books in easy reach were ones he'd already read. Others, with the spines inscribed in silver leaf, were new but looked too valuable to touch. Unfortunately for him, they seemed to be the only categories; new and too valuable, or old and too familiar.

After going through two thirds of the shelving, he found something. Rather than a book, he found a manila envelope slid among the volumes. Curiosity got the better of him and he tugged it out, turning it around to check for anything written on it. There was an address, and it was one he was eminently familiar with.

"Oh, you..."

Peter sat down, staring at the envelope in his hands. Though the top line of the address was abbreviated to FFF Publications, he knew from experience what it stood for. He even had a subscription to the magazine.

Unable to help himself, he peeled the envelope open. His fingers brushed against something firm as he reached inside. They had to be photos; they were too firm to be a sheet of paper. His curiosity got stronger and stronger as he pulled at them, being careful not to run his fingers over the images as he pulled them free.

The photo on top made his pants feel extremely tight. Despite being taken of the less arousing top of a bear's foot, he could see a small shape pinned between the toes. A little bump...with the same hair color as him.

"Oh geez, he was...oh god, oh god, oh god..."

All of the photos must have been taken over that first weekend with the Professor. Though his face was blacked out - thank god - there was no mistaking it. Everything from being pinned underfoot to being sandwiched between the flat soles had been photographed. How this had happened without him knowing, he didn't know.

Still, there was a small - and throbbing - part of him that was flattered that the grizzly thought this was good enough for that publication. Their identities would have been protected; Fine Fur Feet magazine never revealed their models or the source of their submissions.

The question was, would Grosjean have asked him before sending it in? He didn't know. He hoped the Professor would have.

"After the party," he said to himself. There was no need to think about it now. It would just be a downer. There would be plenty of time to talk about it later. Reluctantly returning the photos to the envelope, Peter put it back where it belonged just as the doorknob clicked.

He turned and blushed as a polar bear walked in. A key flashed in the ursine's hand as he crossed his arms over his chest.


"Um, Alornerk, right?"

The polar bear nodded as he closed the door. Peter waited for him to keep talking, but he was silent. Shaking his head, Peter tried to find something to break the ice.

"Um...how long have you been working for Professor Grosjean?"

"A while."

"Is it something you like doing? Is he a good guy to work for?"


"...You don't talk much, do you?"

"Don't need to."

He sat down and immediately regretted it, as it left him at the bear's crotch level. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, considering Alornerk was across the room, but he was conscious of the height difference.

"Um...alright, I was trying to build up to this but...not sure I can. Um..." He rubbed the back of his head. "The Professor...he sent me an email, and...well, it had a picture...and he said that you...and he...uh..."

"Were going to put you underfoot."

"Well, yeah. I, well, I don't know you yet. Do you do that often?"

"Not much. Most partners prefer to stay big."

"I, uh, I see. But you have...done that before?"


"With the Professor?"


He blinked.

"Why not?"

"Not enough partners."

"So...you do a lot of stuff with different people, but the Professor doesn't?"


Well, that made him feel better. So, the Professor didn't do 'stuff' with other people, and probably hadn't had anyone underfoot other than him? He smiled. There was something about being the only one...

He shook his head. He still needed to figure out where he stood with Alornerk.

"So, is this the first time that the Professor invited you to do something with someone else?"


"And, um, why did you say yes?"

"Because I like partners underfoot."

"Well...you'll be getting that."

His eyes were drawn to Alornerk's feet. Despite the similarities to the Professor's feet, he couldn't help comparing the two. With his idol, he was always reminded of a warm chocolate feeling. The grizzly's feet were always gentle and left him grinning as they ground against him.

Looking at the polar bear's larger feet, he felt more of a starkness to them. They were black on the bottom and white on the top, and he imagined being smothered under them, his body tiny against the smooth pad beneath. He felt his pants tightened again and his bulge became more obvious. Even though he tried to cover it, Alornerk's smirk made it obvious that his attempt at subtlety was useless.

"Seems you look forward to tonight."

"Um, well, you and the Professor..."

"You like anthros that much?"

"Well, I, well, kinda."

"Kind of? Yes or no question, isn't it?"

"Well, I do like...parts...of anthros."

"Like feet?"

He nodded, and the bear lifted one foot. The black pad along the underside, the way that it shimmered in the dim light, sent a tremble down his spine. He clenched his fists against the arms of his chair to keep quiet, but the polar bear chuckled as he lowered his foot back to the ground.

"That is a yes."

"I'm sure the Professor already told you everything that happened."

"Yes, and showed me the pictures."


"Yes, in the envelope behind you."

Just when he thought that his blush couldn't get any worse, it did. Oh, this was going to be a night to remember.

"So. How long have you liked feet?"

"Right to the personal questions, huh?"

The bear shrugged. "What we'll do seems very personal. Why hold back?"

"Good point." He shook his head anyway. "Um, well, a few years now. Maybe a bit longer. Ever since I started seeing anthros barefoot around the campus, I guess."

"Not for humans?"

"Not so much. I mean, there might be a bit, but I don't go looking for that. Seeing anthro feet just felt a lot more interesting to me. They're so different, so varied in shape and color and size, and it just fascinated me."

"So, intellectual interest at first?"

Peter nodded. "Yeah, something like that. Um, stayed that way for a while. Then..."

"Professor Grosjean?"

"Yeah. Oh yeah." He rubbed the back of his head. "Professor Grosjean was the first guy that I saw barefoot that I wanted to do more than just study. There was something about him that just made me feel...different, I guess. He was attractive anyway, and I felt my first feelings for another guy with him too, but it started with looking down at his feet and wondering how they would feel rubbing against my face and the rest of my body.

"Since then I've wondered how some other paws might feel, but I don't want to go experimenting like crazy just yet. I mean, I've only done a bit with the Professor, and if he's been waiting for when we can do it again too...well, I don't want to be the kind of person that wastes what he has."

Alornerk nodded. The polar bear walked across the room, each step sending a dull thud through the floor.

"The Professor is a good man. Dedicated to what he does, and to all the students that he gets together. He wants to change the world. And he might just do it, if he has people that care about him and want to learn from him as much as you do."

"You know, that's probably the most words that you've said at once the whole night."

"I am a quiet bear, unless I have something to say."

"And...what do you have to say?"

"Just this." The polar bear loomed over him, barely a foot in front of him. He lifted one foot and rested it on the chair right between Peter's legs. The sheer bulk of it forced them further apart and the toes almost brushed against his erection. Alornerk looked him right in the eyes, and when he spoke again, his voice was firmer. Not angry, not by any means, but stern.

"You have the Professor's attention, and his affection. That means a lot to the old man. I don't want you to do anything that will hurt him, or make him think that you and your kind aren't worth it. Do you understand me? Nothing."

"I-I don't think anything I could do would make him think that."

"The Professor is a sensitive man. So far, you have given him all he could want in a friend and a student. Do not stop. I don't want to see his dedication questioned, or his heart hurt. And I will be upset if this happens. Do you understand me?"

The bear's toes so close to his crotch would have been arousing any other time, but at the moment, Peter was only aware of the size difference. As huge as Alornerk was, the bear could crush him in a second. He nodded quickly.


He pulled his foot back, measuring him with a glance before turning around.

"I need to rejoin the party. I will see you later."

The bear walked out of the office. The human slumped back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling as he thought about what had just happened. Of all the things he'd expected, he hadn't anticipated something like this. Jealous lover, maybe. Being someone that was just kinky and perverted would have been easy to handle, maybe even something he could enjoy a fair bit. This? He honestly wasn't sure how to handle.


The clock on the Professor's desk read eleven o'clock when he heard a knock on the door. He blinked, getting to his feet as it opened. On the other side was something he most definitely didn't expect, and he laughed.

"Well, it's Christmas, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but I didn't expect this."

Professor Grosjean was dressed up as Santa Claus, wearing a bright red suit and a red hat with a little white ball on the end. Surprisingly, he wore a pair of big black boots too. A pity, he thought. Still, he couldn't help grinning at the grizzly, and his grin grew at the sight of the traditional - and very full looking - gift bag on the Professor's shoulders.

It must have been pretty silly looking, because the Professor chuckled.

"Want to be Santa's little helper tonight?"

"I wouldn't mind that."

"Then come on. They're having dinner down there, and I want to pass it out while they're eating."

And if they're still naked, I won't see so much.

He followed Professor Grosjean downstairs, smiling despite himself. He hadn't expected their host to get them all gifts. After all, it had to have been expensive considering how many people were in the study group. Yet, the bear had done it anyway. The Professor was that great.

The dining room was packed. The study group itself was only fifteen people, but everyone had brought a date tonight. He was the exception there, but in a way, he had come here to meet his date. His cheeks burned at the thought.

He walked around the table on the Professor's heels, helping him distribute gifts as the grizzly thanked everyone for being such 'good boys and girls' this year. Every member of the study group received some sort of compliment from him, and each one was different. They lowered their heads in thanks without exception, taking their present in silence.

They gradually emptied the sack as they rounded the table. The bear had a gift for everyone, even his students' dates. Some were surprised, some weren't, but everybody had a grin on their face as the Professor moved on. By the time they reached the head of the table, only two gifts were left. The grizzly handed one of them to his assistant, and then turned to him.

"Here, Peter. Thank you for all your hard work this semester. I think you'll enjoy this."

He passed him a perfectly square box, a bit more than a foot long on each side. Resisting the urge to hold it to his ear and shake it, Peter cradled it under his arm and nodded in thanks. The bear patted him on the shoulder, then looked at the rest of the group.

"I ask that you don't open your gifts until later. I want it to be something you'll remember for a long time, and you'll all remember it better if you're alone when you open them, rather than comparing your gifts with each other."

Everyone groaned at his request, but no one ignored it. When 'Santa' Grosjean asked them for a favor, they listened. Putting their presents down beneath the table, they dug into the meal, most of them grinning at the taste.

Finding an empty seat, Peter joined in, smiling as he shoveled turkey, potatoes, and other delicious food onto his plate. It had been a long night so far and the hot food was welcome. Everything was as good as he imagined a five star restaurant would be, and he moaned happily as he ate more and more.

"Make sure you all save room for dessert. Alornerk has prepared several hot pies and some fresh ice cream to go with them."

Everyone cheered.

"You know, I never would have thought that the group could make this much of a mess."

"It happens. It's just that we're usually at a hotel, so they have staff to clean it."

Peter wished those staff members were here now. The party had ended at midnight and everyone else had shuffled out, either to meet a cab or find their cars. He'd been the only one to volunteer to help clean up. Even though that was a cover for everyone else and the Professor said that he didn't need to help out, Peter got involved anyway. As a result, there were four garbage bags with plastic cups and plates, thrown away bottles of soda and juice, a few condom wrappers, and various other bits of trash.

Despite all that work, the place was still littered enough for another two or three bags. He sighed, sitting on the couch in the bear's living room.

"You want to take a break?"

He nodded, closing his eyes for a second. Rubbing some sweat off of his forehead, he barely had a chance to get comfortable before the Professor sat down beside him, taking up all the space between him and the arm of the couch. Alornerk sat down on his other side, leaving him sandwiched between the two big ursines.

In this position, Peter felt incredibly tiny compared to them. One bear was big enough. Two towering over him at once, well, that made them seem even bigger. He almost felt like he was already shrinking, though that might have been just the way the bears' bellies were so soft and pliable.

"So, Peter," the Professor said as he removed his boots. "I imagine you've been looking forward to tonight."

"W-well, yes, I have. Ever since I saw that photo -"

"Peter, be honest with me." Thud. One of the big black boots hit the ground. "You've been looking forward to another chance at this ever since the first time you were underfoot." Thud. So did the other.

He blushed, but he couldn't deny it. It wasn't like his pants hid his growing bulge. He looked at the other bear, and saw that Alornerk had seen his growing erection, too.

"It's true, isn't it, human? You've wished to be underfoot again, to play with the Professor's feet, for a while."

"I think we can reward his patience, don't you?"

"I think we can, Professor. And ourselves for our own?"

"Most certainly, Alornerk. Most certainly."

Peter stared as the bears grabbed each other, one arm around a shoulder, the other groping between each other's legs. His blush got worse as the air was crushed from his lungs as they pressed against each other, squeezing his torso between two sets of big, muscled chests and soft stomachs. He struggled to wiggle free, but they were too heavy.

They seemed to enjoy keeping him there, if the way their arms blocked any escape were any clue. He groaned, smothered in warm fur and the smell of sweaty bears. Their arms tightened around each other, and he panted as it got harder to breathe.

Then they suddenly pulled apart. Peter fell to the floor with a soft 'oof'. He shook his head, rolling over only to feel two great weights land on his chest, driving the air back out of his lungs again.

Looking down, his already tight pants got tighter as he saw their feet resting on his chest and stomach. Though their fur was different, the dark undersides were almost identical, save for Alornerk's being longer and wider. Peter shifted from side to side underneath those large feet, but they were too heavy to squirm out from.

It didn't help that one of the Professor's feet rested on his crotch. He could feel the pad clearly through his pants, and he went bright red as it covered his bulge. The Professor dragged his foot from side to side, up and down, and Peter bit his lip to keep from moaning.

"He loves your feet, Professor."

"He loves fur feet in general, my friend. But it does seem he has a soft spot for mine."

"Maybe he will feel the same for mine after we are done."

"I think that's pretty likely, Alornerk. I think you'll enjoy this."

"I think I - mm - will as well, Professor."

Tearing his eyes away from those teasing feet, he looked up at the two bears. Both of them had their hands on each other's cocks, and they were both very aroused. The Professor's familiar shaft stood up tall and proud, but even it was smaller than the monster that Alornerk sported. Even with the temptation of the four feet on his chest, he couldn't look away. It was huge, dark and thick, throbbing above a white sheath and a pair of balls nearly as big as his fists.

He blushed as he realized how much attention he was giving it and looked away, but it hadn't gone unnoticed. Alornerk pressed a foot against his face. The pad was smooth and soft, he thought.

"I saw you looking. Don't worry, you'll get a turn."

"But -"

"Don't worry, Peter. We're not going to press you into anything. Now, are you ready to shrink?"

He'd forgotten that it was an option, not a requirement. The human blushed as he nodded anyway. Yes, he could have fun with these magnificent bears at his normal size, but there was something about shrinking down and 'playing' at that size that appealed to him more. That probably made him a freak, but he didn't care.

The grizzly nodded, reaching into a pocket in his minimalist outfit. He pulled out a vial and uncorked it before passing it to his assistant. Alornerk took it and held it over Peter's head.

"Open wide."

The thin liquid poured down his throat as soon as he opened his mouth. The polar bear had amazing aim, he thought. Holding a vial over four feet above his mouth and making sure it all landed in the right spot was not easy.

It didn't take long for it to take effect. Ten seconds after swallowing, he felt the familiar tingle running through his body. It went from the top of his head to the tips of his toes in the space of a second, leaving everything throbbing.

"It's starting."

"Alright. Feet back."

The two bears pulled their feet away as the human started to shrink. It worked fast enough for him to see it, but slow enough that it didn't hurt. He turned to look at the couch, watching it loom over him as he diminished, his body pulling in on itself. All of those feelings were familiar from last time.

His body drew in on itself as the bear's potion continued to shrink him. Peter bit his lip as he reached the four foot mark, shuddering as he realized how much smaller than the bears he was. They were massive, the Professor almost twice his height, and Alornerk nearly three times. They would be titans compared to him in a few minutes, and he touched himself at the thought.

He couldn't do that for long, however. His clothes no longer fit, and while that meant he could reach in and grope himself easily, it also meant that he would be smothered by them soon. Peter squirmed out of his clothes, kicking them to the side before laying down again.

The bears watched him with broad grins, their eyes locked on his shrinking, naked body. They saw everything from his blushing face to his twitching shaft. From this size - less than two feet tall - Peter couldn't see what they were doing in detail, but their arms pumping up and down made it pretty easy to guess.

He hit the one foot mark and got to his feet. The shrinking continued at a slower rate, allowing him to stand but not much else. The bears stood up with him. At this point, he couldn't even reach the Professor's knee, even on his tiptoes, and he didn't even bother trying with Alornerk. His head reached maybe a few inches above the halfway point on the grizzly's calf, and that was if he was being generous.

"Heh, going to start running, Peter?"

"Are you...both...going to chase me?"

"I believe that was part of the point of bringing my assistant."

"And I like doing this, anyway."

Nodding, Peter ran. It was a clumsy run, and he didn't cover nearly the distance that he would have at full size. Nine inches, eight inches; he felt himself shrinking, his legs wobbling with each step, but he kept moving. The carpet underfoot added to the difficulty, making it feel like he was outrunning a big cat rather than -



The footsteps of the bears rumbled like thunder and almost knocked him off his feet. He caught himself on one of the carpet fibers before he could fall over, face burning as he realized that he was less than six inches tall. At least the shrinking had stopped.

He looked over his shoulder at the bears. They took their time as they approached, their steps slow and exaggerated, like in the big monster movies. Their feet lingered in the air for nearly five seconds with each step, giving him plenty of time to look at their pads before they hit the ground. They are magnificent, he thought.


He bounced in the air as Alornerk's foot hit the ground, and started running again. He was being chased, after all.

Despite running at top speed, Peter knew the bears were gaining on him. Without looking back, he could tell how far away they were from the volume of their thunderous footsteps. Each one bounced him into the air, launching him forward a few inches and nearly sending him sprawling. He wobbled every time he landed, sometimes changing directions, sometimes continuing in the same one, but always in motion.

Suddenly one big white foot slammed down in front of him. The human couldn't stop, running right into its side. He bounced off of the bear's ankle and heel, and hit the ground. Peter rolled to the side, barely avoiding being pinned under the polar bear's other foot. It was an extremely close call, the toes thudding and drumming against the floor only a centimeter away from his head.

He scrambled to his feet, darting around the white feet as one rose up again. Alornerk was determined to get him pinned down, but he was pretty sure he could avoid them if he was careful. The professor, though -


The impact of the big brown foot hitting the ground knocked him off of his feet. He rolled through the carpet, somersaulting nearly five times before coming to a stop. Holding his head, he groaned as he tried to figure out which way was up.

"There he is."

The Professor's voice preceded a great shadow. Peter whipped his head around, eyes widening at the sight. The grizzly had his foot above him and it was already descending. He groaned, swaying as he pushed himself upright. He pressed a hand to the side of his head, taking two steps forward -

The foot pressed against his back, shoving him into the carpet. It happened like it was in slow motion, the smooth pad pressed against his back, the weight slowly increasing and driving him deeper into the carpet. In less than a second, he was completely pinned.

Thankfully, the pressure wasn't any higher than the bear needed to pin him. Peter blushed as he felt the foot rubbing back and forth, running along his back and along his ass. If he had been laying on his back, it would have been enough to get his cock throbbing hard and his mouth drooling, but he could settle for this.

"Did you get him?"

Alornerk's voice was almost completely muffled, but he could just barely make it out. From here, it sounded like a god on high questioning his subjects.

"Yes, I got him. He's completely pinned."

"Well, let him up. I want a turn."

"Ah, ah. Ask nicely, Alornerk."

Peter stifled a giggle. It was nice to be wanted, even if it was just as a foot toy for the bears.

"Fine. Will you please move your foot and let me have a turn?"

"Certainly, my assistant. Was that so difficult?"

Slowly, the foot on his back lifted away. As soon as he could move, he was off like a shot, crawling and then running. He was out from under the Professor's toes in less than two seconds, and running towards the kitchen - the room closest to the living room - scarcely a second afterwards.

Immediately the bears were after him, their footsteps alternating between a distant thudding and a closer roar. Several times one of Alornerk's feet sent him tumbling from a near miss, forcing him to roll to the side to avoid getting pinned by the feet chasing him. He grinned every time that he managed to avoid them. It was pretty fun to make Alornerk work for his prize.

Still, he couldn't keep it up forever. The polar bear couldn't be outrun, and Alornerk didn't give him room to maneuver. Each footstep brought one big broad foot down on his left or right, keeping him moving in a straight line. When he tried to dart around them, the polar bear always had his other foot in just the right place to thwart him.

Then, things changed. Instead of bringing his foot down on Peter's left side, he brought it down from above. Already in mid-twist to try another trick, Peter slipped and couldn't react in time. He landed on his back, and the bear's foot landed on top of him. The warm pad smothered him, his face forcibly pressed against the smooth black surface, and he shuddered as it ground against his body. It stroked along his erection as it dragged down his body, teasing him until his face popped out between two toes.

It was so warm and stuffy between them. The fur along the top caught and held the heat, while the pad was damp with a bit of sweat. He broke out in a sweat of his own, panting for breath as he looked up. Both of the bears looked down on him with big grins. Professor Grosjean was sitting on one of the other chairs, while Alornerk looked down at him past his huge erection. It dripped slowly, the musky droplets landing on the carpet nearby.

"Come on, come on. Bring him over here and sit down. I got another idea."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Peter hugged the toes as they curled around his head, grunting as he was lifted off of the ground. Alornerk jumped on one foot towards the big couch, somehow keeping his balance as everything shook with each bounce.

As soon as Alornerk sat down, Peter looked over his shoulder. The Professor's foot had the sole facing him, and the polar bear was lining his foot up with the grizzly's. There was only one possible outcome.

He gasped as the two feet pushed together, black pads pinning him between them as the bears ground their feet together. His head spun between their toes, sniffing at the flesh and sweat smell that hung around. It wasn't a bad scent, and even if it had been he wouldn't have minded. All his attention was on the warm foot flesh against him, and he moaned as he closed his eyes. He whispered his gratitude, even though he doubted the bears could hear him.

Their feet rubbed and ground against him on all sides, sliding him up and down and side to side. Sometimes, he found himself spun around to face the Professor's foot for a while before he was spun around again. His cock ached with need as he was pinned between their sexy feet, and he couldn't do anything to touch himself.

He ground and moaned, leaked and panted. The feeling of being stuck between these two feet, was beyond anything he'd dreamed of. The smooth soles holding him up, the big toes rubbing the sides of his head, the heady warmth that had his whole body sweating; it was exactly what he wanted.

They spun him around again, and Professor Grosjean rubbed his foot against Peter, hard. He panted as he was pulled up to the grizzly's toes. He wrapped his arms around a big toe, thrusting against the pad as much as he could.

It was finally enough to bring him over the edge. He moaned, his face buried against the big toe as he emptied his balls. He knew that they'd know what had happened, but he barely cared. He slumped back a minute later, panting softly, and the bears smirked.

"Well, I think he enjoyed that. Now, let's move on to our part."

"Y-your part...Professor?"

"Yes, Peter." The grizzly reached down, gently removing the naked human out from their feet and setting him on his shoulder. "Hold on. We're heading up to my room now."

The motion of the Professor standing up almost blew him away, forcing him to grab strands of fur with his toes and fingers. The wind blowing against him was stronger than anything he'd experienced, and he had to turn his head to the side to breathe.

The stairs were worse. Every step was like a bucking bull trying to throw him off, and Peter slipped around constantly. He'd climb back into position, trying to get a grip again, only to be thrown back again the minute he thought he was safe. Looking back, he saw Alornerk following behind and keeping an eye on him. Knowing that the polar bear was there was a small comfort, but it was better than nothing.

Before long they reached the second floor. From there it was much easier, letting him hold onto the Professor's shoulder as he got his breath back. They entered one of the many rooms the grizzly kept, and judging by a few photos of the portly Professor, he assumed it was the bear's bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, the grizzly gently lifted Peter off of his shoulder and set him on his thigh. From this angle, he couldn't help but notice the massive shaft throbbing next to him. It was bigger than he was tall, and he was pretty sure it was more than twice his width, too. Being so close to it made the scent of arousal fairly obvious, as well. He didn't make a practice of, well, sniffing people, but he couldn't help it now. Every breath was saturated with the smell of bear crotch. It wasn't a bad smell to be around. A little bit different, for sure, but it wasn't bad...and he was kinda used to it from last time.

"Peter, you trust me, right?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah I do, Professor."

"Then just relax, let me take the lead here, and you'll be completely fine."

He nodded, and was immediately grabbed and shoved against the grizzly's cock. As he was held flush to the warm flesh, he could feel warm pre running over his head. It was hot and slick, and he grinned at the way it felt. A rubber band was lowered over his head and pressed against his chest. Another rubber band went down over his legs, the two bands pinning him to the Professor's cock.

As close as he was, he could feel the throbbing pulse going through the shaft. Every beat of the grizzly's heart was as obvious as the nose on his face. He flexed his fingers, trying to rub it a bit, but he was tied too well and he was too small. Another shadow suddenly blocked out the light, and he looked up.

Alornerk's tongue dragged over him, slathering him and the Professor's cock with saliva. He moaned at the heat, hotter than being underfoot had been, and so much softer. Up and down that tongue went, almost like a grooming touch, he thought. He grinned as it went over his head and circled the Professor's cock tip, licking up pre.

He couldn't help himself, and soon arched his back against each lick as much as the rubber bands would let him. It was like passing through a sensual car-wash, in terms of the size difference, but he could feel his cock throbbing hard, just as hard as the Professor's. They were so close, both oozing, both panting.

Just as he was getting used to the timing, it changed. He had thrust himself forward for the next lick, eagerly waiting for it, but rather than the warm tongue dragging along his body, he felt a hot breath against his head. Peter looked up, and stared in awe at Alornerk's open mouth. It lowered over him and sealed him in darkness.

If he'd thought that the bear's tongue and drool had been hot, it was nothing compared to being inside a bear's mouth. Hot and humid, it pressed him tighter to the grizzly's cock than before, almost melting his body into the hot, rigid shaft. He couldn't even speak. Even a slight gap let in a full mouthful of bear drool, and even though he didn't mind it all over him, he didn't want to drink it.

Despite the change, he enjoyed it. Pre swirled around him as Alornerk bobbed up and down on the Professor's shaft, and that tongue never stopped. It constantly teased the shaft, and him as well. The big tongue was almost better than their feet for getting him off, and if it weren't for the restraints holding him back, he would have cum already.

The bear bobbed up and down, his lips wet and rubbery as they milked the Professor's cock and stroked Peter's body. Alornerk had great control over them, never so much as grazing him with his teeth. It felt like his entire body was being shoved into a pocket pussy and dragged out again, leaving him slick and panting. He squirmed, panting and begging for more.

Despite all the suction, his hair was soaked with as much bear pre as drool. That scent was getting stronger and stronger, and the cock twitched behind him. The Professor was going to cum any second now.

Suddenly - it must have been at some unseen signal, because it was too controlled to be otherwise - Alornerk pulled back. Peter gasped as the hot air left, looking up as the bear sucked hard around the tip of the grizzly's cock. The pressure rose behind him, and -

"Ooooh yes..."

Pulling back and licking his lips free of residual cum, the polar bear smiled. It was perhaps the softest and most genuine smile that Peter had seen him make the entire night.

"I'm glad, Professor." He looked down at Peter. "Mind if I take him now?"

"Please. It's your turn for pleasure anyway."

Nodding, Alornerk pulled him free, taking the rubber bands with him. Even as he breathed a sigh of relief, he was shoved down against another bear cock. Even bigger than the Professor's shaft, Alornerk's cock was perhaps a little less musky, but no less intimidating. It throbbed behind him as he was restrained, his head an inch or so underneath the bear's cock tip, and pre already drooled over him. This time it didn't stop at his hair. Instead, it ran all over his body, making him feel all slimy from the ooze. He shuddered as it pooled over his cock; it was like sticking it under a warm jet of water combined with having it slathered in the best lube in the world at the same time.

"I think we're ready, Professor."

"Good to hear, my assistant. I think you'll both enjoy this. Peter, if I might have your attention?"

Shaking his head to get some of the pre-cum off of his face, Peter turned to Professor Grosjean. He blushed at the sight of his big feet pointed at him, and grinned.


"Yes, Peter, I'm going to give Alornerk - and you - a footjob."

"Haven't done that in a while, sir."

"True, but I remember how much you liked it the first time, Alornerk. Now, lay back and enjoy it."

Peter couldn't see Alornerk's face, but judging by the sudden twitch in the bear's cock, he was pretty sure that the assistant was looking forward to this as much as he was. He wouldn't have pegged him as someone with a foot fetish, but he supposed one couldn't judge.

He relaxed as the black pads pressed against the polar bear's cock, rubbing against his sides as they slowly stroked up and down. Both were surprisingly slick, more than his pre could explain. Perhaps he missed the Professor pouring something on the bottom of his pads or something. He shrugged. As long as it felt good, he was happy.

One foot went down as the other went up, while he stayed in the same place. The smooth pads rubbed along his arms and legs, but they didn't reach around him enough to touch his twitching cock. It begged to be touched, and he tried to reach for it, but just like before he was too well restrained for that, by the rubber bands and those sexy feet. He moaned in frustration.

A rumbling laugh sent a tremble down his spine. The Professor moved one foot, pressing it down against Peter's face. It pushed him and Alornerk's cock into the polar bear's belly and ground up and down. The friction was just what he needed, and he arched his back as much as his bindings allowed. Wet, smooth bear foot ground against his cock, encouraging it as it oozed and leaked.

The polar bear must have been close, too, because he started thrusting too, grinding Peter against the foot with each one. He was jerked back and forth, bouncing in his restraints as the big bear grabbed the Professor's foot and rubbed his cock against it.

The Professor's toes spread over Alornerk's cock head, and Peter was dragged up through them as Alornerk thrust up. He groaned, feeling the Professor push down harder, making the slick journey more pleasurable. And then he felt his cock get stuck between those toes.

That was it. He moaned as he came again, squirting his load between the brown and black toes. The white goo settle into the fur and disappeared, mixed in with the sweat and other stuff.

Vaguely he felt the polar bear cumming as well. It rained down, both onto the top of the grizzly's foot and onto him. He laid back in a daze, grinning as he was covered in white goo. It was hot, thick, and impossible to escape. Every breath brought its smell to his nose, and he just kept sucking it in, giggling and happy.

Some time later - he wasn't sure how long - he woke up, still naked but clean. The bears were on the bed, smiling at him. He groaned, putting his hand to the side, and heard the crinkling of wrapping paper. He turned and blinked.

"What's my present doing here?"

"Well, Peter, I was thinking that you could open it and see what you have. It's kind of related to what we were doing tonight, after all."


"I pick my presents carefully, you know. Would you like a little help?"

"Well...yeah, kinda."

The bears chuckled, using their toe claws to rip off the wrapping paper. They shredded it quickly, and Peter stared wide-eyed at the contents.

It was a two sided bedroom, similar to a room in a dollhouse. He stepped into the 'room', shaking his head at the detailed bed and furniture. A little experimentation quickly confirmed that it was all functional, and the bed was surprisingly comfortable. He even found a soft robe inside of the closet, which he put on after making sure that it was okay with the Professor. Turning around as he tied the robe together, he looked up at them.


"Because you are a precious person to me, Peter. I want you to be comfortable as who and what you are. A brilliant student, and a foot loving friend."

He blushed as he looked down. It never ceased to amaze him how much the Professor cared about everybody. It was more than he could ever expect from anyone, and he wished that he could give something back.

But that would need to wait. Just looking at the bed again had him yawning, and the bears smiled at him. They laid down in their bed, and the Professor gestured at the little bed.

"Go ahead and sleep. I'll give you a ride back home tomorrow."

Nodding slowly, Peter slid under the covers and closed his eyes. In seconds he was asleep, and dreaming - as usual - of bears.

The End