What Have I Done

Story by Kroqgar on SoFurry

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Told you suckahs I'd be back. Well anyway, here it is, I know it's not much, and people were probably expecting more, but it's 3:30 AM here. Sue me. It's frikken' Christmas day. Merry Christmas all, by the way!

As for the song choice. I doubt I would ever link any other Linkin Park song with Spyro, at least insofar as he himself singing it.

Song Link: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=wjBZh-yRmkc


  1. This story has nothing I think that would be above PG, so it's safe for all to read, but if your not 18 how did you even find this story? And you wouldn't be on this site!...So, who am I talking to?

  2. This story is MY intellectual property, and is not to be redistributed without my EXPESS permission!

  3. What I've Done by Linkin Park is not my song, I never have and never will claim any ownership over it.

(***Even I think that sounded weird***)

The lights were soft as his claws tapped away at the keys, setting the melody, beginning the song. The speakers were all that separated the crush of the crowds voice and the gentle singing of the piano, the ivory bars soft for such a loud noise.

The drums were brought in then, Sapphire working her magic up the back, soft taps adding to the creepy medley, the crowd singing, screaming, craving the eventual release.

As one, Ember and Hunter, both born showme--ah, showdragoness and showcheetah--leapt off of the platform on which Sapp's drums were situated, arms working an over the top swing, right over their heads, swinging down to their guitars, beating out the tune, working the song as one, sound manipulated by two masters working in concert...literally.

The living beast that was the crowd undulated, danced, jumped, screamed, roared and simply moved, showing their physical appreciation for what four creatures and four instruments could do.

The steam wreathing the legs of each performer present was a cheesy effect, but one their leader couldn't quite resist. He moved from his piano, showing himself to the crowd, moving towards the front of the stage and the lone microphone standing there.

He was clad in a simple pair of jeans with a hole in the back for his spiky tail, and a white singlet-tee with a couple of holes in the books for the wings almost as large as he was. He walked on two legs, perfectly balanced, moving as a normal human (with wings and a tail) would. He was two meters even, and the thin shirt hid none of his musculature.

And then it was his cue.

In the gentle voice that many would expect from him, he began to sing.

"In this farewell, there's no blood, there's no alibi."

Ember and Hunter moved to the young dragons sides, moving to their own microphones, ready to sing their own few lines, playing to the crowd, feeding, pleasing the beast before them even as it roared it's pleasure. Brows furrowed and sweat beaded as they began to cut loose.

His amethyst eyes sweeping the beast before him, smiling, thrilled to be doing what he loved, Spyro continued.

"'Cause I've drawn regret, from the truth, of a thousand lies."

The leviathan sang along, it's thousands of throats singing in thousands of different pitches, all united in their love of the magic occurring before them.

Drawing in the deep breath required to sing as he did, the young dragon did a last sweep of the crowd before closing his eyes, his will, his being focused on delivering the perfect performance. (***Refer to Foreword***)

"So let mercy come, and wash away," he sang, face contorting, lungs billowing out the air to belt out the words, "WHAT I'VE DONE!"

The beast roared in primal pleasure, its wish being fulfilled, the most looked-forward-to part of any song being thrown out, and loved!

"I'll face myself! To cross out what I've be-come! Erase myself, and let go of what...I've...DONE!"

The young dragon, barely into adulthood, started to dance back and forth across the stage, hopping from one side to the other, hopping from paw to paw, dancing, swaying, swinging, singing.

"Put to rest, what you thought of me."

Sapphire, smashing away at the drums she had made herself, made of almost indestructible ice, had sweat flying off her forehead, as subconsciously her swings became harder and harder, determined to prove herself, prove that she could be as famous as the rest of them!

"As I clean this slate, with the hands, of uncertainty!"

Spyro's voice was mellow, smooth. It was like a mix of hot and cold, black and white, purple and pink. Easy to listen to, it reverberated through the head, sending soothing waves of....of power through ones mind, almost enslaving the listeners, compelling them to listen, to listen to HIM.

"So let mercy come, and wash a-way..."

There it was again, almost too soon. The beast waited impatiently, roaring, screaming its displeasure at being denied the release of the force building in front of them, the release of musical magic.

Drawing in a bone-rattling breath, chest expanding, stretching the already tight confines of the shirt to their limits, his wings arching to form a dramatic looking pose behind him, making him seem five times as large, Spyro yelled, screamed, SHOUTED his words!


Leaning over, playing to the lucky few who had moshed their way to the front, running his paw along any whose hands reached out to meet him, the dragon, fully grown, invincible, strutted across the stage, yelling his battle-cry.

"I'll face myself, to cross out what I've be-come!"

Spyro had made this mistake countless times in rehearsal, he made absolutely certain to draw in as much breath as he could in the half-second he had before his next line. Feeling fit to burst, he continued singing.

"Erase my-self, and let go of what I've DONE!"

The superheated air rushing from his maw, billowing out over the specially made microphone in front of him, could be seen even by those at the back of the stadium. His lungs emptied, more than emptied, expelled every ounce of air in him to hold these notes. His maw was open so wide it seemed impossible, head tilted back, microphone in one arm and the other thrust out behind him, small amounts of flame actually issuing from his jaws as he held it.

Hunter and Ember belt out the notes in the small guitar solo they both enjoyed, and momentarily strode to the forefront, giving Spyro a moment to go back, catch what little breath he could and give a quick wink to his drummer, inform her she was doing fine.

In seconds it was over, and Spyro strode between the two of them, bent double as he sang.

"For what I've DONE...I start again. And whatever pain may come!"

The lull in music left it up to Spyro to deliver the performance, and he did, making the behemoth before him scream and tremble, weep and rage, all in glorious exultation of the song!

"Today this ends. I'm forgiving what...I've...DONE!!"

This, the climax, it led into the end, this was it, and now it was time to pull out the stops.

With a slight tremble the only sign visible, Spyro propelled himself a couple inches off of the ground. But that was enough.

Wings flexing, snapping into use, muscles trained through long experience kicked into action. He hovered, slowly at first, just rising a few feet off the stage, still singing his tune.

"I'll face myself! To cross out what I've be-come!"

His wings moved, angling, slowly propelling him out over the crowd. Eager hands reached for him, but he took careful note to stay out of their reach. He slowly increased in speed and altitude.

Taking, what seemed to him, all the air left in the world, and compressing it into two lungs, Spyro felt light as a feather. He even felt a little dizzy as he took the song out on a glorious note.

"Erase myself!"

Here it is.

"And let go of WHAT...I'VE...DONE!"

It just kept going, he held it for all the air he had. As he did he was soaring, swooping, diving and rolling all over the assembled throng, showing his aerial process even with his eyes closed in intense concentration, flames bursting from his maw in short bursts, close enough to worry but nowhere near enough to do damage, just enough to excite the crowd, the beast before him, almost to the brink of madness.

Hunter and Ember stepped up, and Sapphire sat up a little straighter, all craning forward to the microphones placed in front of them as the assorted hands and paws played their instruments almost subconsciously. And as Spyro burst his lungs in the name of showbiz, they kept up the background singing. If they weren't concentrating harder than they ever had, they might have seen their part almost as a little lame.

"Na-nah na nah, na-nah nah nah, na-nah na na, na-nah nah-nah!".

Swooping back towards the stage, Spyro sang again and the rest repeated their lines, and then trailed off.


Landing in the seat next to the piano, exactly where he started, claws tapping at what would be the final notes, Spyro sang one final time.


That's it! Please tell me how I'm doing, need to know if I've lost mah touch. Couple things though! I'm well aware that putting Spyro and his gang on a stage, singing to a whole concert of people makes no sense, and relating to my other stories neither does him walking on two legs, and all that jazz. This is just a little thing that I felt I would have to write before the urge drove me insane. So eople who have ready my other shit, don't flame me cos it's not directly linked! It has nothing to do with it! Rabble rabble rabble!

And that's my rant. Good night all, hope you enjoy.


"Gloria Perpetua."